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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


First Post
spyscribe said:

Sorry, dog thing. When dogs get innoculated for rabies, they get a little tag for their collar, so that if they get picked up on the street or they bite someone, you know they've had their rabies shot. I guess the joke kinda falls flat if you don't know that. D'oh.

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First Post
Porcus the Wombat said:
Favored Soul levels? that'd be my guess.

Hey, Porcus! Thanks for dropping in. Fajitas mentioned Favored Soul to me when he got the Miniatures Handbook, right around this time. It was a tough call. Flavor-wise, the class is a great fit, unfortunately, part of the reason I wanted to multi-class was that I was tired of casting the same three spells over and over and over again. Sor/FS seemed a lot like being two sorcerers at once.

There are features of the cleric class that don't make a lot of sense (Heavy Armor Proficiency? Where'd she pick that up?), but for casting mechanics it addressed my biggest frustration with being a slow-leveling sorcerer. Lira is now a Sor 4 Clr 1 with the Fire and Knowledge domains.

KidCthulhu said:
Sorry, dog thing. When dogs get innoculated for rabies, they get a little tag for their collar, so that if they get picked up on the street or they bite someone, you know they've had their rabies shot. I guess the joke kinda falls flat if you don't know that. D'oh.

Oh! The only thing I could think of was toe-tags, which didn't make much sense.


First Post
Part the One-Hundred Twelfth
In which: two archmages down, three to go.

All in all, the party spends nearly a week in Chi’i’s valley, refining their skills, learning new spells, or going through major personal upheavals.

Among other business, Anvil has used the headband of sending to communicate with Professor Alexandra regarding the fifth archmage of the Halmae. The response comes back, “Excellent. Attempt to invite additional wizard. Unclear if invitation can be sent. Establish contact. Use your own judgement.”

At last, however, the time has come to go. Anvil approaches Chi’i as the party prepares to make their departure.

“This wizard with the moving tower, Petros. You said you saw him recently?”

“Yes,” she replies.

“Given his mobility, he is the archmage we are most concerned about being able to locate, as he can presumably move faster in his tower than we can on foot. Do you know if he is still in Bountiful?”

Chi’i shakes her head. “I haven’t heard anything from him for about three months.”

Although they realize there is no guarantee that Petros will still be in the area, the party members decide that a cold lead is better than no lead at all.

“Where is Bountiful located?” they ask.

Chi’i brings out a map and shows them. It’s several weeks travel, through very rugged terrain.

“I don’t suppose you could... help us get there?” Thatch ventures. Eva elbows him, hard. Thatch whispers back to her, “She can’t say yes if we don’t ask.”

Chi’i does not appear offended. “I will not take you into Bountiful itself. That entire valley is built on the blood of those who once lived there. I can bring you to the crossroads outside it. However, I would request a favor from you in return.”

“What kind of favor?”

“I would like the Gods’ Breath. It will be very useful to me in my research.”

The party conducts a brief huddle. While they are sure that Professor Alexandra would be equally interested in the substance, they are also not sure how long it will be until they next see the Professor, and they do not have a good way of transporting the substance without risking their bones. While they are pretty sure that Chi’i is getting the much better end of this deal, they also don’t have anything else to offer her.

Anvil comes forward to speak for the party. “You may consider that we have an agreement.”

As soon as the party has gathered their things, they assemble in the clearing outside of Chi’i’s home. She eyes them and their gear critically.

“I’ll have to bring you in two groups,” she decides.

The party members divide themselves into groups of roughly equal weight, and Kiara shifts into swallow form to further lighten the load. Benedic, Lira, Eva, Annika and Kiara go first. Chi’i instructs them to all gather around, casts… and then in a flash of white, they vanish.


The site where Chi’i transports the party is a deserted stretch of dirt road passing through a flat and grassy meadow. They appear to be in a valley or plateau, surrounded by mountains on all sides. The sun shines brightly, and the sky overhead is blue and clear.

Chi’i indicates the road. “That way and over the hill lies the village. I wish you luck in your journey.”

Anvil nods. “Thank you. We will see you again in Dar Pykos.”

Chi’i walks a few steps away from the party and prepares to teleport back to her valley. She takes one last look at Lira. “If you change your mind,” she offers, “let me know.”

“Sure… Right.”

Chi’i smiles enigmatically, and vanishes in a flash of light.

For a few seconds, the party members continue to stare at the spot where the wizard used to be. Thatch finally breaks the silence. “Um… I guess we should get going?”

“Indeed.” Anvil agrees, and with that he turns and leads the party away down the road.


Although it is well into winter, the sun is bright and the party makes good time down the road. The dirt thoroughfare is deeply rutted by wagon tracks, although Reyu notices that the most recent traffic seems to have passed this way several months ago.

“If they got the harvest out early, there might not have been any reason for anyone to be traveling,” Thatch suggests.

“No one at all?” Eva asks.

Thatch shrugs.

“Packed dirt doesn’t show light traffic very well,” Benedic points out. Reyu has to allow that this is true, and as no one else has any other explanations to offer, they let the matter drop.


The party walks another hour or so in silence. Kiara has been scanning the sky, debating whether or not to shift into swallow form while they seem to be out in the middle of nowhere and she can do so safely unobserved.

She leans over to whisper in Annika’s ear. Reyu, walking close behind, can only hear Annika’s reply.

“It is the middle of winter.”

“I know, I’m just saying… it’s a little weird. You’d think we’d have seen something by now. Sparrows, tufted titmice, chickadees… Some birds must stay here during the winter.”

Reyu joins the conversation. “It is… quiet.”

“At least nothing’s trying to eat us,” Eva interjects. Lira nods in agreement.


“Up ahead!” Thatch calls.

The front of the party’s marching order has come around a bend in the road, and ahead they can see a cultivated field. Some distance away a small group of peasants are toiling away under their wide-brimmed hats.

The party stops and watches for a few moments—Kiara shifting into swallow form while still out of view—and although they can’t put their fingers on anything that seems really wrong… there is something about the scene that isn’t quite right, either.

The party has just begun walking again when one of the farmers, looking up from his work for a moment, spots them. He raises one arm and waves in greeting, but something about the way he does it seems… off.

A bit at a loss for what to do, Thatch eventually waves back. The farmer lowers his arm and returns his attentions to his duties.

“Is it just me, or…” Eva begins.

“I’ll go look!” Kiara interrupts. And before Annika has time to object Kiara has left her shoulder and is winging her way across the field.

Be careful! she thinks after her.

Kiara can feel Annika’s worry trailing behind her as she flies. Annika is always worrying. Really, she thinks to herself. What’s the worst it could—?

Which is the instant Kiara gets close enough to see the man who waved to them. Except “man” wouldn’t quite be the right term. Because she can now clearly see that as he stands there, working the soil, the hand wrapped around the shaft of his hoe is naked bone, and underneath his hood are the staring empty eye sockets of a human skull.


Ah, that's nothing to be alarmed about. The commercial advantages of undead as labour have been advocated by visionary spellcasters for some time now. Farm workers, road-builders, hatstands ... they can do it all!



Hold the Peppers
And here we are, at long last, at the second of the two Dungeon adventures I've run thus far.

Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to "Totentanz"* **

* A highly modified "Totentanz", but "Totentanz" nonetheless.

** Dungeon 90 for those who want to play along at home.


So, Fajitas, if it's not too much of a spoiler at this point... what did you have in mind for if Lira took Chi'i up on her offer?


Hold the Peppers
Pyske said:
So, Fajitas, if it's not too much of a spoiler at this point... what did you have in mind for if Lira took Chi'i up on her offer?
I can tell you what I told Spyscribe-- I would take away her levels in sorcerer. I would replace them with levels in something else (I'm not about to turn a 4th level character back into a 1st level character). What exactly they would be replaced with would be based largely on a conversation I would have had with Spyscribe.

However, she chose to go another way.


First Post
Part the One-Hundred Thirteenth
In which: we most humbly beg the reader to make note of the chickens.

“They’re what?!?!” Anvil asks, voice filled with outrage and indignation at this affront to Kettenek.

“Skeletons,” Kiara pants. “All of them, skeletons. Why are skeletons farming? They don’t need any food!”

“They will not be doing anything for long.” Anvil mutters. Pulling out his holy symbol, he turns and strides across the field towards the workers. Thatch follows.

The rest of the party hangs back. “Anvil, are you sure this is the best plan?” Eva ventures.

Anvil merely calls back over his shoulder. “Lira! You should practice this!”

Lira shouts back. “Do you want to get me killed?”

(Note: Needless to say, I hadn’t planned on Lira becoming a cleric of Ehkt in the middle of the Kettenek Sovereignty. Fajitas worked out a mechanic that would allow Lira to attempt to bluff her way past untrained observers if she had to cast divinely in front of a Sovereign witness. However, pulling out her holy symbol would pretty much give away the game to even the most yokel of locals. Attempting to turn undead without excessive brandishing of said holy symbol? Not going to happen.)

Anvil breaks into a run. The skeletons have, by this time, noticed his approach, and have paused in their work, staring at him with their empty, undead eye sockets.

One of the skeletons opens its mouth and clacks its teeth at Anvil, as though he’s trying to talk, unaware that he lacks the vocal apparatus necessary for speech.

As Anvil draws nearer, it holds up a hand, teeth clacking faster and faster, desperate. The other workers drop their tools and look at each other, confused.

Anvil raises his holy symbol. “Kettenek! Use me as a vessel of your holy might to cleanse this undead abomination, banishing these unlawfully animated remains back to your earth from which they came!… Begone! Kettenek’s Justice Demands It!”

There were about fifteen skeletons working in the field. All but five of them immediately burst apart into dust. Those that remain, turn and run.

Anvil frowns. They resist the might of Kettenek. Motioning for Thatch to follow, he takes off running after them.

Behind, the rest of the party has approached at a more cautious pace, but whether for good or ill, they’re committed now. Breaking into a sprint, they follow.


It does not take long for Anvil to discover the goal of the skeletons’ flight. Coming up over a small rise he finds a collection of mud huts. Gathered in the midst of the huts are a group of peasants. All skeletons.

A few stand, facing him, tools gripped in their bony hands. Behind, skeletons who in life were older men or women cluster. Anvil even catches a glimpse of a small child’s bones peeking out from behind its mother’s ragged skirts. Outside one house, a few skeletal chickens look up from where they had been scratching in the dirt.

Anvil stops and stares. The rest of the party comes skidding up behind him, equally dumbfounded.

The peasant in front clacks its teeth at them, clearly desperate. It gestures, trembling, to the women and children behind. It waves its hands frantically, as though pleading for their unlives.

In three turnings, Anvil reduces them all to dust.

When the air clears, the party realizes that aside from their own breathing, the valley is completely silent.


The party silently walks back to the road and continues on towards town. They pass a few more groups of skeletal workers in the fields. Most of them wave as the party passes. The adventurers grimly wave back, and continue on. Outnumbered more than a hundred times over, even Anvil is forced to accede that turning every skeleton in sight is not the most prudent plan.

If he even could turn them all.

The skeletons are everywhere, and they’re not just the people. The party watches skeletal cows being driven in from the pastures, and skeletal birds madly flapping their wings in an attempt to fly. Thatch notices a few field-walls or outbuildings that have been weathered and poorly repaired. From the looks of it, nothing has been properly maintained for a while.

Lira tries casting detect magic. The skeletons are, unsurprisingly, magical. However, she also notes a faint evocation in the land, and even the air, of the valley. Anvil confirms that it seems as though there was some force that was dampening his turning attempts. He’s not sure if it could be related or not.

Finally, the group finds an isolated spot of ground and sits down to assess their options.

“What the hells is going on here?”

“Did you see the chickens?”

“Do you think everything in this valley is a skeleton?”

“Did you see the chickens?”

“The peasants were acting like they didn’t even realize they weren’t alive.”

“Maybe nobody told them.”

“Are we going to turn into skeletons?”

“Did you see the chickens?!?!”

“Yes, Thatch, we saw the chickens!” Eva rubs her forehead, trying to fight the headache growing there. “Okay, the skeletons are creepy, but they don’t seem to be bothering us as long as we leave them alone. They’re the Sovereignty’s problem, why should we solve it for them?”

“Is there any way to talk to them?” Lira asks.

“Why do you wish to speak with them?” Anvil wants to know.

“These are skeletons who are going about their daily lives as if no one gave them the note that they are all undead. You don’t want to know what they have to say?” Lira asks, incredulous.

Anvil shrugs. “I can speak with dead, but it won’t help. They have no voices.”

“I believe Eva is right,” Reyu interjects. “If the entire population of this valley has been reduced to animated skeletons, then we cannot hope to turn or destroy them all, even if Lira helps. Our mission is to find the wizard Petros.”

Lira shrugs. “Also, serves the Sovereigns right to have a valley full of skeletons in the middle of the country.”

“Why haven’t the Sovereigns done anything?” Thatch asks. “I mean, they must have noticed, right?”

“Never can tell with the Sovereigns,” Eva mutters.

“Their religion could not lead them to… approve of this?”

Anvil shakes his head.

(DM quote: “The only sect you know of that doesn’t regard the undead as abominations to be destroyed on sight are the Crossers of the Barrier… and they’re generally regarded as necromantic yahoos.”)

“You don’t think… Petros did this, do you?” Kiara suggests hesitantly.

“Let’s hope not.”

Anvil stands, and dusts himself off. “To know that, we must first find him. That is our primary mission, and must remain our chief goal. Then we can cleanse the valley of this abominable blight.”

No one really has anything to add to that. And so, everyone gets up and they continue on their way.


Kiara wings her way across the valley, looking for any signs of Petros’ tower. There are several small clusters of houses scattered amid the fields of the valley, more like homesteads than the villages where Lord Fau Meen’s people lived. Following the main road, she eventually finds the town of Bountiful.

It’s certainly smaller than Dar Pykos, but still moderately sized. The town is surrounded by high walls, and divided on the inside by a river running east to west across the valley. Most of the residences appear to be on the south side of the river, while the north is dominated by a large, walled keep. None of the buildings really look like a giant moving tower.

However, as she passes over the city, she does spy something off in the distance. A lone spire, some distance from the walled city, tucked away near the foot of one of the high mountains surrounding the valley.

She flies closer to investigate…


“It was square, but kind of slant-y, so it’s skinnier at the top than it is at the bottom.” Kiara demonstrates the shape with her hands. “All the windows are on the second level, but they had shutters so I couldn’t see inside.”

“Did it look like anyone was there?”

Kiara shakes her head. “There was no smoke from the chimney. I tried to sneak in that way, but there was a grate over the top.” She steals a look over at Annika, and adds hastily. “And I knew you wouldn’t want me to do anything dangerous so I came right back.”

“I wonder why no one was there?” Eva asks.

“Chi’i did say that she hadn’t heard anything from Petros in about three months,” Lira points out. “Maybe something happened to him.”

The party continues towards the tower on foot into the late afternoon. Reyu and Benedic split off from the party as they pass one of the clusters of farm huts, hoping to learn more about what might have happened in the valley by observing the skeletons.

(In other words, Benedic is an NPC and Reyu’s player couldn’t make the game that night.)

By the time evening falls, they are within sight of the main town. Rather than venture inside, the party elects to make camp in an empty field. They pass an uneventful evening, and eventually set watches and turn in for the night.

Eva and Anvil are on watch when, at precisely midnight, the unnatural silence of the valley is abruptly broken.


First Post
spyscribe said:
A few stand, facing him, tools gripped in their bony hands. Behind, skeletons who in life were older men or women cluster. Anvil even catches a glimpse of a small child’s bones peeking out from behind its mother’s ragged skirts. Outside one house, a few skeletal chickens look up from where they had been scratching in the dirt.

Have I mentioned how much I like this story hour? How the story grips me, the writing draws me in, the characters are all compelling, and the world itself is fascinating?

'Cause if I haven't, I just thought I would.


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