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W2: The Search For Tomas Quinn (Rae Judging)

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Solange is able to pull off her Bless spell. All her allies suddenly feel at ease, and calmer, as if slightly touched by the divine. (sorry, forgot to say that)

Cepheus of course, still hits Derris.



One of the goblins snarls and swings at Derris, already distracted by the gnome. The goblin's blade Slices into Derris' chest, leaving a gash that slowly begins to Leak Red into his shirt.

A second goblin does the same, slashing Viciously at Derris' legs. The rogue lets out a muffled cry, and falls to the ground. A third goblin leaps onto Derris' chest, and slashes his throat out.

The fourth goblin looks at the gnome, and holds his blade at the ready. Seemingly caught up in the fight, he jumps at Cepheus and Swings wildy, just barely missing the small gnome.

Auric moves into position at the alleyway mouth, unsure of what action to take.

Cepheus swings at the goblin in front of him (since Derris is dead), and hits, although just barely - the goblin barely notices the slice in his frenzy.

Pendrake moves forward to assist Cepheus, and [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1116508]Stabs at an opening the wild goblin has left, dealing quite a bit of Damage. The goblin grunts and falls to the ground, clutching his chest.

Leaving Solange open, and the goblin leader. (OOC: I was going to finish round one, but I need to jet... lol)

Derris' Initiative (1d20+6=16)
Goblins' Initiative (1d20+1=18)
Goblin Leader's Initiative (1d20+2=3)

Alright. So, total initiative order:

Goblins (18)
Aiken (17)
Derris (16)
Auric (16)
Cepeheus (14)
Pendrake (10)
Solange (4)
Goblin Leader (3)
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First Post
The Goblin leader takes a step backwards as the fight begins to pick up. "Fools! No fighting! NO FIGHTING!" he shouts in goblin. "We can't win this! Run!"

At that, he turns around and runs further down the alleyway. Only one of the goblins seems to hear him, and follows, leaving two goblins still in the fight, not realizing they are outmatched.

Everyone's Positions:

L = Goblin Leader
G = Goblin
= =5 feet of wall
- =Five feet (open terrain)^


First Post

One of the goblins faces Aiken, and snarls. He throws himself at the rogue, swinging his blade in a violent arc, that contacts nothing but air, due to effective dodging on Aiken's part.

The other goblin, facing Cepheus, tries to feint the gnome, and Clumsily uses his blade - Cepheus parries it with ease.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Round two:

Pendrake sees the other two goblins take off and will attack the runt who stands in his way...this paticular runt goblin seems a bit flanked by Aiken and Cepheus so he takes advantage of this...(no flanking bonus for Pendrake)

BAB +1, str +3, wpn focus +1 (1d20+5=16) his weapon strikes true!str +3 (1d8+3=7)

OOC: Hope you didn't mind me rolling on Ivisible castle (that eats nederlanders for snacks) for you.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

Voidrunner's Codex

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