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Void Empires : 2750 (Round 2 Beta)


Good day all,

I am developing a 2d6 based, mindseye (but trivially simply to play via miniatures if you so choose) space opera rpg. I am looking for a fresh sets of eyes to review, critique, play with their own groups, etc... This is an ongoing work of passion with a significant amount of work having been completed.

While it is intended to be cinematic - I am attempting to maintain "hardness" from an internal consistency perspective.

My Background:

Long time gamer, contributor, play tester and even longer-time as a GM :p

Most recent accolade would be as one of the core contributors to Mongoose 2e Traveller, in particular, credit as the "Naval Architect" in Mongoose Traveller:High Guard 2e. I am very thankful to Matt and the team for that opportunity. That same experience along with some motivation from my gaming group, convinced me to branch out and explore full creative freedom. I'm sure many of you may be familiar with constraints of working with an established system and final decision makers above you. Regardless, I am very happy I was able to contribute to my favourite setting/system at the time :)

Originally, this was going to be a project for internal use only among my gaming group. 200 pages later (with minimal illustrations as I'm funding this out of pocket), I believe it may deserve a chance to grow. As such, input from outside is always healthy!

High level overview:

Space Opera, Closer to Babylon 5 rather than to Startrek. Set around 2750
Hard. Now some of you may disagree, but I prescribe to Hard as in internally consistent, not in any sort of homage to today's technology.
Complex but not Complicated. A ton of crunch should you want, and sound consistency behind the technology available - but you can ignore as much as you want and play simply and smoothly. Everything has customization rules and basic samples - from power-armour to spacecraft.
2d6 system used for all “tests”. Attacks, skill rolls, etc - Other dice can be used for damage/effect – example a rifle that does 2d12, a psychic-blade polearm that does 4d8, etc etc
Players take on the role of any group they wish to, whether it is traders, to mercs, to a group of misfits, to military... Play on one world, or firefly/traveller style across many.
Cyber/Bio body modification. The basic stuff is widespread across all populations. The high end stuff is exponentially more difficult to obtain (cost and tech).
AGI & Trans-humanism - Artificial general intelligence has not been reached. No singularity. No functional cloning or transferring consciousness.
FTL travel but not FTL comms. A jump takes a fixed amount of days with the distance varying based on the drive, after which exotic particles need to be shed, taking some time.
Humans, humanoids and aliens!
Habitable planets are rare -
and the distances in between mean even the largest empires are more than 20+ habitable worlds.
Displacement Drive technology constraints near gravity wells - which means you dont have an anti-grav everything phenomena. Advanced mechs, vtols and other vehicles have their place in this universe.
Psionics exist, and as with everything else - consistency is key here to make it fit.
"Shields" exist. Hard Sci handwavium. This manifests as that magnetic/physical swarm/whatever that is suspended/generated to further protect a vehicle. This means you dont have people walking around with personal shields, but vehicles, power armour and the like do posses it.

3-parts to the 1 book:
Book 1 -
Current Beta: Core rules and personal scale systems (up to and including power armour) - 159 pages.
Book 2: Vehicular scale and secondary systems (e.g. Racing, Trading, reusable templates for similar activities) - Under construction (Currently).
Book 3: Spacecraft scale and fleet combat - 25 pages (currently).

If you are interested in this project, please email me at void2750@gmail.com

Much appreciated!

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