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VILLAINS - Marvel Minions


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I am looking for alternate villain, and I must tell for now, none have the charm of the Enforcers to me. I'll come out with at least one alternete next week (yeah, I am off for the week-end, so I dunno if I will be online during that time).

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Kevin Perrine

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hero4hire said:
If there is still room I'd love to play.

I'd be interested in playing Bullet (he seemed to have a lot of depth)
Flying Tiger (I always just thought he was cool) and Kangaroo (who I renamed Outback when I GM'd) I consider myself a master of obscure Marvel villains, so I'd love to play even more obscure villians such as Marvel's Death-Stroke (and his goon henchmen the Terminators), Daddy Longlegs, Lunatik, ooo how about Meteor Man aka the Looter?

we have 7 on the team...
I could go with 8 I suppose (two teams of four at times!).
I don't want you to go TOO obscure, 'cause that's not really the idea... These are villains joining together that have been on the verge of becoming something... They've had to do battle with the big leagues at one time or another BECAUSE they were tougher than the simple thugs. Sure they may have ended up being a joke to the Super Hero, but that's when we take over...
It's 2004 and the "jokes" of the criminal costume underworld are banding together to become something greater!
At least that's the mission statement that I've thought about... it probably isn't the same for all the members. and doesn't have to be.

But if you come it with NO reputation of having fought with the big boys, even the C-Tier guys won't accept you. ;)
Heck - the Enforcers are the perfect example... they're considered a joke to most heroes - but they HAVE fought Spiderman and done better than held their own, that's saying something.

I'm not looking for one-time appearance obscure.
I'm looking for villains that have a little bit of a history of being in the C-league... that type of Obscure.

soap-box aside...
I think that Bullet would be a fun addition. He's about the style of an Enforcer but with a little higher credibility I think...
Deathstroke might be a good option.

so yeah - jump in the thread, I'll try and have everything needed to hammer down getting everyone's final character stats by the end of the weekend and figure out when to start the game for next week.
real soon I think.

looking awesome everyone...

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Hand of Vecna said:
In the manstream Marvel Comics, the world knows Tony Stark is Iron Man ;) He revealed himself a year or two ago. He's also Secretary of Defense for the United States now.

*wonder what sort of plots Madcap could cook up...... ;) *

I might have to grad a bunch of the main titles this weekend to "catch-up" to current continuity in the main comics for the universe.
My hey-day of comics were the 80s-90s and now I buy spot issues of things I like but only seriously follow the Ultimate Lines with Marvel nowadays.

So I have the long history - just need to be updated on all the current goings on in the Marvel Universe.


Hand of Vecna

First Post
Heh, good luck on that, dude. I follow a few Marvel titles, have for the past several years, some for most of my comic-reading life, and I'm still confused as heck at times ;)

The Marvel Directory is a good place for updates (though the site's not really been updated in about a year) and Uncanny X-Men.net, which has a smaller focus (X-Folks only), but is very detailed and is only a few months behind in major updates.


Kevin Perrine said:
so yeah - jump in the thread, I'll try and have everything needed to hammer down getting everyone's final character stats by the end of the weekend and figure out when to start the game for next week.
real soon I think.

looking awesome everyone...

Okay cool..

I will officially go with
Bullet (fought Daredevil a couple of times well known enforcer/hitman, even has done government work)

Flying Tiger (has fought Spider Woman, then Iron Man, recently joined the Masters of Evil and fought T-Bolts)

and how about Killer Shrike? (fought Bloodstone, Iron Man, Spidey, and Capt. America he is a regular employee of Justin Hammer)


GrayPumpkin said:
Here's my first pass at Batroc. Comments and suggestions are welcome

BATROC THE LEAPER, PL: 9, , Name: Georges Batroc, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +8, DEF 23/18; SPEED 30; MELEE +11, RANGED +11, MENTAL +7, SV: DMG +6, FORT +2, REF +15, WILL 0; STR 14, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 14.

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +11/5, Balance +8/2, Bluff +7/5, Climb +7/5, Diplomacy +4/0, Disable Dev* +4/4, Drive* +6/2, Gather Info +4/2, Hide +6/2, Intimidate +4/0, Jump +9/5, Move Silent +6/2, Pilot* +6/2, Sense Motive +4/4, Sleight/Hand* +8/2, Taunt +9/5.

FEATS: Attack Finesse (use dex mod. for melee attacks), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Evasion (use ref save instead of dmg save), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Imp. Trip (when tripping, can immediately attack), Instant Stand (standing up is a free action), Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves), Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max), Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat), Takedown Attack (make add'tl attack if you stun), Arch-Nemesis (+2 attacks & saves vs. nemesis).

POWERS: AMAZING SAVE (REFLEX) [+9], AMAZING SAVE (DAMAGE) [+4], LEAPING (TRAINING) [+4], Extra: Super-Leap [+4], Extra: Bouncing [+4], STRIKE (SAVATE) [+3].

COST: abilities 20, combat 37, skills 23, feats 24, powers 31, weakness 0, total 135.

No offense but I have trouble seeing Batroc leap 300 some odd feet with his Super-Leap on a full round action. (That's what the extra does right? doubles the distance per power level so 4 ranks would be x16 the distance)


Velmont said:
So, if you know the enforcer from the standard Marvel Universe, and have some suggestion how to spend my last points, gfi, or I'll just devellop myself a bit on them, on what they have done up to now.

The biggest difference AFIACT is Fancy Dan is a master of Judo and has trained his hands to strike through bricks and such. He wasn't so much of a Gun guy. Certainly not an expert in Mainstream Marvel.

He could flip opponents Larger/stronger then himself routinely (Improved Trip)
and his "Judo Chops" easily broke boards (Strike) He was a real little guy who always went HTH so I assume he had Attack Finesse.


First Post
No offense but I have trouble seeing Batroc leap 300 some odd feet with his Super-Leap on a full round action. (That's what the extra does right? doubles the distance per power level so 4 ranks would be x16 the distance)

None Taken.
This why I put up here so others could comment on stuff like this. I had actually originally meant to take that as a partial extra but then spaced it somehow. I’m figuring 2 levels might be more in the ballpark of what Batroc could do.


GrayPumpkin said:
None Taken.
This why I put up here so others could comment on stuff like this. I had actually originally meant to take that as a partial extra but then spaced it somehow. I’m figuring 2 levels might be more in the ballpark of what Batroc could do.

Hmm..What does that come out to? 80 feet? I would say Batroc could soundly best the world record (what almost 29') but is still in that ballpark, at least in my opinion. :)

My other comments might be to up his strength. Batroc soundly bested his men in arm wrestling and I think he was listed in my 1st MU Handbook as lifting 500 lbs.

And Batroc recently has taken to using two whip canes, which he was quite proficient with.

I found a recent pic of him at http://comicscentral.tripod.com/marvelheroes/b/batroc.htm

Not a bad look but I prefer the traditional cheezy costume.

Hope this helps...


Kevin Perrine said:
you'd all know either by name or having worked with OR fought with the following, you can choose how you feel about them personally and professionally: -kev-

These are assuming I am playing Bullet.

- Trapster

Hmm..Better Name then "Paste Pot Pete" I suppose he gave a good enough showing his last couple times out.

- Stiltman

Heh..your kiddin' right?

- Taskmaster

Must be nice to have all that skill and never have to work for it. Bullet's a little jealous on how easy Taskmaster seems to have it, but is still in slight awe of his prowess.

- the Wizard

If the guy is so smart why does he keep on trying to take on jokers outta his league.

- all of the villains from the Thunderbolts

Zemo's obviously rich and spoiled...Bullet would work with most of the rest if he had to. Generally neutral feeling on average.

- most of Spiderman's rogue's gallery

Spidey is a tough character..since everyone and thier brother has tried to take him out and failed. Most are stupid to keep trying. also...Animal motifs are dumb.

- Mister Hyde

Bullet is used to being the biggest and toughest gut on the block...anyone bigger and tougher needs to find thier own block...especially ones who drool and go ape-:):):):) all the time. The guy definitely aint professional.

- Whirlwind

Bullet would like to take him drinkin' and see if he can still spin like that!

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