--Vampire lord build--

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Sir ThornCrest said:
Had a question about a Vampire lorde build. I am looking for input on what to make his base class, and why? The basic villian backround as a successful politician, handsome witty and very powerfull...

Levels in aristocrat and bard at a 1 to 2 ratio (i.e., 6th-level vampire lord with aristocrat 2/bard 4).

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It's more of a very distinct subculture within the gaming community that uses slang like that. It get's really bad when they start inserting numbers in place of l3773rZ (letters). It's overflow of what when conspiculously used was a decent play on symbols.

For your character, I had read you were thinking about a psion.

I'd make a Kalashtar Vampire Lord Psion 5/Thrallherd 6 or a Kalashtar Vampire Lord Psion 5/Constructor 6.

The first one can create quite the horde of living followers and with enough work (Psionic Endowment, etc.) can take control of some of the members of the party turning them against each other. The Constructor can be quite nasty since astral constructs are neutral and are not summoned creatures, thus being able to lay the smack down against anyone protected by a protection from evil effect or the nimbus of light. Also in Arms & Equipment there's a cheap item (Goggles of Day) which negates the penalties a creature might have from being exposed to sunlight (perfect for the Vamp Lord) and even let's normal vampires take a full-round action before dissolution. Give him a couple higher minions (vampires, ghosts, whatnot) and then a bunch of spawn.

Also, make the vampire lord a serious social power as well. Most cities won't stand for adventurers stampeding through to slaughter the city philanthropist or something along those lines. This makes it much more of a social problem for the players to deal with, which their spiffy little exalted powers won't solve by itself. "Ooo... you're exalted, that's nice, but you still can't carry weapons into the city." If the vampire lord knows they are coming for him, he can make their life a living nightmare before they ever get near him and be long gone by the time they get where he's supposed to be. Use social power to control the options or lack of options your players have, they need to register or go through a slew of red tape to be allowed entrance (for some reason unlike everyone else) or the vampire lord can create a diversion of lesser evil which they need to deal with right away (zombies hordes are emerging from the sewers killing innocents all over the city) thus enabling him to buy himself time or what not.
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Also in Libris Mortis there's a few great feats:

Endure Sunlight which lets you resist all dangerous effects of sunlight for a number of rounds equal to 1 + Charisma modifier. Great for vampires.

Improved Turn Resistance grants another +4 to your turn resistance. A vampire lord with this will have a +12 turn resistance.

Life Drain whenever you bestow a negative level on a creature you add your Charisma modifier to the number of hit points lost by that creature, you then gain an equal amount of temporary hit points.

Sir ThornCrest

First Post
alright elephant tossing coded insults are ya. I had to ask to know if I was going to be insulted or not, so maybe your right Im a dummy but still go %$#@$#@%^%$!!!...there that says it all.


Elephant said:
lol pwned

Sir ThornCrest

First Post
Patryno E,

Thanks for getting my back (intentionally or accidentally). Some of these people are vicious on this site! It seems they are predators just waiting, lurking, and jumping at any and every opportunity they get to take pokes at one another, attacks of opportunity!!! Overly critical etc...I understand difference of opinion but people react as if annoyed by some posts, like they take this game ALITTLE TO SERIOUSLY!!! Again thanks. It’s the first time anybody has defended me so far on this site that I have seen...
(Again I don’t know if it was purposeful or accidental but I’ll take it either way!!)


again what exactly is "pwned" stand for?

Patryn of Elvenshae said:
Not really. It's a common English-speaker joke to type it as "walla." Also, "viola."

So, uh, pwned on you, as well.
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Sir ThornCrest

First Post
I thought I read the Vampire Lord had "as vampire +4"....and that would be interpreted as sticking with the original +4 of the vamp? Or am I wrong and it means add another +4 vs. turning ....not perfectly clear if I remember correctly; a little room for ambiguity.


Improved Turn Resistance grants another +4 to your turn resistance. A vampire lord with this will have a +12 turn resistance. ????


1. pwned
A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."

Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."

It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.

So, there you are.

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