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Warcraft D&D Map 1: "The Haunting of Barrenrim"


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It is a hot day on Kalimdor, as usual. One by one you have been picked up by your guide Tedd, a mostly silent furbolg. You had your doubts, but Tedd had a seal from Martin George, the one who hired you all to protect him on an exploration mission into the western barrens, where Quillboars and all kinds of monsters thrive. Gerorge wanted specifically "outsiders" on this job, not people from the city of trade and mercenaries itself. Still, you heard how others made their fortune by scavening the leftovers of the great armies that raged across Kalimdor. Or you might want to secure that none of these riches fall into the hands of the Burning Legion or the Scourge, that they not rise again.
Whatever your reasons were, now you are on track to Rachet via Barrenrim, a small outpost of the Horde, where some peons try to found a new existence. "Others wait there." is all you get out of Tedd.

You are now on a wide,orange-coloured plains, broken by large rock and stands of sturdy trees. The orange dust presaging the Barrens slowly builds a small layer on your clothing and equipment, but for now there are still more patches of yellow grass than barren earth. It has been dry for days and your water is running low, but you exspect a well in Barrenrim.

Shortly after the midday break, you notice a Kodo Beast crossing your path. Running from behind a large rock, it flees -as you soon notice- from about half a dozen orges. As the ogres see you, three of their number break off pursuit and approach you. You notice that one of them has two heads, the second one having only one eye. Dressed in primitive clothing, they all carry large spears with stone tips, except the two-headed one, who has steel tips.

They eye you wearily as they come closer.

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Narash looks over the situtation, and strides to the front of the group, towering (I think) over the Ogres. He slings his halbard casually over his shoulder, and speaks first in Orcish, then Common, if they don't seem to understand. "Greetings travellers. Is that your Kodo Beast running across the road? You might want to catch up to him before he gets away...."


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The ogres look at you, the two warriors ready to strike. The
two heads of the third one look at each other. Then both glare at you.
"That thing ya said 'bout..." the head with one eye begins in broken common, " .... is to feed us.", the other head continues.
"What it is ...", one-eye again speaks and again two-eyes continues," ... who is ya?"

At the same time you notice that Tedd, the furbolg, lets out a low growl, flexing his claws. It seems that he can barely keep himself from attacking.


Narash looks at Tedd with concern, and steps back a bit, leaning over to speak with him semi-privately.

"These creatures - they upset you? Why? They seem only to hunt the Kodo...." He considers for a moment. "Unless they truly hunt those upon the road?"

He waits for Tedd to answer, looking over the Ogres again with an eye to their motives - he looks for bulging purses, hunting gear, severed orc ears, or anything of the sort.


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Narash: Tedd lokks at you, as if suddenly awakening. Then he says:
"These things are new to Kalimdor. They take what is easy to get. They
thought our village easy to get. And three on three they sure think they are in
advantage. We must be ready to fight. I believe they only look for reasons."

Shannyn: As the tauren and the furbolg speak, you see one of the one-headed types staring at you. He speaks to the two-headed one in a langage that almost hurts to hear. That one in return shouts:"quiet. i am appointed." then he turns back to you and both heads bellow:" No secret. Ya sez now: who is ya?"
The third ogre weighs his club, which is stained with some sort of rust, as if reflecting on what two-heads said, but his eyes are dull.


OOC: Are Ogres size L in WC?

Narash nods to Tedd. "I see. Your village was attacked by such as these? Without Honor, and without cause?" He waits for a confirmation from Tedd before speaking.

He then looks at the one that called out. "I am Narash Foresthome, traveller and War-leader of the Foresthome." The Foresthome banner on his back chooses this minute to snap dramatically in the wind. "We are not seeking quarrel with you, and hide no secrets." As he says this, he rests the butt of his halbard on the ground and looks confidently at the group (OOC: Intimidate if you think it's warranted. ;) )


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Tedd nods and says: "But they found more than they thought." For the first time in your travels with this furbolg, you notice a certain cruel glint in his eye. After Narash has spoken to the ogres, Tedd adds: "Yes, we are only travellers, you must let us pass."

The Ogres seem to be taken aback a bit (see below), and two-heads now talks a bit less loud than before:"This our soil. If you give present for great chief, we let you pass."

OOC: Intimidate check result 17 vs their 14
Yes, Ogres are also Size L in WC

Robbert Raets

"And I am Shannyn Rageblade, warrior of the Kaldorei and defender of the Forests" she says, throwing back her cape and glaring up at the ogres.


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As Shannyn reveals herself a night-elf, the third ogre, who remained yet silent,
suddenly bursts:"They killed de master ...." but quickly falls silent again as
two-heads slaps him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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