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{V:tM - IC} New York by Night


Catulle said:
The scourge continued "I'll need the... specialist" He looked from Gabriel to Nikolai and back "and his minder, whichever is which, with me. We'll make for the scene and take it from there."
Nikolai responds confidently and matter-of-factly to David,
"In regards to The Sabbat, the latter would be me, David.
Whatever specialities I do possess apart from the internal workings of the Sabbat, however, are focused on our endeavors tonight, and at your service.
My senses are attuned for scouting, if that is what you wish me to do - they have served me well in the past, and recently in the service of The Sheriff.

He wishes Qadir luck in his work, along with Max.

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Ocean View Cemetery, Staten Island
Wednesday 11th December, 2002

Qadir rasied a single hand in farewell as he retreated into the chill of the night, thick hair tied back but still rippling slightly in the fresh breeze.

The broad-shouldered scourge glanced about the team, making contact with every pair of eyes, before turning to walk up the broad path into the Ocean View graveyard. The way was lined with evergreens, thick clumps of darkness which swayed and rustled in the wind.

"Good. We'll need all our senses about us for tonight's work."

To Nikolai's superior vision, the effect was faintly dizzying, almost mesmerising before he reined in his mind, focusing on changes in the information his straining senses were feeding to him. They seemed quite alone, though he could see the faint corona of differently coloured light being thrown up by the emerency vehicles some half mile away.

David spoke as he walked. "Some of you are carrying guns. Unless - even if - they're silenced, that's a last resort. They'll bring attention, and if it's Sabbat or Lupines in there, the last thing we want's more attention. If you need a knife, I have a spare or two. Buddy up, too. If it goes to fighting, I want one of you" he gestured to Max and Legba here "with each of them." his wave took in the Tremere. "I'll cover the lot of you, go wherever I need to be. And remember - you don't have right of destruction; I do. You don't kill anybody 'till you get the nod. If it's what I think it could be, you'll get the nod real fast."

The watch was out of his pocket, and the scourge was turning it over and over in his hand as he gave the brief. He popped the top open again and stared at the face for a long second, not breaking stride, "Any questions? I think we're good to talk until we hit the wall."
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First Post
"Well I'll gladly take a knife if no-one else wants it," Max says as they walk, "But I could probably handle without one."

I better not lose myself in there. I mean they didn't mind the first time but... err... I don't think anyone would let it slide so easily this time.

Max bites his lower lip for a moment as the past resurfaces in his mind. Not good memories, but then again not bad in his opinion. Remembering the look of horror he put on that Sabbat's face will always make him smile.

They deserve less than even we would give them. If I could find out how Tzimisce do that warping of flesh thing... I guess killing them is good enough. Torture would be overkill.

Clenching and unclenching his fists he continues to walk, trying to be observant of his surroundings.


First Post
Crown Plaza Hotel, Montague Family Suite - Music Room
Wednesday 11th December, 2002

Vacation's where I wanna be
Buddy on the beach where the fun is free

When was the last time she had a vacation? Caitlyn couldn't remember, but right now, dancing around in the room twirling around with the little girl...she felt like she was on one herself.

While Sabrina did cartwheels, Cate managed to restrain herself, realizing that she was wearing a skirt after all. Next time I'm wearing jeans! she promised herself as she went slipping and sliding all over the music room, laughing and singing at the same time.

We don't need a holiday to start to celebrate
'cuz I need a break, I need a vacation

Sabrina was such a breath of fresh air in such a stuffy place like this house. The place that didn't even seem like a child lived here at all. Everything seemed so formal - so like Caitlyn's own childhood home - back in Texas.

Vacation's where I wanna be
Buddy on the beach where the fun is free
We don't need a holiday to start to celebrate

Leaning forward, she tapped Sabrina's nose playfully as she sung the last verse to the song.

Repeat after me, "I need a vacation"


"We should have time" Jemal said, checking his watch (OOC:How much time DO we have? anybody know or should I just make it up.. hehe)

Looking up as they reach the car, Jemal stops in his tracks with a low whistle. "That's a real beut... You sure you want me to drive it?" He moves closer as she offers the keys to him again. "Well, in that case it would be my pleasure to drive this beautiful machine, and it's beautiful owner, wherever they want to go." He said with a smile as his hand lingers on hers as he accepts the keys.

"Any time you want me to... Help you learn your way around, I am at your service." He says, taking in the beautiful site of woman and care before he moves to open the door for her.

"Where to first, lovely?"


First Post
Crown Plaza Hotel, Montague Family Suite - Music Room
Wednesday 11th December, 2002

The little girl convulsed with gales of pearly laughter as the last notes of the silly song echoed in the rooms specially designed accoustics. Never before had the room seen such a lively song, always before it had been a calm and dignified place when it hadn't been left vacant as it so often was. "That was so wonderful miss Cate, I didn't know adults could dance and be so excited like that, Jemal and Uncle Nathan never play with me like that." she said conspiratorially as she collapsed to the floor into an indian style position, her eyes twinkling like stars in the night sky.

Just as suddenly she was up on her feet again pulling on the singers hand, pulling her out of the music room. "Miss Cate, Miss Cate," she exclaims as she pulls the woman behind her up the stair to her own set of rooms, forgeting in her rush to show off her house that she needn't say "Miss". "Look, look. Look at my rooms aren't they wonderful?"she asks proudly as she leads the woman into the first of her rooms, what wuld appear to be a study, if she was older.

The room was filled with shelves off leather bound books that were easily three times as old as she was. There was a globe of some kind, though whether it was really made of crystal would take close inspection. It didn't look at all as if a 7 year-old lived there. It was almost as if the room was sleeping, and was waiting for some signal to awaken itself. The only use of the room that was easily visible was a slight depression in the carpet going from the door that the pair entered to the other door wich led deeper into the girls rooms, obviously the child was simply to young for it yet, and as things were, probably forever. The child drew the woman through the dignified room and into her bedroom without a pause, as if she were used to ignoring the room.

Sabrina slowly led Cate around her room pausing to tell her a story about this stuffed animal and that doll house. She really was proud of her room, from the pepto-bismal pink four-post bed to the furry tide of stuffed penguins and other animals that was slowly spreading off of her bed to the entire floor. Princesses in pink, knights in silver, even a fuzzy felt-toothed dragon done in a rich purple. From the doll house that was twice as tall as the little girl to the plasma tv that was 4 times her size. It looked like someone had had shopping spree. Through the open door to the left of the bed another room stood, even more full of toys and games and all manner of fun things.

"Miss Cate," the little girl said lifting a small furry bundle off of her bed, "I would like you to meet my very good friend, Spots Mackenzie the 3rd." She smiled as she introduced the calico flufball of a kitten, holding the feline out for the singers inspection.
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Tory Adore

First Post
She folds the shiny keys into his hand making it into a fist. Still leaning across the hood of the car, she places her hands on the Mustang and eases herself up.

Vych watches Jemal graciously open the door for her as she approaches behind him from the front of the car. She places her hand on his shoulder closest to the car, slides her hand across his back to the other shoulder, and down his arm giving him a friendly smile as she moves around the door hopping into the passenger seat placing her leather beret on her head

She touches up her lip gloss in the mirror as she waits for Jemal to get into the car.

Vych, obviously very ready to have some fun, throws her arms in the air and tosses her head back as he starts Baby's engine. Then she says looking over to him,
”Take me anywhere your heart desires Jemal!”
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Ashrem Bayle

As Gabriel walked, he checked his cane. Absentmindedly, he twisted the silver wolf head and bared the blade hidden within only a moment before resheathing it.

He looked at the other two kindred he and Nikolai were supposed to pair with. Catching Legba's eye, he nodded, indicating that he would stick with him.

"So what do you expect David?"


First Post
Crown Plaza Hotel, Montague Family Suite – Sabrina’s Room
Wednesday 11th December, 2002

One moment Caitlyn twirled in the music room, and the next moment a strong little hand held hers. A very strong little hand. Propelled forward, her stocking feet slid against the cold floor sliding and yet the child’s grip remained firm, even felt so much stronger than her own.

“Just call me Cate,” the young woman managed to say as she kept up with the quick little girl. My boots… she thought for a moment but only for a moment as she stares the stark beauty and formality of the home that the young child drew her through until she reached Sabrina’s haven of pink.

Her fingers brushed the fur of the Calico kitten before she gave the young girl a mischievous smile and the animal a graceful bow. “Why Monsieur Spots Mackenzie the 3rd, I am so honored to make the acquaintance of such a magnificent feline such as yourself. Do you want a music lesson too?”
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First Post
Ocean View Cemetery, Staten Island
Wednesday 11th December, 2002

Legba gave Gabriel a pleasant smile before falling in step at his shoulder, slightly behind. He was more than content to listen politely, sure that his new friends would ask the right questions. There was a slight spring in his step as he took a careful look around the cemetery while listening.

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