Want to be an LPF DM? Post here!


According to what I could find: Tyrien (8), Nathan (8), Kalgor (8), Sylla (7), Larissa (currently unavailable), and Agno (whom I am seriously considering retiring and so don't want to put into an adventure). Not a large pool of characters though enough for a group presuming everyone is interested. Lots of arcane spellcasting.

EDIT: Just read this post that's (strangely) got me thinking about Agno again. Another consideration for him is a re-work into full druid. Still up in the air.

Also, neglected to mention earlier that Borric, Zelena, and Sylvain (all 9th) are soon to be available.
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I have a little more time than I used to. I can get something set up for the level 8's.

Who all is eligible? I want to read previous adventures during my lunch break.
I am most definitely interested, JS45. Thanks for considering it. I don't even care if the party is only 2-3 people.

EDIT: Just read this post that's (strangely) got me thinking about Agno again. Another consideration for him is a re-work into full druid. Still up in the air.

Also, neglected to mention earlier that Borric, Zelena, and Sylvain (all 9th) are soon to be available.
What about using some DMC to retool/replace Agno to join them, GE?


The Excel/Google Docs thing sounds good, I'll play around with that...

So, if I wanted to get my feet wet by doing a mini-adventure with just a couple encounters, how would I start?
Since we potentially need something now, I will throw something together. If you want work your ideas into a follow-on or continuation that would be okay. Much of some of the prep work could be ready to go that way and I will be you Judge riding shot gun.

When you get your Google Doc started, PM me the link and I can read your work in progress and advise as required.


What about using some DMC to retool/replace Agno to join them, GE?

I've been going back and forth over 'retire or retool' for a while now and thinking hard about how I would retool over the past day and nothing is really grabbing me. Sadly, I think Agno's adventuring career is over. I've a couple of issues with using DMC to replace him also: I am having a dearth of ideas right now, and the circle of people I've been RPing with in LPF has become very small. I would like to get involved in a game with some new people and expand that circle. I think to do that I'm going to have to start at low levels again.


I have done some playing around with Ditzie lately. For those that are not familiar with it, it is an on-line tool to display your maps and move tokens around specifically designed for PbP role-playing games. It is not a map making tool per se, but it is better for managing the tactical grid during combat then simply posting up a picture of the current map based on the latest movements.

Once the DM starts it, the players open the link, move their token and hit <enter>. Ditzie generates a new url and the player copies that url into their IC post for the next person to use. It doesn't overwrite previous maps, players update their token's movement themselves, and there is no trimming of pictures and uploading them to photobucket.

I plan to start using it in Devil We Know very soon and in my next Adventure that begins recruiting shortly if you want to see how it works out. SK, I strongly suggest you check it out for your upcoming battle royale game since the sheer volume of mapping updates is going to be significant and using Ditzie will make a huge difference in larger parties.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I've used Ditzie before, and like it. I played around with a start-up site specifically for PbP games that incorporated its own mapping tool and stopped using Ditzie, then never picked it back up for some reason.

I may play around with it over the weekend - I'll have some free time, finally - and learn to use it again.


I spend about an hour porting over my tokens and stuff tonight so I could use it for Devil We Know. We will see how it goes.

I know some people have trouble just copying BBCode links for Invis Castle so I am anticipating some mistakes the this round. ;)


So, throwing this out there.

I am growing more interested in DMing for LPF.

I will admit that I am highly inexperienced with running 3.X games, but I am crafting an adventure for submission as I write this (that's right: 2 keyboards going at the same time).

Hope to add to the growing list of great stories coming out of this community, once I can figure out how to balance CRs appropriately ...

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