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Hand of Vecna

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No Bro Shatterstone? Pooh :(


Question (which I've asked Kenson but have yet to receive a reply on): according to the Annual, when a PC with Regeneration/Resurrection dies, they make a DC 20 Constitution check (adding in their ranks in Resurrection); if they succedd, they resurrect. However, each time they resurrect, they lose a point of Constitution, which can be regained through expenditure of earned pp. Also, a somewhat common method of permanently killing the character (such as a stake through the heart, being burned to ashes, or using a blessed/holy weapon) must be named.

Now, given that Madcap seems no worse for wear after he resurrects, would you allow me to get an Extra on his Resurrection that would make it so he doesn't lose a point of Constitution every time he resurrects?

And, given that no way has yet been found that can permanently kill Madcap, would you allow an Extra on his Resurrection that'd allow him to circumvent that restriction? If not, I've little problem in saying that the only way he can't resurrect is to burn him completely to ashes & then spread the ashes over a very wide (50 meters/yards or so) area. He's been very badly burned before, yes, and regenerated back from it in little time, but he's never been burned completely to ashes.

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Kevin Perrine

First Post
Hand of Vecna said:
No Bro Shatterstone? Pooh :(

two down... oh well, at least this way I know for sure the players want to play.

and I had just finished Excel character sheets for both Madcap and Spiderwoman (they're at work, I'm home sick or I'd email them to you now) but send me your email address and I'll send it first thing tomorrow.

Hand of Vecna said:
Question (which I've asked Kenson but have yet to receive a reply on): according to the Annual, when a PC with Regeneration/Resurrection dies, they make a DC 20 Constitution check (adding in their ranks in Resurrection); if they succedd, they resurrect. However, each time they resurrect, they lose a point of Constitution, which can be regained through expenditure of earned pp. Also, a somewhat common method of permanently killing the character (such as a stake through the heart, being burned to ashes, or using a blessed/holy weapon) must be named.

Now, given that Madcap seems no worse for wear after he resurrects, would you allow me to get an Extra on his Resurrection that would make it so he doesn't lose a point of Constitution every time he resurrects?

And, given that no way has yet been found that can permanently kill Madcap, would you allow an Extra on his Resurrection that'd allow him to circumvent that restriction? If not, I've little problem in saying that the only way he can't resurrect is to burn him completely to ashes & then spread the ashes over a very wide (50 meters/yards or so) area. He's been very badly burned before, yes, and regenerated back from it in little time, but he's never been burned completely to ashes.

sorry I must have missed that question.
yes and yes on the extras...

good to note.
I'm starting to play Mr. Immortal in a different PbP game and I'll need to note that in. ;)

soon as I see stats from everyone we'll be ready to start.
I believe I have basics from:

the Enforcers

I haven't looked over Bullet's yet.
If you haven't emailed me yet, please do so at
I'd like to have your email addresses in case I need to email you anything.

game soon soon!!

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Kevin Perrine said:
two down... oh well, at least this way I know for sure the players want to play.

I should say.. I'd be cool with those folks coming back after the game gets going if they read and like it enough.

I didn't mean to sound dismissive, after I reread I didn't want to give that impression.
alls cool

Hand of Vecna

First Post
My e-mail is howelljb@rocketmail.com

Here is my final version of Madcap.

Madcap (Unrevealed), PL 9 (135 points)

Height 5'9", Weight 145 lbs., Eyes Blue, Hair Brown.
Quote: "I can do things the Comics Code not only wouldn't approve, but wouldn't put in a birdcage!" (said while amputating own leg with a circular saw, just for the heck of it)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 18 [6+4+8+0+8+8=34pp]
Villain Points: 5
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Defense: 16 (10, +4 Base, +2 Dex) [8pp]
Mental Defense: 18 (10, +4 Base, +4 Wis)
Speed: 30 feet
Melee Attack: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Str) [12pp]
Ranged Attack: +6 (+4 Base, +2 Dex)
Mental Attack: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Wis)
Damage: Unarmed Punch +3S
Saves: Dmg +15, Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
* Acrobatics +5 (3r, +2 Dex)
* Bluff +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
* Disguise +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
* Jump +4 (1r, +3 Str)
* Perform (acting, dance, sing) +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
* Taunt +7 (3r, +4 Cha)
[16 skill ranks = 8 pp]
Feats: Rapid Healing, Toughness. [4pp]
Super-Feats: Durability. [2pp]
Powers: [9+63 = 72pp]
* Mind Control 9 Madcap has the ability to psionically stimulate the inhibition centers in other human beings' brains. By stimulating them, he can cause other people to act in a generally capricious, euphoric, foolish, uninhibited, outlandish, reckless manner. He cannot control the type of behavior his subjects will exhibit -- that is dictated by the subjects' own psyches, but can lead to people tap-dancing on the off-ramp of an interstate or playing bullfighter with their red cape on a highway. A person must establish eye contact with Madcap in order for him to affect his or her brain, though many people can be affected at once if they were all to make eye contact with him. It is not known precisely how long a person will be prone to aberrant behavior from a single stimulation; this may be determined by the individual's psyche and normal inhibition level. Madcap's victims have been observed to act crazily for fifteen minutes to a half hour after a single stimulation. If Madcap were to repeatedly stimulate someone before the effect of the first stimulation wore off, he could keep them acting crazily indefinitely. [Extra: Area (45 foot radius); Flaws: Limited-One Command (“Act Absurd“), Restricted-Gaze; Source: Psionic; Cost: 1pp; Total: 9pp]
* Regeneration 9 Madcap possesses the superhuman ability to rapidly heal his own wounds of the flesh, bone, and tissue. The full extent of this capacity is not known. Madcap has been observed to mend broken bones rapidly, expel bullets lodged in him, and recover from a variety of lacerations and puncture wounds. He can regrow limbs (he occasionally hacks his own limbs off just for the heck of it), and it appears that he cannot be permanently killed (he’s been beaten to death many times, only to come back to life; burning his body completely to ashes and spreading the ashes over a wide enough area might permanently kill him). The only thing it appears that he cannot heal is the damage done to most of his body's nerve endings that results in his inability to perceive pain (the extent of his tactile sensations is unknown). Madcap’s boundless life-force is not diminished in the least after a resurrection, nor has any form of physical injury been found that he cannot resurrect from. His regenerative abilities are such that most ‘lesser‘ wounds heal almost as soon as they‘re inflicted. [Extras: Amazing Save/Damage, Regrowth, Resurrection, True Resurrection; Source: Mutation; Cost: 7pp; Total: 63pp]
* Fun Gun This is an ordinary bubble gun with no special properties, but Madcap uses it to draw attention to himself. He likes to make people believe that the bubbles cause the looney behavior.
Weakness: [-5]
* Quirk (Psychotic), Moderate (+5) Madcap takes nothing seriously, and thinks life is a game -- a game that has no point. He also actively spreads this belief. He believes everyone is an indestructible as he is, failing to realize he is unique in this regard. He firmly believes that things happen without cause and effect, that there is no purpose in anything, and that existence is meaningless.
* Madcap’s Amazing Save/Damage does not reduce the effect of Knockback. Madcap's as easy to fling around as any other 145-lb. man
* The “True Resurrection” extra on his Regeneration (which counts as 2 Extras) makes it so he does not lose a point of Constitution when he dies & resurrects, nor does a reasonable method of permanent death need to be selected. These Extras were okayed by the GM, Kevin Perrine.

34+8+12+8+4+2+72-5 = 135 (PL 9)

The devoutly religious young man who became Madcap was on a church-sponsored field trip with his family when their bus collided with a tanker truck transporting chemicals for A.I.M.; all but the young man were killed, though he himself was driven mad by the senselessness of their deaths and his own survival. Attempting suicide, he discovered the chemicals had mutated him so that he felt no pain, and any injury to his body healed almost instantly. Deciding life was meaningless, he set out to convert the general public to his way of thinking through his antics as the costumed crazy called Madcap.
Madcap has tormented Nomad, Captain America, Daredevil, Power Pack, She-Hulk and Hawkeye, though the latter hero was actually rescuing him from criminal captor Dr. Malus (who was experimenting on him to try and find a way to duplicate his regenerative powers). He was subjected to Ghost Rider's penance stare when the two met... and liked it so much he decided he would do anything to be subjected to it again! He’s also worked with Silver Sable’s Wild Pack, masquerading as Nomad for a time, and came into conflict with Deadpool and the Heroes for Hire. He was also part of a prison break-out that the Thunderbolts stopped.
Madcap means no harm and no longer truly comprehends the consequences of his actions, but he often endangers lives with both his own stunts and the deeds he inspires. People affected by his power become as heedless of their own and others' safety as he is. He has sparked potentially life-threatening mass hysteria on several occasions just for the fun of it.
Madcap first appeared in Captain America #307, and was created by Mark Gruenwald.


First Post
Here's the final Porcupine

"PORCUPINE, PL: 9, Veteran super criminal, Name: Alex Gentry, male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 17/15; SPEED 30, FLIGHT 25; MELEE +9, RANGED +9, MENTAL +8, SV: DMG +3, FORT +3, REF +2, WILL +2; STR 16, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 14.

SKILLS: Bluff +2, Computers* +2, weapons +8, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +3, Sense Motive +2.

FEATS: Accurate Attack ( (- dmg bonus), (+ attack roll), 5 max), Attack Focus ( +1 attack (ranged), All-Out Attack ((-dodge), (+attack), 5 max), Far Shot (increase range increment by 1/2), Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit/dmg ranged attacks in 30 ft), Precise Shot (no penalty attacking targets in melee ), Villain's Luck (+1 villain point).

POWERS: BATTLESUIT (ARMOR) [+9], Extra: Energy field (quills) [+6], Extra: Flight (jet boots) [+5], Extra: Energy blast (Concussion bombs) [+9], Extra: Multifire [+9], Extra Autofire [+9], Stunt: Snare (liquid cement) [+9], Stunt: Fatigue (knock-out gas quills) [+9], Stunt: Obscure (smoke screen) [+9], Stunt: Mind control (hypnotic wheels) [+9], Stunt: Darkvision (nightvision lenses), Stunt: Immunity -Suffocation (oxygen), Extra: Super STR (exoskeleton) [+1], Flaw: Device.

COST: abilities 28, combat 28, skills 9, feats 14, powers 56, weakness 0, total 135.


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First Post
Final version of Batroc

BATROC THE LEAPAIR, PL: 9, , Name: Georges Batroc, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +8, DEF 23/18; SPEED 30; MELEE +11, RANGED +11, MENTAL +7, SV: DMG +6, FORT +2, REF +15, WILL 0; STR 14, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 14.

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +7, Balance +4, Bluff +5, Climb +5, Diplomacy +2, Disable Dev* +4, Drive* +2, Gather Info +2, Hide +2, Intimidate +2, Jump +7, Move Silent +2, Pilot* +2, Sense Motive +4, Sleight/Hand* +4, Taunt +7.

FEATS: Attack Finesse (use dex mod. for melee attacks), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Evasion (use ref save instead of dmg save), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Imp. Trip (when tripping, can immediately attack), Instant Stand (standing up is a free action), Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves), Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max), Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat), Takedown Attack (make add'tl attack if you stun), Arch-Nemesis (+2 attacks & saves vs. nemesis).

POWERS: AMAZING SAVE (REFLEX) [+9], AMAZING SAVE (DAMAGE) [+4], LEAPING (TRAINING) [+4], Extra: Super-Leap [+4], Extra: Bouncing [+4], STRIKE (SAVATE) [+3].

COST: abilities 20, combat 37, skills 23, feats 24, powers 31, weakness 0, total 135.


I have a couple quick questions about Evasion (since I am not REAL familiar with MnM)
Batroc has evasion, a ref save of +15 (due to amazing save ref +9) and amazing save dmg at +4. What does this make his dmg save really? Would his Amazing Save Dmg of +4 be useless until flatfooted due to power level restrictions? Or does Amazing Ref not add to Evasion?


I don't know about amazing reflexes. But from other threads, evasion replaces the other saves when used. So it the power level wouldn't come into play in that case.

Hand of Vecna

First Post
If you've got Evasion, ou use your total Reflex save modifier instead of your total Damage save modifier when making Damage saves. You cannot Evade damage from Area atacks, nor can you use evasion whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Defense. Batroc has an effective Damage save of +15.

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