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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Kralin Thornberry said:
His family had come to Q'Barra after the end of the Last War, leaving Cyre for the promise of a new start, a better future. Garrick had been little then, didn't know his older brothers who died in the Last War.

Just a few suggestions, based upon the Eberron cannonical storyline:
  • The Last War ended after the destruction of Cyre. Thus, your parents could not have left Cyre after the end of the War (could have been elsewhere).
  • Regardless, the Last War ended only two years ago (in the standard timeline---I assume we are not starting later?)

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stonegod said:
Just a few suggestions, based upon the Eberron cannonical storyline:
  • The Last War ended after the destruction of Cyre. Thus, your parents could not have left Cyre after the end of the War (could have been elsewhere).
  • Regardless, the Last War ended only two years ago (in the standard timeline---I assume we are not starting later?)

You know, I actually had them leaving after the destruction of Cyre and no mention of the Last War originally, so I may go ahead and change it back.

Thanks, I appreciate the help, especially since I'm not as Eberron-fluent as I could be, just having gotten the books earlier this year.


stonegod said:
I can do one of two things w/ my character, either of which work. Let me know your input.
  1. Leave him as is; he is a monster hunter after all; could be helping Garrix the treasure hunter---keeping an eye of those shifty monsters he interacts with.
  2. Move his background to be originally from Seawell. His family would then be originally from Q'Bara (perhaps having moved from Aundair during the Last War); he still fought w/ house Deneith, etc., etc. His last job escorting the Cyran family to New Galifar gave him an excuse to revisit his family. Finding it threatened by the lizardfolk, he had both a familial and professional reason to stay. He still could be helping out w/ Garrix/others in this mode as well.
The background of where he comes from is not important to the concept. I'd just like feedback on the concept as a whole.


I'm quite comfortable with Ari's current history as is, and I think it makes a lot of sense. He arrived in Seawell two years ago and has been working for the town ever since, especially with the lizardfolk problem whenever it arises. If I was to make any suggestion, I'd just say you could flesh out his past two years in Seawell a little bit if you wanted. How much work did he do for the Finder's Guild? Does the Finder's Guild have a small office here? Is he the only one or are there a number of other Guildmembers in town? How has he earned his keep over the past two years? What has he done that the town is thankful for and would go to him with any problems? That kind of stuff. Stuff that is occuring in Seawell is much more useful to the game and your fellow players than anything from the distant past. It gives all of us (and myself) something to play off of during the game. Thanx! Good work!


First Post
Some of the other PCs could know my character because they may have frequented the bar before it closed down. Maybe they're some of the people whom laugh at his poor luck.


First Post
This is the first draft of the twins.

Jango Silversun

Male Elven Warmage 1
Neutral Good

Str: 8 (-1) (0points)
Dex: 14 (+2) (4points + 2racial)
Con: 10 (+0) (4points - 2racial)
Int: 14 (+2) (6points)
Wis: 12 (+1) (4points)
Cha: 16 (+3) (10points)

HP: 6 (1d6 + 0con)

AC: 14 (10 + 2dex + 2armor) / 12 / 12

Fortitude: +0 (0base + 0con)
Reflex: +2 (0base + 2dex)
Will: +3 (2base + 1wis)

Init: +2 (2dex)

Base attack bonus: +0

Rapier: -1 (0base - 1str), 1d6-1 damage, Threat 18-20/x2
Shortbow: +2 (0base + 2dex), 1d6 damage, Threat 20/x3

Spells per day: 5/4
DC: 10 + spell level + 3

Skill points: 16
Max Rank: 4
Concentration: 2 (2ranks + 0con)
Knowledge (Arcana): 6 (4ranks + 2int)
Knowledge (History): 6 (4ranks + 2int)
Spellcraft: 6 (2ranks + 2int + 2synergy)
Cross-class skills:
Knowledge (The Planes): 4 (4ranks + 2int)

Bonus elven: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow)
Lvl 1 - Enlarge Spell


Leather Armor
Arrows x 60

Flint and Steel

53 gp

25 lb., Light Load

Class features:
Armored Mage: Can wear light armor and shields without fear of arcane spell failure.
Warmage Edge: Adds his Intelligence bonus to damage caused by spells.

Simple weapons
Longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow
Light armor
Light shields

Jina Silversun

Female Elven Swashbuckler 1
Chaotic Good

Str: 14 (+2) (6points)
Dex: 16 (+3) (6points + 2racial)
Con: 12 (+1) (6points - 2racial)
Int: 14 (+2) (6points)
Wis: 8 (-1) (0points)
Cha: 12 (+1) (4points)

HP: 11 (1d10 + 1Con)

AC: 17 (10 + 3dex + 4armor) / 13 / 14

Fortitude: +3 (2base + 1con)
Reflex: +3 (0base + 3dex)
Will: -1 (0base - 1wis)

Speed: 35 ft.
Init: +3 (3dex)

Base attack bonus: +1

Elven Thinblade: +4 (1base + 3dex), 1d8+2 damage, Threat 18-20/x2
Dagger: +4 (1base + 3dex), 1d4+2 damage, Threat 19-20/x2, 10 ft.
Two-weapon Fighting:
Elven Thinblade: +2 (1base + 3dex - 2TWF), 1d8+2 damage, Threat 18-20/x2
Dagger: +2 (1base + 3dex - 2TWF), 1d4+2 damage, Threat 19-20/x2, 10 ft.

Skill points: 24
Max Rank: 4
Balance: 7 (4ranks + 3dex +2 synergy - 2AC)
Bluff: 6 (4ranks + 2cha)
Diplomacy: 8 (4ranks + 2cha + 2synergy)
Jump: 6 (4ranks + 2str + 2acrobatic - 2AC)
Tumble: 9 (4ranks + 3dex + 2synergy + 2acrobatic - 2AC)
Use Rope: 7 (4ranks + 3dex)

Fluff 1: Dash
Fluff 2: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Thinblade)
Bonus elven: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow)
Swashbuckler lvl1: Weapon Finesse
Lvl 1 - Two-weapon Fighting


Elven Thinblade
Dagger x3
Chain Shirt
Flint and Stell
Hooded Lamp
Oil, Pint x3
Silk Rope (50 ft.)
Signel Whistle

11 gp 9sp

47 lb., Light Load

Class features:
Weapon Finesse: Gains Weapon Finesse at lvl 1

Simple Weapons
Martial Weapons
Light Armor

The fire was burning fiercly in the hearth, and the owls could be heard outside. Jango had his face in a book - as usual - and let loose a small yelp of suprise when his twin sister, Jina, came stomping in through the door. "Tough crowd tonight bro. Mom says you should come and help me keep the peace. They're more affraid of you torching the roof, than me poking their ribs with this." She patted the slim, elegant blade hanging from her hip. "Come on, you can read later, now it is time to work!" With that she turned around and left.
Sighing, Jango carefully puts the old book down on the table and follows his sister downstairs. Indeed, the common room was full as bursting tonight...

Dawn was rapidly arriving, and the last guests had just left a short hour ago. Morinda, the twins mother, ushered the last of the maids and cooks outside as she was beckoning to her kids. "Come, please join me for a bite before sleep. I've had Lina made baked peppers and sweetbread for us. We deserve it, after this night." Wearing a tired smile, she headed upstairs, the twins trailing slowly behind her. The room was as Jango left it, only the fire had died. A few logs and a flick of Morindas wrist later, the fire was burning yet again. They ate for a long while in silence, but finally Jango spoke up. "Mother, did father say anything about what the reason behind the recent raids? I mean, it is all good and well for the Lilac that people gather for comfort and comraderie, but I just feel there is something... off... about the things that are happening." He blushed and shrugged, but looked searchingly at his mother.

Several moments went past before Morinda spoke. "No, he never said a thing about it. He told me he had to help with the defences of the outlying farms, but not for how long..." Jina, prefering to take matters at hand, rather than talk about it for days without end, frowned. "I don't see why we can't just go and chase the lizards off. They're surely not as organized or well equiped as we, are they? And it isn't the first time they have behaved strangely, is it?"
Shaking her head wearily, Morinda agrees. "No, it is not the first time... back when your father and I came through her on our journey, they were acting strangely... We'd been traveling for close to three years, just seeing new places, exploring the world. With my training and your father learning on the road we were safe enough, but when we came here we heard rumours about the lizardfolk. They had been acting strangely, more often seen close to the town, harassing trading caravans and chasing away the lesser boats coming to close. It appeared later that they've had a split in their tribe, and a sort of tribal war was fought, but nothing big, like these ships dissapearing, ever happened back then. Anyway, we decided to stay here, as you were born and we did not want to take you out on the road."

The twins looks at eachother and grins. "Yeah, good thing that was. Seawell is a nice place to grow up, and with you and father to teach us, we could not have had a better time." Jango smiles and throw a little ball of liquid fire into the fireplace, helping the embers warm the room. "I know mother, no magic in the Lilac untill I've learned to controll it better. But I truly believe I am that far now. You won't let me proove it though."
A motherly smile comes to Morindas lips, and she explains. "It is not that I doubt your abilities, but you have not had the strict training I had. You will learn with time, my son. But now, I am going to bed."

They are alone in the room now, and Jina is suddenly grinning. "Hey Jango, let's go and spy on the lizards! We havn't done that in weeks." With that, she runs out of the room and down the stairs, not even bothering to wait for her brothers response. I better go and keep her out of trouble, he thinks, and follow suit.

They're walking down the street, towards one of the gates. One with dark black hair, the other with flaming red. If it weren't for that apparent difference, they would be identical. Almond shaped eyes the color of dark brown, bordering on black. Lithe bodies, walking confidently towards their destiny, allthough unknown to them both - yet.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Kralin Thornberry said:
You know, I actually had them leaving after the destruction of Cyre and no mention of the Last War originally, so I may go ahead and change it back.

That'll work; New Galifar/Q'Barra was originally settled 70 yrs ago, so your parents could have gotten sick of the War and moved there in sufficient time for you to grow up there. Would be interesting that they were Cyran's long established in the area before the recent upsurge in settlers (Q'Barra has the largest number of Cyran refugees outside of Breland).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
DEFCON: One other note---in the original thread, there was a point about two "bonus fluff feats" to be taken to flesh out the character; this note is not in the current notice. Is this still applicable (if note, I need to tweak Ari)?

Yay, I broke 100 again! ;)
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ari Osten, Expanded Background

Note: I've incorporated a few things from the existing backgrounds---the guard Citen and his hunt for Garrick, the successful Green Lilac tavern, a run-in with one of the infinite Luttin's, and a possible additional explaination for the other tavern going bad (in Lot's background---I gave it a name which can change if a different one is chosen). I also introduced a the Thurask house agents in the area. I'm happy to "namedrop" other characters like Zan (bront), Kahlia (drothgery), etc. if given enough info.

Ari is the son of well-off merchants in Fairhaven; they could have kept him out of the Last War. However, he fought with relish. But he did not fight for his country; he fought for money. As a House Deneith mercenary, he fought all over Khovaire. And what he found angered him---soulless constructs, vile undead, and other monsters. Thus, he utilized his Deneith ties to train himself as a monster hunter. Deneith found in him some spark---probably tied to his Aberrant Dragonmark he kept hidden---and trained him has a hexer. He used his skills successfully during the final years of the War.

After the War, Ari left Deneith---he did not want protection work, he wanted to hunt the creatures that prey on civilization. He thus began to freelance with House Tharashk. It was a simple arrangement---any job they provided, he would give them a commission on; any "off-the-books" work was his own.

Two years ago, after doing some freelance hunting work near the Mournland/Breland border, the patriarch of the an Cyran-expat family approached him. It was protection work---escort them to Newthrone in New Galibar---but the pay was good and Ari know that Tharashk was establishing operations in Q'Barra. After he landed in the New Galibar seaport, he sought out the Finder's Guild house.

The local House leader, Khalar d'Tharashk, did not recognize Ari's name, but a quick Message Stone message soon sorted that out. Ari was offered the opportunity to be part of a Tharashk operation in "an area of interest"---Seawell. Tharashk was to use it as a base of operations for dragonshard delving in the region. The Seawell chapterhouse would be controlled by Dhelleck d'Tharashk, and Ari could be part of any bounty hunting or similar operations brought to the House. Ari agreed, and left with a very small contingent (six or so) House affiliated members.

Ari did not concern himself with the workings of the Tharashk operation---when a job was offered, he took it. After a few Tharashk jobs, the locals began to realize that they could go to Ari directly. This did not endear Ari to Dhelleck, but as the main function of the chapterhouse was dragonshard extraction, he let it fall by the wayside.

Ari assisted in many monster hunts, earning a bit of reputation in town. There was that odd swamp creature with purple tentacles which ate some of Tebick Luttin's livestock; Ari politely refused the "introduction" to one Sire Luttin's many daughters. Another case was that of Watchman Citen, who asked Ari to assist in finding some errant blacksmith-cum-treasure hunter that lizardfolk may have eaten; they later tracked this "Garrick" to some forgotten stone rubble, healthy as pie. While the townsfolk would not come to him for many jobs, they did think of him when his special skills were needed. They sometimes even thought of him when those skills were not needed---as a joke, the owner of the Green Lilac once offered some "giant rat" hunting. He left that to the cats.

Thus, Ari found himself busy for the next two years---one day, he would be killing the deformed green kobold that infested the Rattenback Tavern (which lead to its eventually closing), the next he would be "clearing" a potentially lucrative dragonshard field for his Tharashk semi-associates. Though he does not consider himself settled, he does feel a sense of community with the Seawell locals and feels a sense of accomplishment in his protecting them from the vile creatures of the night.
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First Post
Sanne Bacher d'Lyrander

Okay, here's Sanne; also note that I've posted an expanded background for Khalia up-thread.

[b]Character Name:[/b] Sanne Bacher d'Lyrander
[b]Character Race:[/b] Half-Elf 
[b]Character Classes:[/b] Rogue 1
[b]Deity:[/b] Kol Karran

[b]Age:[/b] 21 
[b]Gender:[/b] F 
[b]Height:[/b] 4' 9" 
[b]Weight:[/b] 90 lbs. 
[b]Eyes:[/b] Green 
[b]Hair:[/b] Blonde 
[b]Skin:[/b] Fair

[b]Character Level:[/b] 1

[b]Known Languages:[/b] 
	Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnome

[b]Strength:[/b]	12 +1 ( 4 pts)
[b]Dexterity:[/b]	15 +2 ( 8 pts)
[b]Constitution:[/b]	12 +1 ( 4 pts)
[b]Intelligence:[/b]	14 +2 ( 6 pts)
[b]Wisdom:[/b]		10 +0 ( 2 pts) 
[b]Charisma:[/b]	12 +1 ( 4 pts)


[b]Hit Dice:[/b] 1d6 
[b]Hit Points:[/b] 7 


[b]Save vs. Fortitude:[/b]	+1 [+0 (Rogue 1) + 1 (Con)] 
[b]Save vs. Reflex:[/b]	+4 [+2 (Rogue 1) + 2 (Dex)] 
[b]Save vs. Will:[/b]		+0 [+0 (Rogue 1) + 0 (Wis)] 

[b]Special Save Notes:[/b] 
Immune to sleep spells (half-elf)
+2 bonus vs. enchantment spells and effects (half-elf)

[b]Initiative Modifier:[/b] +2 
[b]Base Attack Bonus:[/b] +0 [+0 (Rogue 1)] 
[b]Melee Attack Bonus:[/b] +1 [BASE (0) + STR MOD (1)] 
[b]Ranged Attack Bonus:[/b] +2 [BASE (0) + DEX MOD (2)] 

Normal melee:
Fights with rapier and dagger -
Rapier -1 to hit, d6+1 dmg, 18/x2 crit
Dagger -1 to hit, d4 dmg, 19/x2 crit

Normal ranged:
Lt. Xbox +2 to hit, d8 dmg, 19/x2 crit


[b]AC:[/b] XX [ BASE (10) + Armor (XX) + DEX (2)] 
[b]Flatfooted AC:[/b] XX


[b]Armor Worn:[/b]  
[b]Armor Check Penalty: [/b] None 
[b]Maximum DEX bonus: [/b] NA 
[b]Armor Type:[/b] Light 


Lt Xbow


Two-weapon fighting (1st-level feat)

Least Dragonmark [Mark of Storm]
	(campaign bonus feat 1)
Dragon's Insight [Mark of Storm]
	(Player's Guide to Eberron;campaign bonus feat 2)


Name/Total Mod (Ability) ** # Ranks taken 
				ranks	ability	misc	total
Appraise			4	2	0	6
Balance				4	2	2*	8
Climb				4	2	0	4
Diplomacy			4	1	2	7
Hide				4	2	0	4
Jump				4	2	0	4
Knowledge (local)		4	2	0	4
Move Silently			4	2	0	4
Profession (sailor)		4	0	0	4
Tumble				4	2	0	6

Listen				0	0	1	0
Gather Information		0	1	2	3
Search				0	2	1	3
Spot				0	0	1	1

* Sanne can use Dragon's Insight to gain a +4 to balance
instead of a use of her dragonmark ability

[CC] Cross Class Skill 

[b]Special Abilities[/b] 
Immune to sleep 
+2 vs. enchantments
+1 to Listen, Search, Spot
+2 to Diplomacy, Gather Info

Sneak Attack +1d6


[b]Equipment & Gear:[/b]


[b]Carrying Capacity[/b] 8 STR 
	[b]Light:[/b] XX [b]Medium:[/b]XX [b]Heavy:[/b] XX 


[b]Credits:[/b] XXX 


[b]Base Speed (Actual Movement):[/b] 30 ft


Short and athletic, Sanne keeps her hair cut short, and is usually seen wearing typical sailor's garb, with rapier on one hip and dagger on the other. Her most distinctive feature, though, is the Least Mark of Storm on her left shoulder.


Ambitious and ethusiastic, Sanne's temperment is well-suitied to someone who seeks to become a Windwright Captain. Her enthusiasm was dampened for the first few months of being sent out to "the middle of nowhere", but by now she's back to trying to find any opportunity to profit the House and her career.


Sanne d'Lyranader was born at House Lyranader's home base of Stormhome, off the coast of Aundair to two traders who worked out of the House's Wind Galleons. Sanne dreamed of working in the sky, of captaining one of the rare airships, and when she manifested the Mark of Storm, she was sure that she could make her dream come true.

An apprentice voyage had gone well -- she was learning about airships, about trade, making friends on ship and in ports -- until a stupid accident that was, she had to admit, technically her fault destroyed valuable cargo. She had responsibility for tying up the crate of dragonshards, and when they had fallen lose and shattered, it was her responsibility. That the bound elemental had briefly gone wild as a direct result of someone who wished Lyrander ill will, and that it would have taken a severe normal storm to knock things free as she had tied them, was of no account.

Which led to her being banished to the middle of nowhere -- at least, in Sanne's mind, a surface trading vessel based out of Seawell is the middle of nowhere -- until the higher ups in her House decide otherwise. She's tried to hide her opinion of the town from its inhabitants; in particular, she's grown quite fond of the tavernkeeper and her children.

Sanne, though, has not given up on her dreams. She still wants her airship, and intends to prove that she deserves it. For the past year, she's been trying to convince her captain that she really is capable of handling some responsibility, and has just about convinced him.

And then ships started turning up missing, and now the captain was afraid they would be next.
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