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Variant rogue


OK, one of my players came up with a variant rogue he wants to play in the next campaign. It is loosely based on a class from the World of Warcraft D20 game.

I would appreciate any comments on this. Is the class too powerful? Too weird? I am hesitant to allow it, as I have no idea if it's balanced.

The melee Rogue (For the player who wants more than, hide – sneak attack – hide – sneak attack)

Skill points: 4+int modifier

Proficiencies: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor. Not proficient with shields.

Class skills: Balance, bluff, climb, craft, diplomacy, disguise, escape artist, hide, intimidate, jump, listen, move silently, profession, search, sleight of hand, spot, swim, tumble, and use rope.

Hit dice: D6

Energy: A rogue can use his special abilities and finishing moves a number of times per day equal to his total rogue levels + his dexterity modifier. He does not lose energy for a negative dexterity modifier. The rogue replenish all his energy once per day after resting.
Level 1 Special ability, Finishing Move Fort, Ref, Will

+0+2+0 BAB:

Level 2 Special feat +0+3+0 +1
Level 3 Special ability +1+3+1 +2
Level 4 +1+4+1 +3
Level 5 Special ability, +1+4+1 +3
Level 6 Finishing Move +2+5+2 +4
Level 7 Special Feat +2+5+2 +5
Level 8 +2+6+2 +6/+1
Level 9 Special ability, +3+6+3 +6/+1
Level 10 Special feat +3+7+3 +7/+2
Level 11 Finishing move +3+7+3 +8/+3
Level 12 +4+8+4 +9/+4
Level 13 Special feat +4+8+4 +9/+4
Level 14 +4+9+4 +10/+5
Level 15 Finishing Move, +5+9+5 +11/+6/+1
Level 16 Special feat +5+10+5 +12/+7/+2
Level 17 Special ability +5+10+5 +12/+7/+2
Level 18 +6+11+6 +13/+8/+3
Level 19 Special feat +6+11+6 +14/+9/+4
Level 20 Finishing Move +6+12+6 +15/+10/+5

Special abilities:

Each ability costs the rogue 1 energy and is used in conjunction with an attack, and the attack must be made with a one handed weapon. Special abilities are not stand alone actions, they are always in conjunction with an attack unless stated otherwise. A special ability can only be used if the wearer wears medium armour or lighter. The rogue must state if he is using a special ability before the attack roll. If the rogues attack fail he uses up 1 energy for the day. Special abilities do not

multiply on a critical hit unless stated otherwise. Special abilities are not precision based damage. The attack must hit for a combo point to be gained. Combo points lasts until the rogue attacks a new target, uses a finishing move, or the target dies. All rogue abilities can stack (if they last more than one round) up to a maximum of 5 times.

Sinister strike:

The rogue deals normal damage and additional 1d6 +1/every 3rd rogue level (I.e. At level 3 sinister strike deals an additional 1d6+2 damage). This adds a combo point to the target.

Cheap Shot:

If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be paralysed for 1 round. The rogue must catch the target flat footed to use this ability. This adds a combo point.


If the rogue deals damage in a melee attack against the target, then the target bleeds for 1d3 htp +1/every 3rd rogue level for a number of rounds equal to ½ the rogues’ level (minimum 1 round). This effect can only be stopped by a heal check [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or 1 point of magical healing per rogue level. The rogue must catch the target flat footed to use this ability. This adds a combo point.


If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be dazed for 1 round. This adds a combo point.


The rogue must catch the target flat footed to use this ability. The rogue deals double normal damage on one attack, and this damage does multiply on a critical hit. This adds a combo point.


If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be blinded for 1 round. This adds a combo point


The rogue must ready to interrupt the casting of a spell. When he interrupts, and if the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the caster must make a concentration check [DC: 10 + the rogues level + dex modifier] or the caster fails the spell. This ability can be used in place of an attack of opportunity or as a readied action. This adds a combo point.

Finishing moves

After a Rogue adds combo points (max 5) he may execute a finishing move. This costs 1 energy. Finishing move is a full round action and must be preformed with a one handed melee weapon. The rogue must state that he uses a finishing move before an attack roll. If the rogues attack fail, he uses up 1 energy for the day. Finishing moves does not multiply on a critical hit, and finishing moves are not precision based damage.


The rogue deals normal damage and additional 1d8 +2/per combo point (i.e. if the target has two combo points, eviscerate deals 1d8 +4 damage). This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.

Expose armour:

If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the target loses 2 AC per combo point for a number of rounds equal to ½ rogues level (minimum 1 round). This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.


If the rogue deals damage on a melee attack against the target, then the target bleeds for 1d4 htp per combo point for a number of rounds equal to ½ rogues level (minimum 1 round). ).This effect can only be stopped by a heal check [DC: 10 + the rogues level + dex modifier] or 2 point of magical healing per rogue level. This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.

Slice and Dice:

The rogue gains 1 extra attack for 1 round per combo point. This attack is at the rogues highest base attack bonus -5. This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.

Crippling strike:

If the rogue deals damage on a melee attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or the target receives 1 str and 1 dex ability damage per combo point. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to ½ the rogues’ level (minimum 1 round). This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.

Kidney shot:

If the rogue deals damage on a melee attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be dazed for 1 round per combo point.

Special feats

If noted the special feat can replace a normal bonus feat granted by level. These feats are restricted to the melee rogue.

Improved sinister strike

Prerequisite: Sinister strike

Benefit: Deal +3 damage with your sinister strike

Improved Eviscerate

Prerequisite: Eviscerate

Benefit: Eviscerate now deals 2 more damage per combo point

Improved Slice and Dice

Prerequisite: Slice and Dice

Benefit: Your slice and Dice now has -3 penalty instead of -5 to base attack

Improved Expose Armour

Prerequisite: Expose Armour

Benefit: The target loses 1 more AC per combo point

Improved Kidney shot

Prerequisite: Kidney shot

Benefit: While dazed all damage dealt to the target is increased by 2 dice.

Improved Ambush

Prerequisite: Ambush

Benefit: When using Ambush your critical threat range is increased by 3 after all other modifiers


Prerequisite: Improved Sinister strike, Improved eviscerate

Benefit: Your sinister strike and eviscerate deals +1 die of damage (total 2d6 for sinister strike and total 2d8 for eviscerate)

Cold blood

Benefit: 1/day you may automatically confirm a critical threat against a critical hit

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Seal fate

Prerequisite: Cold blood

Benefit: If you critical hit a target when using a special ability you may add an other combo point to the target

Quick recovery

Benefit: All healing effects on you heal 50% more than normal. Also, if you fail to hit with a finishing move, the next attempt to hit with a finishing move on the same target costs no energy.

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Deadened nerves

Prerequisite: Quick recovery

Benefit: You gain damage reduction 1/- This feat can be taken up to three times

Nerves of steel

Prerequisite: Quick recovery, Deadened nerves

Benefit: You may reroll once whenever you fail a will save


Benefit: You gain additional 3 energy, this feat may be taken only once.

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Adrenaline rush

Prerequisite: Vigor

Benefit: As an immediate action you gain 1 energy per round (starting the round you activate the ability) for 5 rounds. You may do this once per day at level 1-10 and twice per day at level 11-20

Surprise attacks

Prerequisite: Adrenaline rush, Vigor

Benefit: when you use sinister strike, gauge, kick and blind the target is denied any dodge bonus to AC

Precise strike

Prerequisite: Any rogue ability with a save involved

Benefit: That save now has 3 higher DC. This feat may be taken only once per ability, but may be applied to any number of abilities.

Rougly two weapon fighting

Prerequisite: Two weapon fighting, Rogue lvl 3

Benefit: you may use your full strength modifier when using an off hand weapon

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Combat potency

Prerequisite: Rougly two weapon fighting

Benefit: whenever you roll 19-20 with your off-hand weapon you gain back 1 energy (can not exceed your maximum energy)

Blade twisting

Prerequisite: Sinister strike, ambush, gouge or garrotte

Benefit: If you hit with sinister strike, ambush, gouge or garrotte the target must take a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or move half speed for a number of rounds equal to ½ rogues level (minimum 1 round).

Open wounds

Prerequisite: Rupture or garrotte

Benefit: Your rupture or garrotte lasts for 3 additional rounds

Deadly opportunist

Prerequisite: Base attack +4

Benefit: You deal 1d6 extra damage to any target that is flat footed or in any way denied dexterity bonus to AC

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level


Prerequisite: Deadly opportunist

Benefit: Any attack made to a flat footed target deals your dexterity bonus in addition to the weapon damage


Benefit: See PH

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Improved Evasion

Prerequisite: Evasion

Benefit: See PH

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level


Prerequisite: Base attack +7

Benefit: See PH

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Uncanny Dodge

Prerequisite: Base attack +1

Benefit: See PH

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

Improved Uncanny Dodge

Prerequisite: Base attack +4

Benefit: See PH

Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level

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First Post
Well, I haven't looked over the feats yet (the bad formatting of the post makes it harder to read), but so far it looks kinda weak compared to a standard rogue.

Considering how it's set up, I'd give it d10 hit dice instead of d6s.

Call it a Thug, because that's what it is, not really a Rogue.

Also, Kidney Shot should at least stun the victim, not daze them. You ain't just gonna be dazed when you get hit in the kidneys, you're going to be in excruciating pain.

Probably give the class a strong Fortitude save, alongside its strong Reflex save, so it can actually have a decent chance of resisting the special attacks of other people with the class.

I'm not really sure how much else would be needed to make it effective; that might be enough or it might not.


Sorry for the formatting, I just copied and pasted it from the e-mail I received from the player. I agree that it is far from unbalancing. The only thing I want to downgrade is the Rupture-ability. Even magical bleeding only requires 1 hp of magical healing damage, so I think it is too much that this special ability requires 2 hp per level.

The player has revised the class after I posted this, so I might post the new version later on.


First Post
Not sure if it bothers anyone else much, but I had to do this, for my sanity's sake. . .

[color=DeepSkyBlue][b]	Base Attack	Fort	Ref	Will	
Level	Bonus		Save	Save	Save	Special[/b]
1	+0		+0	+2	+0	Special ability, finishing move
2	+1		+0	+3	+0	Special feat
3	+2		+1	+3	+1	Special ability
4	+3		+1	+4	+1	
5	+3		+1	+4	+1	Special ability
6	+4		+2	+5	+2	Finishing move
7	+5		+2	+5	+2 	Special feat
8	+6/+1		+2	+6	+2	
9	+6/+1		+3	+6	+3	Special ability
10	+7/+2		+3	+7	+3	Special feat
11	+8/+3		+3	+7	+3	Finishing move
12	+9/+4		+4	+8	+4	
13	+9/+4		+4	+8	+4	Special feat
14	+10/+5		+4	+9	+4	
15	+11/+6/+1	+5	+9	+5	Finishing move
16	+12/+7/+2	+5	+10	+5	Special feat
17	+12/+7/+2	+5	+10	+5	Special ability
18	+13/+8/+3	+6	+11	+6	
19	+14/+9/+4	+6	+11	+6	Special feat
20	+15/+10/+5	+6	+12	+6	Finishing move[/color]

Now for some actual analysing. . . :)


First Post
I'd rather go with this formatting :
[b]            HD:[/b] d6
[b]           BAB:[/b] medium
[b]         saves:[/b] low Fort, high Ref, low Will
[b]base skill pts:[/b] 4

[u][b]Lvl  Special[/b]                         [/u]
1    Special ability, Finishing move
2    Special feat
3    Special ability
4    -
5    Special ability
6    Finishing move
7    Special feat
8    -
9    Special ability
10   Special feat
11   Finishing move
12   -
13   Special feat
14   -
15   Finishing move
16   Special feat
17   Special ability
18   -
19   Special feat
20   Finishing move
[sblock=Class features]

Special ability
Each ability costs the rogue 1 energy and is used in conjunction with an attack, and the attack must be made with a one handed weapon. Special abilities are not stand alone actions, they are always in conjunction with an attack unless stated otherwise. A special ability can only be used if the wearer wears medium armour or lighter. The rogue must state if he is using a special ability before the attack roll. If the rogues attack fail he uses up 1 energy for the day.
Special abilities do not multiply on a critical hit unless stated otherwise. Special abilities are not precision based damage. The attack must hit for a combo point to be gained. Combo points lasts until the rogue attacks a new target, uses a finishing move, or the target dies. All rogue abilities can stack (if they last more than one round) up to a maximum of 5 times.
  • Sinister strike:
    The rogue deals normal damage and additional 1d6 +1/every 3rd rogue level (I.e. At level 3 sinister strike deals an additional 1d6+2 damage). This adds a combo point to the target.
  • Cheap Shot:
    If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be paralysed for 1 round. The rogue must catch the target flat footed to use this ability. This adds a combo point.
  • Garrotte:
    If the rogue deals damage in a melee attack against the target, then the target bleeds for 1d3 htp +1/every 3rd rogue level for a number of rounds equal to ½ the rogues’ level (minimum 1 round). This effect can only be stopped by a heal check [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or 1 point of magical healing per rogue level. The rogue must catch the target flat footed to use this ability. This adds a combo point.
  • Gouge:
    If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be dazed for 1 round. This adds a combo point.
  • Ambush:
    The rogue must catch the target flat footed to use this ability. The rogue deals double normal damage on one attack, and this damage does multiply on a critical hit. This adds a combo point.
  • Blind:
    If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be blinded for 1 round. This adds a combo point
  • Kick:
    The rogue must ready to interrupt the casting of a spell. When he interrupts, and if the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the caster must make a concentration check [DC: 10 + the rogues level + dex modifier] or the caster fails the spell. This ability can be used in place of an attack of opportunity or as a readied action. This adds a combo point.

Finishing move
After a Rogue adds combo points (max 5) he may execute a finishing move. This costs 1 energy. Finishing move is a full round action and must be preformed with a one handed melee weapon. The rogue must state that he uses a finishing move before an attack roll. If the rogues attack fail, he uses up 1 energy for the day. Finishing moves does not multiply on a critical hit, and finishing moves are not precision based damage.
  • Eviscerate:
    The rogue deals normal damage and additional 1d8 +2/per combo point (i.e. if the target has two combo points, eviscerate deals 1d8 +4 damage). This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.
  • Expose armour:
    If the rogue succeeds on a touch attack against the target, then the target loses 2 AC per combo point for a number of rounds equal to ½ rogues level (minimum 1 round). This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.
  • Rupture:
    If the rogue deals damage on a melee attack against the target, then the target bleeds for 1d4 htp per combo point for a number of rounds equal to ½ rogues level (minimum 1 round). ).This effect can only be stopped by a heal check [DC: 10 + the rogues level + dex modifier] or 2 point of magical healing per rogue level. This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.
  • Slice and Dice:
    The rogue gains 1 extra attack for 1 round per combo point. This attack is at the rogues highest base attack bonus -5. This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.
  • Crippling strike:
    If the rogue deals damage on a melee attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or the target receives 1 str and 1 dex ability damage per combo point. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to ½ the rogues’ level (minimum 1 round). This removes all the rogues’ combo point from the target.
  • Kidney shot:
    If the rogue deals damage on a melee attack against the target, then the target must make a fort save [DC: 10 + ½ the rogues level + dex modifier] or be dazed for 1 round per combo point.

Special feat
If noted the special feat can replace a normal bonus feat granted by level. These feats are restricted to the melee rogue.
  • Improved sinister strike
    Prerequisite: Sinister strike
    Benefit: Deal +3 damage with your sinister strike
  • Improved Eviscerate
    Prerequisite: Eviscerate
    Benefit: Eviscerate now deals 2 more damage per combo point
  • Improved Slice and Dice
    Prerequisite: Slice and Dice
    Benefit: Your slice and Dice now has -3 penalty instead of -5 to base attack
  • Improved Expose Armour
    Prerequisite: Expose Armour
    Benefit: The target loses 1 more AC per combo point
  • Improved Kidney shot
    Prerequisite: Kidney shot
    Benefit: While dazed all damage dealt to the target is increased by 2 dice.
  • Improved Ambush
    Prerequisite: Ambush
    Benefit: When using Ambush your critical threat range is increased by 3 after all other modifiers
  • Aggression
    Prerequisite: Improved Sinister strike, Improved eviscerate
    Benefit: Your sinister strike and eviscerate deals +1 die of damage (total 2d6 for sinister strike and total 2d8 for eviscerate)
  • Cold blood
    Benefit: 1/day you may automatically confirm a critical threat against a critical hit
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Seal fate
    Prerequisite: Cold blood
    Benefit: If you critical hit a target when using a special ability you may add an other combo point to the target
  • Quick recovery
    Benefit: All healing effects on you heal 50% more than normal. Also, if you fail to hit with a finishing move, the next attempt to hit with a finishing move on the same target costs no energy.
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Deadened nerves
    Prerequisite: Quick recovery
    Benefit: You gain damage reduction 1/- This feat can be taken up to three times
  • Nerves of steel
    Prerequisite: Quick recovery, Deadened nerves
    Benefit: You may reroll once whenever you fail a will save
  • Vigor
    Benefit: You gain additional 3 energy, this feat may be taken only once.
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Adrenaline rush
    Prerequisite: Vigor
    Benefit: As an immediate action you gain 1 energy per round (starting the round you activate the ability) for 5 rounds. You may do this once per day at level 1-10 and twice per day at level 11-20
  • Surprise attacks
    Prerequisite: Adrenaline rush, Vigor
    Benefit: when you use sinister strike, gauge, kick and blind the target is denied any dodge bonus to AC
  • Precise strike
    Prerequisite: Any rogue ability with a save involved
    Benefit: That save now has 3 higher DC. This feat may be taken only once per ability, but may be applied to any number of abilities.
  • Rougly two weapon fighting
    Prerequisite: Two weapon fighting, Rogue lvl 3
    Benefit: you may use your full strength modifier when using an off hand weapon
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Combat potency
    Prerequisite: Rougly two weapon fighting
    Benefit: whenever you roll 19-20 with your off-hand weapon you gain back 1 energy (can not exceed your maximum energy)
  • Blade twisting
    Prerequisite: Sinister strike, ambush, gouge or garrotte
    Benefit: If you hit with sinister strike, ambush, gouge or garrotte the target must take a fort save [DC: 10 + 1/2 the rogues level + dex modifier] or move half speed for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 rogues level (minimum 1 round).
  • Open wounds
    Prerequisite: Rupture or garrotte
    Benefit: Your rupture or garrotte lasts for 3 additional rounds
  • Deadly opportunist
    Prerequisite: Base attack +4
    Benefit: You deal 1d6 extra damage to any target that is flat footed or in any way denied dexterity bonus to AC
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Deadliness
    Prerequisite: Deadly opportunist
    Benefit: Any attack made to a flat footed target deals your dexterity bonus in addition to the weapon damage
  • Evasion
    Benefit: See PH
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Improved Evasion
    Prerequisite: Evasion
    Benefit: See PH
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Stalk
    Prerequisite: Base attack +7
    Benefit: See PH
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Uncanny Dodge
    Prerequisite: Base attack +1
    Benefit: See PH
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
  • Improved Uncanny Dodge
    Prerequisite: Base attack +4
    Benefit: See PH
    Special: This feat can be taken instead of a normal feat granted by level
if you like it, simply "Quote" me and remove the 'sblock' tags ^^

on the analyse, I'd side with Arkhandus, this is quite a nerf: he is no longer the skill monkey, you could as well remove the social skills: I think this king of "rogue" will focus on damage and will therefore dump CHA.
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So I take it it's not broken at all?

I'm concerned about how "strange" it is, with all this energy and combo thingy going on. I mean, the special abilities require five combo points (five hits) in order to execute. How many opponents lasts five rounds (and five hits from a rogue).


First Post
beware the word broken: as someone explained in another thread a class/feat is broken when it breaks the game (pretty straight forward he!) i.e. make it unplayable/unenjoyable. This is often tied to overpowered, because when you overpower anything else, you broke the game. But the reverse is also true: Fighter is broken ... just because he is sooo underpowered.

so yeah basically, this version is not overpowered.
I'm not familiar with d20-WoW, so I have no idea how the Energy gauge is handled (having some background in the MMO, I see how it's used but can't tell how the d20 rules translated the size/regeneration etc)

For the 'strangeness', I will leave it to your group, it's all matter of personal interpretation.

Just a note, but 5 hits and 5 rounds are far from the same thing to me: at low level you can hit twice per round (TWF) and it grows when you gain levels.
And for the last part of your sentence, you make a reference to the std Rogue don't you? because this brew will do near nothing but accumulate combo points on a critter for a few rounds before doing sth flashy and cool to finish it off (or seriously impeding him).
I guess your player will have to plan carefully how combat is handled with his mates (both IG and IRL) because nothing sucks more than having spent 4 atk on a guy for your THF-PA-happy buddy take the kill himself. Arguably, std Rogue already need some planning if he wants to flank.
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I didn't think about TWF, but even this rogue will have problems hitting five times before the opponent is dead. His Base Atk isn't that high. I can clearly picture this player begging the other characters to not interfere in his battles, so that he can use his flashy moves.


Trellian said:
I didn't think about TWF, but even this rogue will have problems hitting five times before the opponent is dead. His Base Atk isn't that high. I can clearly picture this player begging the other characters to not interfere in his battles, so that he can use his flashy moves.

Thanks for the re-formatting Asurya - I couldn't read it very well with out.

I'm going to quote you in this and bold that part that I think needs fixing. By your own judgement the class is broken. The rogue is powerful -if- it can it. Give the character class something to hit with. Here is my insertion - free for you.

Deft Hands: Feat - The rogue uses his skills of pick pocket and sleight of hand to attack.
The player can use his Dex Bonus, Pick Pocket Skill Bonus, or Sleight of Hand bonus instead of his Base Attack Bonus for an attack. Using this feat requires a full round action.

Calculated Attack: Feat - The rogue has studied armor and knows how to find the openings and gaps in the armor.
If the target is wearing armor the rogue is proficient with the rogue makes attacks against that targets "Touch AC".

Now the rogue can hit something and use those other special abilities.


First Post
he player can use his Dex Bonus, Pick Pocket Skill Bonus, or Sleight of Hand bonus instead of his Base Attack Bonus

This means he can hit like a fighter with 3 levels more than him ( max skill = level + 3).

I think it is an incredibly strong feat ...

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