Weirdness with D&D Minis!


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Now I need to go by a lotto ticket after this.

2 weeks ago, I bought a single box of War of the Dragon Queen minis. Inside I got the Aspect of Tiamat and Tordek, Dwarf Champion.

Today, I got my second box of minis, from a different place. Inside... Aspect of Bahamat, and Tordek, Dwarf Champion. And a stirge.

Anyone wanna figure the odds of getting the exact same small rare in both of the only 2 boxes I have bought, AND getting both huge Aspects?
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Ottergame said:
Anyone wanna figure the odds of getting the exact same small rare in both of the only 2 boxes I have bought, AND getting both huge Aspects?
The odds lmost infinitesimal of getting these miniatures out of a War Drums booster. I wasn't even aware that the Aspect of Tiamat fit in a War Drums booster ;)

As for WotDQ, the odds are high, but probably not that high with that set. There were some distribution oddities and there seems to be a high correlation of huge rares (which are often paired similiarly within a case) within a block of cases.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
There are 6 Huge rares (HR), and 12 smaller rares (SR). Each booster has a 1/3 chance of containing an HR, and a 100% chance of a SR. So, there's an 18:1 chance of a given HR, and a 12:1 change of a given SR.

Your odds would be 18*18*12*12:1, or 46656:1 of that specific combo.


First Post
blargney the second said:
There are 6 Huge rares (HR), and 12 smaller rares (SR). Each booster has a 1/3 chance of containing an HR, and a 100% chance of a SR. So, there's an 18:1 chance of a given HR, and a 12:1 change of a given SR.

Your odds would be 18*18*12*12:1, or 46656:1 of that specific combo.


And it's not my fault there are to many minis expansions with the War title. :)
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blargney the second said:
Your odds would be 18*18*12*12:1, or 46656:1 of that specific combo.
In theory, in practice it was somewhat less than that (because of the WotDQ distribution oddities).

Actually his odds don't change - distribution oddities aside, he bought a single box from two different locations. His odds are exactly as posted.


Thunderfoot said:
Actually his odds don't change - distribution oddities aside, he bought a single box from two different locations. His odds are exactly as posted.

But there is some anecdotal evidence of certain figures appearing more often with other figures (one notable figure being the Griffon Cavalry). It's not a solid as some issues, but these things have been mentioned.


First Post
Plus, it wouldn't be 18*18*12*12. That would be if he was getting 4 specific rares. Instead, he's getting two specific rares (18*18) and two rares that are the same (1 in 12 chance). So it should be 18*18*12.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Asmor said:
Plus, it wouldn't be 18*18*12*12. That would be if he was getting 4 specific rares. Instead, he's getting two specific rares (18*18) and two rares that are the same (1 in 12 chance). So it should be 18*18*12.
Crap, you're right! I was thinking 2 of a specified small rare, rather than a repeat. So 3888:1 - a lot smaller, but still pretty hefty!


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