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In last night's game we encountered a white dragon in a dungeon and totally pwned it. My human cleric with his super high Wisdom as well as the Skill Training: Perception and Alertness feats heard the dragon's heavy breathing before we ever made it to its cavern. After warning the party of the noise, we sent the Stealth-trained Eladrin wizard in to investigate.

After seeing that it was a dragon (and the dragon seeing that it was an Eladrin Wizard) Mr. Not-So-Stealthy Wiz-Kid ran down the hallway to warn everyone (mostly by screaming "DRAGON! DRAGON!" with arms flailing wildly).

When the dragon came barreling down the hall after our wizard the poor lizard was stopped in his tracks with a maul to the face from our warforged fighter.

The wizard did an about face and conjured up a Flaming Sphere behind the beast in order to trap it in the narrow hall between the fighter and the sphere. He then got out of breath weapon range and continued cooking the dragon twice each round for the rest of the encounter.

My cleric pelted the dragon with his Lance of Faith power (granting the defender attack bonuses) while our other cleric, a human, pelted it with her Sacred Flame power (granting the defender hit points or saves as needed). We both healed the fighter and others with our Healing Word class abilities and potions whenever they called for it. Sadly, all our cleric powers had a maximum range of 5 squares, like the dragon's breath weapon, so we had to expose ourselves to attack at least every other round while making our own attacks and healing/buffing the party.

The human ranger in our party bounced in and out of melee, striking the dragon with Twin Strike and other double attack powers as much as he could while luring the dragon into making futile opportunity attacks so as to grant the fighter free attacks enhanced by his Potent Challenge feat. Between my Shield of Faith power and the ranger's Defensive Mobility feat the striker was nigh unhittable (though he did gain some new scars from a lucky critical).

Two or three characters went down at various points, but thanks to two clerics and several potions, nobody was out for more than HALF a round. The fight must have been over in about 5 rounds. Dragon never knew what hit him.

We ate well that night as we sorted out our large pile of treasure. :D

I loved this battle because it was an awesome example of how well the class roles work together when done right. The fighter was defending, the ranger was striking, the wizard was controlling, and the clerics were buffing and leading. It made us feel like we could take on almost anything. This is the first time 4E has really truly shined for me and I was hoping to share that feeling with all of you. :)

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First Post
Good stuff - I remember when our party first felt that we had "hit our groove", also at 2nd level if I recall correctly. Ambushed a small party of orcs in a mountain pass - our wizard hit all of them with her sleep spell thanks to my warlord's bonus to attack when using action points, and my warlord fought them off while the rogue popped out of hiding and coup-de-graced the ones who failed their saves. Then we all focused fire on the 2 left standing and it was over. It was great to have that "we figured out how to fight" moment.

However, now that we've got the system under our belts, I'm finding it's the fights where things don't go according to plan that I remember more. :)


First Post
Just as a side note, Skill Training and Alertness both provide a Feat bonus to the skill. Since bonuses of the same type do not stack you would only recieve the +3 bonus from Skill Focus


Registered User
Congrats, sounds like a fun battle. But why was the dragon caught in the tunnel by the flaming sphere when on the other side there was a fighter and a striker coming to hit him. Did the tunnel open up to 10' wide or something? Poor little dragon :(

Happy Hunting! Anyone going to use the skin for scale mail?



Just as a side note, Skill Training and Alertness both provide a Feat bonus to the skill. Since bonuses of the same type do not stack you would only recieve the +3 bonus from Skill Focus

You're thinking of Skill Focus. Skill Training doesn't grant any bonus in itself - it just makes you trained in that skill.


Congrats, sounds like a fun battle. But why was the dragon caught in the tunnel by the flaming sphere when on the other side there was a fighter and a striker coming to hit him. Did the tunnel open up to 10' wide or something? Poor little dragon :(

Happy Hunting! Anyone going to use the skin for scale mail?


Maybe this will help.


Dooks Dizzo

First Post
Congrats on a successful battle!

Not to be too much of a spoiler but the DM should have fought the dragon a bit smarter. He should not have had the beastie take opportunity attacks against the Ranger, at least not more than once.

The dragon is smart enough to figure out what happens every time he swipes at the ranger.

I might have had the dragon attempting bull charges against the fighter to push him back and get the second line troops in range of the breath weapon.

That or maybe grabbing the fighter and pulling him back, forcing past the flaming sphere and maybe even putting him down next to it.

Not to say you guys didn't do a great job, you did, but that dragon must have been half suicidal to fight you guys like that.

Good party make up by the way.

Even worse would have been to have the dragon NOT follow the wizard but to have prepared an ambush when you can to investigate his horde.


Registered User
Congrats on a successful battle!

Not to be too much of a spoiler but the DM should have fought the dragon a bit smarter. He should not have had the beastie take opportunity attacks against the Ranger, at least not more than once.

The dragon is smart enough to figure out what happens every time he swipes at the ranger.

I might have had the dragon attempting bull charges against the fighter to push him back and get the second line troops in range of the breath weapon.

That or maybe grabbing the fighter and pulling him back, forcing past the flaming sphere and maybe even putting him down next to it.

Not to say you guys didn't do a great job, you did, but that dragon must have been half suicidal to fight you guys like that.

Good party make up by the way.

Even worse would have been to have the dragon NOT follow the wizard but to have prepared an ambush when you can to investigate his horde.

Yeah, kinda agree with Dooks on this one. Congrats all the same, but the dragon played sorta silly-like. I would have used those move actions he was wasting to try and back up, and hope that one of them didn't get hit by the fighters OA stopping power attack, and then squeeze past the flaming sphere. Or, conversely as Dooks said, bullrush the fighter to get into range with the breath weapon.


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