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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


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Angcuru said:
Ok, Wild Guess here. The other three candidates have each been replaced by a head of a giant three-headed hydra whose body rests far beneath the earth? I hear they're doing wonderful things with illusions these days.

A giant three-headed hydra with pink bunny slippers... shudder.

Of course, we never did figure out what the magical aura around the Miyen Kai was.

I haven't totally finked on this week's update... yet, but it might be a little while before I can finish the polish on the next installment. It's coming though.

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The Ketkath Mountains are said to be filled with all manner of strange creatures unknown in more civilized lands. Some of them seem to be creatures of legend and fairy tale. Some are so bizarre as to defy description. The vast majority are very dangerous. Travelling along paths and roads through the Ketkath is risky enough. Blazing a trail on your own can be downright suicidal.

The party however, making their way north-west towards the Halmae, is only skirting the foothills.

Part the Fifty-Ninth:
An interlude, in which: Fajitas gets what’s coming to him.

The party is a few days out of Miyen lands, and the terrain has begun to grow rougher and steeper. One crisp, cool morning, as the party breaks camp, Reyu notices Hue and Benedic standing by the banks of a nearby creek, engaged in a rather heated discussion:

“But don’t you think that’s what it looks like?” Hue asks.

Benedic lets out an exasperated sigh. “Like I said, it’s not impossible. But I’ve never heard of them, or seen them, and you’re not going to find anyone whose spent more time in the Ketkath than I have.”

“But we’re not in the Ketkath,” Hue points out. “Have you ever been here before?”

Reyu approaches.

“What… have you found?” she asks.

“Giant squirrels!” Hue cheerfully informs her.

Benedic steps in with more information. “Tracks. He found some strange tracks that he thinks belong to a giant squirrel.”

Reyu bends down to examine the tracks for herself. They do look like squirrel tracks, only… much bigger.

She straightens, puzzled, and turns from Benedic to Hue, and back again. “I understand your confusion… but I do not see what else they could be.”

By this point, the rest of the party has gathered to find out what is going on. And Hue, having been given a shred of support for his stance, is determined to study this new, possibly heretofore undiscovered, species.

Benedic, for his part, is merely frustrated. “Look, you hired me to be your guide, and as your guide, I’m telling you that the Ketkath is full of half-a-dozen things that could have left tracks like that, and giants squirrels are by far the friendliest option.” He looks down at Hue. “I know you've got this... thing... about squirrels, but listen: these mountains grow predators. Things like dire wolverines, blink dogs, owl bears… not ‘giant squirrels.’ I mean, what would a giant squirrel eat? A million acorns a day? One would wipe out an entire mountain and still starve over the winter.”

“See,” says Hue—clearly not bothered by Benedic’s logic, “that’s the kind of thing I would be researching... You guys go on. I’ll catch up.”

The rest of the party exchanges dubious glances.

(Meta note: for more than a month now, Hue had been played as an NPC, as his player had essentially dropped off the face of the earth. Having decided to go ahead and write Hue out of the story, Fajitas probably figured that we would just take him at his word and let it go at that. The incidents which follow are what he gets for grousing about our meta-gaming last time Hue took a leave of absence, when he did have a cute little mystery for us to discover, which we stubbornly refused to pursue.)

Thatch leans down to Dennis and whispers, “I’m not sure we should leave him here in the middle of the woods, chasing ‘giant squirrels’.”

“We are not in a hurry,” Reyu points out. “We could investigate these tracks… for a little while at least.”

Benedic throws up his hands. “Fine.”


The tracks lead into the woods, and soon vanish, but Reyu notices tree branches with broken twigs, possibly signs that an animal has passed this way.

Thatch quickly shimmies up the trunk. But, as skilled as he is at climbing, 200-plus pounds of fighter are bound to shake the tree a bit and he barely ducks out of the way in time when a large object comes clattering down the tree, falling by just inches from his head.

“Umm… was that really a—?”

“Giant acorn,” Lira confirms.

Hue’s eyes are practically glowing with excitement. He tugs on Benedic’s sleeve, pointing to the acorn. “See, I bet the giant squirrels eat those!”

On Hue's shoulder, the Ferret is clearly thinking overtime.

Thatch looks down at Benedic, Lira, and Reyu, all standing in a circle around the large seed, staring up at him.

“Umm... Could someone toss me my helmet?”

Before anyone can move, a large blur of brownish-red fur goes zooming by the branch where Thatch is crouched. Without taking time to think about what he is doing, he reaches out a hand and grabs, managing to wrap his fingers in the end of a large, bushy tail.

He is holding what can only be described as a giant squirrel.

On the ground, Hue turns to Benedic, “I told you so.”

“I uh… guess you did.”

“Lira,” Reyu whispers, “slowly, give me the acorn.”

Silently, Lira does. And Reyu, armed with a bit of food she is pretty sure that the squirrel will like, begins to cast animal friendship.

(Fajitas slowly bangs his head against the table.)


The party stays in the area for a few more hours. Reyu introduces Hue to the squirrel and attempts to convince the squirrel that Hue is no one to be afraid of.

Euro is not convinced that the same could be said of Hue’s familiar. I don’t trust that ferret, Boss. He’s up to something.

Up to what? Lira thinks back, I don’t disagree, but do you really think that someday we’ll be back in Dar Pykos and suddenly a herd of giant squirrels led by the Ferret will come cresting over the horizon?

Boss… I wouldn’t think that too loudly if I were you, you know?

Despite some token protests from the party, Hue is determined to stay and study the giant squirrels. “I’ll just stay here for a few weeks, and then I’ll catch up with you!” he assures them.

And so, the rest of the party (skeptically) moves on.


Travel progresses apace. The weather has turned decidedly cold, but the days are sunny and the skies are clear. And then, one afternoon, just as they come around the bend of a small river, the party members get their first look at the Ketkath Mountains.

Craggy peaks form a long grey wall of forbidding granite, their sharp fingers reaching to the clouds.

A short time later, Benedic informs the party members that they have reached the southern border of the Kettenek Sovereignty.

to be continued...


Hold the Peppers
doghead said:
What exactly has Hue's ferret been doing to raise people's suspicions?

Well, it's not exactly anything it's done, it's more just the way it is. It's the demanding looks it often throws at Hue. It's the way it occasionally rubs its little ferret paws together, for no apparent reason. It's the creepy way it looks at you, like it's plotting your demise. Just ferret nature? Maybe. But it is far more eerily focused than any ferret ought to be.

And it's probably also the way that, when it mentally speaks to Hue, it says things like Excellent, Hue. You may yet prove to be of value to me or Yes, yes! Soon, all my plans will come to fruition!

Yes, that might have something to do with it.

(What it really boils down to is that I really enjoyed voicing the Ferret, who clearly thought he was the dominent partner in his master/familiar relationship. Thus I would frequently give voice to his thoughts, 'cause it amused me. However, since 1) Hue's player had pretty much left us by the time the Ferret developed it's personality, and 2) master/familiar communications are private, none of the PCs have ever actually overheard or been told what the Ferret was saying. Thus there is no actual, meaningful in-game evidence of the Ferret's perfidy. It is only suspected.)

(So far, at least ;))

Had a heckuva game last night. One of these days we'll tell y'all about it...
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First Post
The ferret rules! :D

I think that is a really neat idea. Once they return to Dar Pykos, they should hear a trumpet, turn around to see a horde of giant squirrels with the Ferret riding Hue, and then a battle (albiet a hilarious one) ensues. :p


Fajitas said:
Well, it's not exactly anything it's done, it's more just the way it is. It's the demanding looks it often throws at Hue. It's the way it occasionally rubs its little ferret paws together, for no apparent reason. It's the creepy way it looks at you, like it's plotting your demise. Just ferret nature? Maybe. But it is far more eerily focused than any ferret ought to be.

And it's probably also the way that, when it mentally speaks to Hue, it says things like Excellent, Hue. You may yet prove to be of value to me or Yes, yes! Soon, all my plans will come to fruition!

Ah, like Stewie. With more hair. And a smaller head.


First Post
Fajitas said:
What it really boils down to is that I really enjoyed voicing the Ferret, who clearly thought he was the dominent partner in his master/familiar relationship. Thus I would frequently give voice to his thoughts, 'cause it amused me.

One of the great joys of having the familiars around is pretending not to have heard what they just said.

It didn't make it into the write-up , but I remember once, right just before the party reached Noran when Euro had heard something in the woods, and Reyu didn't believe him. Well, since there were a bunch of people in the woods, and Reyu is a stand-up sort of elf, she later apologized to Euro for doubting him. At this point, Fajitas goes off for about two minutes in the vein of "Yeah Boss, she's sorry now. Maybe next time you listen to me, hey?..." As we are all dying of laughter at the size of this weasel's ego.

And then, WisdomLikeSilence pulls herself together, puts on her most placid "Reyu" expression, looks at me, and asks, "What did he say?"

And I nod and reply, "He ah... accepts your apology."

At some point we actually calmed down enough to finish the scene.

It's worth noting that, for whatever reason (possibly his super mustelid sense), Euro has never trusted the Ferret.

And thanks Harp. That's a comment to warm any storyhour author's heart. (And Lira's could use a little warming these days.)


First Post
Fajitas said:
Well, it's not exactly anything it's done, it's more just the way it is. It's the demanding looks it often throws at Hue. It's the way it occasionally rubs its little ferret paws together, for no apparent reason. It's the creepy way it looks at you, like it's plotting your demise. Just ferret nature? Maybe. But it is far more eerily focused than any ferret ought to be.

And it's probably also the way that, when it mentally speaks to Hue, it says things like Excellent, Hue. You may yet prove to be of value to me or Yes, yes! Soon, all my plans will come to fruition!

Yes, that might have something to do with it.

Oh, no, not Stewie. It was a ferret INVADER ZIM. And, by the way, Zim is now out on DVD. You must all go buy it. OBEY THE FIST!

Voidrunner's Codex

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