Vol. III: Liber Veneficium

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Hi folks,

my first encounter with this book was within a roleplaying group.
Located in Umbragia, I'm playing a mage, thus the release affected my character immediately. Comparing with my original sorcerer, the mage seems to have more spells, but can use only less. But my apprehensions were unjustified. The new system with manapoints (MP) is great. With different spell-levels needing different amount of MP, it's a more strategic and responsible of using magic. Further, this is fortified by the possibility to use magic after reaching zero manapoints, accepting various side-effects by the backfire system. Thus there is no maximal number of usable mana points, there is only a total number of use-without-risk mana points. Within adventure, this systems works great.
Of course, as a player, I want a high regeneration rate. But the actual amount is quite okay. The higher the usage of magic, the longer the time to recover. Also a good point is that one can controll the regenerated amount of MP per day by spending more time for meditation. This gives further, in addition to previous mentioned points, more depth in role play, because now, magic isn't something to use by the way.
Surely, my experiences with 'Liber Veneficium' are limited. But although my mage is only at level four, each level upgrade became a hard choice. At first, the total number of spells have been increased by adding some interesting new ones. But the point is the introduction of different magic spheres, i.e. a specialization system for mages. As one of a various number of new feats, the mage has won an immense complexity with them. Thus, the mage class doesn't stays stencilled, the system presented in this book
has depth, variety and therefore increased role play.
Finally, the mage system seems to be well designed and well thought out. How it behaves with high-level-mages has to be checked. But from my actual point of view, I think it will manage it.

Congratulation ! Good work !

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