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Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)


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Dear readers,

Last sunday my group started a new campaign. We live in the Netherlands and play with a group of 7 people in weekly sessions of 3-4 hours. In the past we've done many big adventures like RttoEE and City of the Spiderqueen.

However, this time I, as the DM, try something different. A sandbox-style game in Greyhawk. The country Furyondy is the place where it all starts. All players received a 'gazetteer' with common information about Furyondy. I copy/pasted this myself by using many resources like From the Ashes, Iuz the Evil and The Marklands. Furthermore, the Living Greyhawk website of Furyondy also was a big help.

In this thread I would like to share our adventures with you. For fun, but also for gaining good advices!

English is not my native language and I'm (unfortunately) not a good writer. But I'll do my best to give you a nice read.

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Excerpt from my Furyondy Gazetteer:

Rich with people, places, and possibilities, Furyondy is a strong bastion of good on the world of Oerth, at least until recently. Furyondy is divided into provinces, each ruled by a noble house. These include the County of Crystalreach and the Barony of Kalinstren - both bastions of defense against Iuz; the Viscounty of the March, Furyondy's breadbasket; the Barony of Littleberg, the most diverse province; the rich Gold County, the Duchy of the Reach, and the Barony of Willip in the south. Chendl is the capital and the seat of royal power. Despite an abundance of rivers and lakes, Furyondy's major port and the seat of her Navy is on the Nyr Dyv in the city of Willip.

Currently, the Kingdom is still war-weary from the fighting of two great wars against Iuz the Evil, but our unrelenting crusade against this Old Wicked has helped stem the tide of darkness in the Flanaess, and so our people bear their lot with quiet pride. Our leader is the pious and noble King Belvor IV, an aging paladin of Heironeous whose battlesavvy leadership got us through the great wars, and who is even now rebuilding the roads, towns, and castles damaged in the war years. Though he mourns the loss of his son, Thrommel, he continues the work of ruling his land. Rebuilding is a long and expensive process and the ongoing crusade against Old Wicked has only slowed it down.

There are many in the Flanaess who believe that Iuz is a spent force. Some may say that Old Wicked has been content to merely tease the fringes of his border states as an annoyance rather than as a true threat, but it takes time to hatch new plots and spawn unmentionable offspring; and time to delve deeper into the darkest places, creating armies that will not be vulnerable again. Now, the border states of Iuz, who have been rebuilding and reorganizing since the Flight Of Fiends, are about to discover what new nightmare Iuz The Old is ready to unleash upon the lands of the Flanaess! Are you prepared to fight?

The Crew (all level 1):

Alishia Silverfrond: Alishia is 20 years old and was born near the capital of Furyondy, the tremendous city of Chendl where besides King Belvor IV many wealthy aristocrats and nobles are located. However, Alishia's parents were ordinary people. They kept a horsebreeding farm in a small village which was already in the familiy for generations. In her younger years, Alishia helped her parents taking care of the horses and was teached by her parents to correctly worship Pelor, God of the Sun. During her teenagehood Alishia found that she could heal some of the wounded horses by using a very special power which she never felt before.

Her parents decided to bring Alishia to a clerichood of Pelor in the city of Chendl to make sure her powers could be correctly analysed and she could be teached by experienced clerics of Pelor. What followed were some years of very strict teaching. At the age of 17 Alishia was send to the Northern part of the country to help the wounded soldiers which fell during the Great Northern Crusade. Alishia fulfilled her task with great pride and pure devotion.

At the age of 18 Alishia decided to stay in one of the cities liberated by the Northern Crusade. Crockport was her new place, she could help with the rebuilding of the city and eventually helping people who were freed from slavehood. In Crockport she met Anvil Burnhart (see other PC), a noble fighter with the same devotion for Pelor. Together they would like to open a temple of Pelor in the city of Crockport.

Alishia is a beautiful young woman with blonde-golden hairs and light-blue eyes, mostly wearing a bodycovering cleric-suit. She is not very strong but very wise and charismatic. Due to her strict education she tries to think and re-think her actions before performing them. Her devotion to Pelor makes her somewhat overambitious on the religion-topic. Normally she goes well with most people (especially good aligned) but can be stingy when she feels she is not able to fulfill her tasks to do good things.

Anvil Burnhart: Male human Fighter. A strong men born from a minor noble family. Lost his older brother and father in the Greyhawk wars. Convinced to become Knight of Furyondy and be a protector of all what's good. His younger brother is in charge of the city Crockport in the Northern part of Furyondy.
Ramon Huizingh:
Ramon is born on 19 Flocktime 573CY in the city of Crockpoort. He lived here with his father Tom Huizing and his mother Helen Huizing in a small house near the centrum of the city.

The father of Ramon was locksmith and this is where he earned money with, his mother worked in the house and sometimes earned some money with making clothing’s.

Ramon’s parents raised him up with the faith of Palor, however after his parents have died in the war he neglected his believe in Palor. Ever sins he never prayed to Palor anymore.

When Ramon was 10 years old (583CY) Crockpoort was attacked by the armies of Iuz and in this attack his parents were killed. Ramon had the chance to escape and went to Chendl as a refugee.

When he arrived at Chendl after a long and tough journey Ramon had to live on street and had to scavenge the city for food. To survive he used some skills he learned from his father, picking locks, due to this he was able to get into houses to get food and water.

The only thing that could remind him to his parents where the lock picks his dad once gave to him in order to help out at the shop.
Ramon lived the life of a thief, stealing only from the rich, because he didn’t want to make others life who had just as a hard time as he had even harder to live.

After a few years when Ramon was 14 years old (587CY) he decided to take luck in his own hands, because so far he didn’t have much of that. He went to places in town where people gambled with deice, coin games and card games. Here he learned himself to hide and get things unseen, because he once had bought a coin with 2 heads on it and 2 loaded dices which rolled 6 almost every time. With the coin and dices he made enough money to sleep in crappie taverns and pay of people who caught him on cheating.

In those years he also started to pray to Olidammara for luck, though he never became a real follower of any god anymore. Ramon, now 18 years old (591CY), is returned to his birthplace in the hope to find something of his old house. Also he hopes to learn more about the attack on his home and to one day revenge the death of his parents.

Physical description: Ramon looks like a regular guy of his age and has brown hair that reaches his shoulders and brown eyes. He build is fairly strong, but also very agile. He trained himself in fighting with 2 weapons and attack from behind.

Favorite lines:
“head or tails?..I’ll take head.”
“Six is the lucky number”

Victoria: Female elven rogue. A beautiful young woman from an artistic family. Her mother is from origin a skilled dancer, using old rituals to charm other people. Victoria is very interested in those rituals but her mother is not willing to teach her.
Green of Skytree: Male elf druid. Born in Skytree, a magical defended village in the Vesve forest. Fled to Furyondy during the Greyhawk wars. Also lost his parents to the armies of Iuz. His companion is Sox, a wolf.
Player six: Kreko, a Human Psychic Warrior.
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Map of Furyondy



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Session 1:

Session 1 "Crockport troubles":

One of the characters, Sir Anvil Burnhart, visited his brother Angmar in the city Crockport. Angmar is the ruler of the city and is dedicated to rebuilding the city. The city was taken by Iuz the Evil during the Greyhawk wars. After the Great Nothern Crusade the city was freed from the evil forces which occupied the city for years.

Today the city holds about 2.000 citizens and almost 1.000 soldiers. It is located next to the Wyestil Lake. A natural border with the Empire of Iuz. The city is basically one of the first defences of Furyondy.

Anvil is informed a small island a few miles away from Crockport is told to be haunted by a monster! A couple of months ago, a big feathered bear-like creature with giant claws, crossed the lake and harrassed some of the citizens of Crockport. Some people even tell the monster took some prisoners.

Anvil, dedicated to help his beloved country Furyondy, called for help! Some brave people decided to answer his call. This is how the party is formed. Dm note:the players chose their starting location themselves. I further developed adventure hooks based on their choice.

On the evening of 1st Flocktime CY591 (calender of Flaeness) the group gathered for the first time in Crockport. One of the simple rooms of the Crockport keep is used for a simple dinner. The group decides to gather information about the island first. After visiting the local inn, a temple of Heironious and the army commander they learn the following things:

- The island is called Crockegg and is merely a big rock in the Wyestil Lake.
- The island was owned by a noble family with two children. They were renowned for their love for art. Especially expensive paintings.
- At sunrise the island is most of the times covered in a damping cloud of mist. Covering the northern part of the island.
- During the Greyhawk wars the island is overtaken by troops of Iuz, the family has never been seen or heard again.
- Till now no one dears to enter the island.
- Many tales are told within the city about the attack of the monster from the island. However, officials tell the adventurers no prisoners were taken because no people were missing after the attack.

The next day the party decided to move quickly. They negotiated a trip with a fisherman-boat. For some wheatshieves (goldpieces) a local fisher helped them crossing the lake. The last part of the crossing was done in rowing boats. Especially pushing Anvils horse in the small boat was a hassle. Luckily Green (the druid) was there to help, even his wolf helped by doing "grrrrrrrr' to the horse!

The island holds a small castle with walls around it. Furthermore some small buildings which were used as fishermen inn during better times. However, these days the inn is only inhabited by a badger and her youngs.

The adventures travelled along the cobblestone road towards the castle, finding two skeletons at the gates of the wall. After giving a proper funeral to the bodies they moved in to the courtyard. It seems a massacre took place here. Multiple bodies were lying on a big blackened heap. Orc and human skeletons could be identified. Spear atopped with heads of humans are standing around the burned remainings.

The castle consist of four buildings, a broken tower, stables, storagerooms and the mason. The last one is a two floor stone house in Roman style. Hanging below the balcony are two skeletons, clearly smaller than grown-up humanoids.

Carefully the adventures move into the house, discovering plundered rooms. Eventually two enormous rats attacked them! Green was badly hurt by the vicious bite of the rats. Fortunately the rats were quickly killed! Alishia showed Green she really knows how to heal and made sure Green is not infected by some sort of rat-disease.

After clearing the first floor nothing special was found. Only litter and the remainings of small fireplaces were seen. It's obvious no one lives here anymore!

Two big wooden stairs lead to the second floor. However, a really bad fire once destroyed most of the furniture. The stairs look very fragile after the fire. Still the party tried to walk up. Ramon, the dexterious (sp?) of the party quickly climbed the stairs. Green, however, was not very lucky and smashed throug some of the steps of the stairs. The rest of the party used a knotted rope (tied by Ramon who was already upstairs) to climb up.

Upstairs a, once nicely furnished, room was found. Broken paintings and expensive dishes are everywhere! On the other side of the second floor two very solid stone doors with family heraldry blocks the adventurers. By using the skills he learned from his father, Ramon tried to open the doors. The mechanism however was too well made to be bypassed by the rogue.

What's behind the door? Why is that well locked? Did the troops of Iuz managed to open the door? Next week the party will continue..

DM note: I hope you enjoyed our first session! At least I did!
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Crazy Eights

So far this looks good, but if I may make a humble request, could you give a quick description of various PCs? So far, all we know are some names and vague guesses on their classes. Thanks and keep it up!



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@Crazy Eight: I will do. I needed some time for translating their backgrounds from Dutch to English. But I'll update them today.

Thanks for reading!


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Session 2: Exploring the island of Crockegg

Session 2: Exploring the island of Crockegg

'It's obvious the occupants of this castle tried to open this room', Anvil said, pointing at the broken weapons and tools lying in front of the stone doors. A well-made family heraldry covers the stone doors. 'Maybe it's some sort of a vault', Alishia mentiones. 'We could try to enter the room from the roof!', Victoria mentiones.

And that's what happened. The adventurers tried to climb the roof of the mansion. A broken battering ram with hand-knobs did his job as a ladder. Together with some ropes attached to it, Victoria managed to reach the roof of the mansion. Kreko (DM note: this is the 6th player who joined this session, see character description in the second post) made an iron hook attached to a rope which was attached to the rooftop by Victoria. Now the other adventurers could also enter the rooftop. However it's clear the rooftop is too sturdy to let the adventurers enter 'the vault'-room via this route....

While standing on the rooftop Green looks to lands of the surrounding island. Rocks, some vegetations and dangerous crevasses cover the island. 'It really takes some climbing skills to further explore the island', Green mentioned. 'However it's clear to me a natural cave is located in the middle of the island, only some 750 meter away from the castle'. Everyone tries to correctly spot the cave. However, only Kreko and Ramon could see the cave. Anvil, Victoria and Alishia trusted their companions and decided it was time to check it out! Is the story of an owlbear on the island really true?

A knotted rope, some climbing and walking later the adventurers moved to the center of the island. Now everyone could clearly see the cave. A huge opening underneath some big, clumsy rocks. Anvil, really on his toes during the walk, spots a glimmering snake like object in front of the cave. It moves in and out. 'What can it be?', Anvil asked his companions. After moving closer Green and Anvil see the snake is a chain. Anvil only made a couple of footsteps, suddenly the chain moves and a low growhling could be heard from the cave. A big, feathered beast runs toward the adventurers, hindered by the chain which is attached to one of his legs. Showing his big claws and beak the creature starts to climb the big boulders which cut the adventurers apart from the entrance of the cave.

Ramon and Victoria immediately start to take advantagious positions to have a clear shot at the beast. Kreko and Anvil take a good spot for a melee fight. Green casts an 'entangle' spell, making the bushes and grass trying to grab the angry beast.

It takes some time for the beast to reach the adventurers. When he finally is able to attach the beasts upper body is already blasted by arrows, bolts and the hammer of Anvil. The beast layed down his claws on Anvil and Alishia, causing massive damage! Fortunately a well placed shot of Ramon made an end to the beast. Alishia heals some ugly wounds. In the meantime the cave is explored by the others.

The chain is attached to an anker (iron cramp which is used by a ship, not sure if it's an english word), secured by some big builders lying on it. Clearly someone did this by purpose. 'What's an shackled owlbear doing on a remote island?', the adventurers asked themselves. After searching and re-searching the cave nothing is found. The cave is natural and doesn't lead to any other place.

The adventurers, proud of their first monster slain, return to the castle. Victoria, in the meantime, gathers some food from the island to make a nice meal for her companiions. Green and Kreko decide to further explore the nothern part of the island. And with no bad result! Standing atop a cliff they spot a small beach on the far side of the island (the side not seen from the lands around Crockport). Some objects are on the small beach. 'Crates, those are crates', Kreko says. 'Very strange!, we should inform the others!, Green says. They rush to the castle and after the adventurers had a small meal they decided the small beach is best to be reached by the rowing boats (DM note: indeed a good choice, climbing the cliff to the beach is not to be laughed at).

After rowing around the island the beach is indeed easily reached by boat. The wooden crates are still there and hold some expensive materials, iron ore and cloths. 'Smugglers!', Anvil says. The other adventurers find a medium-sized opening in the cliff wall. A dark and long passage lead inside the island.

After lighting a torch the adventurers move in to the passage. After several meters Anvil (walking in front with the torch) spotted a strange surface in front of him (Dm note: very, very lucky for him a had a natural 20 spot check, all other results made him not see the trap). Ramon and Victoria quickly searched and disabled the pit trap. The passage lead further into the island, finally reaching a men-made corrider which crosses the entry passage. Only a few moments later, the voice a woman could be heard from the left. 'Shoot them Bewul!', the female voice shouted. A fierce fight with the male and female took place. The female is quickly overcome, making the men even more vicious! 'Anas!' he almost cried, letting down his sword on his opponents. But the adventurers are with too many to have a fair fight. He dies to the end of Kreko's longsword.

Alishia didn't want the woman to die and decided to heal her with some of her divine magic (leaving Ramon a bit pissed because his wounds also needed some care..). 'Wh-a-at did you do to Bewul', the woman shouts to Alishia after opening her eyes again!

To be continued next session, a monster-session because my group will have a D&D weekend! Three days of gaming. That will definately be a big log.
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Hey nice job Sander on translating my background (I am the mastermind behind Alishia btw). Here my oppinion about some things and some additional information.

First my character:

Alisha is a human cleric of Pelor, wearing a thick robe embroided with the Symbol of Pelor. She carries a Scale male armor underneath it. She also has a Heavy Steel Shield with again the Sun of Pelor and a Heavy Mace in the other hand. As finishing touch: a Silver Holy symbol of Pelor hangs around her neck.

Abilities (28 point buying system):

Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 14

I have spent my skill points in Concentration (4 ranks) Diplomacy (2 ranks), Heal (4 ranks) Knowledge Religion (2 ranks) along with a scattered point in Handle animal (1 rank cross class).

-Augment Healing: +2 points of healing per spell level, when casting Conjuration (Healing) spells.
-Sacred Healing: Spend a turn attempt as a free action to increase healing done for Conjuration (Healing) spells to increase healing done by 2 per die and to increase the result of a Heal check by 5 for 1 round.

Domains: Sun and Healing

This all together can make me heal 1d8+5 on cure light wounds already.

Then my background:

Sander did a great translation but ive met anvil in Chendl (the Capital) while being educated to become a cleric. He was depressed because he was the only one in the family not to fight in the Great Northern Crusade.
My master and i helped him with that while he was teached the ways of Pelor.

As you can read in the first post we were in the castle for a while before dispatching to the island. There a few things happened things happened which could explain my actions later:

We were in the castle and had two meals there. As a cleric of Pelor i opened the first meal with a prayer to Pelor. Anvil surely approved in this but Ramon on the other hand started to eat while i was doing this. After the prayer i asked Ramon (well Alishia was a bit stingy at that time because of his action) to wait next time untill i have finished my prayer. Ramon had other intentions though. On the second meal he did the same thing. Again i became impatient with him and a intence discussion followed which was ended by Anvil at the end. Anvil asked Ramon to respect eachothers customs.

These events changed my attitude to Ramon ofcourse. Ramon had his reasons thought (his background should point that out).

So later on, on the island, we had some battles and ofcourse we were wounded. As Ramon tried to close in on the Owlbear he slipped and fell of the rock he tried to climb down from. So after the battle he asked me to heal him. I had healed myself and Anvil first though and i ran out of proper healing magic. So i said while looking at his wounds: "Its nothing serius, you`ll survive". Well he didnt like that ofcourse.

Then we had the trip to "smugglers cave" and had quiet a rough battle. Anvil went down in this battle, bleeding to death as he was hit by the maddened Bewul. This because he had rammed his hammer on the chest of the female Anas. Trying to perform my task i pushed through the party members which were standing in the way using my amazing talent to stabilize Anvil (I have the "healing hands" skill trick which allows me to heal 1d6 hp on a succesfull check, this in combination with Sacred Healing Feat makes a winning combination on this level). By rushing to Avnils aid i was hit by the attack of oppertunity of Bewul, leaving me on 2 hp.

After the battle the party started to search the bodies and we saw that the female still lived but was bleeding to death. Kreko already finished of the mail for good and i wanted to keep the female alive to interrogate her (not sure if i spelled that correctly). So once again i used my talent to stabilize and she woke up (on both rolls of the skill trick i rolled a 6). Ofcourse she couldnt keep her mouth shut so i had to knock her out.
After i had done that Ramon asked me to heal him again, he also had 2 hp left. I only had one cure minor wounds left so i used it....on myself. This made Ramon a bit angry ofcourse but he kept his mouth shut.

Well that basicly what happened Yesterday.
I understand Sander mixed some things up, he has many details to remember. Keep up the good work though.
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Anvil burnheart

This is the character wich i play in this campaign
name + title:
Most honourable sir Anvil Burnheart of Crockport
player: Niek

Character and physical description

Anvil is born in the year 568 CY.
He is something larger than 6ft long and has a powerful sincere apparition. He has long blond hair, blue/grey eyes and a prominent jaw line. Anvil always carry a full plate armor (scale mail at first level) and draws to battle with a large war hammer that he uses with two hands (if he is on foot). This skill he has learned from his father, who was a master with the weapon. The father of Anvil has given Anvil its name as a tribute to this weapon. This is not however the largest quality of Anvil in a fighting. Anvil prepares a large black war horse with the name phalanx. He is an excellent rider and handles his lance with deadly precision. Because of this Anvil has placed the idea of hammer and anvil in another perspective. On its horse he himself is the hammer and he sees the enemy as an anvil. Anvil is strong, brave and also has diplomatic capacities. Anvil is not frightened to take the role of the leader in the party but is always open for participation from others. He still must learn a lot however and can sometimes be terrible. Furthermore he can arouse sometimes irritation at others by its complete devotion to Pelor.

Anvil is a level 1 fighter. next level he will multiclass to a paladin. I made this choise because i think a paladin more fits his back ground,
and i wanted to let him kick ass on the back of his horse on level 1 (so i that explaines the 1 level fighter)

Abilities (28 point buying system):

Str: 16
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 13
Cha: 13

I have spent my skill points in handle animal (3 ranks) Diplomacy (3 ranks), knowledge nobility (1 rank) Knowledge local (1 rank) ride 4 ranks.

- mounted combat
- ride by attakc
- spirit charge
- nowble soul (feat from grayhawk campaign setting) +2 diplomacy, +1 will saves

Anvil is of gentry and has at present the title of Knight Commander. His father was the war hero Landon Burnheart (fg7, pal1, KoF8), who fall in battle during the Great Northern crusade. His mother is Lady Amondela (ari5, LG) and stays at the moment in the country house of the family Burnheart, which is lain in Chendl. Anvil has grown up the younger of 3 (Anmar Fg 5, Clc 5, KoF5 LG) and (Leonard fg 6) brothers in Chendl. Its father and 3 brothers have fought in the Great Northern crusade, to which Anvil have lost its father and youngest brother (Leonard). Anvil has not taken part in the Great Nortehern crusade, so that the life of one heir would remain, should all others die in the war. This fact has always frustrated Anvil, because he gladly wanted to fight side by side with its brothers and father against the hordes of Old wicked. After the news of the death of its father and brother Anvil had experienced a difficult period of mourning and grieve. The world could no longer make a difference to him and Anvil withdrew himself more and more on its chamber in the country house of the family Burnheart. All this changed when his brother Anmar returned and taught Anvil in the leathers of Pelor. The reunification with its brother and the light of Pelor gave Anvil strength to come from its dark valley. As from then Anvil recovered its lives strength. This is also the period when Anvil met Alysia. At this moment she was in leathers with the cleric of Pelor, which helped Anmar to let Anvil find his slightly. Anvil has become friends with Alysia during this period and will do everything to protect her during combat but also in daily living.

King Belvor wants its realm firstly rebuild of damage that it has suffered by the armies of Iuz. The many chaotic participants of Thrithereon want to sail another rate however and want to bring the war to the country of Iuz. This is also the way of Baroness Jelleneth Kalistren (Fg9, CG). To give its counterpoise and to exercise more control in The Barony or Kalistren he appointed Anmar Burnheart in 591 CY to Lord Major of the city Crockport. This was politically a coup of king Belvor, because in this way he has a charismatic person who can slow down Baroness Jelleneth in her ideas. Thereby is Anmar a doughty brawler who can jack up morality and defenses in Crockport. Anmar has taken Anvil along with him and sworn him as a lieutenant in its army. This way Anvil can make himself better loose of its difficult task and aim at the destruction of the armies of Iuz. Crockport however still lie in ruins. The city has suffered large losses during the war and is damaged for a large part when the city was reconquered. Such as truth spirit of furiondyuns become, the people have not delivered their selves and have started with rebuilding the city. There is something ghostly and battered to Crockport for people who enter the city for the first time. Relatively little simple buildings are habitable. A small garrison of approximately 850 man inhabits the citadel, an inn looks after food and drink for the inhabitants and visitors, and a small market town keeps
the trade living.Anmar and king Belvor have massive plans with Crockport and in the future if the city is rebuilt they want to launch another military offensive from this city
directed to Iuz.

Goals of Anvil:

• For rebuilding the city money is necessary. Anvil want gather this money by will and gather treasures on adventure.
• Anvil has ambition to become a knight or Furyondy, in imitation of its father and its older brother. For this, however he must be invited, for this companionship. Anvil already has leg up because of its oldest brother who is member of this organization and because of the reputation the name Burnheart has in the kingdom of Furyondy. However Anvil must firstly prove himself before he can be invited for this organization. Anvil intend above aim combine with this aim.
• Anvil wants to found a temple of Pelor in Crockport and convert people for this belief. Anvil believes that the people in Kalistren will prosper more with the sun, light, strength and cicatrisation which Pelor offers then with chaos, revenge, and individuality of Thrithereon.
• Anvil wants to fight evil, wherever it is. Iuz embodies evil in the eyes of Anvil. So he wants to eradicate Iuz and al his minions forever! He wants start destroying evil on Rock egg Island (to see places or interest Crockport)
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