Vampire The Masquerade D20?


First Post
This may have been covered already, but I am WAY too lazy to peruse the entire forums. Does anyone know if this is going to be released or not. I've heard very vague rumors to this effect and I was wondering, who, if anybody, had any details on this.

Thanks guys,

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First Post
Yeah, this was actually covered fairly recently. You shouldn't have to do too much browsing to find it. No offense to any d20 purists, but I think that d20 Vampire would be a bad idea. If you want to play Vampire, why not just use the Storyteller system? It works well, and it's very simple to learn.


First Post
Cornelius said:
Yeah, this was actually covered fairly recently. You shouldn't have to do too much browsing to find it. No offense to any d20 purists, but I think that d20 Vampire would be a bad idea. If you want to play Vampire, why not just use the Storyteller system? It works well, and it's very simple to learn.

The problem is that not every one cares for the Storyteller system. Personally, it was the reason I have avoided V:tM. I love the gameworld, but loathe the system. And I'm not a d20 purist. But I like it a lot better than Storyteller.

Everyone has their preferences this way. I have friends that I actually consider reasonably sane (most of the time) who hate d20, but love Storyteller. it takes all kinds.....

I do think that Whitewolf is missing a bet by not creating a d20 conversion as an alternative. I'd buy it.
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Hand of Vecna

First Post
Has it been confirmed that Vampire: the Requiem, Mage: the Awakening, and Werewolf: the Forsaken are going to be D20 games? From the hints over at the WoD site, it seems they're still going to be using [a slightly modified version of] the Storyteller stats (Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Prsence, Manipulation, and Compsure), and that the game'll be using d10's, not d20's.


First Post
If you want a reasonable V:TM "Feel" to a D&D game, try out Green Ronin's "Fang and Fury", which features a racial template called the "Vampire Scion", essentially a low-powered (LA+2) vampire which lacks the abilities of the vampire spawn or vampire lord, but has a wider range of alignment (any non-good) and generally more room for customization. A lot of the elements of the book seem patterned after V:TM material, such as Revelry, the practice of draining blood from other vampires, and the vampire deity called "The Beast".


First Post
Hand of Vecna said:
Has it been confirmed that Vampire: the Requiem, Mage: the Awakening, and Werewolf: the Forsaken are going to be D20 games? From the hints over at the WoD site, it seems they're still going to be using [a slightly modified version of] the Storyteller stats (Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Prsence, Manipulation, and Compsure), and that the game'll be using d10's, not d20's.
Go download the sample advenutre. Go back and read the notes on combat.

The Storytelling System is somewhat simliar to d20--but no more than it is similar to GURPS or HERO. Aside from some very abstract simliarties, Storytelling is a very different game.

The core mechanic is really the biggest difference. Rather than rolling 1d20 + mods to be at DC, Storytelling is "roll your die pool and all 7+s have an effect." So if you use a knife, you get an extra die. If your opponent has armor, you get one die less.

Werther von G

First Post
Planesdragon said:
The core mechanic is really the biggest difference. Rather than rolling 1d20 + mods to be at DC, Storytelling is "roll your die pool and all 8+s have an effect." So if you use a knife, you get an extra die. If your opponent has armor, you get one die less.

Corrected. 7+ is for Exalted.


Vampire: the MASQUERADE "died" a few months ago in "Gehenna".

Soon (at GenCon) the "new World of Darkness" will be presented with Vampire: the REQUIEM.

So far it doesn't look as if there are any plans to do Vampire d20, but IF they do, the situation in Germany would be quite simple as the same company has got the rights to german translations of D&D AND german translations of White Wolf's products (like WoD)

Ranger REG

As much as I personally would like to see WoD in d20, I doubt that White Wolf would do that to their cash cow, which they used in an aggressive marketing campaign in the 90's that revolves around the inter-office motto: "D&D uncool; Masquerade is cool."

For now, they're willing to outsource the Trinity Universe line to d20, which I have to say is making a definite comeback.

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