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v3.5 Core Books on sale!


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While I'm converting my druid for tonight's 3.5 game, I'll post some things that caught my attention here, some might be "new", some not:
- wildshape is based on polymorph, polymorph changes the creatures type and subtype, so all druid boosts work on the druid in animal shape too (like animal growth)
- the necklace of prayer beads is renamed to strand of prayer beads and would cost nothing if you have a strand with only the bead of karma (I'm sure this'll be errata'd)
- freedom of movement also gives you autosucces at resisting and escaping from grapples
- much more spells have gained the element descriptors like [Air] and [Earth]
- much more "harmless" spells have a Will Save
- base spells and their lesser/greater versions standing under eachother works really good
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Kershek said:

I don't see how [Adamantine ignoring 20 points of hardness] can be any use to a PC. Sundering is an NPC tool, not a PC tool, if you value your enemy's wealth at all. That is a major nerf for adamantine for the players.

Hardness comes into play in more than just chopping up your yet-to-be-gained treasure. You can cut through doors or other barriers, disable vehicles or siege engines, cut some ledges into a rock wall for easier climbing, deal more damage to animated objects, sunder a giant's weapon...

Given the price of adamantine goods, few NPCs will have them (at least until uber-high levels where it doesn't matter, since most PCs will also have them, and the high Hardness of their adamantine items will nullify this ability). Since the PCs get to use their items in every game session--and NPCs tend to get killed, eliminated, or just left behind each session--the PCs get more utility out of this new ability.

Pardon my hijack of the thread. :)

Question, then, since there's one in my game:

Are there any serious changes to the Shadowdancer? The one in my game is just short of level 4; will he have more than Hide in Plain Sight, Evasion, Darkvision, Uncanny Dodge (dex to AC), Shadow Illusion (silent image), Summon 1 ordinary shadow, 20-foot Shadow Jump?

Thanks in advance,


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@ JayOmega

Shadowdancer abilities:
1. hips
2. evasion, darkvision, uncanny dodge
3. shadow illusion, summon shadow
4. shadow jump 20 ft
5. defensive roll, improved uncanny dodge
6. shadow jump 40 ft, summon shadow
7. slippery mind
8. shadow jump 80 ft
9. summon shadow
10. shadow jump 160 ft, improved evasion


WotC's bitch
Plane Sailing said:
Hi Brekki,

Could you describe how the "Awesome Blow" monster feat works?


First you get down on your knees,
Fiddle with your rosaries,
Bow your head with great respect,
And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!

Hong "apologies to Tom Lehrer" Ooi


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@ Plane Sailing

Awsome Blow [General, Fighter]
Prerequisites: Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Size Large or larger
Benefit: As a standard action, a creature with this feat can make an attack with a -4 penalty against an opponent at least one size smaller. The opponent must succeed a Reflex Save with DC=damage dealt, or be knocked flying 10 ft straight in a direction chosen by the attacker and fall prone. The attacker can't knock the opponent towards itself. If an obstacle prevents the 10 ft movement, both obstacle and opponent take 1d6 damage.


First Post
Celestial = C
Fiendish = F

Summon Monster III
C black bear
C bison
C dire badger
C hippogriff
elemental, small (any)
F ape
F dire weasel
hell hound
F snake, constrictor
F boar
F dire bat
F monstrous centipede, huge
F crocodile
dretch (demon)
F snake, large viper
F wolverine

Summon Monster IV
archon, lantern
C giant owl
C giant eagle
C lion
mephit (any)
F dire wolf
F giant wasp
F giant praying mantis
F shark, large
yeth hound
F monstrous spider, large
F snake, huge viper

Summon Monster V
archon, hound
C brown bear
C giant stag beetle
C sea cat
elemental, medium (any)
devil, bearded
F deinonychus
F dire ape
F dire boar
F shark, huge
F monstrous scorpion, large
shadow mastiff
F dire wolverine
F giant crocodile
F tiger

Summon Monster VI
C polar bear
C orca whale
bralani (eladrin)
C dire lion
elemental, large (any)
janni (genie)
chaos beast
devil, chain
F monstrous centipede, gargantuan
F elasmosaurus
F monstrous spider, huge
F snake, giant constrictor

====the rest'll have to wait====


First Post
Cergorach said:

Want to hear something pretty fun, every store in The Netherlands that is carrying and selling the v3.5 books has been asked not to sell anymore books until the official release date, that's the 18th of july. Being the nice person that i am, i'll comply to this request...

Heh, i was exactly at that time in the store :) (gamekeeper)
Owell, i didn't have the money anyway... :rolleyes:



First Post
Bardic music


I have some questions concering bardic music... Have they been answered yet? I don't think.

1) Has Fascinate changed?

2) Does a bard need to fascinate a subject first if they want to use Suggestion on this subject afterwards?

3) Has the duration changed in any way? Do people still have to hear the bard for a full round if they want to benefit from certain bardic music abilities?

Thank you very much! You lucky Dutchmen and -women!


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