Vasorn, the World Under Dragonfire

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Dessa looks up at the bickering, and bares her teeth at Durlp and Gortag in what could be taken for a smile or a rebuke, depending on your point of view.*

"Don't worry Durlp, there's going to be plenty of sneaking and not so much of the fighting. Unless it's dragons of course. We mean to take out as many of the overseers as we can. As far as I'm aware it's an adult amythyst called Gardanax and several of his half-dragon dwarven offspring. Also it seems that old Sarellion, the sapphire, has a few of his kids working there as well. This will be a difficult one..." Dessa breaks off as Kialarakrey enters from the back of the tent.

*The drow priestess is thin, her body honed by the intense physical training necessary for anyone in the resistance. However, her dress is somewhat ostentacious, being made of spider-silk woven with silver. An impractical garment, but a pretty one. Her hair is pulled back in a ring that resembles a spiderweb, and a spider pendent of silver and obsidian hangs from around her neck. Sweeping over in front of the group, she sinks bonelessly to the floor on a cushion. She nods once at Dessa before addressing everyone else.*

"I have communed with Lolth about your current mission, and have come away troubled. She urged that many more than the usual Cagebreakers be summoned," Kialarakrey says, locking gazes briefly with everyone in the room as she speaks. "There will be trouble, heavier resistance than normal... I believe they anticipate our usual raids, which is why I've tried to make this one as unusual as possible.

"I also had a rather cryptic comment, one that makes little sense to me. 'Blue mind brings father's grief and darkness joy.' I would have you consider it and keep it in mind... as I believe it will become relevant during this Cagebreak," she says, looking faintly troubled.
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First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"I also had a rather cryptic comment, one that makes little sense to me. 'Blue mind brings father's grief and darkness joy.' I would have you consider it and keep it in mind... as I believe it will become relevant during this Cagebreak," she says, looking faintly troubled.

"Blue? Will tere be a blue dragon? Or saphirre dragons. Isn't they are blue too?"

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Grim Daergal, Svirfneblin Cagebreaker

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Dessa looks up at the bickering, and bares her teeth at Durlp and Gortag in what could be taken for a smile or a rebuke, depending on your point of view.*

"Don't worry Durlp, there's going to be plenty of sneaking and not so much of the fighting. Unless it's dragons of course. We mean to take out as many of the overseers as we can. As far as I'm aware it's an adult amythyst called Gardanax and several of his half-dragon dwarven offspring. Also it seems that old Sarellion, the sapphire, has a few of his kids working there as well. This will be a difficult one..." Dessa breaks off as Kialarakrey enters from the back of the tent.

*The drow priestess is thin, her body honed by the intense physical training necessary for anyone in the resistance. However, her dress is somewhat ostentacious, being made of spider-silk woven with silver. An impractical garment, but a pretty one. Her hair is pulled back in a ring that resembles a spiderweb, and a spider pendent of silver and obsidian hangs from around her neck. Sweeping over in front of the group, she sinks bonelessly to the floor on a cushion. She nods once at Dessa before addressing everyone else.*

"I have communed with Lolth about your current mission, and have come away troubled. She urged that many more than the usual Cagebreakers be summoned," Kialarakrey says, locking gazes briefly with everyone in the room as she speaks. "There will be trouble, heavier resistance than normal... I believe they anticipate our usual raids, which is why I've tried to make this one as unusual as possible.

"I also had a rather cryptic comment, one that makes little sense to me. 'Blue mind brings father's grief and darkness joy.' I would have you consider it and keep it in mind... as I believe it will become relevant during this Cagebreak," she says, looking faintly troubled.

"Gem dragons? Not so easy to fool, then, though if worst comes to worst less likely to kill us all before we can flee."


First Post
Ishamael elven bard

Ishamale sits in the corner, looking, listening, his face totally blank. Eyes that have seen too much watch the discussion unfold. His long, slender fingers caress a harp, its haunting melody drifting as a shroud in the background of the conversation.


"Feh! Meph...yup them sound like gem dragons. Pheh!" Durlp coughs from some sickness he is never rid of. "Sappheers is blue, yes. Seem's pretty obvious to me, spiderlady, yes it do at that. Pheh! We go upper? Durlp take you there. Avenge all you like. Them's killed my people but I'm not suicidal. Dragons! Pheh!"

His plump pink tale flops over to his opposide side as Durlp leans over to lounge on his side. The mangy fur over his stomach emits an awful smell as he exposes it more fully. Patches are missing in some places but the ratkin doesn't seem to mind. His whiskers twitch as he suddenly becomes aware of the close quarters...

Isida Kep'Tukari

"It might be something or somebody relating to the sapphire, old Sarellion. Either way, keep your eyes, ears, and minds open when you go," Kialarakrey says.

*Kialarakrey wrinkles her nose when Durlp shifts position and Dessa shoots the wererat a sharp glance.*

"Durlp, you're a fine scout, but clean yourself up before we go! The dragons will smell you miles away. 'A dirty Cagebreaker is a dead Cagebreaker,'" she says a bit sharply.

*The priestess recalls your attention, standing and holding up her hands.*

"The blessings of Lolth are upon you, may you be as shadows, unseen and unheard by our foes. May you strike as swift as the spider and as deep," she intones, making a gesture of blessing.


First Post
Gortag - Orc - Barbarian/Figther

"And now that we have that warning for our next mission. What is the next mission?" say the orc.
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Durlp - Gnomish Wererat Cavewalker

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Durlp, you're a fine scout, but clean yourself up before we go! The dragons will smell you miles away. 'A dirty Cagebreaker is a dead Cagebreaker,'" she says a bit sharply.

"Heh heh...HA!..heh...Durlp is as good a tracker and guide as any, says I. *snort* And if he wants to, no dragon will find him...HA! Heh... Let's get on with it. Tired of sitting here...drinks are good though...heh..."

He takes another swig, polishing off his drink. That done, he inserts his long tongue into the container, making sure to consume every last drop. The slurping noises are quite disturbing...

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Dessa nods to Kelarakray briefly as she stands.*

"Come on, let's go take a look at the better maps and I can fill everyone in on the details," Dessa says, exiting the tent.

*Quickly she walks over to one of the larger tents, lit inside with magical glowglobes in order to reduce danger to the maps. A massive table made of slabs of stone has been set up and three more cagebreakers, two drow and a svirfneblin, are examining a map.*

"Renea, Ellimon, and Guran," she says by way of introduction.

*Renea is a slight drow woman wearing practical clothes, a scroll belt, and wand bracers. Ellimon is a well-built older drow man with heavy burn scars on his face, the only flesh exposed. He has two hand crossbows on his belt and two capped quivers of bolts, marked with a prominant symbol of poison. Guran is the svirneblin, a young-looking man, almost a boy, with dark patches of scales on his body, heavy muscles, and sharp teeth and claws.*

*Grim, you know all three, as all are experienced Cagebreakers. Renea is a wizard and locksmith, skilled with all the layers of deception and traps that dragons put on their slaves and their treasure. Ellimon used to be the slave of a young, cruel red, used to defend his lair against rivals. When he failed once, he was nearly burned alive and dumped in a canyon, not even worth eating. He was found by the resistance, healed despite all odds, and took up the mantle of assassin. An expert poison-brewer with a keen knowledge of dragon anatomy, he has slain two dragons single-handedly.*

*Guran's mother was a breeding slave of Sssarendor, an ancient shadow wyrm so cruel and powerful he has yet to be touched by the resistance. When the pregnant svirfneblin woman was being transfered from Sssarendor's personal lair to a more distant holding, she was rescued by the resistance. Guran was born into a resistance camp and raised to hate the dragons as much as anyone. Twice as eager to prove his worth despite his heritage, he has shown to be an adept fighter. This will be only his third Cagebreak.*

*All of you would have at least heard of Guran and probably seen him at least once. Renea and Ellion the rest know my reputation only.*

*The three nod at the assembled party and gesture them over to the map. It shows several views of the Darkstone mine, with the Cages of the slaves outlined with heavy lines.*

"There's supposed to be four half-dragon overseerers, plus Gardanax, in addition to some twenty dragonkin guards, at least last time we checked," Renea says, pointing to places on the map that indicate bedrooms for the officers.

*Dessa quickly fills them in on Kelarakray's informaion and Ellion curses.*

"Sarellion's offspring are no pushovers. I can only hope he would send only his worst or least-trusted to Darkstone. Gardanax is young, but competent, and has plenty of his own children. I bet if there really are any of Sarellion's kin he only sent them to spy. Thank luck that dragons are so bloody competitve," Ellion says in his harsh, crow-like voice.

*Renea bends down over the map again and points to some of the hidden tunnels that will allow the Cagebreak team to reach the upper level. The going will be a bit rough, involving some climbing, or flying as the case may be.*

"The thing is is there's about eighty slaves. A quarter will be children and another quarter are probably either old, pregnant, crippled, or so broken in spirit that they'll be hard to move. This is going to be tricky, particularly with the route we're going to have to take," she mutters.

"The mindflayers said they were going to create the expected attack when they break to the lower level so they don't get suspscious. Aboleth A-si'ra was going to send some skum to add muscle to the attack for good measure. Aside from that, what other ideas do you have?" Dessa asks, turning to the party. "You obviously have plenty of useful skills that we don't always have the opportunity to use, so speak up!"


First Post
"I know pretty much what is happening in and around arenas, but outside, I don't have that much knowledge. But any dragon child have a tendency to use their brute strenght when figthing in combat. At least, they teach me how to figth as many half-blooded learn, and that's why I was that successfull in arenas. But that only a generality, I can't tell anything about them."

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