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Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)

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Session 3: Rounding up Crockegg

Session 3: Rounding up Crockegg

Heavily wounded by the battle with two inhabitants of the halls below the island of Crockegg the adventurers decide to flee the caves and use their boat to get retreat. However, Victoria and Green hear some sound along the hallway. Further away, in the dark, footsteps are heard!

After burning a lantarn an older man is standing close to the wall, looking scared upon the weapons of the adventurers. 'Halt', What's your business?' the adventurers yell to the man.

'I'm Leon, what did you do with Bewul and Anas?'. At that moment is becomes clear Bewul and Anas are dispatched bu the adventurers. Leon explains he is hold captive on the island for many years. In the beginning of the Greyhawk wars he is enslaved by troops of Iuz. Because his exceptional skills in alchemy Leon is forced to fabric a kind of fog-machine and use it on a remote island in the Whyestil. Not sure for what purpose he explains, but it has clearly something to do with smugglers.

'Smugglers', I told you so Alisia proclaims. 'How many and when do they come?'. The adventurers learn the smugglers come to the island by ship one or two times a week. In the cover of the early morning fog (produced by Leon's Alchemic Machine) a boat full of dark humans and/orcs is retrieving chests full of expensive goods.

After the PCs learn where the goods are stored they decide to look for it. 'But hey', Anvil said'. 'When you are a prisoner, where are your manacles? Why can you just move freely along the halls?'. 'Well, that unfortunately very simple', Leon says sadly. 'My wife and daugther are somewhere in the lands of Iuz, probably slaves, fighting for their lives everyday', Anas (one of the guards) promised me to let them killed immediatly when I try to flee'. Touched by the sadness of Leon the adventurers promise that one day they will look for his family, especially because some adventurers loved ones share the same fate of Leon.

The underground halls are divided in several corridors and huge chambers. Stone doors, with the same family heraldry as seen in the castle, make sure no one is able to enter without a key. Fortunately for the PCs one of the slain guards kept a key... One of the chambers hold many, many boxes. Full of tools, expensive cloths, lantarns, art etcetera. Clearly stuff Crockport would be very happy with these days! The rest of the day the adventurers discuss what to do if the smuggling ship would arrive next day.

Next morning Leon awakes early to feed his fog machine with alchemic fluids, making sure the ship will not be alerted by the abscence of the fog. Ramon, disguised as one of the guards takes his position on the beach, the adventurers hide themselves between some rocks on the beach. And indeed, after half an hour the front of a ship slowly moves through the fog. Vaguely a couple of humanoids can be seen standing on the ship.

'Aoooy' a man shouted from the ship towards the ship. 'Oy', Ramon shouted back, acting as Bewul. While the ship slowly moved towards the beach some rough creatures on the ship could be seen thorugh the mist. A wooden ladder is used to quickly depart the ship. Some orcs land on the beach, Ramon points to the hallway leading in to the caves. The orcs move in to look for the chests, obvisously not finding them... However, a pit trip entraps one of the orcs! A fierce battle starts at that time. Sword, axes, magic, blood and casualties. The result is in favor of the adventurers, Alishia heals her wounded companions.

The remaining of the day is used to get back to Crockport. After hiring some more fishermen with boats the adventurers claim the ship from the orcs and bring the discoved smuggling goods back to Crockport. Also Leon is very happy to be back in 'his' city. Green escorts Leon to the temple of Heironious, where Leon asks about his family and friends. He informs Green that he would like to travel to Greatwall (a university city more to the east of Furyondy) to look for any relatives which he knew before he was captured. Green gives some money to Leon to make sure Leon can hire some workers to travel safe and fast. Leon promise Green to give back all the money as soon as he can.

The adventurers visit Sir Burnhart, the ruler of the city to claim their victory and report their findings. Of course the small ship which is captured is very, very good news for the major. A piece which is very welcome in these times of lack of money (but no lack of enemies).

After resting some days in Crockport the adventures decide where to go next: the Vesve forest. But not the safe part of it, but the part Iuz still holds. The rumor prisoners are kept in an orc camp sounds very promising to especially Green and Ramon. However, they quickly learn moving in to the lands of Iuz is not only dangerous, but also stupid (by the priests of Heironious) or the only-thing-which-should-be-done-far-more, according to the church of Trithereon.

The next day is used to gather information about the lands of Iuz in and around the Vesve forests. On a early morning the players ride towards the immense forests of the Vesve, nervous and anxious about what it is on the horizon. Fortunately Crockports army could miss some warhorses and masterwork weapons, this gives at least some feeling of being well-equiped for the job....
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Session 4: Into the Vesve

Session 4: Into the Vesve

The weather is friendly for the adventurers when they leave the city of Crockport. The last outpost of Furyondy is an army bataljon at the 'border' with the empire of Iuz. About 300 militia are permanently located there to watch the border. The adventurers are informed the main enemies in the miles around them are goblin warbands. 'So please watch out for them!', some soldiers inform the adventurers with fear, but also some pity, in their eyes. 'We'll do, we'll do....'

Before the times of Iuz an often travelled road ran to the North, following the Western shores of the Whyestil lake (DM note: please see the map above for exact location). No-one wants to follow that road but decide to ride through the light forest which is the main feature of these lands.

After riding some 6 hours in the light forests, some awkward creatures can be heard and seen riding towards them. 'Goblin riders on some foul beasts!, Victoria shouts, 'Get your weapons and shields up, quickly!'. About four Goblins on Worgs (a kind of wolf, but meaner and stronger) run through the forests towards them. Alishia tries to control her horse and at the same time take the other horses to a safer location. Her knowledge about these animals is really helpfull in this case. Of course Green helps her by guiding some animals. Anvil (still on his horse), Victoria and Ramon stand their ground concentrated the hands on their weapons and the eyes on their enemies. They spot some more goblins, walking near the Worg-riders. Javelins fly through the forest, Anvil charges his enemies. Victoria and Ramon pepper the riders with arrows. Sox, the wolf companion of Green, bravely fights a Worg.

The turningpoint of the battle is the moment Goblin-riders get knocked off their Worgs by the lance of Anvil (who is really someone to care about when he's fighting in his horse). It's clear these creatures are uncontrolled when having no riders. Some flee, some keep fighting. The goblins are not a real threat however, using stupid (or actually no) tactics and are with too few of them to capture of kill the adventurers.

Sox (the wolf) however, is badly wounded and is not able to make some more miles today. Alishia and Green dump the goblin bodies in the forest, covered by some branches.

About a mile more to the North they decide to build up a camp. Anvil propose the make some defensive walls around the camp. Using some branches and some digging to give them an advantage against possible creatures during the night. A very good idea...

When it's already quite dark, and the adventurers only have a small fire to light the surroundings, Green (who has the first watch) sees some arrows flying towards him. He gets hurts very badly, but is able to alarm his companions. His companion Sox is still hurt from the battle with goblins and not able to fight. They take full cover after their defensive wall.

While the other try to collect their weapons Anvil light a torch. Now everyone can see some creatures in the shadows around them.. Quite organised the creatures move towards the camp (DM note: the camp has been scouted by one of the enemies). The adventures are harrassed by a band of hobgoblins, who know how to use their swords. The fight get nasty really soon, Alishia and Ramon are woundedvery badly and fall unconcious. Anvil and Victoria keep on fighting, even their warhorses use their vicious hoof attack to kill their enemies (or at least thrive them away).

Green, still wounded decides he need to help his companions. Endangering his own life he starts to call for a nature's ally. Using his magic a wolf appears in the rear of the hobgoblins. Giving the opportunity to Victoria to sneak attack the them.

The Gods of Greyhawk are pretty kind to Alishia and Ramon this night. They both get stable, only some inches away from their final destination. (DM note: both stable at -9, no kidding). Till today it's not clear if Alishia's devotion to Pelor or Ramons (small) prayer to Olidammara did the trick. I think both :)

With the help of the summoned wolf the hobgoblins get killed. Leaving the adventurers badly wounded, with no spells left in the middle of a hostile land.

Welcome in the lands of Iuz.....


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Session 5: Woods

Session 5: Woods

Besides the night being dark, it's also a pain. Some bad wounds disturb the dreams of the brave adventurers. Fortunately no further enemies are seen this night..

In the morning some adventurers go hunting to gather some food, especially Sox is quite demanding in terms of food after a day of hiking through the woods. When hunting Victoria and Green spot a small and primitive camp where some creatures can be seen. They decide to move silently back to their friends.. making sure the possible enemies do not notice them.

After a fast breakfast under the roof of mother nature the adventurers decide to get moving again. The trees and other plants grow everywhere, giving them some (false?) feeling of cover. About an hour after their depart it's obvious trees has been cutted here. No only a few, but dozens. It's getting more and more, a smell of burned vegetation quickly dominatesthe air. A little bit research learn Green it has been a while ago since the (lower) vegetation has been burned here. Probably to clear the path for woodcutters, who demolished almost half of the woodlands here. When they move forwards, thanks to little to no vegetation left, a lot quicker then yesterday, a sound can be heard to the North: *thonk, thonk, thonk*. 'Woodcutters', Ramon and Anvil whisper'. 'Let's move around them...' The horses are led towards the east, back into the untouched woodlands.

The rest of the day nothing specially occurs, some miles are done. 'How long will it be to the Orc camp?', one of them says. 'Why should I care, Alishia mumbles, 'probably a battallion of orcs is awaitung us there'. 'Well, that's something we should discuss later, Anvil bravely says. 'Pelor will guide us, like always!'. That's something Alishia and Pelor both agree about. Ramon has his it's thought, 'why just not sneak in, we can be evil humans just wanting to do some business'.

In the afternoon a river blocks the path. Big cutted trees move through the river with an interval of fiftheen to thirty minutes. 'Someone should be waiting for those trees down the river', Anvil sais, 'let's sabotage this a little bit'. With the dexterity of Victoria, the strength of Anvil and the help of all other adventurers one of cutted trees is moved towards the side of the river. Now it's stuck in the muddy ground. The next tree smashes into the tree-obstacle. 'This will be quite a hassle for them to repair'.

While not even on their horses a person moves closer to the adventurers, not seen, not heard. But surprisingly near. A woman steps into sight of the adventurers, dressed as a traveller and wielding a fierce longsword. The smooth face and pointy ears tells everyone this is an elf. 'Lay swee-lonn', she says. Green and Victoria immediatly recognize the elf language (being an elf themselves this is not very hard'). 'Who are you, and with what goal do you travel the lands of our beloved forests?'


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Session 6: Prisoners

Session 6: Prisoners

'We are travelling to Gerrenkzerung, an orc camp to the north', Green answers in the Elvish language. The woman looks behind and with a soft voice she calls for her companions. Two men reveal themselves when moving out of some bushes.

The adventurers learn the group of Elves are scouts from Furyondy. By following the tracks of a group of humans the elves try to find some of relatives captured by this group. The adventurers are asked if they could help freeing these prisoners. In return the elves can travel some miles to the north-west to show a safe path through the forests.

Equipped with their horses the group travels to the east. Back into the burned forest where most trees are cutted away. The elves proclaim this terrain is very dangerous, so they make it quick to their destination. An old farming building some miles from the Whyestil lake. The surrounding fields of this farm mean the adventurers will be probably already spotted hundreds of meters away. Therefore the adventurers decide to move quickly and charge through the terrains to meet their enemies.

In a truly heroic battle their opponents are some well-equipped orcs. The ravaging horses are a really good asset in this battle. The orcs, fighting on foot, have a hard time hitting the adventurers. After a fierce charge Anvil gets almost smashed to death, but not after striking his lance upon the chest of one the orcs. Ramon, Victoria and Alishia support the battle by flanking the orcs. Green and the three elves pepper the orcs with arrows when possible.

Only a few minutes after their arrival the three orcs ly dead on the ground, leaving the farm unoccupied for the rest. Ramon sneaks inside one of the building. He finds a wooden cage with some afraid elven prisoners inside. His open lock skills could really help those poor bastards and free them. Mostly females and children, the men seem missing. 'The Gods are with you, thanks for freeing us. Our men are away with the humans, forced to help cutting the trees. They left this morning by foot'.



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Session 7: The real border

Session 7: The real border

After freeing all prisoners from the woodcutterscamp, all adventurers and the three elves take on an extra person on their horse and ride back to the forests to hide themselves.

Ylass, the woman in charge of the elves, likes to ride to the west for some miles. She knows a good spot where the group can cross the river which blocks their path to the north.

A day goes by, the party sets up camp in the forests. In the evening Green shoots a boar. The stomaches of the party will be well filled the coming days! Sox, although badly wounded by fighting the boar, is quite hungry and is very happy with a bunch of boar-meat.

Alishia gets some lessons from Leaf, one of the scouts, how to take care of wounds by using herbs and vegetation from the woods. Although there is still some need to further practice these skills Alishia sees an opportunity to broaden her skills somewhat.

Victoria cooks a great meal out of the herbs she found in combination with the boarmeat. The good meal give the group a feeling of being well and happy. The forest around them gives the adventurers a feeling of well-being.. but for how long?

That night a watch is set-up. No events during the night. Next morning the group travels north. Ylass warns the adventurers of the border with the lands of Iuz which is further to the north. 'Border?, how do you mean border?, Anvil asks. 'The border with the lands of Iuz is just some miles from here. A road with many patrolling orcs and watchtowers crosses our path. We think it is very dangerous to just walk in. However, you helped us freeing our relatives. So we will accompany you, that's what we've promised you. May Corellan guide us.'

The adventurers decide it would be too egoistic to keep the elves to their promise. It could mean dead to many of them. Furthermore, some of the adventurers doubt the combatskills of some younger elves. The group splits, the elves will travel west, the adventurers move north. Heading for the real border.



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I see Sander did quiet a job trying to keep up but meanwhile we are way ahead, reached level 3 meanwhile and fight fierce enemies inside the lands of Iuz himself. Ill try to relief him with a post hoping i can still remember the details.

Session 8: Bones.

The adventurers travel for a while through the thick forests of the Vesve. Suddenly they see some tracks in the muddy forest ground. Green and Victoria take a good look at the tracks and with the help of Sox the party starts to follow the odd somewhat narrow humanlike footprints.

It doesnt take long for the adventureres to find final destination of the footprints. A large horse carcass lies on the ground and it seems claws have rended through the creature. "We must move on" Anvil sais and everyone agrees.

The travel for a short while only to discover who actually made the tracks. Two undead wolfs followed by three walking skeletons apear from the bushes. Alishia is quick to act and raises her Holy Symbol of Pelor. "By the might of Pelor, i shall send you back into your graves" she shouts and a flash of light appears. The party looks around and all the undead are lieing on the ground, motionless. (note: Used a greater turning since i didnt expect more Undead...i was terribly wrong).

"What was that!?!" Ramon asked and Alishia gives the answer: "That was the power Pelor grants his clerics." Happy the battle was resolved without a single blow the adventurers moved on, only see some kind of cave in a hill. Since the day was almost over the party thought this would be a nice place to sleep this night. Lighting her bulls-eye lantarn Alishia passed it to Ramon. He scouted the long natural corridor, searching for traps in the meanwhile. Suddenly the light falls on two boney figures standing in the dark. "More undead!" Ramon shouted.

A fierce fight started and the party discovered there were not only undead in this cave. A rather ugly and meager creature appeared from the shadows and started to exhale a cloud of nasty looking air, slowing the some of the adventurers. Anvil is hit by the cloud but his body seems to resist the effect and starts smashing some skeletons together with Krego (the psionic warrior). Krego being less experienced than the rest of the party falls and starts bleeding to death. Finally Alishia finds an opening to use her powers again. She raises her symbol but this time it has no effect. The master of these vile creatures exhales again and Alishia is unable to resist this harrasment. Being in a small corridor not all adventurers can help in this combat.

Alishia sees the wounded Krego on the ground and has 2 choises. Helping the dieing Krego risking to be attacked by the undead around her, or try to invoke Pelors power again. She raised her Symbol again and again a flash of light...most of the undead start falling onto te ground in pieces. The Necomancer look around and doesnt like what he sees. Only two of his minions have managed to stay out of the light. The party now rushes in crushing the last minions. The Necro doesnt go down without a fight. Wielding to hammers he manages to wound Victoria badly and also Ramon and Anvil feel the blows before they put him down in the end.

Alishia still has her healing powers available and heals her compagnion. The party desides to clear the cave and to hunt for food. Green, Ramon and Victoria go out to hunt and scavage again. All seems good untill they hear some heavy voices snorting at eachother. "Orcs" Ramon whispers, "Lets check it out". Victoria and Green agree tho the last holds his ground while the other two scout ahead. Victoria manages to move very silently barely hearable for even Ramon who is trying to sneak next to her. Ramon on the other hand, seems have overlooked a thick branch...*SNAP*. The voices get louder clearly shouting in their direction. They both stand still. More shouting and then movement. As quick as they can Ramon and Victoria run on the sight of two musceled orcs! Running towards Green while shouting: "ORCS! RUN!". Green jumps up and is clearly unhindered in the woods and take a sprint to the cave. There he alerts the party and they have enough time to get ready or another combat at the cave entrance.

Ramon and Victoria have some trouble running through the thick undergrowth but manage to reach the cave with the orcs on their heels. Green starts to call open his power to control nature and the orcs are quickly grappeled by the plants. A ranged combat breaks out both parties peppering the others with arrows and bolts. One party ends up dead in favor of the adventurers. "What a day" Anvil said: "Lets bury the corpses and get some rest". And so they do, wandering what the next day will bring.

And much more happened tho i missed session 9 i think. Maybe it was 10, someone else has to update this :p

NOTE: Im trying to draw the route we took through the lands of Iuz but i dont know the exact locations of some key points like the farm with the prisoners.
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Hey people, here i am sitting down, trying to find the crockport map for my own war-based campaign im going to run and the link to this topic came up.

We have played ALOT of sessions meanwhile reaching level 5. Heres a summary:

-Went into the Empire of Iuz
-Slain many orcs and goblins
-Brought some captured elves back to the border
-Went back into the Empire of Iuz
-Slain more orcs
-Visited a captured elven city
-Orcs were moving out at night because of a ghost within the city
-Found secret entrance to the upper levels of the Vesve
-Found elven fort there
-Trashed a few Orc camps at night
-Orcs went mad and revolted (yay!)
-Went to a town within the Empire of Iuz and infiltrated the place
-We infiltrated as a group of merchants
-Been there for week
-Got into the church of Iuz which was a prison aswell
-Freed the prisoners after fighting and capturing a lvl 9 rogue/assasin (Outnumbered him big time after releasing some prisoners)
-Back to Crockport
-Found a Wounded Cleric who was seeking a missing archmage
-Investigated a cavern where the wizard was last seen
-fought fire mephits and a fiery dwarf, killed mephits interrogated dwarf. Befriended dwarf (attacked us because we took magical bowl which could transport lava without losing heat)
-Went back to crockport after visiting a sorceress to ask about wizard
-Send to the eastern border of Furyondy to investigate pending attack by forces of Iuz.
-Joined the army
-Sent out on special scout mission to investigate Orc activity.
-Water Walked over the river that marked the border (cast on horses, had to "push animal" them into it...disaster :p)
-Killed 3 hobgoblins patrols (disguise was blown)
-Killed Hill Giant

Now we have to decide how to go in with this mission, disguises failed apparently but our group isnt very stealth oriëntated aswell.

I will try to update this more often because the fun is really starting since I (Alishia) can finally start slinging some spells, Anvil bought a fullplate and magical greatsword, Ramon is now our Tank/flanker since he has most AC, and Simon (wizard, was formally Victoria the rogue) adds his arcane prowess into the frays. To bad we last the Melee Cleric at the hill giant (two hits in one round: 21 dmg, 22 dmg vs 28 hp)

Stay tuned for the next episode of....Dungeons and Dragons!


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Here is a more detailed session i remember and enjoyed to the fullest:

We infiltrated a town within the Empire of Iuz.
Alishia (me) and Anvil disguised as guards. Green was disguised as a hunter. Ramon and Victoria were disguised as merchants, the former scamming people with some gambling games, the latter selling food (profession cook ranks).
Krego`s soul was no more with us (and the player wasnt able to make this session).
We sad there for a while, observing the town. Next to the town Orcs had made their camp. Hunters of the House of Hunters were the guards within this town. Everyday a Cleric of Iuz and his two assistants went to the marketplace to pick up the Taxes. I was glad i had prepared nondetectable alignment as me and anvil would probably be detected. After a while we made plans to access the church of Iuz. I was disguised as a Cleric of Iuz and Ramon went in as my assistant. The thought behind the disguises was that i was looking for some fresh labrats (the prisoners) to test a new chemical which would later be used as a weapon.

We went out of town, donned out disguises and rode back in. All eyes were upon us but noone saw through the disguises. We knocked on the church doors and after a while we were inside. Ramon went downstairs to inspect the prisoners and to pick some for my experiments (meanwhile seeing how the prisoners were contained). Alishia waited upstairs and was told by the assistant of the cleric of iuz that i was about to be interrogated by the cleric. Thinking about the interrogation and after checking out my spell list i decided i was going to need a Protection vs Evil to resist mental control.

Ofcourse i counldnt cast it in front of everyone so i asked for....the little girls room! and cast my spell there.

After a while i was asked to sit down at a table and the Cleric came sitting right in front of me. I had to drink a potion of Zone of Truth and i did so. Then the questions came and i failed my will save (had to roll a 5 or higher, rolled 1) Luckely i could give indirect answers as long as i didnt lie. The first quesions was where i came from. I said: "I come from within the Vesve, near the Difiled Glades". This was partly true, we did travel there before coming here. The second quesion was why i came here and what business i have in town. My asnwer was: "I came to take the prisoners with me." This was also partly true since i wanted to free them. The last question busted my disguise: "Are you a Cleric of Iuz?" After thinking for a while i answered: Yes i am a Cleric. After this he stood up and excused himself after showing a grinn.

Meanwhile Ramon had returned and i told him we should get out of here. Just in time cause the Cleric returned with 6 guards including the assasin we would capture in the next session. We ran out of the church and jumped on our mounts. We split up and Ramon ran out of sight of the Cleric. The Cleric uttered some words of power but i resisted the affect thanks to my Protection from Evil, he had cast a Hold Person on me.

We rende-voused in the forest and ditched out disguises, only to return as the guard and merchant we were before.

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