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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


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Whatever it be, don't tell Anvil about it. It won't be too pleased that some disembodied voice (Sedellus?) was able to shimmy around Kettenek's "Make sure you stay dead." rule. ;)

Personally, I think this voice would be nicely done by Gary Sinise.

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LEW Judge
spyscribe said:
Happy Birthday to me! And since I can't get Fajitas to put up a celebratory update, I'll just have to do it myself.

Happy Birthday indeed! May you spend a wonderful day not encountering any hostile ogre druids, sinister shadowy creatures, or Celine Dion.


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Fajitas said:
Eva's got some stuff going on that the rest of the party doesn't know about yet. At present, in game, they know there's something going on, but they don't know much about it.

Consider yourself in the same boat. :)
Oh, what an intractable tease. Well, at least we're in good company.

But the Happiest of Birthdays to you, spyscribe. As they say, "May the most you wish for be the least you get." Thanks again for the terrific Story Hour.

HB&T (Happy Birthday & Thanks)

[/lurk mode]
Happy birthday Spyscribe, and indeed thank you for the gift of another great, souol-moving, update.
May you receive what you wish for and everything else nice.
[lurk mode]


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Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes. What I didn't realize until last night--I was a bit frazzled in the morning, trying to post before I had to leave for work--is that actually, Fajitas very nearly did give me an update for my birthday. Since Lira's scene was the only conversation in that update I was present for, I had to get him to write the other two. :)

KidCthulhu said:
Now who's this guy talking to Eva? Remind me.

As Fajitas said, Eva is the only one who knows him. In fact, what's in the update is more than her character has ever said about her death and raising in-game. Is the guy at the end of the update the guy who raised her? We all assumed this was purely a Kettenite operation. Maybe that was wrong. Maybe not. The waters get deeper, I assure you.

I wouldn't call ours a particularly secret-heavy campaign, but it's interesting the issues that have come up with the story hour as we move into a period of the game where there start to be more instances of players with differing levels of knowledge about their situation and each other. There are a couple of moments that I'm not sure how we're going to handle. It should be fun though. ;)


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Part the Sixty-Ninth
A welcome return

“We have to go back to and meet Lord Agasha to defeat Sheesak... She’s got Bob!”

The following day, the party has gathered in their usual meeting room at the Temple of Justice to debate their next move. Thatch’s opinion of their options is quite clear.

“Thatch…” Lira says gently, “Bob wasn’t in very good shape when we had to leave him.”

“He wasn’t dead!” The fighter retorts. “He’d find a way to get away from her. I know he would. He’s a good horse.”

Reyu nods sagely. “He was.”

“And he had Professor Alexandra’s pitcher tied to his saddle.”

A pause. Thatch looks around the group triumphantly. Nice to know they care about something.

“Dennis agrees with me, right Dennis?” Thatch turns to his best friend, but instead of the friendly shake of the head and rueful chuckle he is used to, the other man clears his throat, and shifts awkwardly from foot to foot. “Dennis?”

Dennis coughs one more time. “Look, I’m… I was waiting for a good time to talk to you guys about this, but… I guess this is as good a time as any.”

Another pause.

“I came really close to buying it back there. I mean, really close. And it made me realize that I’ve done some things in my life, you know… before I met you guys and… There’s just things I want to have taken care of, for me, before I meet the goddess for real.”

Thatch finally breaks the stunned silence. “Umm…?”

Dennis looks genuinely regretful. “I’m sorry kid, but there’s just some things I’ve got to take care of on my own.” He claps Thatch on the back and tries to smile. “You’ll be okay without me, hey?”

Dennis ducks his head and backs awkwardly towards the door. Before he leaves though, he stops. “Though, you want to know what I think… I think you all should go back and show that ogre what-for.”

The door closes behind him. The party members sit in stunned silence. Anvil is just about to offer the wisdom of Kettenek on the matter when there is a knock.

Thatch leaps up immediately. “Dennis?”

The door opens, and there on the threshold, rather pale, but very much alive… is Eva.

“Hey, guys,” she says.

Lira’s face breaks into a grin as she goes flying past the stunned Thatch to wrap Eva in a fierce hug. The rogue returns it, a little more carefully. “You’re back,” Lira whispers in her ear. The others soon gather round with nearly equal enthusiasm, even Thatch.

As the general welcome eventually subsides, Anvil signals for everyone’s attention.

“The matter of what we will undertake next is still to be resolved,” he reminds them. “Should we return to Lord Fau Meen’s lands, or go into Ebis for the winter months? Whatever we choose, we should inform Lord Agasha soon.”

“Do we know Lord Agasha will be able to provide aid if we go back to deal with the ogre?” Lira asks.

“We have no reason to doubt his word,” Anvil replies.

“What about Bob?”

As the room threatens to descend once again into old debates, Reyu asks quietly, “What do you think, Eva?”

Everyone falls silent. Eva shifts uncomfortably under so many eyes, even if they are friendly ones. “Do you think we can win this time?”

“With the might of Kettenek behind us, we cannot fail.”

Eva shrugs. It’s the most natural gesture she’s made since her return. “Then why not do it?”

The party members exchange glances. “Why not?”


Anvil goes to make arrangements to contact Lord Agasha with their decision. Reyu, the decision made, excuses herself to join some of her friends among the local elves. Another elven druid is passing through, and she hopes to study with her while she is here. Gradually, the other members of the party go off to attend their own business. Thatch wants to practice with his sword a bit before they head out again, determined that Sheesak will not so easily avoid his blows at their next encounter.

Eventually, only Eva and Lira are left behind in the party’s meeting room. Eva is still a bit shaken from her return from the dead, and doesn’t remember much of what happened to her. The two fall into conversation, talking a bit about their respective families and their lives before they came to Dar Pykos. They find they have a surprising amount in common.

Lira eventually tells Eva about her recent conversation with Devon.

“I don’t think he’s really comfortable with my being a sorcerer.”

“Not blaming you for being one is hardly a ringing endorsement.”

“I know… It seemed like he was trying at the time, but now…”

“He’s being a bigot?” Anvil suggests.

Both women look up in surprise. They had not noticed Anvil’s return.

Lira blinks in surprise. “Yeah, I guess that’s it.”

Anvil nods. “It’s getting late.” He turns to Eva. “Do you have lodgings?”

“I’m… not sure. I guess I can’t sleep where I have been, can I?”

“There is always a place for you at the Temple of Justice.”

“Or,” Lira offers, “you could stay at Mrs. Blackburn’s. I think she said she had an extra room.”

Eva looks back and forth between the two, weighing her options. “I ah… think I’ll take you up on that.” She apologizes to Anvil. “No offense.”

Anvil shrugs. “Suit yourself.”


Mrs. Blackburn does have an extra room, and after eyeing Eva—and her Sedellan holy symbol—with some initial suspicion, eventually accepts Lira’s assurances that her friend is of acceptable moral character.

The next morning, Lira wakes up and performs her usual focusing exercises, she discovers a sudden understanding of two new spells. She looks up at the rising sun visible through her window, and is grateful.

Eva, for her part, wakes up… and is grateful.


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spyscribe said:
The next morning, Lira wakes up and performs her usual focusing exercises, she discovers a sudden understanding of two new spells.
Is it safe to assume that the Orgress Druid will face a reckoning of Great Balls of Fire? ;)

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