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[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Arc 1


[sblock=Beth]The idol is heavy in Beth's hand and slightly cool to the touch. Holding it under her arm she approaches the drying rack. It looks like its a folding wire rack fro drying clothing, the warmth is provided by a jury rigged space heater.

The long strips are soft to the touch and still slightly wet; they smell of human blood.

Beth hears a commotion from downstairs, sounds like clattering and loud conversation or yelling. She can't make out specific words.[/sblock]

Down in the Shop
[sblock=Diego's Knife]Diego's new "knife" isn't really a knife.
Yes, I am a very pedantic man.

Let's just call it the eviscerator.[/sblock]

[sblock=New Initiative Order]
12 - Diego: hiding behind the door (0 successes) and watching to see what they do
11 - Archer
9 - NPCs

Cole -- Delaying unless sword-guy attacks Archer

Things begin to happen very quickly.

The large primitive is headed toward Archer.

The smaller primitive is yelling something; it's not a language anyone is familiar with.

Archer focuses, expending more blood to enhance his strength. He finally gets a handle on his newfound physical prowess, hauling himself up the shaft with alacrity. Before he realizes it he's fully up into the shaft.

The large primitive makes a wild grab for Archer's ankle but he's just too slow.

[sblock=Archer's current level of strength]Got confused about how blood works.
So the die roll had two extra dice, not four, but it doesn't matter since even whacking off the two right ones Archer has two successes.

Next turn his strength will be normal unless he spends blood again.[/sblock]

The smaller primitive is yelling something again, pointing at the dead body of the slasher who ambushed the group earlier. She's holding herself up on the table.

The larger primitive shakes his head for a moment, shielding his eyes from the harsh glow of the lightbulb he tries to look up the shaft. Archer has an excellent view of the man's broad face, the filed teeth, the extensive bone and stone piercings, the hostile, irritated look, squinting eyes trying to make out detail.

His massive sword would be a fierce item to deploy in an open space, but with it's dull tip it's poorly suited to thrusting up the tight shaft. The large slasher hefts the blade impotently making little involuntary swinging motions with it.

The smaller figure barks out a single, imperious sounding command.

The larger figure nods, abandons trying to get at Archer and turns back toward the entryway.

And he sees Diego crouching behind the door.

The smaller female primitive sees the expression on her companions face, and she's already diving out of the way, with the wrapped package in hand.

Bellowing the large primitive raises his oversized machete in a two handed grip and bears down on the young thief; the tip skitters along the wooden boards of the ceiling as he bounds forward knocking the table out of the way.

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[sblock=OOC]We're still in combat rounds effectively. Diego will get to do something, probably not something very fancy, before the big guy takes a swing at him.

Once I have an idea what everyone is doing (other than Beth who's already posted) I'll push on. I may get a bit busy from now through the weekend though, so no rush if you're held up.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]I'm assuming the silence on the part of blood and festy means nobody's going to interview in the slashing. (Wasn't Cole going to pop out with a gun?)

I realize I did post saying "no rush" and I was busy this weekend and now with a test, so no worries about not posting.

The Slasher heedless of Diego's words, drives his blade down into Diego with punishing force. Even leaping back into the window a deep slice is opened in Diego's unliving flesh; running from collar bone to almost his waist.
[sblock=The damage]Diego's taken another 4 lethal. I assumed he's finished healing the previous wound. Current statushttp://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pNNbkNdUDj3NAzC8kdhWSDg [/sblock]


Diego's strike nicks the large man's throat.
An instant later a massive gusher of blood shoots forth, coating the ceiling with a layer of blood and filling the area with a thin red mist.

The primitive blinks once, before slowly toppling over.

The female primitive, soaked in her comrade's blood, stares in disbelief for a moment. Then she prostrates herself before Diego, holding the bound package before her like an offering.


First Post
Archer looked about within the shaft for a weapon, then heard the thud in the room below him and what seemed to be a cessation of activities. Cautiously, he dropped from the shaft to survey the room. He shook his head in disbelief and smiled as he saw the blood drenched woman bowing down before Diego.

"Planning on starting a religion, Diego?" he asked as he took a seat on the counter, "It appears you've already baptized your first follower in blood.

Archer left the counter to go analyze the remains of the sizable attacker.

"Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne." Archer chuckled at his own joke, "I wonder what information your new friend can offer us."

He cleared his throat, then coughed into his handkerchief.


First Post
"Yes. Most impressive Mr. Diego. I would say that you handled that situation quite well." Praises Cole as he walks back into the main room. He gives Diego a small nod with a smirk as he makes he way towards the offering female. "No lets see what we have here shall we..." Says Cole as he takes the offered gift from the injured women.

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