Vampire: The Masquerade


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In my Saturday group, I run Vampire. We alternate who's running...and twice a month, I run.

I've seen a number of people with good and bad things to say about Vampire. And I wanted to this past Saturday's game, just to see what people thought. I'm especially interested in the opinons of people who don't necessarily like or play Vampire.

The Toreador's (socialites of the vampire world) threw a party, a house warming for one of their members. The players were there along with almost every other kindred (vampire) in the city.

There was chit chat, politics, information and the talk of the night was the recent murder that everyone was investigating. Very mysterious circumstances. The pc's have been tasked with finding out info, they are still waiting on a vampire who was forced to leave town to return so they can question him more.

There is some entertainment...

Then the vampire everyone is waiting on returns. They have a big powwow, ask him questions and basically try to pump him for more information. He hasn't done anything to warrant being mistreated, being somewhat cooperative. But no one really stnds up for him either...he kind of defines, "evil bad guy". I mean...he is a creepy, evil, person..even for a Vampire.

They end up forcing him to agree to perform some rituals to track down and entrap this rogue spirit that they think is responsible for the murder in some way.

During this entire session, which was basically about 4-5 hours...none of the players rolled a single die. I rolled a few for NPC interactions and to determine what certain outcomes would be. But the players didn't roll any dice. They just investigated, asked questions and enjoyed the party.

How would you, as a player, handle a game or session like this? Would you or could you enjoy playing something where whole sessions could go by without having to unpack the dice?

I'm just curious...


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Penguin Herder
I'd want to roll some dice to determine how cool I was being, some sort of "Charisma + Etiquitte" thing -- and another roll to see how well I was asking questions, likely a combination of "Wits + Investigation".

Nothing wrong with avoiding dice, but IMHO it's best to roll the dice, then act as cool as they indicate.

-- Nifft


Nothing wrong with such a game... I've pulled off a diceless session with D&D, too. It was a horror-themed game, incidentally. I still think it was the best session I've ever run.

In a situation such as you described, I'd probably allow them to just roleplay, as long as it was in-character for their character. The plains barbarian would hardly know the nuances of etiquette, for example.


First Post
Diceless session are actually a bit more common then people realize. It doesn't matter the game, I've had diceless sessions in many different campaigns and genres. As long as the people enjoy it, it's good.


First Post
Since I don't particularly enjoy parties, or anything involving "chit-chat", a session like that, from my perspective, would in some ways be worse than the real thing since I wouldn't even be able to anesthesize myself with a few drinks and quietly wait until it was over.

I think investigation and social interaction are integral parts of anything but the most rudimentary game of hack'n'slash, but I also think that structuring a session so that it consists of nothing but talk is as dull as an endless series of combats... The use of dice at least introduces a random element and spices things up.


First Post
That would be great - I love the setting of V:tM, but HATE the mechanics. Don't like dice pools, and I don't like spirals of death, so that by the end of the fight the vamps are just sissy-slapping each other because they are so weak.

I'm one of those heathens that would pick up d20 Vampire in a heartbeat. Clan == Class, Disciplines == Feat chains, and then they already have the skills.


I wouldn't have a problem with a session like that. However, I don't think I would enjoy an entire campaign like that.

I enjoy the social interaction of RPGs, but I also enjoy the wargame aspects of RPGs. That's what I enjoy about D&D. Elements of both are built into the game. Games like Vampire are much more concerned with the social interaction... sometimes to the exclusion of the gaming side.

To me... a campaign that consisted of no dice rolling is closer to Improv Theater... and I'm not interested in that. Too much acting... not enough gaming.

The above is just an opinion... I'm not trying to be incendiary...



First Post
The above is just an opinion... I'm not trying to be incendiary...

And I welcome that opinion...I actually think I need to include some more die chukking in my game. The time just hasn't been right for it the last few sessions.

I think the tide will turn next session though. Leaving the party they were at, I'm going to have some of the bad guys jump them to try and take them out...basically cause they are meddling.



First Post
Quite often my D&D group will have a diceless session, usually when they're trying to figure out the latest plot, or want to relax after saving the world (again). It can be a refreshing long as it isn't to frequent..but Vampires? Chit-chatting? That really is part of the whole WoD prblem for me..monsters shoulsn't be having soirees.

Edit: Just mu personal opinion by the flame intended..and so long as you had fun then cool.
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