• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Week 21 New Releases at YourGamesNow.com


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Check out the titles released from May 21-27 at YourGamesNow.com!

From 3AM Games
Monsters of the Savage Snow is another entry from the libraries of the Wanderers Guild. This 64-page volume contains excerpts from the journals of Lord Sir Edric Morgandale, written as he explored the frigid lands. Morgandale describes thirty new creatures, each lavishly detailed both in text and in the art of award-winning illustrator and Wanderers Guild creator Andy Hopp. Every creature has a full, first-person description including its habitat, diet, activity cycle, appearance, and what the Wanderers Guild knows about it. Sidebars contain all of the game rule information that you need to use the creature in your adventures and campaigns. All include full statistics and at least three adventure seeds. Many also include campaign ideas, magic items, special substances that can be made from the creature, and similar useful information. All creatures are well suited for use in the colder regions of any setting.

From Daemornia Studios
Daemornia: Free Introductory Edition is an introduction into the Daemornia roleplaying system and a sinister future where our world is still reeling from an invasion. The free 50-page supplement includes A single character race; Three career paths and all their skills; The Combat system with numerous skills; An introduction to Psychology and Physical Tests; The complete Experience system; A Game Master section; A selection of creatures and daemons; An explanation of the Earth and known worlds.

Daemornia: The Role Playing Game takes you into a sinister future where our world is still reeling from an invasion. Daemonic forces, led by a dark lord, poured across the land. We fought with all we had, but the weapons of tomorrow were no match for the unrivalled brutality of this ancient evil. Only together, with the Offworlders, were we able to hold back the tide of destruction and complete slavery. Humankind is no longer alone. Explore this world and system with the 218 page Daemornia Core book.

From Dog Soul
Strange Places: The Alchemist's Laboratory sits unobtrusively on a lonely hill in a forgotten corner of a sleepy county. Cows graze nearby, crows roost on the roof, the rain beats against the locked door of the windowless structure. But who could guess the true nature within? Seven rooms are filled with mystery inside The Alchemist's Laboratory - tailored for busy GM's who could use an odd location off the beaten path to surprise their players, the Laboratory is ready for exploration, or population with the GM's own characters and plots.

From DragonWing Games/Bastion Press
Torn Asunder: Critical Hits provides a complete and comprehensive system for critical hits in any d20 game. How exactly are you supposed to adjudicate a broken arm, a gouged eye, a lacerated liver, or a crushed spine? One blow at a time. Critical Hits delivers a realistic and effective injury system for d20, covering all creatures, anatomies, and body types as well as rules for natural healing, scarification, and herbal treatments. With this supplement, critical hits are real hits - disabling function, mangling body parts, and leaving real wounds behind. Don't just beat your opponents into submission, tear them limb from limb.

From Dreamscarred Press
Mind Divine is a new sourcebook focused on the concept of godminds, psionic entities wielding power on the magnitude of deities. Weighing in at 111 pages of content, Mind Divine includes: Over 25 new feats, including 10 new Mantra feats and 7 new Epic feats; Over 40 new psionic powers; Over 20 new psionic items, including new cursed items and a new minor psionic artifact; 6 new psionic organizations, including one that ties into the Enlightenment from Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics; 12 new psionic godminds, including their power level, their psionic nodes, an overview of their philosophy, history, and demeanor, and the doctrine that those who follow are expected to adhere; 5 types of psionic locations, including sentient areas; 8 prestige classes, including a modified Spirituel from Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics; 10 new psionic creatures, 22 if you include the subtypes of Mentats and Phrenic Guardians.

From Expeditious Retreat Press
Pozas Art Pack: Fantasy vol. 8-Foes contains 5 images (.jpeg, 600dpi) of challenges, from the usual suspects to the horrifying, including: A barghest feasting; A silhouetted rider being ambushed by a mob of ghouls; A fiendish undead draining the life essence of a mortal; A fiendish cleric in black full plate armor; A female half-orc with a necklace of fangs. As with all Pozas Art Pack, purchase include rights to publish, subject to stipulations.

From Forever People Games & RPG
Pulp Miniatures - World of Men - Human Vangard provides an easy, inexpensive method to collect a huge army of wargame figures. Boost the units of your metal miniatures with vast hordes of cardstock orc, elf, goblin and human. There are no limits to the number of figures you can make. Each Pulp file contains everything you need to produce rank after rank of battle-ready figures, each modelled to the industry standard base size of 1x1 inch and compatible with the rest of your miniature collection.

From Goodman Games
Judges Guild JG2: Citadel of Fire is an Adventure for Character Levels 12-14. Just outside the rough-hewn timber hamlet of Aztlan lies the ancient and mysterious Citadel of Fire: an embodiment of evil and destruction since its stones were first laid. Inside the town of Aztlan, itself a nest of intrigue and danger, there lies an evil temple dedicated to an ancient god to which the masters of the Citadel pay homage. Together the denizens of the Temple and Citadel have made plans to overthrow their rival powers and subjugate the innocents of the land. Meanwhile, just outside of town, sits a not-so-quiet graveyard with a sinister and deadly secret. Are you brave enough to explore the secrets of Aztlan and put an end to the evil that is The Citadel of Fire?

From Skortched Urf' Studios
Fantasy Firearms brings firearms within the realm of fantasy! Included in this PDF are: Racial attitudes towards Black Powder and Guns; Rules for Pistols & Muskets; Standard & Magical Ammunition; Variant Black Powder Weapons such as the Kracking Spear & Thunderhammer; Siege weapons such as Cannon's and the Dragon Ballista; and New Rules, Feats, Spells & Magic Items.

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Suzi Yee

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