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Wanna be an ENnies judge this year? Do ya, do ya? Not much time left!

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Hi, I'm Ryan. I don't post much but I'm a daily enworlder and have been for a long time. I've been gaming for over ten years and have been involved with 3rd edition from the start.

I've got a steady flexible job so I can work on reviews and work at the same time. I'm organizing a game day for the same reason I want to be a judge. I want to give back to enworld.

So when you are casting a vote for Darkness and Teflon Billy throw me a bone. Thanks.

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Although I don’t post all that often I'm sure some of you here know me.

My name is Lucas Smith, I’m 22 years old, and I live in Vancouver B.C. Canada. I have played all varieties of roleplaying and tabletop games for the last 10 years. I am an avid reader, writer and sometimes artist.

I have also been one of the moderators and very active memebers of the ENworld #dnd3e chatroom and have been around this website since almost the beginning (i lurk in shadows ^-^)

I am not going to go into some trite commentary of how my skills are applicable to judging gaming material or any of that.

What I will say is that I have the time, the drive and the determination to read every single product from cover to cover, to make sure I have given every product its fair shake at a chance for the awards.

I also wish the best of luck to all the other people who have stepped forward and put forth their reasons for wanting to judge the Ennies.

Lucas “Geist” Smith
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you still have to cover your own travel expenses, though

*checks his address*
Well, ain't that a kick in the trousers.

What the hey, I'll apply anyway. I'm Dirigible, and I will determine which products are best by the fariest and most equable process know to man - monkey knife fighting!


First Post
Hello to everybody who read this, I would like to volunteer for this most prestigious honor as one of this years EN judges. I have been reading these boards since before D&D3e came out, and I have a firm grasp of how the d20 system works. I have owned a few products from all of the major companies, I have used a few of them in past games, and I have a solid eye for details and editing.

I live on the pacific coast in oregon, as you can see to your left. I have plenty of time to read, I don't work but I am a student, and as all college students know, we have all the time in the world. :D

It would be an honor, and a priviledge, to be voted as one of this years 5 judges. Thank you for allowing me this time to put my name in, and allowing me to take this time out of your busy days to tell you this much about me.



First Post
Hi! All of you guys know me(or at least some of you) so what the hey I'll toss in. I'm a loudmouthed tactless burnout who I'm sure represents more than a few of us, and isn't that what this is all about, choosing people that'll represent the ENWorlders to do the voting?

Aside from that, I've got a near perfect verbal score on the SATs, a 4.0 GPA when it comes to English, and that's actually my major in college; I don't have too much of an eye for art but I can spot what's obviously good and for stuff that I'm unsure about, in the bullpen I've got an art student to help me out. As my players could tell you, I've got an eye for game balance; I don't pay attention to it during games, but I've still got the eye for balanced material, lol. I've really only gotten into gaming in the last 5 or 6 years, so I think that I've got good perspective, having come in during the decline of 2nd edition AD&D.

So in short, vote for me; ex-Hiveminder, DM, player, and all around decent guy from Jersey. Whether or not I become a judge will help determine whether or not I go to Gencon, but if needed I'm located in Central New Jersey.

EDIT: I also will admit that a love of free stuff, and an attitude that looks at having to read aforementioned free stuff as a field trip, influenced my decision to toss my hat in. Who wouldn't be influenced by swag?
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Please vote BFG ( BigFreekingGoblinoid ) for ENnie judge. My Platform:

1) I won’t try and kiss your baby.

2) I play weekly – an active DM and Player in different campaigns. I have been buying and playing D&D/RPG’s for over 20 years now.

3) Discussing products is my primary purpose for being an active member and supporter of ENWorld. I have always tried to be as helpful to those seeking product recommendations and other types of help.

4) I WILL GIVE THE FREE PRODUCT BACK to the ENWorld community. I will do this through fair chance contests, not privately to my friends or cohorts. As previously confessed, I am a sourcebook-aholic. Maybe that is not a positive thing in many people’s perspective, but as I spend $ hundreds/month on RPG’s, I can honestly say I am not doing this for the free swag, as I undoubtedly own a majority of the product already.

To illustrate that this is not an idle promise, see the following contest thread where I attempt to (**ahem**) “influence” your vote through hosting a contest from my own trade/doubles collection:


As you can see by the products I am giving away, I buy from many, many different publishers, and am willing to give any product the attention it deserves: An opportunity to stand on its own merit, despite any good or bad common prejudices toward the publisher, author or subject matter.

5) I am not an English Professor, rules guru, moderator, or a staff reviewer, but feel that I am the “Average Joe Gamer” in most every respect. The past ENnie judges have done a fine job. My congratulations for their efforts go out to each and every one of them. That having been said, I think a little new blood injected into the process is a good thing to keep the awards fresh and evolving. Last year, I got a fair number of votes – I think I came in like 10th overall or so. 2nd time is a charm?

6) I am proud of my limited involvement in the discussions that resulted in the changes to the voting process last year. Not requiring people to grade a product they have never seen was a great improvement towards a fairer vote of the nominated products. There is still room for improvements in the categories and voting processes, and I will work hard to explore further options that will help the ENnie awards to continue to gain prestige and respect.

7) If selected to be an ENnie judge, I have been given the green light by my wife to go to GenCon! I have never been before. As I live in California, that far of a trip for gaming has just never been in the cards. Your vote may help get me there for the first time! I will volunteer my time there to assist the set-up and production of the ENnie event.

8) Miscellaneous ramblings overheard in the BFG Press Room: “I am not, in fact, a Goblinoid, just a Chicago transplant named Joe. I do own an Alt ID : ‘Demogorgon’, and promise not to vote for myself multiple times ;) . I will shower every morning at GenCon. I support planned annual fundraisers for ENWorld, to help keep it alive through deficit and surplus years. I love ENWorld! (**sniff**) Anyone got a tissue? “

Thanks in advance for your consideration,

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Hm. How to distinguish one's self from the mass of other reasonably qualified candidates...

Well, some basics -

Like others, I've got a couple of decades of gaming experience, on both sides of the GM's screen. I've played and run a whole mess of games, so I've got some persepctive on what works and what doesn't.

I've got my share of technical qualifications as well - I'm a physics grad student with a sideline as a writing tutor. I've spent my share of time grading papers and compositions based upon both their content and presentation.

I'm patient, reasonable, can quickly devour and digest printed materials, and know how to handle a heavy workload. I don't care who produces a thing, so long as it is good, and I know the difference between what I personally care for and what is likely to be useful to the general audience.

The thing that perhaps sets me a little apart from the others is that I think I'd find the job fascinating, with almost Frankensteinian intensity - to take a snapshot of the hobby at the moment, rip apart its guts and see which bits work well and which ones don't, in both the mechanical and aesthetic senses, is a darned intriguing prospect.


First Post
Hey I am asking that you vote for me. I am no one special. Not a reviewer, not big on the internet. I am just a guy that has played D&D 20+ years loves the game and will bring a common man view to the vote.

Thank you...

DSFRIII in '04

Arg-ha Lardgoa

Half-Ogre King
Hey guys,
I have been a member of enworld since its inseption, and of Erics site since before 3.0 came out probably a good six months.
I have 20+ years of DMing experience, and of all those year I may have purchased $10g of 'stuff', honing my skill as a DM.
Though I do not have many posts, I check the boards daily for information on making wise purchases and to futher hone my skills, I believe that I know the system well enough to make good choices, plus I work in the printing industry and know what makes a fine product versus an okay product. Also, I am thinking of publishing my own setting for all the world to see and critize.
So vote for me! :)

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