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Warlord At-Will Powers level 1 via June Preview


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I'm wondering...

The name of the exploit is Commander's STRIKE, and the power is stated as : Attack : blablabla Hit : blablabla.

Doesn't that mean the Warlord have to attack then on a hit, gives an ally an attack ?
It probably isn't the case, otherwise the power will have AC, Fort, Ref or Will attack stated and some damage, say 1 [W]. But then... am I the only one who think the "Attack" and "Hit" part of the power is bad design ? Why not only put the entry like : " Effect : blablabla ".

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I am not sure how exactly you would definitively interpret the Commander's Strike as requiring a melee attack by the Warlord. They do not make an attack roll of any kind, they merely enable another character to make an attack. I think that any refererence to Commander's Strike being a melee attack is in regards to the attack that results from the power *IS* the power, as opposed to being a power that precedes the attack.


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Voss said:
Its a melee attack though, so it seems to require a front-line warlord. And you both have to be able to make melee attacks against the target, which pretty much requires you to be next to the fighter (or whoever). And they just get a basic melee attack. Thats... not a very good trade. I can see some corner cases that would make it good (pair with a melee ranger who has selected the target as his quarry), but most of the time you'll want to use your other at will.

Wolf pack tactics is a bit better. Easy to set up combat advantage through flanking, and opens up all sorts of shenanigans.

You might've missed it, but a few posts before this one I corrected the first statement you quoted. :)

I am not sure how exactly you would definitively interpret the Commander's Strike as requiring a melee attack by the Warlord.

Because the :melee: symbol is part of the statblock, which means its a special melee attack on the part of the Warlord. The basic attack from an ally is the effect.


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GoodKingJayIII said:
You might've missed it, but a few posts before this one I corrected the first statement you quoted. :)

I did. I got attacked by work and came back and finished the post later, so I missed a bit of the thread.

Michele Carter

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Nightchilde-2 said:
:D Warlord...SO much better than the bard....

Ahhhh, but you haven't seen the bard yet. I'm making up one for a 5th-level playtest this afternoon, and he is full of awesomesauce. :D

(This is not helpful, I know. Sorry! ; )


First Post
Well, its not like the fighter uses Tide of Iron all the time. Its great to give to a defender who needs some help, while Wolf Pack Tactics seems to be good for melee strikers. I wonder if all the abilities for the warlord are designed with other roles and builds in mind? I just want to see how many choices you get for at-will.


First Post
OK, so Commander's Strike is a "Standard Action Melee weapon" power - you have to be able to employ your Weapon against the target to use it.

So basically, when you and an ally are in melee with the same opponent, you can coordinate your attack so that it presents the opportunity for your ally to get an extra shot in that he normally wouldn't get.

That's brilliant. This kind of Warlord is a melee rogue's best friend, presenting a flanking buddy, healer, and damage multiplier.

Wolf Pack Tactics is interesting too - not only does it present great opportunities for Flanking, but it also let's the Warlord extricate his vulnerable allies from combat - shifting them away from the foe so they can engage in a flat out run or the like.

- Marty Lund


Maybe I'm misreading this, but, since it requires a weapon, doesn't it mean BOTH the warlord and the ally attack the target?

It has the oh-so-helpful "Attack" icon next to it, after all.

I see it as:
Warlord:"No, dummy! You hit it like THIS!" (Wham)
Ally:"Oh, like this?" (Wham)

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