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Wanted: Female point of veiw

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First Post
As an actualy girl.....

I have found Pathfinder very welcoming.

I think you are noticing more women in pathfinder in particular for a few reasons.

1 There are more girls playing than ever

RPGs were made for girls we just didn't know it yet. Think about it, we grow up playing with dolls acting out life encounters. We grow up playing pretend. We grow up playing D&D minus the combat rules with barbies as figs (trust me barbie has her own combat rules). Also there is less stigma now with being one of "those gamers". Don't forget some of us have been playing long enough that there are entirely new generations of gamers, girls included, to bring into the fold cause "we know better now".

2 There is NO number

As silly as it sounds its a big factor. Most of us gamer girls DON'T want to look like idiots when it comes to rules. We want to know what to do and how to do it. When you first pick up a book it's size and weight are intimidating. When you add a number like 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 it can give the impression that you may need to know all the stuff from all the books before to really understand the game.

(Kinda like when they renumber every story line start in comics with #1. It was a marketing idea among the comic book world to help make it easier to bring in new fans without them feeling like they need to start at the beginning. and on a side note congrats to Wonder Woman #45 returning to it's proper numbering of issue #600)

Pathfinder has no number on the cover. Silly as it sounds I think that was brilliant! All the D&D goodness none of the intimidation to new players.

3 The rules have been simplified

Argue about this one if you must I'm not gonna get into it, But if you ask me Pathfinder rules are less confusing, more straight forward, and easier to understand. The skills combining also I believe helps with new gamer intimidation level.

4 There seems to be more emphasis on roll play again.

Chances are your new gamer girls are roll players not number crunchers. This can at times make the social aspect of the game more exciting than the combat for these players. Pathfinder has in my opinion opened up that option quite a bit making it more efective and at times quite necessary.

5 All the sexy depictions of men in the Pathfinder books don't hurt.

Dark Mistress

First Post
Assuming it is true and I am not saying it is. But if it is true than I pretty much agree with Cherry.

I would also add that having strong sexy female inconics that stand on their own doesn't hurt. I know when i played WoD, as someone that came to it from DnD. I meet a lot more female gamers most of them getting their start with WoD. After talking to them about gaming and why they decided then to game or what they though of DnD etc.

The over whelming reply on reasons where. Strong female characters, more focus on character building, looking less like a wargame and finally most of the books where fun to read. (Aka they was well written and didn't read like dry text books)

Now with all that said I have not seen this trend of more women playing Pathfinder myself. Locally I have seen more people switching to Pathfinder regardless of gender. I know the local game store chain, the owner said from all 5 of his stores he sells as much Pathfinder as all the other RPG's combined. Oh course I have heard the opposite about other area's around the country.

So what does all this mean? Likely jack and bleep. :)

Saint Mac

First Post
Thanks all for reponding and I truely mean that. Your responces are really appreciated!

I'm brand new to Pathfinder personally after years of D&D and such. I'm making the switch becuase I feel burned on 4e and enjoyed 3.5. When I heard of Pathfinder, I couldn't help jumping in to take a look.

I really hoped that I could have written the original post better, very sorry if it came out wrong.

Thanks again for your posts!


PS> I hate spell checkers, sorry :)


First Post
Do you really see no difference between asking two specific women what they think about something, and asking a generic online crowd to come up with an overgeneralization about women?
I do. However, here is what else I see:
So, here's my request. Although it may sound odd or bias or wahtever, I'm looking for posts and blogs from women who play Pathfinder. What I'm after is an other view point on what they like in the platform itself as well as in their favorite campaigns.

If you would be so kind to point me in a direction, I would really appreciate it. If you're a guy like me and happen to know of a female player that would like to share, would you mind asking them to help me out?

Thanks! I appreciate your time.
What I don't see is any request for a generalization from the online crowd about women.


Platform wise the female players I game with, and have gamed with like the same things the guys like. As far as specific adventures or campaigns, they are more RP oriented so I tend to try to avoid 2 straight combat sessions. I allow the fighting only type player the chance to get XP from RP'ing that anyone does if the RP solves the issues, that way they dont feel like they are wasting time.

Saint Mac

First Post
Hi All,

I posted this same question in other groups and other places off enWorld and got some feedback from some female gamers. I really appreciate you/them taking the time to respond.

To take all this in, I guess in general that maybe we could add more role-play and not jump on every system add-on as if it was the only way to play. That's REALLY summerizing. I never expected that there was only one female view as that's stupid and everyone recognize that...just looking for views outside my own gender....although there were a few bumps in the road through these threads, I'm glad I asked and I'm glad you posted your views as well.

Take Care!

PS> There were more than one comment on the pics in the book and even a suggestion of a "hot Pathfinder guys" centerfold....I'm not going there.
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