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Vampires of Waterdeep

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Evendur Tallstag,
Male Tethyr human fighter 8/ divine champion 5 of Helm

Region: Tethyr
Alignment: LG
Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Age: 22

Str: 23 (+6) [10 points, +4 belt, +3 levels]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 16 (+3) [6 points, +2 amulet]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Cha: 14 (+2) [6 points]

Class and Racial Abilities: 1 extra feat at first level, 4 additional skill points at first level and 1 additional skill point for each level thereafter. Proficient in simple and martial weapons, all armors and shields. Lay on hands (10 points), bonus feats, sacred defense +2, smite infidel, divine wrath.

Hit Dice: 8d10 + 5d10 +
HP: 121 (DR 3/- from adamantine armor)
AC: 29 (+11 armor, +1 Dex, +5 from shield, +2 from ring)
ACP: –6
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft (20ft in heavy armor)

Fortitude +16 [+10 base, +3 Con, +3 from cloak]
Reflex +7 [+3 base, +1 Dex, +3 from cloak]
Will +6 [+3 base, +0 Wis, +3 from cloak]

BAB/Grapple: +13/+19
Melee Atk: +24/+19/+14 (1d10+12/19-20/x2/S, sun blade)
Ranged Atk: +15 (1d6+4/x3/70 ft./P, +1 mighty composite shortbow [+4 Str bonus])

Climb +9 [7 ranks, +6 Str]
Intimidate +19 [17 ranks, +2 Cha]
Jump +6 [6 ranks, +6 Str]
Knowledge (religion) +9 [8 ranks, +1 Int]
Listen +5 [10 cc ranks, +0 Wis]
Spot +5 [10 cc ranks, +0 Wis]
Swim +9 [6 ranks, +6 Str]

Furious Charge (bonus regional feat)
Power Attack (1st level)
Weapon Focus – bastard sword (human bonus 1st level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency – bastard sword (fighter bonus 1st level)
Improved Bull Rush (fighter bonus 2nd level)
Cometary Collision [PHII] (3rd level)
Weapon Specialization – bastard sword (fighter bonus 4th level)
Heavy Shield Specialization (6th level)
Greater Weapon Focus – bastard sword (fighter bonus 8th level)
Cleave (9th level)
Improved Initiative (1st divine champion bonus feat)
Quick Draw (2nd divine champion bonus feat)
Greater Weapon Specialization – bastard sword (12th level)

Languages: Common, Chondathan


Sun blade – 50,335gp
Adamantine full plate +3 – 24,000gp
Heavy steel shield +2 – 4,170gp
Belt of giant’s strength +4 – 16,000gp
Cloak of resistance +3 – 9,000gp
Ring of protection +2 – 8,000gp
Heward’s Handy Haversack – 2,000gp
Amulet of health +2 – 4,000gp
Blue Quartz Eagle – 5,400gp (Races of Faerun)
+1 mighty (+4) composite shortbow – 2,675gp
60 arrows – 3gp
Boots of the winterlands – 2,500gp
Everburning torch – 110gp
Silver holy symbol of Helm – 1gp
Leather armor – 10gp
100 ft. silk rope – 20gp
Traveler’s outfit (free)
Belt pouch – 1gp
Explorer’s outfit x2 – 20gp
Courtier’s outfit with jewelry x2 – 160gp
4 vials antitoxin – 200gp
Flint and steel – 1gp
Really nice bedroll – 1gp
Waterskin – 1gp
2 daggers – 2gp
10 potions of cure light wounds in a flask – 501gp

79pp, 3gp

Appearance: Evendur is a fairly tall well-build man in his early twenties. His shoulder-length, wavy dark brown hair is usually worn loose, and his dark blue eyes are kind in a pale face still mostly unlined by weather and time. He wears a massively heavy suit of full plate armor and bears a faintly glowing bastard sword at his hip. A glittering holy symbol of Helm lies on his chest, just under the clasp of his cloak.

Personality: Evendur is a friendly young man, very helpful towards good and upstanding citizens, and always ready with a kind word. He enjoys the good things in life, fine ale and wine, good food, and friendly company. Though he holds himself to a fairly high standard of behavior, he tries not to evangelize to his companions at the drop of a hat.

Background: Evendur was a bit curious for the typical Tethyr; he was terrified of horses. Most if not all young men that showed an aptitude for combat learned the way of cavalry, but young Evendur had been kicked in the head by a horse at a young age and remains scared of them to this very day. His father could not wean him away from his fear, even though more than a few passed through their village during any given day. In an attempt to make up for his fear, he attempted to master an unusual weapon, to become the best in the region (if not the country). He chose the versatile bastard sword.

The son of a baker in farming town, Evendur spent much of his childhood running half-wild in the woods and ponds around Yeth’s Rest. He grew very strong and straight, but the childhood incident with an irritable mare scarred him for life in the equine department. His own determination saw him through his weapons’ training, horse or no horse, and then he lit out for the road to adroitly avoid any taunts about him.

He traveled far to the north, plying his trade as he went for merchants, caravans, minor nobles, and even priests. It was a priest of Helm, the watchful protector, who turned his life in a whole new direction. He spoke of Helm’s dogma to the young Tethyr as they traveled, how he watched and protected without complaint, how he guarded the weak and helpless, how his trust could never be betrayed. Evendur liked very much what he heard, much more so now than when he had heard it as a young boy. Helm’s teachings and his own feelings marched step-in-step, and by the time the priest had been delivered safely to his temple, Evendur asked to be taken in and taught.

Evendur spent the next few months learning more of Helm’s faith, and was eventually consecrated as a divine champion in Helm’s name. Evendur has spend the last year and a half on missions for his church, which has recently led him to Waterdeep. He has been told there is a person there that needs protection badly, and Helm’s church owes them a debt. Evendur is to repay it, and he is more than glad to do so.


First Post
Salo Smellyfoot
Neutral Good Halfling Rogue

[sblock=Character Sheet]
Name:      [b]Salo Smellyfoot[/b]
Class:     Rogue 13                           
Race:      Lightfoot Halfling                 Age:    26
Region:    The Western Heartlands             Height: 3'
Size:      Small                              Weight: 35 lbs
Gender:    Male                               Eyes:   Grey
Alignment: Neutral Good                       Hair:   Light brown, curly
Deity:     Yondalla                           Skin:   Tanned

[b]ABILITIES[/b]                            [b]BASIC INFO[/b]
---------------------------------    -----------------------------------------
SCORE*  MOD      MAGIC               Level:   13         XP:         83000   
STR:    10 ( 0)                      BAB:     +9/+4      HP:         67 / 67* 
DEX:    20 (+6)  24^ (+7)            Grapple: +5         Dmg Red:    -/-
CON:    12 (+1)                      Speed:   20'        Spell Res:  -
INT:    16 (+3)                      Init:    +8         Spell Save: - 
WIS:     8 (-1)                    
CHA:    14 (+2)

* See bottom for point buy, race, level breakdown as well as HP calc
^ +4 Enhancement Bonus (Gloves of Dextarity)

            TOTAL    Base   Mod  Misc
FORTITUDE:   +9    =   +4    +1    +4
REFLEX:     +19*   =   +7    +8    +4
WILL:       +10#   =   +4    +2^   +4

* additional +4 bonus vs traps
# additional +2 moral bonus vs fear
^ Force of Personality applies CHA instead of WIS mod to WILL saves

   +1 racial bonus to all saves
   +2 enhancement bonus(Cloack of Resistance +2) to all saves
   Luck of Heroes: +1 luck bonus to all saves
   Slippery Mind: 1 re-try the next round vs enchantments

            TOTAL    Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc^
ARMOR:       26*  =   10    +3    +0    +7    +1    +2    +3
TOUCH:       21*  =   10     -     -    +7    +1     -    +3
FLAT-FOOTED: 19*  =   10    +3     -     -    +1    +2    +3

* additional +4 vs traps
^ Luck of Heroes: +1 luck bonus to AC

Armor                         Bonus   Dex   ACP   ASF  Bonus Type
   Padded Armor +2             +3      8     0     5%  Armor
   Amulet of Natural Armor +2  +2     n/a    0     0   Natural
   Ring of Protection +2       +2     n/a    0     0   Deflection

Weapon                      Attack#      Damage*             Critical   Range Type
One-weapon Fighting
   Sling of Flame +1          +19^       1d3+1, +1d6 Fire      x2        50'    B
      10 bullets (50 in Bag)

   Silver Dagger            +18/+13^^    1d3                 19-20/x2    10'   P/S
      of Bane(undead) +1
   vs. undead               +20/+15^^    1d3+2 +2d6          19-20/x2    10'   P/S

   Cold Iron Dagger         +18/+13^^    1d3                 19-20/x2    10'   P/S
   Wand of Magic Missle        n/a       5 @ 1d4+1 each

Two-weapon Fighting
   Silver Dagger            +16/+11^^    1d3                 19-20/x2    10'   P/S
      of Bane(undead) +1
   vs. undead               +18/+13^^    1d3+2 +2d6          19-20/x2    10'   P/S

   Cold Iron Dagger           +16^^      1d3                 19-20/x2    10'   P/S

* possible +7d6 for sneak attack
# includes +1 size bonus
^ includes +1 racial bonus for slings
^^ additional +1 racial bonus if thrown

  +1 size bonus to AC
  +1 size bonus to attack
  +4 size bonus to hide
  +2 racial bonus to climb, jump, move silently, listen
  +1 racial bonus to all saves
  +1 morale bonus to saves vs. fear
  +1 racial bonus to throw weapons and slings

  Sneak Attack +7d6
  Trap Finding
  Trap Sense +4
  Uncanny Dodge
  Improved Uncanny Dodge
  Slippery Mind
  Skill Mastery(Bluff, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Escape Artist, Spot, Tumble)

Common, Chondathan, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarven

Armor and Weapon Proficiency
  Simple Weapons Proficiency(all)
  Martial Weapon Proficiency(Rapier, Sap, Shortbow)
  Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Hand Crossbow)
  Armor Proficiency(Light)

Regional Feat: Luck of Heroes

Character Level Feats
  1. Weapon Finesse
  3. Two-weapon fighting
  6. Quick Draw
  9. Force of Personality (Complete Adventurer)
 12. Skill Focus(Use Magic Device)

Skill Points: 176    Max Ranks: 16/8

Skill             Abl   TOTAL    Rnk    Stat     Msc
Appraise          INT     3       -       3       -
Balance           DEX     9       -       7       2  +2 tumble syn 
Bluff             CHA    18*    16.0      2       -
Climb             STR     2       -       -       2  +2 racial
Concentration(CC) CON     1       -       1       -
Decipher Script   INT     8      5.0      3       -   
Diplomacy         CHA     6       -       2       4  +2 bluff syn, +2 sense motive syn
Disable Device    INT    21     16.0      3       2  +2 circumstance for thief's tools, masterwork
Disguise          CHA     4       -       2       2  +2 bluff syn when acting in character
Escape Artist     DEX    20*    13.0      7       -
Forgery           INT     3       -       3       -
Gather Info       CHA    17     13.0      2       2  +2 knowledge(local) syn
Heal(CC)          WIS    -1       -      -1       -
Hide              DEX    19      8.0      7       4
Intimidate        CHA     4       -       2       2  +2 bluff syn.
Jump              STR    -2       -       -      -2  +2 racial bonus, -6 movement, +2 tumble syn
Knowledge(local)  INT     8      5.0      3       -
Listen            WIS     7      8.0     -1       -
Move Silently     DEX    25*    16.0      7       2  +2 racial
Open Lock         DEX    19     10.0      7       2  +2 circumstance for thief's tools, masterwork
Ride(CC)          DEX     7       -       7       -
Search            INT    15     12.0      3       -
Sense Motive      WIS    10*    11.0     -1       -
Sleight of Hand   DEX    10      1.0      7       2  +2 bluff syn
Spot              WIS    15*    16.0     -1       -
Survival(CC)      WIS    -1       -      -1       -
Tumble            DEX    19*    10.0      7       2  +2 jump syn
Swim              STR     0       -       0       -
Use Magic Device  CHA    21^    16.0      2       3  +3 skill focus, addition +2 decipher script syn for scrolls
Use Rope          DEX     7       -       7       -  additional +2 escape artist syn to bind someone

* Skill Mastery: may take 10 even if under duress
^ DCs:
   Activate Wand: DC 20
   Scroll DC:
     Emulate Ability Score DC = 10 + 15 + spell level
     Use Scroll DC = 20 + caster level
     INT Based: for spell level > 6, must Emulate Ability Score
     WIS Based: must always Emulate Ability Score

  Platinum:    0
  Gold:      188
  Silver:     13 
  Copper:      0

NAME                                            QTY     LBS     COST
Padded Armor +2                                  1       5      4155
Amulet of Natural Armor +2                       1       0      8000
Cloak of Resistance +2                           1       0.5    4000
Gloves of Dexterity +4                           1       0.5   16000
Winged Boots                                     1       0.5   16000
   fly, 3 uses/day, 5 minutes each use

Ring of Invisiblity (4 minutes)                  1       0     20000
Ring of Protection +2                            1       0      8000

Silver Dagger of Bane(undead) +1                 1       0.5    8322
MW Cold Iron Dagger                              1       0.5     304
Sling of Flame +1                                1       0      8300

Custom leather bandolier-belt                    1       0.5       1
   Holds daggers and wands                       

Wands (DC20 Use Magic Device, auto-success):
   Magic Missle [50 charges]                     1       0.7    6750
      9th, 5@1d4+1 each
   Greater Invisibility [49 charges]             1       0.7   21000
      Greater Invisibility for 7 rounds
   Cure Light Wounds [50 charges]                1       0.7     750
      Heals 1d8+1 points of damage

Pouch(Belt)                                      1       0.5       1
   Bullets (Sling)                              10       5         0.1

Handy Haversack                                  5              2000
   Bedroll                                       1         (5)     0.1
   Everburning Torch                             1         (1)   110
   Flint and Steel                               1         (0)     1
   Potion (Cure Moderate Wounds)                 3         (0)   900
   Rations (Trail/Per Day)                       2         (2)     1
   Rope, Silk, 50'                               1         (5)    10
   Tanglefoot Bag                                4         (8)   200
   Steel Mirror, small                           1         (0.5)  10
   Waterskin (Filled)                            1         (4)     1
   Bullets (Sling)                              50        (25)     0.5
   Qual's Feather Token(Tree)                    1         (0)   400
   Qual's Feather Token(Fan)                     1         (0)   200
   Thief's Tools, Masterwork                     1         (2)   100
      INT Based:
         See Invisibility (DC 23) (30 minutes)   2               300
         Black Tenticles (DC 27) (7 rounds)      1               700
	 Comprehend Languages (DC21) (10 minutes)2                50
      WIS Based:
         Entagle (DC 26, DC 21) (1 minute)       2                50
         Spike Growth (DC 29, DC 25) (5 hours)   1               375
                                                  TOTAL COST: 126941.7

Total weight caried: 20.6 
Current load:        Light

Light:   33
Medium:  66
Heavy:  100

MOUNT                    LBS   COST
Warpony "Dusk"                 100
Riding Saddle             30    30
Saddle Bags                4     4
Studded Leather Barding   20    25
                  TOTALS: 54   159

Str:  12     4      -2       -      10
Dex:  15     8      +2      +3      20
Con:  12     4       -       -      12
Int:  16    10       -       -      16
Wis:   8     0       -       -       8
Cha:  14     6       -       -      14 

Max Hit points: 67

   6    +   4 x 12       +     1 x 13	
   ^        ^^^^^^             ^^^^^^
   6@1st    4@2nd to 13th      +1 CON Mod/Level

[sblock=Dusk the Warpony]
Size/Type:       Medium Animal
Hit Dice:        2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative:      +1
Speed:           40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class:     16 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +3 barding), 
                 touch 11, 
                 flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack:          Hoof +3 melee (1d3+2)
Full Attack:     2 hooves +3 melee (1d3+2)
Space/Reach:     5 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: 	         Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: 	 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Skills:          Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: 	         Endurance

A light load for a warpony is up to 100 pounds; 
a medium load, 101-200 pounds; 
and a heavy load, 201-300 pounds. 
A warpony can drag 1,500 pounds.

Dusk is a plain, dark brown, female warpony. Her studded leather barding is a lighter shade of brown.

Salo just recently puchased Dusk. His previous mount was a tough, battle-hardened dire weasle named Sausage. Sausage perished to a swarm of hell wasps while defending Salo. Salo dearly misses his loyal stead.

Salo Smellyfoot stands exactly three feet short. He has light-brown curly hair, a big proud nose, an even bigger smile and really nice teeth. His eyes are gray and elicit a profound sense of trust. He is quite the charmer. However, it must be noted that his family name, Smellyfoot, is an accurate olfactory description of his family tree's pediatric disposition. The smelly destiny is inherited by one in three Smellyfoots.

Salo's garb is that of magical padded armor dyed in various hues of black. The armor is almost velvet-like with rich, almost shiny, black hems accenting the deeper, darker black portions. It's very tasteful and very stylish. Salo's magic cape is also black on the outside with a silloutte of a star stitched in white thread. The inside lining of the cape is of the starkest, brightest white, like Salo's teeth.

The most notable of piece equipment on Salo's person is a bandolier-belt equipped with two daggers at the waist and three wands across the chest for easy access. The leather bandolier-belt is stained black with intricate carvings. Salo wears the piece with pride. It was custom made for him by a poor but masterful leather craftsman who's family Salo saved from a band of kobalds early in Salo's travels.

Salo boots are also black. Yes, footwear is an oddity for halflings. But anyone who's been in an enclosed space with Salo and his bare feet will testify that containing Salo's feet is in everyone's best interest.

Salo Smellyfoot was born in a poor village in The Western Heartlands known as Back Water. His parents were kind and humble. They raised Salo to be a good little Lightfoot. Salo's father, Berry, did odd jobs in the richer neighboring villages while Salo's mother, Watta, sold home made pastries at Midweek Market.

When Salo was 12 years old, his parents, along with one quarter of the residents of Back Water, died of the Green Plague. Salo was adopted by his rich and retired merchant uncle, Thymon. Ironically, it wasn't until then that Salo became versed in the shadier things of life. Thymon trained Salo in the arts of thievery and deception. It seemed like Thymon was grooming Salo for something. For what, Salo could never figure out. Thymon always kept saying things like, "You're gonna take over" or "It'll all be up to you when I'm gone."

Five years later, when Salo was 17 years old, Thymon mysteriously disappeared. The town militia was quite certain that foul play was involved, but, somehow, the matter was quickly forgotten. Salo suspected bribes in key places aided the forgetfulness

Salo decided to leave everything behind, to start anew. Thanks to the gentle upbringing of his parents, he was never really comfortable with the more unscroupulous aspects of Thymon's teachings. Young Salo was also worried that the same forces which made his uncle disappear, would soon be after him too.

Thus began Salo's career as rogue and adventure. He traveled far and made many a friend and enemy, but recently he heard rumors of the Green Plague which killed his parents. Rumors which hinted of dark gods and a plot to spread the disease across all of Faerun...

Ah, but all that will have to wait. Right now there are more pressing problems, like that of Vampires in Waterdeep.
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First Post
[SBLOCK=Brondin Moonsoul]Brondin Moonsoul
Male Human, 6th-Level Favored Soul/3rd-Level Silverstar/4th-Level Divine Disciple of Selune (XP 84,500)
Medium Humanoid (Human)

Hit Dice: 6d8+3d8+4d8 (62 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 33 (+3 Dex, +13 armor, +5 shield, +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 30
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+10
Full Attack: [smallcaps]Moon’s Silver Hand[/smallcaps] (+3 shock alchemical silver heavy mace*) +14/+9 melee (1d8+3+1d6 electricity)
Full Attack: [smallcaps]Moon’s Cold Hand[/smallcaps] (+3 shock cold iron heavy mace*) +14/+9 melee (1d8+4+1d6 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, Moon’s Hand (+1 shock)
Special Qualities: Electricity Resistance 10, Moon Spells, Lunar Sight, Divine Emissary, Sacred Defense+2, Imbue with Spell Ability, Travel Domain (5 rounds)
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +16
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 24
Skills: Balance +0, Climb -2, Concentration +16/+20 casting defensively(16), Diplomacy +12(5), Escape Artist +0, Jump -2, Knowledge (nature) +9(5), Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +9(0), Sense Motive +6(2), Spot +9(0), Survival +14/+16 in aboveground natural environments(10), Swim -5; Armor Check Penalty –3(doesn’t apply to Hide and Move silently)
Feats: Education [Regional], Blind-fight, Dodge, Modility, Weapon Focus: Heavy Mace(b), Spring Attack, Initiate of Selune, Combat Casting
Home Region: Waterdeep
Patron Deity: Selune
Alignment: Chaotic Good

* including Greater Magic Weapon (13 hours)

Brondin is an attractive man in his late twenties. He is of average height, with an athletic and well-trained physique. He has icy blue eyes and deep black hair, which he keeps cut with the current fashions amongst the well-to-do of Waterdeep. Brondin likes to dress in comfortable blue or white traveling clothes and is rarely caught without his white cloak featuring the symbol of Selune, embroidered in blue. Other noticeable pieces of equipment he caries include his silvery-white mithril full-plate armor which he only wears when adventuring and for special church occasions, and his face-mask studded with moonstones and chased in silver.

Brondin speaks Common and Chondathan

Spells: As 13th-level favored soul
Favored Soul Spells Known (6/7/6/8/6/7/5; save DC 14 + spell level):
0 - cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, read magic, resistance, inflict minor wounds;
1st - faerie fire, longstrider, handfire, bless, divine favor, shield of faith, moon lust, light of lunia, healthful rest;
2nd - moonbeam, locate object, augury, cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration, silence, iron silence, status;
3rd - moon blade, fly, prayer, remove disease , searing light, summon monster III, blindsight, lesser visage of the diety;
4th - fear, dimension door, strength of the beast, wall of moonlight, cure critical wounds, divination, divine power, restoration, greater magic weapon;
5th - moonpath, teleport, moon web, righteous might, raise dead, disrupting weapon, revivify;
6th - permanent image, find the path, summon monster VI, heal, greater dispel magic.

Active Spells: longstrider, iron silence, status, greater magic weapon on [smallcaps]Moon’s Cold Hand[/smallcaps].

Head: --
Eyes: Moonstone Mask
Neck: Periapt of Wisdom +2
Shoulders: Cloak of Charisma +6
Torso: --
Body: +5 mithril full-plate
Waist: --
Wrists: Armband of Maximized Healing
Hands: Gloves of Dexterity +2
Finger: Ring of Protection +2
Finger: --
Feet: --

Other Equipment: [smallcaps]Moon’s Cold Hand[/smallcaps] (Cold Iron Heavy Mace), [smallcaps]Moon’s Silver Hand[/smallcaps] (MW alchemical silver Heavy Mace), Moondraught, Moon Mote, Silver Holy Symbol of Selune, Heward's Handy Haversack, Traveler's Outfit, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Sunrods (2), Trail Rations (10 days), Waterskin, Spell Component Pouch, 400 gp of powdered jade, 1,000 gp diamond (2), 25 gp blessed Selunite incense (6), 100 gp of diamond dust; 3 gp, 9 sp, 10 cp.

Background: [SBLOCK]Brondin, know as Bron to his closest friends, was known to be special from the moment he was born. The child, born to a wealthy couple of Waterdeep, had an unusual birthmark across his back, the holy symbol of Selune. The parents marveled at this, treated their son well, and had him schooled by the wisest of sages. As he came of age, he started having a number of dreams and experiences, being called into Selune’s service. On his 18th birthday, he fully embraced his destiny, and swore his life to the bright lady of the moonlight, Selune.

He was immediately accepted into the ranks of Selunites, hunting, celebrating and worshiping among them. The magic granted by Selune came very easily to Brondin, and he rapidly rose through the ranks of the church. He fell in with other young adventurers in the area, and left Waterdeep for many long years, wandering the realms, doing Selune’s bidding and growing in power.

One year ago, Brondin returned to his home, wealthy, and adorned with rainments that marked him as one of Selune’s true chosen. Amongst the church-goers in Waterdeep it is whispered that Brondin is in line to head the church of Selune in Waterdeep, or even across the civilized lands where the moon maiden is worshiped. He tells stories to the congregation of the exploits Selune has aided him in, destroying lycanthrope cults in the Whispering Woods, stemming plagues deep in the Shaar, and foiling the plans of the Cult of Shar in the Silver Marches.[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]
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Wollf Henger

Aranea (3HD +4LA), rogue 2, warshaper 4, character level 9 ECL 13
Medium magical beast (shapechanger)
CG, Patron Deity Shandukul

32 point buy
Str 10=16 +2 level +4 morphic body = 22 (+6)
Dex 10=16 +4 racial = 20 (+5)
Con 10=16 +4 racial +4 morphic body = 24 (+7)
Int 0=8 +4 racial = 12 (+1)
Wis 2=10 +2 racial = 12 (+1)
Cha 0=8 +4 racial = 12 (+1)


Str 22 (+6)
Dex 20 (+5)
Con 24 (+7)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 12 (+1)

HD 3d10 (aranea) + 2d6 (rogue) + 4d8(warshaper) +9x7(63)
hp = 113

F +3 (ar) +4 (war) +7(con) = +14
R +3 (ar) +3 (ro) +1 (war) +5(dex) = +12
W +1 (ar) +1 (wa) +1 (wis) +2 (IW) = +5

F +14 R +12 W +5

Combat Reflexes, Iron Will (B), Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Multiattack,

Aranea: climb 6 ranks, listen 6 ranks, spot 6 ranks
Rogue: Tumble 8 ranks, search 8 ranks, spot 1 rank, listen 1 rank
Warshaper climb 4 ranks, balance 6 ranks, search 1 rank(cross class),

Skills: Araneas have a +2 racial bonus on Jump, Listen, and Spot checks. They have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks even if rushed or threatened.

Balance 6 ranks +4 dex = +10
Climb 10 ranks +6 st +8 racial = +24 and can always take 10
Jump +7 str +2 racial = +9
Listen 7 ranks +1 wis +2 racial = +10
Search 9 ranks +1 int = +10
Spot 7 ranks +1 wis +2 racial = +10
Tumble 8 ranks +5 dex = +13

Languages Common, Sylvan, Elven

BAB +3 aranea, +1 rogue, +3 warshaper, = +7

Grapple +7 BAB, +6 Str = +13

Initiative = +5

AC = 20 (+5 dex, +1 natural, +4 deflection,) touch 19, 15

Attack +7 BAB, +6 str = +13
Attack +14 adamantine wounding mace +1 d8+7 and con or +14 cold iron holy spiked gauntlet d4+7(+2d6)

Full attack +12/+7 adamantine wounding mace +1 d8+7, +12/+7 cold iron holy spiked gauntlet d4+4(+2d6), +11 bite d6+3 and poison DC 18 d6 str/2d6 str

Low light vision, darkvision 60ft.
Natural bite in hybrid form 1d6 base +poison
web, change shape, spells
Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 18, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Spells: An aranea casts spells as a 3rd-level sorcerer. It prefers illusions and enchantments and avoids fire spells.
Spells Known (6/6): 0— detect magic, open/close, prestigitation, ray of frost, read magic; 1st—disguise self, expeditious retreat, mage armor.
Web (Ex): In spider or hybrid form (see below), an aranea can throw a web up to six times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Large size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement.
An entangled creature can escape with a DC 13 Escape Artist check or burst the web with a DC 17 Strength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 6 hit points, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire.
Change Shape (Su): An aranea’s natural form is that of a Medium monstrous spider. It can assume two other forms. The first is a unique Small or Medium humanoid; an aranea in its humanoid form always assumes the same appearance and traits, much as a lycanthrope would. In humanoid form, an aranea cannot use its bite attack, webs, or poison.
The second form is a Medium spider–humanoid hybrid. In hybrid form, an aranea looks like a Medium humanoid at first glance, but a DC 18 Spot check reveals the creature’s fangs and spinnerets. The aranea retains its bite attack, webs, and poison in this form, and can also wield weapons or wear armor. When in hybrid form, an aranea’s speed is 30 feet (6 squares).
An aranea remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does an aranea revert to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell, however, reveals its natural form if it is in humanoid or hybrid form.[/SBLOCK]

1d6 sneak attack, trapfinding, evasion[SBLOCK]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Rogues are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The rogue’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.
A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.
Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.[/SBLOCK]

Morphic immunities, immune to critical hits and stunning
Morphic weapons, as move action grow a natural weapon or improve one by one size
Morphic body, +4 to str and con
Morphic reach, increase reach by 5 ft
Morphic healing, fast healing 2, full round concentration check (DC = damage taken) to heal 10.

32K Ring of protection +4
20K +1 cold iron holy spiked gauntlet
21K +1 wounding adamantine heavy mace
04.5K wand of knock 50 charges
20K ring of invisibility
08K Silver shortsword +1 animal bane
02.5K Bag of holding Type 1
Silver holy symbol of Shandukal
Travelling clothes
22,000 gp

[SBLOCK]Wollf was a restless spirit always wanting to climb the nearest mountain and see what was on the other side. This led him to adopt Shandakul as his patron deity and journey out of his native forest lands to explore the worlds as he explored the powers of a shapeshifter. His humanoid form was that of a lean human and he travelled the roads as one, developing along the path of warshaper shifting mastery. While travelling through the northlands he was ambushed by a Malarite werewolf who was seeking to create a band of infected followers. Spying Wollf's holy symbol the werewolf thought it would be most amusing to turn such a follower into a werewolf slave of a malarite. While the attack incapacitated Wollf temporarily the fact that he was not actually a human made him immune to the lycanthropic disease and his morphic healing allowed him to recover from the ambush quicker than the werewolf anticipated. Now it was the werewolf who was taken unawares and ended up fleeing after the warshaper turned the tables on him. This led to the two becoming blood enemies and hunting each other back and forth across the northlands. While Wollf has managed to kill some of the werewolf's infected minions and has clashed many times with him personally, the two have not been able to dispose of each other as of yet. Wollf has recently tracked the Malarite south to Waterdeep and is cautiosly exploring the city looking for his nemesis.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK]Wollf Henger appears as a lean, tall, dark-eyed man with a somewhat athletic and rugged physique. He wears his black hair long but is clean shaven. He favors dark travelling clothes including a broad scarf and wide brimmed hat. At his waist he bears a short sword with a wolf head pommel and a vicious looking heavy mace while a spiked gauntlet covers one hand.

When he shifts his back hunches slightly and he grows black hairs all over his body. His face transforms into that of a spider with multiple eyes and large black mandibles dripping venom.

When in extremis he will shift into the true aranea form, that of a medium-sized spider with inhuman arms extending below the mandibles.[/SBLOCK]
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Kenneth Durnstad

[B]Name:[/B]       Kenneth Durnstad
[B]Class:[/B]      Ranger
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (6'0", 200 lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Lawful Good  

[B]Str:[/B] 18 +4  (6p.+4^)     [B]Level:[/B]    13     [B]XP:[/B] 84,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  (4p.+2^)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +13     [B]HP:[/B] 101 (13d8+39)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3  (6p.+2^)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +17
[B]Int:[/B] 13 +1  (5p.)        [B]Speed:[/B]    40'
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 +3  (6p.+2*)     [B]Init:[/B]     +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2  (5p.+1*)

^item bonus (enhancement)
*level bonus (inherent)

                 [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 30         10     +8     +6     +2   +0    +2,+1, +1
[B]Touch:[/B] 21                                        (deflection, natural,  luck)
[B]Flat:[/B]  28

                 [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +15         +8    +3   +3,+1 (resistance, luck)
[B]Ref:[/B]  +14         +8    +2   +3,+1 (resistance, luck)
[B]Will:[/B] +11         +4    +3   +3,+1 (resistance, luck)

[B]Weapon           Attack    Damage  Critical  Type[/B]
Longsword        +19       1d8+5     19-20     S    (+2d6 damage vs. evil)
Shield Bash      +19       1d4+6       20      B
Dagger           +18       1d4+4     19-20     P
Lance            +18       1d8+4     20/x3     P    (2d8+8 on mounted charge)
Longbow          +16       1d8+5     20/x3     P    (110' range increment)

[B]Full Attack[/B]
+17/+12/+7       1d8+5     19-20 (+2d6 damage vs. evil)
+17/+12/+7       1d4+4       20

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Elven     

Favored Enemy(Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Damage)
-Undead +4
-Outsider(Evil) +4
-Humanoid(Human) +2
Wild Empathy (1d20+16)
Combat Style
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
- Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Animal Companion
Woodland Stride
Swift Tracker


1st: 2 (Jump, Resist Energy)
2nd: 2 (Cure Light Wounds x2)
3rd: 2 (Cure Moderate Wounds x2)


Luck of Heroes [Regional]
Blind-Fight [human]
Improved Shield Bash [1st]
Track [Ranger 1]
Close Quarters Fighting [3rd]
Endurance [Ranger 3]
Shield Specialization (Heavy) [6th]
Shield Ward [9th]
Agile Shield Fighter [12th]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 128   [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 16/8

[B]Skills:                        Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]

x Balance +3                    0     +2   +2
Climb +17                      13     +4   --
Handle Animal +7(+11)           5     +2   +4 w/animal companion
Heal +5                         2     +3   --
Jump +27                       13     +4   +5,+4,+2
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +6     5     +1   --
x Knowledge(Religion) +6        5     +1   --
Listen +19                     16     +3   --
Ride +20                       16     +2   +2
Spot +19                       16     +3   --
Survival +19(+21)              16     +3   +2 when underground
x Tumble +11                    8     +2   +2

Armor Check Penalty: -1

[B]Equipment:                             Cost  Weight[/B]

+2 Holy Silver Longsword            32405gp     4lb
MW Dagger                             302gp     1lb
MW Lance                              310gp    10lb^
+1 Mighty (IV) Composite Longbow     2800gp     3lb*
Arrows(60)                              3gp     3lb*            

+3 Mithral Breastplate              13200gp    15lb
+3 Large Mithral Shield             18020gp     5lb
   (+2 Weapon)

Ring of Protection +2                8000gp     -lb
Ring of Sustenance                   2500gp     -lb

Amulet of Health +2                  4000gp     -lb
Belt of Giant Strength +4           16000gp     1lb
Boots of Striding and Springing      5500gp     1lb
Cloak of Resistance +3               9000gp     1lb
Gloves of Dexterity +2               4000gp     -lb
Horseshoes of Speed                  3000gp    12lb^
Shirt of Natural Armor +1            2000gp     -lb
Quiver of Ehlonna                    1800gp     2lb

Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (50)    4500gp     -lb

Backpack                                2gp     2lb
Belt Pouch (2)                          2gp     1lb
Crowbar                                 2gp     5lb
Everburning Torch                     110gp     1lb
Grappling Hook                          1gp     4lb
Holy Symbol (silver)                   25gp     1lb
Holy Water (3)                         75gp     3lb
Rope, Silk (100')                      20gp    10lb
Waterskin                               1gp     4lb
Whetstone                            0.02gp     1lb

Bit and Bridle                          2gp     1lb^
Military Saddle                        20gp    30lb^
Saddlebags                              4gp     8lb^
MW Barding (Breastplate)              950gp    60lb^  

*stored in quiver of Ehlonna
^stored on horse

                            Total  125840

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 62lb / 100lb (light load)
[B]Money:[/B] 1445 gp 0 sp 0 cp
[sblock=Description]Kenneth is a tall, distinguished looking man in his late 20's. His features are plain enough with brown eyes and short brown hair not making him very memorable. But he carries himself with dignity and confidence, without being arrogant. He is a friendly and approachable man for all his martial bearing. Ever ready with a smile or quip, and kind and generous to those in need.

His highly polished armor, proud mount and gleaming weaponry might make one mistake him for a knight or noble's son, but a closer look reveals that his war horse looks like it belongs on a farm and the clothes beneath the armor are simple and homespun.[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]Kenneth was the only son of a goatherd and his wife in Daggerdale. He lived a simple life in his youth, oblivious to the troubles around him. He lived for his father's bedtime stories of knights and heroes and brave adventurers.

When he was older and more aware of the Dale's troubles he often dreamed of being a knight and riding to the rescue of his land. But while dreaming filled his nights, drudgery filled his days. When Kenneth was in his early teens a bandit came across his father with the herd one day and murdered him for a few coins and some food. Kenneth tried to hold the household together after that, tending the herd and stepping into his father's role. But it was not to last. His mother, devestated by her husband's death, faded quickly. She became listless and did little to help the household. Finally she caught a fever and passed away to join her love.

With nothing left to hold him to the Dale, Kenneth sold everything he owned, purchased a strong horse and rode west. He didn't have a goal at that point, but the first knight he saw in Cormyr rekindled his childhood dreams. He never became a true knight, but he found that a man with a strong arm could always find work as a soldier. He received training in arms and horsemanship, and soon became a skilled warrior, respected for his skill, but still remembered as the son of a goatherd who arrived with nothing to his name.

Once his service in that country was over, Kenneth set out west again, through the Heartlands and to the Sword Coast. It was there that he came across a temple to Lathander, reminding him of those back home. Nostalgic for a moment he entered for a brief respite. While in the temple he began speaking with a priest there, about his life and goals and dreams. Sensing a soul in need of a path, the priest volunteered one.

For the past few years Kenneth has been serving in the Order of Aster, doing what good he can, spreading light. Carving a name for himself and taking pride in his accomplishments in the name of Lathander.

[B]Name:[/B]       Evenstar
[B]Race:[/B]       Heavy Horse
[B]Size/Type:[/B]  Large Animal

[B]Str:[/B] 18 +4       [B]BAB:[/B]      +5     [B]HP:[/B] 45 (7d8+26)
[B]Dex:[/B] 15 +2       [B]Grapple:[/B] +13     
[B]Con:[/B] 15 +2       [B]Speed:[/B]    55'
[B]Int:[/B]  2 -4       [B]Init:[/B]     +2
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1       
[B]Cha:[/B]  6 -2  

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Natural  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 23              10     +5     +0     +2   -1     +7     --
[B]Touch:[/B] 11
[B]Flat:[/B]  21

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +7              +5    +2   +0
[B]Ref:[/B]   +7              +5    +2   +0
[B]Will:[/B]  +3(+7)          +2    +1   +4 vs enchantment spells and effects

[B]Attack               Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Hoof                 +5/+5    1d6+4       20

Low-light Vision
Share Spells

Endurance [1st]
Run [3rd]
Skill Focus (Jump)[6th]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 10   [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 10/5

[B]Skills:                        Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]

Listen +6                       5     +1   --
Spot +6                         5     +1   --
x Jump +12                      0     +4   +8,+3

Armor Check Penalty: -3

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 383lb / 600lb (medium load)

Evenstar is a large black horse with a burst of white along his chest and 
neck  that gave him his name.  He has served Kenneth for years as mount 
and companion, and is now well trained for battle.  But a closer look reveals 
that he lacks the true breeding of a warhorse.


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First Post
Vaidun Kale
Neutral Good Human Domain Wizard (Abjurer) 9/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 4
Experience: 80780

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft. 0 in.
Weight: 170 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Dark

STR: 10 [+2] (2 points)
DEX: 18 [+4] (6 points + 4 enhancement)
CON: 14 [+2] (6 points)
INT: 24 [+7] (13 points + 3 level increase + 4 enhancement)
WIS: 10 [+0] (2 points)
CHA: 11 [+0] (3 points)

HP: 60 (4 + 30 + 26 con)
Armor Class: 23 (10 base + 4 dex + 2 amulet + 1 insight + 6 greater mage armor)
Initiative: +6 (+4 dex, +2 feat)
BAB: +6/+1

Speed: 30’ (40’ w/boots)

FORT: +10 (4 base + 2 con + 4 resistance)
REFL: +11 (4 base + 3 dex + 4 resistance)
WILL: +14 (10 base + 0 wis + 4 resistance)

- Human Bonus Feat
- Human Bonus Skill Points
- Arcane Spellcasting
- Summon Familiar: N’Ril, the Ferret
- Scribe Scroll
- Wizard Bonus Feat
- Arcane Domain: Abjuration
- Warding 2/day
--- Red Veil
--- Orange Veil
--- Yellow Veil
--- Green Veil
- Unimpeachable Abjuration
- Unanswerable Strike +2
- Reactive Warding

- Blooded
1st Level
- Spellcasting Prodigy
- Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
3rd Level
- Spell Focus (Abjuration)
5th Level Wizard Bonus
- Sudden Extend Spell
6th Level
- Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration)
9th Level
- Craft Wondrous Item
12th Level
- Sudden Maximize

Skills: (108 skill points)
Appraise +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Concentration +18 (16 ranks, +2 con)
Decipher Script +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Diplomacy +5 (3 ranks, +2 synergy)
Gather Information +2 (+2 synergy)
Knowledge: Arcana +15 (10 ranks, +5 int)
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Knowledge: Geography +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Knowledge: History +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Knowledge: Local +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Knowledge: Nobility & Royalty +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Knowledge: The Planes +10 (5 ranks, +5 int)
Listen +8 (3 ranks, +5 circumstance))
Perform: Oratory +5 (3 ranks, +2 circumstance)
Spellcraft +26 (16 ranks, +5 int, +3 skill focus, +2 synergy)
Spot +10 (3 ranks, +2 feat, +5 circumstance)

- Common, Tashalan, Draconic, Illuskan, Alzhedo, Chondathan, Elven, Infernal, Celestial

Spells Prepared
- Level 0 Spells (DC18): 4 + 1 - Detect Magic x 2, Message x 2+ Resistance
- Level 1 Spells (DC19): 6 + 1 - Magic Missile x 2, Protection from Evil, Grease, Burning Hands, Featherfall + Shield
- Level 2 Spells (DC20): 6 + 1 - False Life, Scorching Ray, Alter Self, Hideous Laughter, Glitterdust, See Invisibility + Resist Energy
- Level 3 Spells (DC21): 6 + 1 - Greater Mage Armor, Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Protection from Energy + Dispel Magic
- Level 4 Spells (DC22): 6 + 1 - Dimension Door, Great Invisibility, Polymorph, Resilient Sphere, Black Tentacles, Stoneskin + Remove Curse
- Level 5 Spells (DC23): 4 + 1 - Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Teleport, Baleful Polymorph + Mage’s Private Sanctum
- Level 6 Spells (DC24): 3 + 1 -Chain Lightning, True Seeing, Freezing Sphere + Greater Dispel Magic
- Level 7 Spells (DC25): 2 + 1 - Prismatic Spray, Forcecage + Banishment

Armor & Shield
- None

Melee weapons
-Dagger+1 +7/+2 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2) (2302gp, 1lb)

Ranged weapons
-Crossbow, light masterwork (335 gp, 3lb)
-20 bolts (cold iron, 4gp, 2lb)
-20 bolts (silver, 42gp, 2lb)
-5 bolts (adamantine, 300 gp, 1lb)

Miscellaneous Magical or Psionic Items
-Ring of Counterspells: Dispel Magic (4000gp, -lb)
-Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (8000gp, -lb)
-Ring of Sustenance (2500 gp, -lb)
-Headband of Intellect +4 (crafted, 8000gp, 640xp, -lb)
-Cloak of Displacement, minor (crafted, 12000gp, 960xp, 1lb)
-Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000 gp, -lb)
-Vest of Resistance +4 (crafted, 8000gp, 640xp, 1lb)
-Handy Haversack (2000 gp, 5lb)
-Boots of Striding & Springing (5500gp, 1lb)
-Moonstone Mask (crafted, 6000gp, 480xp, -lb)
-Mithral Bells, 11 (3700gp, -lb)
-Ioun Stones: Dusty Rose (5000gp, -lb)
-Rod of Lesser Metamagic: Maximize (14000gp, 5lb)
-Rod of Lesser Metamagic: Extend (3000gp, 5lb)
-Blessed Book (crafted, 6250 gp, 1lb) - 368 pages full

-2x Cure Serious Wounds (1500gp, -)
-4x Cure Moderate Wounds (1200 gp, -)
-1x Neutralize Poison (750gp, -)
-1x Water Breathing (750gp, -)
-1x Gaseous Form (750gp, -)
-1x Spider Climb (300gp, -)

Mundane equipment
-2x Explorer’s Outfit, high quality (40gp, 1 worn, 1 8lb)
-2x Courtier’s Outfit (60gp, 12lb)
-Miscellaneous Jewelry (250gp, -)
-Potion Belt, masterwork (60gp, 1lb)
-Spell Component Pouch (5gp, 1lb)
-Bedroll (1sp, 5lb)
-Flint & Steel (1gp, -)

Expensive Material Components
Great Mage Armor: 16 x 25gp = 400gp
True Seeing: 4 x 250gp = 1000gp
Force Cage: 1 x 1500gp = 1500 gp
Stoneskin: 4 x 250gp = 1000gp
(Note - Still working on this section)

Weight Carried: 28lb (rest in Haversack)
Remaining money: about 2626 gp

- Level 0 Spells: Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation
- Level 1 Spells: Mage Armor, Grease, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement, Feather Fall, Protection from Evil, Obscuring Mist (50gp), Unseen Servant (50gp), Identify (50gp), Comprehend Languages (50gp), Charm Person (50gp), Sleep (50gp), Color Spray (50gp), Expeditious Retreat (50gp), Lesser Orb of Acid (50gp), Lesser Orb of Fire (50gp), Lesser Orb of Sound (50gp) + Shield
- Level 2 Spells: Scorching Ray, Blur, False Life, Knock, Alter Self (100gp), Arcane Lock (100gp), Acid Arrow (100gp), Glitterdust (100gp), See Invisibility (100gp), Hideous Laughter (100gp), Gust of Wind (100gp), Shatter (100gp), Darkvision (100gp), Fox’s Cunning (100gp), Fireburst (100gp) + Resist Energy
- Level 3 Spells: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Secret Page, Greater Mage Armor, Protection from Energy (150gp), Arcane Sight (150gp), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (150gp), Daylight (150gp), Displacement (150p), Haste (150gp), Fly (150gp), Water Breathing (150gp), Stinking Cloud (150gp), Bands of Steel (150gp), Resonating Bolt (150gp) + Dispel Magic
- Level 4 Spells: Stoneskin, Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Charm Monster (200gp), Fire Shield (200gp), Resilient Sphere (200gp), Polymorph (200gp), Stone Shape (200gp), Blast of Flame (200gp), Orb of Force (200gp), Burning Blood (200gp) + Remove Curse
- Level 5 Spells: Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Teleport, Dismissal, Break Enchantment (250gp), Cloudkill (250gp), Feeblemind (250gp), Wall of Force (250gp), Overland Flight (250gp), Baleful Polymorph (250gp), Passwall (250gp), Arc of Lightning (250gp), Freezing Fog (250gp), Vitriolic Sphere (250 gp), Mass Fire Shield (250gp) + Mage’s Private Sanctum
- Level 6 Spells: Chain Lightning, Disintegration, True Seeing, Antimagic Field, Global of Invulnerability (300gp), Acid Fog (300gp), Contingency (300gp), Freezing Sphere (300gp), Fiendform (300gp) + Greater Dispel Magic
- Level 7 Spells: Prismatic Spray, Force Cage, Plane Shift (350gp), Power Word Blind (350gp), Delayed Blast Fireball (350gp), Finger of Death (350gp), Limited Wish (350gp) + Banishment

Vaidun stands about six feet in height and has a slim build. His dusky skin in smooth and supple, and his features are refined and pleasant, if not overly handsome. His wide smile shows a perfect set of bright white teeth, and he wears his raven black hair long and braided. His eyes are like a pair of glittering onyx stones, and Vaidun prefers to keep himself clean-shaven and well dressed, being quite meticulous about his grooming. He dresses most often in soft leathers and fine silks, easily fitting in among the noble and wealthy of Waterdeep. His tastes extend to a love of fine jewelry, and he often accentuates his finery with select items of silver, gold and gems.

Keen and perceptive, Vaidun is quick to act and very practical, always able to point out both the strong points and flaws in any plan. His companions appreciate his honesty and forthrightness, and he is well respected among all that know him. Although a brave and confident individual, Vaidun willingly withdraws in the face of overwhelming odds, believing discretion to be the better part of valor. He is an excellent listener, and enjoys telling stories, as well. His sense of humor is well known, and he can often be found joking and laughing.

Growing up in Tashalar and working for his family busioness, Vaidun developed a taste for fine wines and beverages. Undermountain Alurlyath is a particular favorite, and he has gone to great lengths to make the proper contacts in Skullport to ensure that he always has a limited quanity of that fine vintage on hand. He also enjoys music, stories and tales of far away places, fine works of art, and blends of excellent tobaccos. He has a great love of challenges of the mind, and is quick to accept any challenge that relies on wits to sustain him.

Vaidun is familiar with most nations and large cities along the Sword Coast, having traveled extensively before settling in Waterdeep. When not busy adventuring or managing his shop, he can often be found gambling at the Gentle Mermaid or enjoying a drink at the Misty Beard. His mercantile ties to his homeland have served him well, and he helps his family supply fine Tashalar wines to the city for a substantial profit.

Vaidun has an intense passion for language, and is something of a linguist, speaking over half a dozen languages. He see this as a way to increase his knowledge of the arcane, as it broadens the sources he can pursue in his quest for eldritch might.

Vaidun hails from the southern realm of Tashalar, the son of a wealthy merchant lord. As such, his aptitude for magic was identified at an early age, and his family had the wealth to help him develop and harness that ability, apprenticing him to the wizard Glhoe Zarunn. After many years of study, Vaidun was deemed adequately schooled, and returned to help his family run their booming wine and liquor business.

An adventurous streak, coupled with the need to be on his own, led Vaidun to begin accompany shipments to their destinations, and the young wizard traveled the Shining Seas and Lake of Steam regions, and all along the Sword Coast. Eventually, Vaidun settled in the City of Splendors., where he still acts as a front man for his family’s business when he is not busy adventuring. He spends the rest of his time adventuring, seeking the fortune and glory that comes with such pursuits.

His adventuring career has taken him across the North. He has made incursions into Undermountain, explored caverns in the Star Mounts, trekked across the High Moor, and generally traveled far and wide across the Savage Frontier. He dreams of someday exploring the Fallen Lands and western Anarauch, hoping to discover the secrets of the ancient Netheril Empire.

Vaidun keeps a quaint but well-appointed townhome in North Ward, on the north side of Tarsar’s Street just west of the Roaringhorn Villa. His shop, Kale’s Fine Wines and Spirits, is located near where the High Road and Trader’s Way meet.

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