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Vehicle Combat Questions for Star Wars


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I just got my feet wet again running a Star Wars game. Last time I ran, I avoided the vehicle and starship combat rules like the plague and played them fast and loose. This time around I'm trying to give them a chance. That being said, I came up with several questions after running a scenario involving an air taxi. Some involved that scenario and some I thought about after the game and future potential issues.

1) Do you apply the vehicle's speed defense modifier to the pilot of a speeder bike if he is the target of the attack? In other words, if a player shoots at the scout trooper and not the speeder bike, does the scout trooper get a defense modifier based on the speed category his vehicle is traveling?

2) Do vehicle speed modifiers to rolls/check modifiers apply to piloting checks?

3) Do the speed roll/check modifiers apply to crew on a starship that tries to help out by operating sensors, rerouting power, operating shields, etc. according to rules on page 225?

4) Can someone explain what the Ion Damage chart on page 190 means? What do the different ionization effects actually do to a vehicle or starship within the rules? I understand that a repair check is needed. However, does the ion damage short out systems making piloting checks harder, sensors malfunction, attack rolls at penalties, turn off shields, deactivate ion engines? What effect on the chart corresponds to the effects I listed? Is that written up somewhere else, or is that for me to determine?

5) Under Failed Stunts under vehicles and starships, the book states that a if a pilot check fails by 10 or more, the pilot might lose control of the vehicle or starship. Then those sections indicate that a pilot must make a nother check against the same DC as the original failed check. If the second check fails, the pilot has lost control of her vehicle.

I'm a bit confused on where the line "a failure by 10 or more" comes in. Does that mean that if you fail your inital stunt piloting check by less than 10, you do not need to roll a second check to see if you lose control? Or, do you immediately lose control of the ship if you fail an initial stunt check by 10 or more? Or, do you roll the second check only if you fail your initial stunt by 10 or more?

Thanks for answering any questions you can.

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Gaelinic: Please note that the following is my interpretation of the rules and may differ from others. That being said:

1) Yes. In theory, you could think of it as the trooper moving at that speed.

2) Yes. Think of it this way: it is a heck of a lot harder to make a tight turn at higher speeds than lower ones.

3) I would rule no on this one. Though the rules say that it affects the checks of the crew (a rather vague description, IMHO), common sense tells you that speed affects only targetting and piloting. But that is more my opinion than RAW.

4) As per the rules on 217, ion damage makes it impossible to move, fire or perform stunts until the damage is fixed. The DC is set by the amount of ionization. Detailed descriptions are GM territory.

5) You only roll the second check if you fail the first by 10 or more. Failing the first by less than 10 just means that you didn't perform the stunt. Some of the stunts have special rules for failing by other amounts.

Hope that helps!

Every time I've run a Star Wars game (d6 and d20), i've always played the vehicle/starship combat sessions "fast and loose" as you put it. I tend not to worry overly much about speed modifiers to Pilot checks and ship Defense and so on. In a way, I treat space combat much the way Lucas did; as a means to tell a story, with a few numbers tossed in to help me keep track of who's where and doing what to whom.

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