D&D 4E Vancian Magic 4e

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Could a wizard have daily spell slots, encounter slots (that could be switched out during short rests), and some at-will spells? It's not a huge jump from what we currently have; the main issue is the very limited number of slots 2/3/3 that 4e characters currently have.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
News: I want my magic back!

Although chances are high, i got fooled, I actually believe that such a design could work...

You didn't get fooled, I promise. That was posted yesterday, not today. We're definitely doing this. April Fool jokes are one thing, but deceiving people into parting with money for a subscription based on a non-existent article series would be something else entirely. :)

The first article - the Mage - will appear in the next week or so. That article includes the class, an introduction to the whole series, counterspelling (which we're writing in as a core feature), the schools of magic, and a sampling of 8-10 spells.

Subsequent articles (and there will be a lot of them) will include more spells (themed collections, spells written by specific mages, spells of a certain level, and so on - until we're covered the whole lot, although we'll likely add new ones in, too), paragon paths (based on school specializations, theme specializations such as a "fire mage", etc.), iconic NPCs (essentially our own "Circle of Eight"), and more.

I am totally happy with the 4e wizard... especially with the mage who does not unlearn anything. But there are certain things that I miss.

I really believe, it can Work. And with essentials and Psionics as alternatives to the base structure, there is nothing preventing someone to make up a good and hopefully balanced "only daily" user...

Actually this was one of the things, I expected necromancer games to create...
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I'm on the fence with this, but it's worth exploring (looks at his mountain of 3.x books). Wouldn't the term 'Mage' as a class also be covered as not being redefinable? I'll have to have one of my players try out Vanceamancy in 4e.


First Post
I am very happy with the 4E wizard also. Powerful and encounter-changing dailies, some good utilities, and at wills to keep him doing damage without pulling out a staff or a crossbow.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I'm supportive, simply because I encourage any deviation from the AEDU setup. 4e is a lot more flexible than its initial design displayed it to be.

Awesome! just what 4th edition needed! A return to the :):):):):):) design of previous editions where casters solved everyone's problems and dictated the length of the adventuring day.

Anyone who seriously thinks mages need this should just head for Pathfinder, with their unapologetic caster supremacy. Between a versatile spellbook and ritual magic, the mage class in 4th edition already has TOO MUCH.

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