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Welcome to Furyondy CY591 (campaign log)


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So, were 2 weeks later since our previous session and now i have some news again about what happened yesterday.

-Our new party now consists of:
Marcel, sorcerer lvl 5 (Thats me, former Thafar)
Myr, rogue lvl 5 (former Meso)
Tallis, monk lvl 5 (former Fang)
Lion, monk/cleric total lvl 4/2 (former Anvil)
Kiran, cleric of St. Cuthbert lvl 6 (former Green)
Sir William, Knight of Heronius lvl 5 (former Udir)

We were still in church of Hieronious speaking to Avonturis, a cleric of Pelor.
After a short discussion we refused his offer to go to Molagg. (we wanted battle not another sneak mission :p)

After leaving the church we asked and looked around for a week, hoping to find something else to do. Finally we heard about a farmer from Blackwell, saying that the ground on its field cracked open and demons poured out!

So we went to Blackwell and checked it out. On are way we saw that all the grain fields were covered in a white haze. On closer inspection we saw that a white powder covered all the plants. We saw a farmer working near the road so we asked him what happened to the harvest. "It began couple of months ago, seems to dissolve the plants. It started near the river and come this way, must be Old Wicked!" He spit on the ground after saying that name (till now all NPC`s talking about Iuz does that). We asked him where to find Blackwell and went on with our journey.

At Blackwell we saw a group of women talking on the square in front of a church of St. Cuthbert and we approached them. We startled the group and one of them said they have already paid taxes this week. We explained we were not here to collect taxes or punish the farmers, but to investigate the demon issue. "Well then you have to be at Joss` place, a farm with a red painted roof and blue windows". The party started asking more questions about the failing harvest and a possible cause of the white powder dissolving the grain fields.

Meanwhile Marcel decided to go into the church and question the Cleric, soon to be followed by the rest of the party. Word has it that this priest was blaming the lack of devotion for bringing the demons here and covering the fields with powder.
"Embrace these creatures of vengeance! For St.Cuthbert has send them to punish us all. Pray and donate to the church of St. Cuthbert and all problems will be solved" he preached to us, ignoring our questions in his endless babbling. Kiran didnt agree with the cleric "surely St. Cuthbert wouldnt do such a thing", he said to him. The cleric looked and him and said:"Prove me wrong".

So we went to Joss` farm and took a look at the hole in his field. The hole was huge! About 50 ft in diameter sloping down like a up-side-down bottleneck. Lion casts a light and jumps down, Tallis quickly follows. Their training proved usefull, making it easy to jump down 20 ft without harm. Lion stood on a ledge and succeeded to balance on it, to avoid falling down further. Tallis slipped when he landed and fell another 10 feet, but his training prevented harm once again. Sir William slammed a grappling hook into the ground and started to climb down, then slipped and dropped 30 ft.
The monks jumped aside and Sir William, clad in his full plate smacked on the ground. The rest of the party descended into the hole. Marcel and Myr were half way the rope when they spotted an arm sticking out of the ground at the bottom of the hole. It seemed to be a scaly arm and when they dug it out they saw a dead lizard, about half their size with big eyes.

Standing at the bottom the party saw a tunnel and they moved in.
They came to a point where the path was split. They decided to go right when they saw a small scaly creature (as big as a cat) run off into the darkness. Around the corner they saw a wall with many holes and more scaly creatures ready to attack them. A few attacked the party but the armor of the men at the front was to thick to be pierced by their teeth and claws. Lion cast a calm emotions spell and only one aggressor stayed put.
"Lets leave them alone, their only territorial" said Lion. The party agreed and moved back leaving a single hissing creature behind.

Walking down the other way the party reached a larger cave filled with rocks and holes, about 5 ft in diameter. The floor was covered with chicken bones, probably Joss` chickens. The party advanced through the cave with caution. Suddenly giant centipedes crawled out of the holes and attack the party. After a short battle the giant Insects were dead and the party only had a scratch. Moving over the rock and into another tunnel the party reached a huge cave with steep slopes forming a huge hole (hunderds of feet in diameter) in the ground.

The party looked down and Marcel cast a dancing lights and send it down the hole. Suddenly 4 black flying creatures rushed toward the party. Succeeding in a Knowledge Arcane check, Marcel knew they were looking at Darkmantles. The Darkmantles produced an aura of darkness and the party couldnt see further then 5 ft. Kiran cast a Daylight spell, countering the Darkness. One of the Darkmantles tried to grapple Tallis, not knowing Tallis was specialized in grappling. After beating the Darkmantle he grappled the Darkmantle himself. Lion was attacked and grappled by a Darkmantle. The others resisted the grapple. Marcel fired a couple of magic missiles at Lion`s Darkmantle and Myr started to stab the one Tallis was grappling. Sir William and Kiram fended off the other 2 Darkmantles. On the next round Tallis pinned the Darkmantle and with the Embrace Earth feat he rammed the creature into the ground causing damage.

After a couple of rounds the Darkmantles were defeated and the party moved on. They entered another cave, about 20 by 30 feet. In the middle Tallis spotted some covered branches and leaves. The party saw the pit trap now aswell and the monks moved left to a ledge to bypass it.
All the sudden the floor under Tallis feet gave way and he fell into the pit. His training prevented the falling damage but a couple of nasty spikes filled the bottom of the pit. Marcel heard footsteps coming down a corridor at the other side of the room.

This is where the session ended, ill be back next week with more.

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First Post
Hey there,

Yesterday we had another session, sadly Kiran and Myr couldnt make it today so we went on with the 4 others and the DM.

So we were in this room with the pit trap. Leaves covered the center of the rooms floor and on the sides there was a way to walk around it. We found out that this trap was a reversed trap. The part of the floor the leaves and branches covered was solid ground and the "safe" paths around it were trapped, thats how Tallis got tricked into it.

Anyway, we heard footsteps coming and saw a Kobold shooting at us with a sling. Marcel was up next, drained from the last fights he only had a couple of 2nd level spells available. So he scorched the Kobold with a scorching ray. A second Kobold appeared, looked at his charred friend and ran off. Meanwhile Tallis climbed out of the pit. Sir William hit the ground in front of him with his flail and discovered that the center of the room was solid ground. The party crossed the room and went into the tunnel.

The tunnel was about 5 ft high and 2.5 ft wide. We squeezed into it and Tallis ,who was in front, got under attack by a couple of Kobolds with a Sling. The stones missed him and he pushed forward and grabbed a Kobold. Leon was right behind him and punched the life out of the other Kobold. They both noticed the Kobolds squeezed themselves into a less then 2 feat niche. Sir William followed the monk brothers while Marcel stayed outside the tunnel to watch the back, casting a shield on himself. Tallis made the Kobold embrace the earth, killing it.

The group moved on and encountered a net, blocking the narrow tunnel. Leon was now in front and yelled to Sir William to get his sword in front to slash the net. Sadly Sir William only had a heavy flail with him. Marcel heard Leon and crawled into the tunnel to give Sir William his dagger. Sir William move forward and started to cut the net. While cutting the he and the monks spotted small holes in the tunnel walls, only to find out that the kobolds were using those them poke the party with spears.

Tallis and Leon readied to grab a spear as it came through one of the holes.
Sir William used his shield to block one hole. After a few rounds the net was cut and the party moved on, exept for Marcel who was still guarding the back. While advancing through the tunnels the party saw the 6 kobolds pouring out of a niche and running back through the tunnel.

The party followed, crawled out of the tunnel, and was now standing in a huge cave. In the cave there was a gap filled with a sluggish substance, 15 ft deep flowing like a river. Over the gap lay 2 planks, functioning as bridges for the Kobolds. Across the gap was some sort of large island with a hill, from the party`s level to about 15 ft high. On top was a selfmade throne with a Kobold clad in hide armor. Next to him was a Kobold in a robe. On the island were another 8 Kobolds with slings. On the right side of the hill was a large wooden cage, filled with small creatures crawling over eachother. Next to the cage was a Kobold trying to untie a rope, seeming to try and release the beasts in the cave. Right in front of the cage`s door was a ditch to lead the beast towards one of the bridges and to the cave`s entrance. Right next to the large island was another small island, connected with another bridge. This island was about 10 feat above the party`s level. This small island was had another bridge on its right connecting to land outside the party`s Line of Sight.

As the pc`s crawled out they saw about 8 Kobolds fleeing towards and over the bridges. Leon ran past the kobolds and positioned himself next to the bridge to the left. The kobolds that fled the tunnel tried to cross the bridge anyway, only to be punched in the face by Leon with his Combat Reflexes, dieing on the bridge. Marcel was next, cast an invisibility on himself and moved into the tunnel. The robed Kobold cast a spell, Leon identified the spell and saw that the bridge in front of him was covered in magical oil, making it slippery. Tallis also crawled out of the tunnel and wanted to jump the gap. During his running start he spotted that the cage was filled with Dire Rats, about 10 of them and he stopped in front of the right bridge attempting to pull away the board. "NO DONT!" Leon shouted. "Thats the only way to cross since this bridge is covered in oil".

Tallis stopped his attempt to remove the bridge and engaged a stray kobold. Sir William came out of the tunnel and moved towards the last kobold on the PC`s island. Leon crossed the bridge and saw that the Kobold next to the cage was almost done releasing the dire rats, so he climbed out of the ditch and engaged the robed Kobold.

The Kobold "King" shouted some orders around and cast Cause Fear on Leon, but Leon resisted the spell. Then the small island on the right got filled with about 10 kobolds equipped with small light crossbows. Tallis was next and grabbed the Kobold on the PC`s island. Marcel was about to move further down the tunnel when his path became blocked by another group of Kobolds, running out of hiding from behind a sand colored piece of cloth hanging from the wall of the narrow tunnel. The others noticed them running out of the tunnel. Sir William stept forwards, finished off the Kobold in Tallis`hands and challenged all Kobold in the Cave to attack him (Test of Mettle knight ability). Soon he found himself under fire by 90% of all Kobolds in the cave, he used Combat expertise and full defence to resist their attacks. But with 30 kobolds attacking some rolled natural 20.

Leon tried to stun the Robed Kobold with his stunning fist, but he missed. The robed kobold stepped away from his attacker and cast a glitterdust on him, but it was resisted. The kobold next to the cage was done and now 10 dire rats poured out of the cage. 1 attacked the kobold releasing them, 1 ran on to the island with the crossbowmen and 1 moved up the hill toward the robed kobold. The other 7 crossed the bridge attacking the Kobolds now standing around Sir William. Marcel asked for help since his path to get out of the tunnel was blocked. Tallis move towards him and killed the last Kobold in the tunnel. Sadly enough a couple of rats followed him and attacked. Tallis got bitten a couple of times, so Marcel cast a Mage Armor on him. Leon was trying to hit the robed kobold meanwhile but missed again. The kobold tried to glitterdust him again but failed. Meanwhile Sir William took a couple of bolts to the gut but stood his ground and bolts and stones rained down on him. The kobolds around him with killed by the rats and now he had to face them aswell.

The Kobold "king" started to cast a spell and Leon saw it was a summon monster II spell, so he tried to stun the Kobold....but missed. Tallis kicked down a Rat in front of him but the Rat got replaced by another one. Sir William tried to hit the Rats while holding a defensive pose, but missed aswell. The Kobold releasing the Rats had cast a Summon Natures Ally I and mounted his Riding dog and started to use his sling on Sir William, but missed. Tallis killed another 2 rats with his flurry of blows. Meanwhile the Kobold king moved towards the edge of the island and healed the Robed Kobold. The Robed Kobold cast a Ray of Enfeeblement on Leon, resulting into 6 strength damage. Marcel could now move out of the Tunnel and cast a scorching ray on the Kobold King, nearly killing it. The Kobold on the Riding dog charged Marcel and switched to his spear, his dog bit marcel on a lucky hit, dealing quite some damage.

The whole session was one huge battle. About 20 kobolds and 7 rats died, sadly we didnt kill the kobolds with character levels yet. Ill try to upload a drawing with the cave layout.


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Heres is a crude drawing of the battle.


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