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Warriors Of The Coast


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
DEFCON 1 said:
The bag is suddenly pulled from Ari Osten's head, and sure enough, standing in front of him in the firelight is the halfork Watchman Skarghash. What in the blazes is Skarghash doing out here?

"What in the blazes are you doing out here, Osten?" the halfork asks.
"I was thinking the same thing about you," Ari adds wryly. To bad I don't have the kid's gift. I'd be out of these ropes in no time. Then he smiled to himself. At least they pricked themselves on the spikes a few times shoving me.

As Ari answers, he does his best to scan the camp---get a felling for where he was, who all was here. He could see Skarg well enough, and another man, idly cleaning his nails with a knife. But he wanted to know for sure. Hunter's instincts die hard.

"What am I doing here? I'm on commission. Remember that Flamist in the caravan with Khalia? Apparently they're throwing a Crusade---their Daelkyr-mad Elder has it in his head that there are 'lycanthropes' out here. You know---folks who change from human to animals." Ari paused long enough to let that sink in. "Not everyone believes him---I didn't---but now I've gone missing after arousing the camp that there were some 'suspicious' animals out and about. So what am I doing here? Apparently I'm accidently going to start a huge hubaloo between your mysterious shapechanging friends here and the Templars of the Silver Flame."

Ari kicked himself. He knew it would be true. Whatever grounded mind the shifter paladin had, the Elder would hear what he wanted to hear. Whoever had grabbed him had made a mistake. It was one of those Cyran Tragedies that were so popular before the Day of Mourning.

And Ari---indirectly---would be to blame.

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The boatride was quiet, and neither sibling talked to the other the entire trip. When Jango spoke to the boatsman about being left off on the shores of the Whitecliff River, he tried to arrange it to be as surriptious as possible. If he could somehow be dropped off without Jina knowing, he could continue on his own. It was quiet on the subject, ever since Jango made it clear that no physical action would take place against her. It seemed as though the voice was picking his battles.

Jina of course used every wile she had to keep up on what her brother was doing. And thus, when during the middle of the night the boat slid into the shore of the river and Jango made his escape over the side onto the jungle shore... Jina was right behind him, hidden from sight.


"Good. We have landed. We are near. I can feel it. He is there... ready for us. Waiting. He...




Others are there. Yes. They mill around where he is. I can feel them too. I speak to him. He tells me they swarm over where he stays. They will be in our way. Our way to meet him. They may try to stop us.

They are going to be a problem.

Come... let us hurry. We need to see who they are... what they do. They will not stop us from meeting him. He has much to teach, and we have much to learn. Let us go."


Jina watched and listened... and was surprised. Was he brother talking to someone? Out here? It sounded like a one-sided conversation... but through the darkness, she couldn't tell if anyone else was there. Was he talking to himself? She did not understand.

And what she really couldn't understand was how quickly Jango took off through the trees. As her eyes tried to find as much light as they could to illuminate her way, he brother took off like he could see in the dark almost! It was bizarre!

Jina started running off after Jango, hoping to catch up. But she couldn't see. There wasn't enough light. And the root in her way...



"Ahhhhhhhhh!" *THUD*


Jango heard that. Heard it a bit behind him. Recognized the voice. Knew it was her.

She followed him again. She's back there. She's hurt. He can tell she is in pain.

"Leave her! She will try and stop us! She will never understand you! Just keep going!"

And Jango stands in the trees wondering what he should do.


Ari said:
"What am I doing here? I'm on commission. Remember that Flamist in the caravan with Khalia? Apparently they're throwing a Crusade---their Daelkyr-mad Elder has it in his head that there are 'lycanthropes' out here. You know---folks who change from human to animals. Not everyone believes him---I didn't---but now I've gone missing after arousing the camp that there were some 'suspicious' animals out and about. So what am I doing here? Apparently I'm accidently going to start a huge hubaloo between your mysterious shapechanging friends here and the Templars of the Silver Flame."
As Ari Osten speak, he sees in the light of the fires several animals a ways away... and watches as they wildshape back into humanoid form. They begin walking over to Skarg and Ari, the looks on their faces indicating worry. Skarghash looks at them approach, then looks at Rogan, then looks back at Ari. And he shakes his head. "That... isn't good."

And from behind them all... in the darkness... another voice is heard.

"No... it is not good. We wish not a war with the Silver Flame..."

The voice gets louder as the speaker approaches.

"But thankfully... we have finished what we needed to do here."

Ari's eyes try to adjust to the light, and he sees the figure that approaches get clearer. It is an elf. A Valenar. Dressed in the greens and browns of an outdoorsman, his face besmudged with dirt. And the look on his face...

...is one of contentment.

"Do not worry, Mister Osten. There will be no war. Our Shapers might have confused the unknowing... thinking them lycanthropes... but when Elder Nevillom arrives..."

How did he know the name?

"I will introduce myself to him. And he will leave Zendarrill Lorren be."


First Post
Damned her... and the boat will have left now. thinks Jango. He hesitates. He finally turn around and easily find Jina. "Havn't I made myself clear enough?" tells Jango with a cold tone. "Why are you keeping following me? Look at you, you still head down in an adventure, recklessly and unprepared. Did the pirate wasn't enough for you? You had been lucky to survive. They were ready to kill you, but they didn't, because I was with you, because they saw my mark. They left you in the middle of the nature where the lizardmen could have taken you easily. You have been lucky. But you should stop to count on your luck, it will get you kill. I don't want your help on that, and I don't have time to keep watch on your back. What do you plan to do to go back home now?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
DEFCON 1 said:
"I will introduce myself to him. And he will leave Zendarrill Lorren be."
Ari wanted to rub his temples; he was getting a headache. Thinking about the Elder's fanaticism started it; the look of utter-lack of thought on the new guy cemented it. The clash of two fanatics---two warforged titans on a collision course. He'd seen that once in the War. The result was not pretty for the stand-byes.

"Then... let me go. I can go back to the camp, help diffuse the situation. It'd probably go smoother..." Perhaps he'd be able to get through the serene-head. But he doubted it.
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Because I've been posting for every character, I haven't been doing them in chronological order. Thus each group is currently at a different time or place in the action. I'm going to be hopefully finishing up pulling everyone together by the end of day Friday so that on Monday we can start in on EotLQ. So to help follow along, here's where each section is in relation to each other time and space:

Ari's current conversation with Skarg, Rogan and Lorren occurs very early Wednesday morning at probably 2 or 3 am.

The scouting party is a quarter-mile outside of the Guardian's camp, and at dawn Wednesday morning Aern sends the report to Nevillom about the merc disappearing.

Khalia and Horatio have their current conversation early Wednesday morning having just had their meeting the with Elder after he spoke with Aern. As they are traveling on foot, the Crusade is probably one and a half days out from the Guardian's camp. They should arrive probably late Thursday afternoon or so.

Jango and Jina's landing on the shores of the Whitecliff and their current conversation is occuring on Wednesday night. The two of them are currently a day ahead of everyone else.

Things should begin to merge shortly.


As the Crusading army marches north throughout Wednesday, Khalia ir'Indari begins quietly speaking with the others in positions of importance. With the information she acquired in her research, and Horatio Donovan adding his own opinions to the matter, Khalia feels like she's slowly getting through to many others. And the idea that this whole crusade might be pushed forward under faulty logic and pretense begins to take hold. By the time the crusade camps for the night on Wednesday, Khalia is feeling better than she had been.

Brother Tod Elston agrees with Khalia and Horatio both. The dwarven warrior Stonegaard concurs as well. The warforged leader Brother Anvil is a bit too solid to be swayed straight away, but he insists he will keep his senses open and not presume anything is black and white. For a warforged, that is about all Khalia could expect. The elven mage Dael'dareen is a bit too quixotic to know what her opinions are on the matter, and Khalia doesn't even try to speak with Gerrold... knowing the man would probably go running to Nevillom in order to get himself back into the Elder's good graces.

When the command squad and squad leaders meet with Nevillom Thursday morning, he reports that he is not able to contact the scouting party. He suspects something's happened, and thus they will be pushing forward at double-speed... and that by mid afternoon they will arrive where the agreed upon rendevous with the scouting party was supposed to be.


When Jina refuses to answer Jango's question about what she plans to do to get back home... Jango realizes that he has only two choices. Abandon her, or let her tag along. For now. With it insisting that time is of the essence... Jango relents and he and Jina take off through the jungle trees Wednesday night.

Jina is still amazed at the speed and agility with which Jango moves in almost complete darkness, and several time she has to call out to him to slow down. She can't move nearly as fast with only her low-light vision helping the way. She can see that with each passing hour, Jango's frustration just grows and grows.

About an half-hour after dawn on Thursday morning, a very tired Jango and Jina stumble through the trees and find themselves in somewhat of a clearing. Well at least an area that had several trees knocked down to use as firewood. And within this clearing they both see about fifty or so men and women, dressed in the armor and weapons of an army... all of them wearing or carrying the symbols of the Silver Flame. They do not know what this is all about, but they are easily seen by a number of guards and are ushered into the camp. It isn't long after they are brought in and have begun to be questioned that Khalia ir'Indari slips out of the meeting with Elder Nevillom to come upon the two Silversun twins. Neither knows how or why the other is here... these kinds of coincidences just usually not happening unless some divine hand is ushering them together... ;) But the conversation is swift and informative to the point, and Khalia convinces the others that these two pose no threat. She takes responsibility for them both herself.

However, she does acquire a measure of concern when two hours later the army is ready to continue marching, and she finds that while Jina is still here and ready to go... Jango has disappeared.

Because Jango used the opportunity of the Silver Flame crusade to leave his sister with folks that would protect her... but he himself could slip away and move on ahead. And as he rushes through the trees and underbrush on Thursday morning and early afternoon... he and the voice prepare for what will happen next when they arrive at the temple where they will meet their help.
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First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
However, she does acquire a measure of concern when two hours later the army is ready to continue marching, and she finds that while Jina is still here and ready to go... Jango has disappeared.

"Jina Silversun, what in the name of the Flame are you doing here?" She asks. Maybe she could pass the girl off as her armsman; father would be happy about that. But Jina was well shorter than she was, and far more heavily muscled, for all that she was an elf; Khalia couldn't just lend her something to wear.


First Post
Jango walks in the forest with much more ease he used to have even some time ago. It seems the voice have given him even more grace. He has been walking for many hours, but his determination make him continue. The Flames would be annoying around him. They would never understand, for them, there would be no hope, they even have a twisted view of the mark he is bearing. It is because of them he had feared all his life the opinion of the others. but he had decided that they would stop to ruined his life. And they would take care of Jina too.

Near sunset, I'll have to take some rest, just a few hours, so we can conitnue during night. that way, they won't catch on me if they try to follow me. The might follow me during day, but at night, they won't have an easy time to follow.

Jango was eager to find the answers he had been seeking all this time, but somewhere in his heart, he felt ashamed by the fact he had left his sister behind, and he feared his reaction if he had to meet Jina again. He seemed determine to kill her if she continue to come in there legs, and knowing Jina, she would probably show up again, but will he be able to stop him?

Voidrunner's Codex

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