Warlock, which pact is best?

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The real differences between the pacts are
1. what at-will you get
2. what pact boon you get
3. what boosted secondary effects some of your powers may have

For the most part, ignoring the "(star pact)" or whatever line in favour of reading what the power actually does is highly beneficial.


You gotta respect the infernal for the HP maxing. A higher starting HP than the other warlocks also means better healing surges & second wind. Each round might mean more temporary HP, as even minions give your level in bonus HP. Sure it doesn't stack, but that's why you can wade into melee to assist the warlord and others by soaking up damage. With a decent Int the bonuses become better along with AC; Cha becomes a dump stat!


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I'm playing an Infernal Pact Warlock and I've really enjoyed it.

We are going through KotS and the Irontooth fight went fairly easily becaus eof my ability to run up to a group of enemies, kill all of the minions at the beginning of their turn, and lay down some hurt on the survivors. (Armor of Agathys is NICE)

I had enough HP to take the hits I took and I actually kept my HP at bloodied the whole time on purpose because I am a gnoll, and that ups my damage.

That said, Fey Pact has amazing mobility and Star Pact has some good control.


I favor the fay pact. Although it doesn't deal as much damage as the other, mobility is great and you can act as a single-target controller at high levels.


First Post
Infernal - More damage. Actually less survivability (imo) than Feylock
Star - Pretty balanced and unspecialized.
Fey - Least damage out of all of them, but most elusive and defensive and "tricksy" in my opinion.

After having played an Infernal, I moved to Feylock and I feel like God now. Multi'd with Ranger and trained Stealth (although I rarely use it). Tear through minions and being able to Stack Hunter's Quarry with Curse is a nice boost to damage.

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