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Warlords of Pangea: Restart!!


I am starting a new campaign using 3.5 D&D rules in my own homebrew world of Pangea. I would like to get 4-5 players who can post from 3-5 time a week. While I am used 3.5 rules, I have come up with several house rule that fit the style of the world. Which is something like a hybrid of Conan's Hyboria, Burrough's Barsoom, and the Land that Time Forgot. It has a prehistoric Swords and Sorcery feel.

World of Pangea

The continent of Pangea stretches for three to four thousand miles from the jungle coasts of the east to the ragged coastline of the great grasslands of the west. To the north are the evergreen rain forests and highlands that lead to the great escarpment and the arctic plateau of Kish. In the center of Pangea in between the low jungle topped hills of the Keng in the east and the tall volcanic Flamebrand mountain range to the west is the great inland sea of Yu. To the south of Pangea across a thin straight of water is the mysterious sub-continent of Lamura where savage Lizardmen attack all intruders to their realm.

Three thousand years ago, the Yuan-ti ruled as the masters of Pangea. Only the great kingdoms of the Xill contested the snakemen. After centuries of warfare the Yuan-ti finally conquered the Xill and threw down their walled cities. The alien Xill adopted a nomadic lifestyle after that and wondered the great plains of the west. The Yuan-ti breed the lesser races like cattle. Humans where used a labor and as livestock for the serpent’s larders. Lizardmen where breed to be obedient warriors. Among the humans, the white skinned Oparians were raised up to be overseers of the other slave races while the snakemen lived in their great cities of stone enjoying a life of deviant hedonism. Then a natural disaster of terrible proportions struck the land in the form of great earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. The cities of the Yuan-ti crumbled and fell and the slave races rose up in revolt. They slew their old masters and burned the snakemen’s cities. It is five hundred years after the fall of the Yuan-ti Empire and the humans and other races have built up nations of their own.

Pangea is a world of savage beauty. Dinosaurs roam the land among other savage beasts. Scattered tribes trade and wage war against their neighbors. Gladiatorial combat entertains the citizens of the great city-state of Opar where a white skinned Goddess Queen rules supreme. The priests of the Empire of Teca offer the still beating hearts of a hundred willing sacrifices every year so the sun will rise again. Four armed Xill war chiefs lead their clans on far reaching raids to pillage and plunder. Thus is the land of Pangea.

Characters will start at 1st level and abilities will be generated using Nadaka's Dicebox. Roll 4d6 dropping the lowest dice six times and place as you wish. Hit points will be maximum at 1st level and rolled for normally after that though you can reroll ones. Starting money will be 50 gold pieces.
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There are as many varities of lizardman as there are lizards. They were breed by the Yuan-ti as a warrior race and after the fall of the snakemen, the lizardmen scattered and formed various tribes. Some worship the natural world and it's spirits and some worship the snake god Yig.

Abilities: +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence
Medium Sized
Movement: 30 feet
+2 Natural Armor
+3 racial bonus to Swim and Leap skill checks
Natural weapon: Bite (1d6 damage)
Hold Breath (can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times his constitution score without risk of drowning.)
Favored Class: Hunter

The desert variety of Lizard Folk has the Endurance feat instead of Hold Breath and it loses the racial bonus to Swim checks.



The Chucou is a tree dwelling reptillian humaniod with two arms but four sets of hands. One set is clawed for climbing and the other has long delicate fingers for manipulation. They are very good with their hands and make wonderfully crafted items with them. Their skin is finely scaled and multicolored in hue. They have large eyes and a small amount of wispy hair on their head.

Abilities: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
Small Size
Movement 30 feet
+8 racial bonus to Balance and Climb skill checks.
Can take 10 with Balance and Climb even if distracted.
+2 racial bonus to any one Craft Skill and Spot skill checks.
Low Light Vision
Favored Class: Guardian

Pygmy Folk

The Pygmy Folk are a reclusive race of short furred humanoids. They live in the deep jungle in well-hidden villages. They are very cautious but can be very friendly once their trust is earned. They have large circular eyes and small facial features.

Abilities: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity.
Small Size
Movement 20 feet
+3 racial Bonus to Move Silently and Listen skill checks.
Poison use
Craft (Poison) is a class skill.
Low Light Vision
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls with Blowguns and Short Bows.
Favored Class: Scout



The Xill is a 6-foot tall four-armed humanoid with rough red skin and insect like face. They are fearless warriors and prefer to do battle riding their six legged Huun mounts that resemble a cross between a crocodile and a gray hound. They tend to be very straight forward and to the point in dealing with other races and they have their own code of honor.

Abilities: +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
Medium Sized
Movement: 30 feet
Multi-Weapon Fighting
+3 Racial bonus to Climb and Ride skill checks.
Favored Class: Fighter

Human Racial Types



The Tojec are short and stocky, the men rarely more than 5 feet 6 inches tall and the women more delicately built with an average height of about 5 foot. Skin color varied from dark to light brown, and the typical Tojec face was broad with a prominent, and often hooked, nose. Eyes were black or brown almond-shaped, and frequently with epic anthic folds at the outer corners. Hair is coarse, black, and straight. Men usually wore it cut in a fringe over the forehead and allowed it to grow to the level of the nape of the neck at the back, but the priests have their own distinctive hair style and the warriors wore pigtails and various kinds of scalp lock. The women let their hair grow long. Normally it was allowed to hang loose, but on festival days it was braided with ribbons.
Hair on the face was considered unpleasant, but nature collaborated with art by endowing the men with only meager beards. Shaving was therefore unnecessary; facial hair was plucked out with tweezers, and, as a further aid towards good looks, Tojec mothers applied hot cloths to the faces of their young sons in order to stifle the hair follicles and inhibit the growth of whiskers. Only old or distinguished men (who could afford to ignore fashion) wore beards, and these were at best thin and wispy.
Both men and women had great powers of endurance, and from childhood the ordinary people had been used to hard physical work. People of importance prided themselves on their behavior, and tried always to move gracefully, accompanying their conversation with dignified gestures and assuming an expression appropriate to the occasion.



The Vett are tall and broad shouldered, the men average about 5 feet 10 inches and the women are strongly built with an average height of 5 foot 4 inches. They tend to have fair complexions with a rectangular shaped face. Hair is tends to be wavy. Hair color ranges from shades of blonde, brown, and auburn. It is usually worn to shoulder length. Men tend to have lots of body hair and wear full beards or mustaches. Eye color is blue, green, brown, or a mixture of these colors.
Vett are a vigorous race and they enjoy contests, singing, and battle.


The Keng are a short muscular barrel chest people. Their skin is the color of a ripe lemon. They have shaggy black hair, round flat faces, large noses, and small eyes. Some tribes of Keng are cannibals and they wear trophies of their fallen foes (ears, finger bones, and scalps).


The people of Opar were breed by the Ancient Yuan-Ti as an overseer race that reported directly to the Yuan-ti. Though when the great revolt came the Oparains saw the writing on the wall and quickly turned on their snakemen masters. Oparians are tall and well built. They are a very handsome race and their women are considers great beauties. Their skin is the palest alabaster white though they do not burn in the sun. Eye color is ice blue, green, or violet. Hair color ranges from jet-black, snow white, and sea green. The men Opar can grow facial hair though they usually keep themselves clean- or with small well-trimmed beards and/or mustaches.
The Queen of Opar is considered to be of divine blood and it is said that she has ruled Opar for a thousand year. The city itself boasts the largest known coliseum in the lands in which gladiatorial matches are staged between slaves, professional gladiators, and terrible beasts.

Background Skill:

Non-human characters gain one additional class skill of the players choice. Humans gain two addition class skills.
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First Post
I've never played a PbP game, but I'm interested. Am considering an Opar swashbuckler.

I cut my literary teeth on ERB's Pellucidar books...so this sounds fun!
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Classes of Pangea


1. Berserker (Standard Barbarian from the Players Handbook)
2. Hunter (Gains: Favored enemy, archery combat style, improved archery combat style, and combat archery style mastery (as ranger). Loses: Rage, greater rage, indomitable will, tireless rage, and mighty rage.)
3. Dervish (Standard Barbarian that uses the Whirling Frenzy Rage variant from Unearthed Arcana pg. 66.)


1. Savage Bard (From Unearthed Arcana pg. 50)


1. Shaman (Standard Druid from Players Handbook)
2. Guardian (Gain: Bonus to AC when unarmored (as monk, including Wisdom Bonus to AC), fast movement (as monk), favored enemy (as ranger), Swift tracker (as ranger), Track feat (as ranger). Loses: Wild Shape.


1. Fighter (Standard Fighter from Players Handbook)
2. Brigand (Gains: Sneak Attack (per rogue), Loses: Bonus fighter feats)
3. Swashbuckler (per Complete Warrior pg. 11-13)


1. Rogue (Standard Rogue from Players Handbook.)
2. Scout (Wilderness Rogue Variant from Unearthed Arcana pg. 56)


1. Sorcerer (Must use the School Specialization rules from the Players Handbook (pg. 57). Evocation is automatically a prohibited school and cannot be used as one of the choices as a prohibited school. The Sorcerer also gains one additional spell known per spell level from the Sorcerer’s chosen school. Uses the Wizard’s class skill list. Skill points are (4 + Intelligence bonus) x 4 at first level and (4 + Intelligence bonus) after that. Can use Intelligence or Charisma to determine how powerful a spell a Sorcerer can cast, how many spells he/she can cast, and how hard those spells are to resist. This is determined at the first level of Sorcerer and cannot be changed after that. The Sorcerer can choose one of the Specialist Wizard Variants (Unearthed Arcane pages 59-64) per his/her chosen school.
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First Post
You seem to have put quite some thought into your world already. :D

I'd be interested to play, probably as a human sorcerer.



A suffusion of yellow
Chucou Guardian coming up

ERB is one of my favourite authors and anything invoking Opar and Barsoom has got to be good. Just out of curiosity are you familiar with Philip Jose Farmers Hadon of Ancient Opar (based on Burroughs Opar) - it might make some good source material


First Post
I'm interested. What books are you allowing? Specifically if your allowing complete warrior. I'm thinking about a Xill swashbuckler later taking the dervish prestige class, or a Xill Barbarian/Frienzed berserker. I'll start coming up with something as soon as you get back to me.
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The Shaman

First Post
Desert lizardfolk shaman for me (of course - what else?!?) - do you want a background first, a complete character sheet, or what? Is there a selection process?

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