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Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)


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Here i am again with an update of what happened the last 2 sessions.

We were send on a scout mission last session to get some information about Molag, a big orc city near the border. We have to find out where interresting entry points are, what happens in the city and weaknesses in the fortifications. We decided to send Simon and Ramon on a little trip to the city walls at night. Simon would use invisibility and Ramon sneaked through the area to remain undetected. They found out that every 15 minutes a patrol past the walls. Also they found out that the road from Molag to the rest of the empire had skulls imbedded in the ground every 30 feet.

Because the two couldnt see well in the dark they decided to return to the camp.
On their way Ramon heard a "psst" coming out of the grass. "Who are you?" Asked a unknown voice. "Who are you!?" Replied ramon. The unknowd entity repeated its question. "We are a search party from Molag, im search of some escaped prisoners" answered Simon. The voice said: "sure but whats your real identity?". Simon bluffed again that they were from Molag. "Then your my enemy..." and they heard a spell starting to be cast, what followed was an initiative roll and luckely ramon and simon were faster then the other guy.
"No wait! We are soldiers from furyondy!" Said ramon. The spellcaster stopped and said: "an enemy of my enemy, is my friend.

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What a cliffhanger! i ran out of time there but heres the rest.

After following the stranger to a safe spot to talk and simon getting the rest of the crew we negotiated: we wanted information he had his eyes on the gold.

Anvil first cast a Detect Evil and indeed, he was evil.
"I have no business with you stranger, good luck and farewell" and anvil walked away.
Alishia had here mind on the mission and didnt want to return empty handed.
After some talking they agreed on a price for his information.
"Nearby the rocks that you past earlier is a pipeline for sewage that exits Molag, a good swimmer could reach the end of the pipeline and able to enter the city...tho i dont think you really want to enter, what happens is Molag is close to what your priests call Hell."

With that information the party went to the rocks and found a pool of smelly water. "We have to drain the pool" said Simon. The party agreed and dug it out. The water rushed out and after 2 hours of digging the pipe was visible. A few iron bars blocked the passage. After a quick search Ramon found to rusty locks at the bottom. He just his nimble fingers to pry them open and the party had forced entrance into the pipe.

They entered the sewer pipe, the smell was unbearable. Quickly everybody bound a piece of cloth for their mouths and noses.

The descent took about 30 minutes and Alishia noticed something in the water. After that a fight broke out and the ooze-like creature approached fast. A heavy battle took place and quicly the party noticed that the monster had a habbit of disolving shields. Anvil was fast enough to get his magic buckler out of danger. Ramon choose to get behind the monster to flank the vile spawn. This was a mistake, the monster took a good swing at him and he dropped into the murky water. Alishia was planning her course of action, Anvil took hit after hit and was glad he had Alishia and Milso (the other cleric focused on close combat) behind him to heal. Alishia ran out of spells, she healed more often because her heals were more powerfull then Milso`s so he didnt have to heal constantly. Ramon was still lying there and Alishia hoped she would be lucky today. She moved passed the creature and in reponce the creature scored a near fatal blow. Alishia shield get dissovled and she was barely standing. Although she was mortally wounded she decided to get ramon back in the fight and healed him with her wand.

In the next seconds the creature attacked Anvil and the wounded Alishia.
Alishia couldnt parry the attack and took a fatal blow.
The party fought on and thanks to a wand of magic missile that Simon possesed and the sheer power of Anvils attacks the creature fell.

As fast as he could Anvil rushed to Alishia and used his paladin power to see if Alishia could be saved. But his powers werent enough, Alishia had passed to the other side.

The party decided to move out and rest before attempting a new try at the sewers.

After resting for a few hours a hobgoblin patrol appeared near and the party set up an ambush. Catching the goblins by suprised the fight went quiet alright and the party killed the patrol including a wizard who nearly got away with invisibility.

Part of the party cleaned up the mess. Simon was busy to erase their tracks when he suddenly heard a voice: "Psst"
Simon tried to spot where it came from but couldnt see anything. "I heard something here!" he shouted.
The voice continued: "What are you doing in the Lands of Iuz?"
"Show yourself!" Simon said and like out of nowhere a man came out of his hiding. (This was my new character)
"Greetings traveler, i am Private Nathaniël Orville from Fort Belvor, what is a group like yours doing in these lands?"

Simon answered tho he kept his mission secret, after a short conversation Simon and Milso took the newcomer to the party`s camp.

"Who are you?" Ramon asked. "I am Private Nathaniël Orville, special recon from Fort Belvor".

Anvil rose, "Welcome, its good to see an other face coming from Furyondy"
Ramon seemed to have a quick thought and asked: "Are you by chance a green jerkin?" Nathaniël nodded: "Indeed i am and i wander what a noicy group like yours are trying to do in the lands of our enemy. Most people from Furyondy tend to be more subtle".

"We are on a topsecret mission, i cant tell you what. Whats your business in these lands?" said Anvil.
After some talking the party was informed that Nathaniël watched the activities near the border so alarm could be raised in time. Nathaniël joined the party after swearing an oath of secracy and was informed about the mission. The next morning they would try to scout the city and enter the pipe again.

After sleeping in a self dug holes that Nathaniël suggested, the party went back into the sewers.
After one hour the party saw a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. "We should do this subtle, maybe Nathaniël or Ramon could go and scout with help of your invisibility spell, Simon". They agreed and Ramon thought that it was best to let Nathaniël do this, since hes probably more subtle then he is. (dont know if thats true)

Nathaniël sneaked towards the light and saw a hole leading straight up. Some iron bars were visible, leading upwards and they were anchored into the wall like a ladder. Nathaniël took a climb and found out that upstairs a shabby wooden building was build. He looked around and spotted a little creature. He didnt recognize the creature but it had a demonic look about him. Ignoring the creature he rose from the hole and peered through one of the holes that scattered the wooden wall. Outside the shack, he saw a street filled with garbage and probably dung. Goblins littered the streets, scavaging and working the garbage.

Every now and then a hatch in the wall of the shack opened and the vile substance was thrown inside, only to be ditched into the sewer pipe. Looking to the sky Nathaniël saw a strange creature circling the skies. Its head was like that of a humanoid tho it had a feral look aswell. Its body was covered in fur and he had batlike wings.

Knowing the spell cast on him would soon be over, he went back into the sewers and reported back to the party.

This is where we stopped the session.
Ill update you this week when we have played our next session tomorrow.
Untill the next episode of.....Dungeons and Dragons
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First Post
Here are some statistics and the history of my new character: Nathaniël Orville.

Classes: Ranger 1, Fighter 3
HP: 33
AC 19 (10 +4 armor,+2 shield, +3 dex mod)
AC with bow: 17

Str: 14
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 10

Saves: fort +6, refl +6, will +1

Hide - 7 ranks +3 dex modifier
Move silently - 7 ranks +3 dex mod
Ride - 7 ranks + 3 dex mod
spot - 4 ranks + 2 bonus (Borderwatch background feat)
Survival - 7 ranks + 3 bonus (Track=Skill Focus: Survival in this campaign)

Point black shot
Precise shot
Rapid shot
Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery

BAB: +4

Mw Comp Longbow (for +2 strength mod) +8 attack bonus (+6/+6 with rapid shot) 1d8+2 dmg
Mw Longsword, +6 attack bonus, 1d8+2 dmg

Mithril Shirt +4 AC, max dex: +6, Penalty: 0
Mw Heavy Wooden shield +2 AC, Penalty: -1

My light warhorse is stabbled at Fort Belvor, since riding a horse is not very subtle.


Ill translate this one later.


First Post
So good to read back our adventures of last months. I'm glad I manage the DM-job sometimes. For me the sessions in the the evil Iuz-village in the Vesve were amazing. A lot of roleplaying and tension in the theater of evil lands with all its (bad) habits.

Next sunday is our new session, new chances for the party!

For readers of this topic: As a DM I used several ideas from Living Greyhawk modules around Furyondy (Operation Molag for example). Furthermore I used the Two-Falls (elvencity with two waterfalls somewhere in besieged lands) background which was awesome.

For me the freedom of movemement within the lands is awesome. Not longer bound to the predefined encounters of a written adventure is absolute gold. A con however is I'm not always prepared and have to throw out some not so well thought ideas on the spot.

I hope my dear players don't mind. :)


First Post
Hallo again,

To answer Sanders question, i barely even notice it the on the fly events.

Anyway here is what we did last session:

Back to the homeland

After we left the sewers we decided it was time to leave this lands. We had some vital information and with the dangers of these lands it was better to take the info back to the General before there was no one left to tell the tale.

We walked back to the river on a journey that wasnt easy to forfill since we had to carry Alishia`s dead body back to the river. Green had joined to party again while Meso (spelled it wrong in the last update: its not Milso but Meso) was present on this session.

After a 2 hour walk we reached the bare hill side about 3 miles away from the river. We decided to camp in the forest to prepare the proper spells to cross the river the next day. Suddenly we heard wings flapping above us and a winged creature that looked much like a troll with bat wings descented. A fight started. Nathaniël was quick to react and tried to pepper the creature with arrows. One missed and the other would have pierced the beasts flesh for sure if it wasnt for the boulder that protected the monster.

Now it was the monsters turn to act and he cast a spell in the middle of the party. The ground withered and the party took some damage. Nathaniël couldnt resist the additional effect and became sickened. Other party members took better positions and started to pepper the creature with some more arrows and some were even succesful in this.

Nathaniël moved next and could take a better shot from his new position and shot the beast, which diceded to take his chances in melee. Ramon engaged first and nimbly tumbled to its right flank but missed. Anvil was next and filled a spot on the other flank, taking a hit in the process, but took a good hit at the creature leaving a open wound. Simon took a good spot to fire his wand and hit the creature with missiles. The rest took more shots at the beast, which had healed some of his wounds already.

Ramon took another swing at the monster but its hide was too tough. The fiend didnt like the big sword that was wielded by our Paladin and striked Anvil twice. With both claws embedded in the flesh, he tore anvil almost completely apart, dropping him to the ground. Green who had already started to conjure up a natures ally, finished the summoning and a Dire Wolf entered the fray, giving Green enough distraction to rush to Anvil with his wand of cure light wounds equipped.

The Dire Wolf seemed to be strong and bit the monster to death.
Green tried to heal Anvil but it was too late, Anvil had perished.
With a great loss, the party finished building their camp for tonight and went to sleep. But not before finding a strange gem in the pockets from the rags of the monster. A rose shaped stone, dark-red in color. Ramon picked up the object and stuffed it in his pocket, only to find out the object was trying to move upwards! "What a strange gem" said Ramon, "Ill put it into my backpack". Ramon took his pack and tried to drop the stone, only to see it coming back up floating in front of his face. Luckely Ramon had a small box, found on Crockegg Island, and put the gem in there and heard the gem colliding with the top of the box.

The next morning they left for the river, they were planning to use Greens power to turn into a Dire Bat and then enlarge him and making him stronger with a bull`s strength. Turning into a huge bat seemed to get the attention from a hobgoblin patrol and a fierce ranged combat was about to take place. Green took Alishia`s body and started to cross the river. Meanwhile the party took tactical positions to pepper the goblins.

Arrows flew back and forth but the party was prepared, they all kneeled while shooting making it harder for the goblins to hit them, while Simon casted a mirror image to protect himself. The leader of the patrol had an alarm bell and started to use it and shouted: Alarm!. Nathaniël and Simon understood the vile language and directed their attacks to him...it was to late tho. Several seconds later Nathaniëls sharp senses noted a group of camoflaged goblins closing in and he took a shot at one of them.
The goblins screamed of pain and the party was alerted.
Some goblins started to engage in melee and Green had flown back to heal his wounded compagnions, canceling his shape shift in to do so.

Ramon and Socks met their attackers in combat while Green conjured another Dire Wolf which proved to be invaluable in this battle. The patrol was quickly killed and the party started to slay the sneaky ones. Simon which had conjured 8 mirror images, intimidated one of the goblins by letting himself and all his doubles point the wand to the creature. Overcome by fear the hobgoblin didnt shoot nor move.

In the next moments, more goblins were killed and they started to retreat. Luckely the Wolfs were faster and took them down.

With the combat over, the adventurers brainstormed about a way to cross the river. The answer was to let Green conjure up some Octopusses which would be stronger then their natural counterparts because of Greens specialization. Ramon and Nathaniël each tied a body on their backs, then Green summoned the aquatic creatures to bring them to safety.

After that the party rushed back to Fort Belvor where they brought the bodies to a chapel of Rao. There they asked the local priest if he was able to raise their fallen comrades. "Yes i am able to but i require either 5000 gold or diamonds worth that amount". The party sighed and made clear they didnt have such amount of gold. Ramon showed the priest the strange Rose-shaped gem and asked what it was. The priest examined the object and said: "This is a Ioun Stone, it gives you better insight on how to defend yourself" (Ioun Stone: +1 insight bonus to AC). "How much is it worth?" Ramon asked and the priest smiled: "Exactly 5000 goldpieces, i could sell it for you and get the diamons i need to raise one of your friends". They group asked if the priest could ask their spirits if they wanted to come back to life. Anvils spirit answered yes but Alishia`s soul seemed to be in a better place beyond the mortal realms.

Following to this event, the group reported back to the general and after they told their tale they were rewarded with 2 second level cleric scrolls and 150 gold. Nathaniël reported in the office of the Green Jerkins where he had to mark locations on maps about the sewer system and the places he had been the last few weeks. He got paid 1 gold piece, a soldiers salery and went to his barrack where his dog Spike met him with Joy.

A week passed ever since, while the party waited for the diamons to arrive. Alishia got a proper funeral while Anvils body was preserved by a Gentle Repose spell and eventually got raised. In this week word was spread that a small group passed the river and went into Furyondy to abduct citizens.
Rumor sais that this group were traitors to the lands and were part of the Furyondy Army. The party decided that they would investigate this matter when Anvil was up and walking again.

This is where the session ends, next time we go bounty hunting and hope to free those people
Hope you enjoyed...

Until the next thrilling episode of...Dungeons and Dragons: Furyondy


First Post
Here is some info about the Green Jerkins and the Church of Rao.

The Green Jerkins

The Green Jerkins, also known as the Furyondy Ranger’s Guild, is an order of rangers and woodsmen dedicated to
protecting the open lands and frontiers of Furyondy. Named for their forest-colored clothing, the Green Jerkins
watch over wilderness areas and patrol the roads between towns.
Based out of Stalmaer in the Gold County, the Green Jerkins were originally formed to watch over the northern
reaches of the Gnarley Forest. Comprised of about 40 to 50 rangers, the Green Jerkins worked with the local druids,
acting as protectors of the Gleaming Glades and policing the local area. The guild also kept a look out for humanoid
incursions into the forest and any possible signs of a revival of the Cult of Elemental Evil.
In 592 CY, Sir Quill Kith'Barden, a Green Jerkin Ranger and Knight of Furyondy, sponsored legislation in the
Knightly Conclave calling for an expansion of the Green Jerkins to help patrol the roads of Furyondy. The Conclave
was overall very supportive of the move, as it would provide extra defense of the heartlands and the occasional
patrol of the borders of Furyondy. With a resurgence of warfare with Iuz looming, many politicians saw the Green
Jerkins as an elite guard capable of defending needed supplies on the move in Furyondy. King Belvor was easily
convinced that empowering this ranger force, coincidentally outside the political machinations of any provincial lord,
was an excellent idea. Belvor put his seal of approval on the project and plans for drafting some of the best recruits
into the Royal Furyondy Navy.
The proposal called for the Green Jerkins to protect wilderness areas as well as the roads and paths between the
towns and settlements of Furyondy. The Green Jerkins would also work to train and domesticate a small number of
animals for use by the Kingdom and sometimes for sale. Occasionally, bounties would be given to the Guild to
apprehend villains and enemies of the crown.
Expanding their operations throughout all of Furyondy required more manpower than the Green Jerkins had at the
time, so a lesser division, the “Scouts,” was created to support the Rangers. Their primary role would be to patrol
roads, dealing with bandits or marauding beasts and reporting any signs of larger problems. They would also be
called upon should a threat require significant manpower to deal with. The requirements to become a Scout were
less stringent than those for becoming a full Ranger, and thus the Guild was able to recruit enough individuals to
meet their needs. Rank within the Green Jerkins is indicated by simple jeweled clasps in the shape of a silver maple
leaf. Scouts clasps use simple dark colored stones (mostly brown) while Rangers clasps use green gemstones.
Today, the Green Jerkins can be found throughout Furyondy, keeping the roads and their travelers free of danger
and protecting remote settlements. They also guard over particularly dangerous areas, such as the lands surrounding
Bronzeblood Keep, making sure that both the unwary and foolish are kept out.
The Green Jerkins pride themselves on diplomacy and intelligent actions whenever possible, and are sometimes
called upon to settle disputes between neighboring homesteads. Individual members of the Furyondy Ranger’s
Guild are often hired by travelers to act as guides between various towns in the heartlands. Such requests are
welcomed by the Green Jerkins, as the duties of the Guild rarely extend beyond the borders of Furyondy and these
jobs provide opportunities for members to learn the cultures and customs of other regions as well as gather
information on events outside of Furyondy.
With the recently renewed military campaign against Iuz, the Green Jerkins play a vital role in protecting Furyondy’s
resources and supply lines as well as acting as additional eyes on the lookout for spies. Some members participate
more directly in the war effort, providing reconnaissance for the Royal Army or serving in the Royal Navy as archers
or landing troops.
The Green Jerkins are well respected by the people of Furyondy. However, all is not perfect within the Ranger’s
Guild. The difference in skill and training between the Rangers and the Scouts is significant, and while some Scouts
aspire to become full Rangers, many do not have the ability or simply do not wish to make the sacrifices. Some of
the older Rangers worry that the Scouts represent a weakness that the enemies of Furyondy could exploit, while some of the Scouts see the Rangers as overly paranoid and disconnected from the world outside of their forests.
Differences in strategies and commitment between the die-hard Rangers and the less rugged Scouts have led to some
internal disputes and there are slight but growing feelings of frustration and resentment on both sides.

PS: Nathaniël is a Ranger within the Green Jerkins
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First Post
Church of Rao
The Church of Rao, in many ways, represents what many of the people of Furyondy wish for: Peace and Serenity.
As such, it attracts a great deal of interest from those who have grown weary of the constant wars that have plagued
the nation. Its teachings stress the search for inner peace, even in times of great conflict, and as a church of reason, is
also the caretaker of some of the largest and most detailed libraries in all of Furyondy.
This is not to say, however, that the church is full only of pacifists and "navel-gazers." Rao does sponsor Paladins, and
he is also a popular patron of Monks. Rao is the God of Peace, but his followers understand that peace is something
that must paradoxically be fought for, as well as vehemently defended from those who would destroy it. Indeed, one
of the turning points in the war with Iuz was the use of a powerful artifact called the Crook of Rao to banish Old
Wicked's fiendish allies.
The Church of Rao historically enjoyed a healthy position of influence within the courts of Furyondy (especially in
county of Littleberg), both due to its robust membership and its popularity in the neighboring kingdom of Veluna,
making Canon Vendenn of Chendl a powerful man, though the head of the Church of Rao in Furyondy is Aubin
Gyraisonne in the city of Pantarn, also home to a monastery dedicated to Rao. While some decry the influence held
by the Raoists (who some see as little more than lobbyists for Veluna), the Church has used its influence only as one
would expect: with careful deliberation and an eye towards peace. These same attitudes are the reason that Clerics of
Rao are often utilized by the courts of Furyondy to help settle disputes and see justice done. Lately the influence of
the Church has shown modest decline in the political arena following withdrawal of the knights of Veluna at a critical
time during the war with Iuz, as well as the reception of troops sent to aid Veluna in recent conflicts.
There are close connections between the Church of Rao in Furyondy and the Church in Veluna. The Church in
Furyondy is primarily staffed with native Furyondian followers, but does respect the Canon of Veluna. Recently
many Raoan churches sent flocks of children and initiates to the relative safety of Littlebery in Southern Furyondy to
weather the invasion of the Vale of Luna and even the holy city of Mitrik itself, the seat of the Church, by fiendish
forces. While it is hoped this disturbance will soon be ended, and many native Furyondians resent this incursion, a
new, larger church foundation has been laid in Littleburg. The Church of Rao is largely funding this great
compound, though Baron Jemian has made a few public donations. Still an amazing amount of money seems to be
being spent, and many are surprised that the church has money for such a venture at this time.
While all worshippers are welcome to attend services to Rao, those who wish to be formally recognized as members
in good standing are required to show their devotion to him and the things he holds dear.

PS: Dont forget to read the adventure on post !25!
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First Post
Dear readers!

Here is the background of my ranger, im translating while typing this so there could be some errors.

Background Nathaniël Orville

Nathaniël was born in 559 CY at the border of the Gnarling Forest.
His father made a living there as a hunter. When Nathaniël became old enough to handle a bow he joined his father in the hunt and became a skilled archer in the process.

Now at an age of 32, Nathaniël is a religious man although he does not honor one God in particular. On a succesful hunt he thanks Obad-Hai for the food, when encountering Undead he does a quick prayer to Pelor and when he got lucky he thanks Olidammara for the fortunate ending.

Nathaniël joined the army at an age of 18 and is still a loyal soldier.
When the Greyhawk Wars started he was stationed at Chendl. He moved his parents and sister to the capitol to protect them, not knowing the city would be the target of an assault later in the war.
He fought during that siege but got wounded in the process.
One of the siege weapons the Orcs of Iuz used managed to hit a tower near and the debris hit Nathaniël. Many of his friends and brothers-in-arms died in the assault.

After Nathaniël recovered he went back to his duties and this soon lead him into the Great Nothern Crusade to reclaim the lands Furyondy lost to Iuz.

After the wars Nathaniël joined the Green Jerkins and began his training to keep the land safe. He was posted at the border near fort Belvor and after a while he was assigned to special commando missions inside the lands of Iuz. His task was to observe the activities and watch the border.

Every now and then Nathaniël returns to Chendl to visit his familie, bringing some gold for them, and to go back to where he got wounded in the siege of Chendl to honor the friends that died during the assault.

The Familie:
Norman: Nathaniël`s Father is now 58 years old and a still a skilled ranger
Evelyn: Nathaniël`s Mother, she is 54 years old
Illenia: Nathaniël`s Sister is now 35 years old and a Cleric of Rao. She takes care of the familie on a day to day base.

Psysical Discription of Nathaniël
Nathaniël is quiet lean and dexterious for his age. His hair is already turning abit gray but hes just as fit as 10n years ago. He is of avarage height and slightly muscular.


First Post
Hey there,

Alot happened last sessions so ill give a brief update.
-Villagers nearby were gone missing and who tracked the ones responsible down. After a long search we found out we had to cross the Veng River.
We crossed the river with help of a jerkin who had a boat. At the other side we found a mining camp full of orcs...we charged and killed them all which the DM hadnt forseen. After a long struggling battle we went into the underground chambers. There we killed a group of brawlers who worshipped the god of slaughter. We managed to free 1 alive prisoner and to arrest the leader of the organization.

After this small adventure we heard a rumor in Fort Belvor. A shadowy winged creature was harassing the border posts along the river. We went to the posts and talked to the guard hearing horrific stories about soldiers that were killed. We decided to make a new, make-shift border post and camp there till the creature would show its face.

The first night was uneventful and we decide to sleep during the day so we would be ready for the creature if it would come in the night.

The second night was different. The party stared into the darkness. Suddenly Nathaniel whispered: "I saw something right there" pointing into the void. Milso and Ramon gazed upon the spot Nathaniel pointed out for them but didnt see anything. "Lets check it out" Ramon said and the three went into the forest with weapons drawn.

After 200 feet Nathaniel stopped. "It was right here". The small group didnt see anything and started to look around.
Nathaniel pulled the string of his bow back and aimed at....Ramon!
He released the string and hit Ramon once.
"What are you doing!" yelled Ramon, and he was ready to engage.
"The shadow took over his body!" yelled Meso.

Seconds later the three were engaged in combat. While Ramon and Meso tried the non-lethal approach, Nathaniel planned otherwise and hacked down upon the two, clearly stronger then he was before.

Ramon took some serius blows and Meso engaged Nathaniel in a grapple. Missing the opportunity Nathaniel found himself wrestling with Meso. He quickly took the upper hand in the wrestle and drew his short sword to stab Meso a couple of times. Ramon was still near and hit Nathaniel in the head with his sap, almost knocking him unconscious.

In the meantime the other party members arrived at the scene Irvin (Anvils Cohort) quickly uttered some words of power, touching Nathaniel. The spell seemed to work cause Nathaniel quickly stopped his raging assault on the bleeding Milso lying underneath him.

Nathaniel didnt remember anything and the party told the story to him.

The third night everyone was recovered from the events of last night and again, stood guard. This it seemed it was Simon`s turn to be host for the shadow. He cast a spell on Anvil but he resisted it. Right after seeing that, Simon concentrated and everyone was struck by an overwhelming fear. Nathaniel resisted this and engaged Simon. Thanks to his devotion as a paladin Anvil also stood his ground and knocked Simon down with one powerful blow.

Now the creature revealed its true form and did some nasty damage to Anvil, not physical damage but mental. The two remaining party members drew there weapons. Luckily both were magical. Nathaniel peppered the creature with magic arrows while Anvil swung his mighty magical greatsword at it. After a few good hits the creature turned to flee but Anvil was alert and hit it in the back making the creature vanish into nothingness.

After this adventure we went back to Fort Belvor, where Ramon had a weird encounter with a beggar. Ramon handed over some copper coins and found a note in his pocket right after the beggar left saying: "If you want to contact the Drinkers come back to this spot".

Ramon told the party and they decided to survey the spot.
Anvil wrote a letter so the party could confiscate a room in the shop across the street. Here Nathaniel and Green took turns spying on the streets while the rest took shelter in a nearby inn. Ramon waited a whole day at the tree but nothing happened. When he stood up to leave, Ramon spotted a carving in the tree he was sitting against whole day. The carving said: "3-2". Ramon saw recognized this and remembered that in Fort Belvor all rooms were numbered like this: Building 3 Room 2.

After gathering the whole party, Ramon went to Building 3 in the Fort. It seemed that building 3 was the administrative building within the fort. Ramon tried to go in but was stopped by 2 guard: "Halt, whats your business here?". Ramon bluffed that he wanted to know more about the prisoner the party turned in earlier. The guards believed him and Ramon entered the building. Walking through the building searching for Room 2 he found that people looked at him, Ramon saw that he was quiet different dressed then most of them but kept on searching.

Room 2 appeared to be the postal room where a young woman was working. "What can i do for you?" Asked the woman. "Uhm, im here to see if theres any mail for me, Im Ramon Huizings." The woman looked into a cabinet, then turned to Ramon. "Close the door please" the woman asked and Ramon did so. The woman closed the shutters at the windows and sat down. "Then ive completed my task and contacted you as i was told".

The woman appeared to be a member of the "Drinkers of the Cup of Midnight" and was told to contact Ramon to give him an assignment.
The party needed to get a scroll of Teleport and meet with someone at the Bridge between the Shieldlands and Furyondy.

The party accepted, bought a scroll and went to the bridge. There a Man stood with a few others, probably bodyguards. The man started to rabble ,while looking to the river, about a moving city with no walls and an other kind of people. He talked about a Husk which is according to legend a Soul Husk of the Evil Demigod Iuz. "The husk should be in the Howling Hills, in the land of the Wolf Nomands. You must go there, join the crusade to take back those hills and find the soul husk...not for me or anyone else, but for the sake of these lands". Anvil had its doubts about dealing with the drinkers, but agreed quickly after hearing the quest to find the soul husk of Iuz.

The party was ready to go, but Nathaniel shook his head: "I cant do this, i have to many responsibilities in Furyondy. I wish you luck".
The party said goodbye to Nathaniel and used the scroll.

First there was a flash and then a whole other environment was revealed before the party`s eyes. A landscape with tents as far as the eye could see. "This must be Eru Tovar", said Simon gazing to the horizon.
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First Post
Here i am again trying to give this post a new life...

We did a hell lot in Wolf Nomad Territory.
Here is a summary:

-We talked to Tungra Stillwater (leader of the wolf nomands in Eru Tovar.
-Joined with him on a crusade to retake the howling hills.
-Went with the party to the west entrance which was an ancient path the Wolf Nomads used to bring their most honorable warriors to the burial grounds.
-Had a fight with orcs defending some sort of bunker.
-Then we descended into the burial grounds where we found a few ghoul-like creatures and a Bodak! (planar undead with Death Gaze).
-Ramon and Simon the Sorcerer (said he was a wizard before since people dont like Sorcerers in furyondy) succumbed to the death Gaze.
-We grappled the Bodak and with help of greens summoned dire wolf we took it down.
-Then we explored the underground burials a bit more and encountered a flesh golem. Thanks to a spell of Meso, Anvils greatsword produced flames and the creature got slowed and we could kill it.
-After killing it we found 3 weapons in the room. A bastard sword (which my barbarian took) a short sword and a mace. All of them were magical and made of Adamantite. Thing was that a red symbol of Iuz lit up when you picked it up and used it.
-Then we ascended and saw how Tungra`s many warriors killed the last remaining Orcs.
-Not knowing that people killed by a Bodak would raise as a Bodak we burried the bodies of Ramon and Simon in the burial ground, which was a great honor...until they raised. So we had to go back and kill the two new Bodaks.
-The two Bodaks killed about 50 wolf Nomads guarding the place, so we burned their bodies.
-We didnt find the soul husk so we asked Tungra and he sais the Oracle might know, thing was that nobody knew where he was.
-After some information gathering we discovered he lived in a hut in the marsh, shaped like an hourglass.
-With a locate object spell we found the hut after a long search, encountering some of the weirdest creatures of the Cold Marshes.
-The Oracle wanted to commune with his deity if we would retrieve a Swamp Troll from an Goblin camp where he was held prison.
-We went to the camp with Udir (former Ramon, now wolf nomad druid), Fang (former Simon, now half-orc fighter) and Thafar (my new barbarian since nathaniel left the party). There three went there as followers of Iuz. We had captured some undead that walk the marshes because we heard the goblins like to see them fighting. The rest of the party was about 100 ft away using water walking to stay out of sight.
-We negotiated with the goblin shaman but he didnt accept our offer.
-So i pulled out my Iuz sword and grabbed the goblin by the throat, saying it our master were demanding the captured troll, not asking for him.
-He gave in and we walked away with the troll.
-Yistor (the oracle) was pleased and performed a commune with his deity.
-The soul husk was hidding deep underground, beneath a fort filled with orcs.
-After that Yistor received a magical message and told us to go...for his sake and ours.
-We sort of pushed Yistor to tell us why and he agreed to tell when we went away.
-So we paddled away in our little raft and then he told us someone of the Lesser Bonehart was coming.

Info: The lesser Bonehart are mighty followers of Iuz, not as mighty as the greater Bonehart but still mighty.

-So we decided to wack the guy (the lesser bonehart).
-We went into hiding in the marsh and spied on the hut using the druids as sentinels in their wild shape.
-Then a huge winged creature came, bearing a rider.
-After he landed the doombat went on a chase to catch the druids flying overhead, leaving its rider behind.
-We lured the bat to our raft and killed it, then went back to the hut to get the Lesser Bonehart guy.
-We all got killed in that fight, since he was way to powerful for us.

Thats what happened to the old party, no guts no glory was our motto.
We had guts, but sadly no glory, at least no victory.

-Our new party now consists of:
A sorcerer lvl 5 (Thats me, former Thafar)
A rogue lvl 5 (former Meso)
A monk lvl 5 (former Fang)
A monk/cleric total lvl 6 (former Anvil)
A cleric of St. Cuthbert lvl 6 (former Green)
And a Knight of Heronius lvl 5 (former Udir)

(Will update names later on).

Our adventure hook was in a city near the border (forgot name will update later) during some festivities. The cleric was holding speeches, trying to win new souls for the church of St. Cuthbert. The knight went to the church of Heronius to assist them. The monk brothers were in town to bring an holy text to their order within the city. The Sorcerer and the Rogue were working together to "help" the citizens lose some purses.

After finishing its speech the cleric was about to move on, but man listening to his speech decided to blame the cleric for the loss of his money!
The sorcerer and rogue heard that. The sorcerer decide to fool the guy and told him that he saw someone running into an alley with great haste, solving the problem for the cleric.

The monks also joined the discusion and shared some information about a cleric of pelor, looking for experienced adventurers to solve a mystery. This mystery concerned the lands of Iuz and the whole party agreed to check it out.

In the church of Heronius (where the pelor cleric lives) the party met the Knight aswell and so the party was complete.

The Cleric of Pelor took us to his private Quarters and told us he had received some disturbing visions through some sort of mirror. After casting a detect magic the Sorcerer found that the Mirror had an overwhelming aura of divination. This mirror was the source of the visions.

The mirror was normally used to contact other temples and this one was linked to the temple in Molag. Molag is now in the hands of Iuz forces but before it was conquered if belonged to the people of the Horned Lands.

The mirror showed a vision to the party: The fall of Molag. After seeing this horrible vision the Cleric of Pelor continued his tale.

Before the fall of Molag a magical, portable healing fountain was brought to the temple. The cleric received a message that the fountain had arrived in Molag. Now the church of Pelor wants it back and we are called to retrieve it. The plan was we teleported to a secret hiding place and use forged passes to enter the city, found the temple ruins and retrieve the fountain.

This is in short was we did last session, ill update some names later. Hope you enjoyed this messy summary :p

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