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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

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First Post
StevenAC said:
Reyu said that? Was she feeling particularly snarky that day, or what? It sounded more like something Eva would say... (I've decided Eva is my new favourite character, while Lira's out of the picture. :))
Yeah, that was really Reyu. And, in fact, really WisdomLikeSilence. It makes sense, but you have to mentally read it with a tone of honest confusion. I mean, Reyu can see how people can know Etienne, obviously. And she can imagine that if you saw him from a distance, and noticed the robes, or something like that, you might think him a figure to respect, but that there are people--especially members of the County Guard--that both know and respect him... that seems a little far-fetched.

Also, while Reyu generally doesn't go out of her way to be rude, Etienne certainly doesn't have her particular respect, so it's not like she's going to be really worried about being polite either. ;)

WLS, does that about sum it up?


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Pretty much. Reyu usually does try to be diplomatic, but it had been a hard week, and she was genuinely confused.

And hey, sometimes I have a weakness for a good line.


Richard Rawen

First Post
WisdomLikeSilence said:
Pretty much. Reyu usually does try to be diplomatic, but it had been a hard week, and she was genuinely confused.

And hey, sometimes I have a weakness for a good line.


Feed the weakness! lol

Seriously, had to chime in here, loving the characters as they 'do their thing.' Really fun to "watch" a group dynamic that works and a world that is so deep and well thought out.
Looking forward to the great revelation: WHO will be the next Archmage!?


First Post
Part the Two-Hundred Tenth
In which: spyscribe gets to play Kiara… and has far too much fun.

Tentatively, the business of the County begins to grind forward once again.

Captain Bellamy shouts his guards back into some semblance of order. Although he continues to look darkly at any member of the party who crosses his path, there are no breaks in discipline.

Chaidess the cook, hangs up his apron, and for the first time since his arrival in the islands, walks out of the keep without fear of watchful eyes. Simone goes with him, and hand in hand, they make their way to the docks.

Inside the keep, Anvil commandeers a small chamber in the guest wing for the party’s few supplies, and Lira’s body. Before leaving them, he takes Lira’s stiff fingers in his own, and casts gentle repose.

After a moment, he re-winds her canvas shroud, and leaves her to the security of a locked door and Euro’s guard.


Kiara spends anxious hours waiting by the docks, watching for the ship that will bring Annika back to her.

Then, before even the glimmer of a sail appears on the horizon, she knows that Annika is near. Like a key in a lock, the raw end of their separation is whole again. Not caring who might be watching, Kiara leaps into the air, wings unfurling even as they appear from her back.

She soars across the water; her own joy at their reunion perfectly reflected back to her across their bond.


Later, Annika and Kiara find the rest of the party clustered in an upstairs passage near the Count’s private apartments. Eva is engrossed with inspecting the masonry, and the rest of the group intently waits upon her results.

After waiting patiently for nearly a full minute, Kiara breaks the silence. “Why are we all in front of a blank wall?”
The rest of the party abruptly turns.


After welcomes are complete and Annika has been filled-in on all that has transpired during her absence, Anvil finally answers Kiara’s question.

“Eva believes she has found the entrance to the Count’s vault of magic items. She is attempting now to breech his defenses.”


“It’s a secret door,” Thatch explains.

“Ohhh…” There’s another pause. “Really?”

Eva sighs and runs a hand through her hair in frustration. “Yeah. Really. And it’s not opening.” She glances over to Annika. “I don’t suppose you’ve got a knock handy.”

Annika shakes her head. “That wasn’t the… expertise… the Count’s people requested of me. If I had an identify I might be able to get the password to open the wards, assuming there is one, but…” she shakes her head.

“Ooo!” Kiara bounces in her excitement. “A password? I bet we could guess it. We’re way smarter than the Count.” She turns to address the secret door. “Open!”

The door does not oblige.


The rest of the group exchanges “this could take a while” glances.


Anvil excuses himself.


Reyu goes to look for Barnabus.

“The name of that little black and while dog that sniffs around the kitchens! … Whatever it is.”

The door remains stubbornly shut. Having run out of names from the household, Kiara switches tactics.


Thatch loses a 16 silver to Eva over a half dozen hands of rummy.



“Fresh grubs!”

Barnabus arrives and casts knock. The door opens, revealing a stone spiral staircase leading down into the dark.

(“But I was about to get it!” Kiara protests.)

Eva squints into the darkness, already inspecting it for hidden dangers. She motions to Barnabus and points to a spot on the wall. “Is that something?”

The archmage pulls on his spectacles and squints at the spot Eva indicates. “Ah yes. Not one of mine, but rather clever. Must have been the work of one of those identical fellows. You met them… Eating and Runningstart.”

“Etienne and Florismart?”

“Yes, yes. Quite so.” Barnabus nods for a moment more.

Finally, Eva ventures. “Can you do something about it?”

“Hmm? Oh yes. Yes, of course.” Barnabus dispels whatever it was with a wave of his hand, and the party descends.


Thatch lets out a low whistle. It’s not that he’s got a head for magic like Annika, or Lira, or even Anvil, but he remembers how many odds and ends Professor Alexandra had crammed into her storage room before it all burned in the Academy fire. This collection… makes hers look like a broom closet.

A room, at least thirty-feet square, filled with rows of shelves from floor to ceiling and every shelf is full of items.

Barnabus looks around with satisfaction. “Very good. Very good. Just as I thought.”

“Are you going to destroy them?” Anvil asks.

Barnabus appears to stop and consider the Justicar’s suggestion. “Well, I suppose that I could, but it does seem like a bit of a waste doesn’t it? No… but I rather do think I shall retake possession.”

Thatch clears his throat. “Are you going to want the things from your bag back too?” It’s not like he needs any magic items… except the pitcher, which is cool… but he hasn’t even gotten the chance to try out the horseshoes on Bob yet.

“The bag? What? Oh! No, not at all. Keep them, with my thanks…” he trails off. “Although…”


“If you have the bag handy, that would be very useful.”

All eyes turn to Kiara.

“But… It holds all my stuff.”

Annika sighs. “Kiara, give the nice archmage back his bag of holding.”

Kiara pouts a bit, but is eventually persuaded to part with the bag. Annika comforts her. “That’s alright. We can open the folding boat later. That will be fun, right?”

(Sigh. “It’s not the same.”)

Even with the carrying capacity of the bag of holding Barnabus is unable to clear the storeroom before returning to his own island that night. He places an alarm spell and leaves the rest for the morning.


Two days later, the party is ready to depart the islands at last, and return to Dar Pykos.

When word spreads that there is a vessel departing for the Confederacy, more than a few Confederate citizens express their interest in leaving the Islands of Agramount post-haste.

Word is sent to Captain Elsuki, who proves more than willing to take on additional passengers. After all, after the taking of The Tranquil Shore, he’s got room for plenty of additional passengers. …As long as they’re willing to pay for their passage.

Ultimately, some thirty-five forced residents of the Islands elect not to wait for another chance to leave, and pay the fifty gold pieces a head to travel back to Dar Pykos with the party. Among them are Chaidess, his daughter Suell, and Simone.


The trip home is uneventful. The seas are calm enough that Anvil is only vaguely queasy for most of the voyage. Still, even on days when the winds and the seas are active, he descends to the cargo hold each night after his prayers and ensures the continuing gentle repose of Lira’s remains.

A few days out from port in Dar Pykos, Elsuki invites the party members to join him in his cabin for dinner. After a very pleasant meal, with some very pleasant—and very potent—potables, the Captain gets down to business.

“Now, when I agreed to take ye t’ the Islands of Mirage, we did have an agreement as to payment.”

Elsuki continues, almost idly. “Don’t think I weren’t noticing the baubles ye boarded this ship with that weren’t with ye when ye left it. This voyage were arranged as a treasure huntin’ expedition, and I’m sure ye weren’t planning on holding out on my share, or the one for me crew.”

The party members shift uncomfortably. Sure, no one had deliberately hidden their new loot from the Captain, but they hadn’t exactly gone out of their way to advertise it either. Eva takes a moment to roll a swallow of wine around her mouth, then responds to Elsuki. “You’re right,” she allows, earning some sidelong glances from her compaions. “And I’m sure you wouldn’t be planning on holding out on us either.”

Elsuki gives Eva a withering stare. “How would you be meaning that, young miss?”

It is then that Eva, who has been sipping at her glass most of the night, notices that Elsuki’s own goblet, despite the Captain’s jovial manner, has barely been touched. Oh… so that’s how we’re playing this one. She smiles. Let the negotiations begin.

“Well… were you planning on keeping The Tranquil Shore for yourself?


Eva puts out her hand. “We have a deal then?”

Elsuki puts his callused hand in hers, and shakes it firmly. If he is a bit surprised that the evening concluded with him agreeing to mortgage his ship to the party in return for sole possession of the The Tranquil Shore, the Captain is also a good sport about it.

“Ye drive a hard bargin lass,” he says as he breaks the handshake. “If you ever be looking for employment…”

Eva’s tone is only a touch rueful. “I’ll keep you in mind.”

Elsuki laughs loudly, and claps Eva on the shoulder. “Good lass, good. Now… the grog!”

(And that’s it for the birthday post this year. Enjoy the weekend everyone!)


Moderator Emeritus
spyscribe said:
If he is a bit surprised that the evening concluded with him agreeing to mortgage his ship to the party in return for sole possession of the The Tranquil Shore, the Captain is also a good sport about it.

Can you break down what happened here for those of us to dim to figure it out? Some kind of diplomacy? Was he charmed? I didn't get the reference to his not drinking either.

Oh, and great post as always - I can't wait for their home-coming.


Hold the Peppers
el-remmen said:
Can you break down what happened here for those of us to dim to figure it out? Some kind of diplomacy? Was he charmed? I didn't get the reference to his not drinking either.
The not drinking was just about him trying to get an advantage over the others in the negotiations.

What happened during the negotiations was, quite simply, that the party pointed out that the Tranquil Shores, a magic ship larger than the Fool's Errand that could be sailed with fewer people, was, technically, part of the booty. In fact, it was far and away the greatest part of the booty, given the cost of the ship compared to everything else they brought back. So, either, they could sell the unique, one-of-a-kind ship and split up the profits, or Elsuki could keep the unique one-of-a-kind ship ("Admiral Elsuki, says ye...?") and owe the party.

No deceit. No spells. No trickery. Just a pretty well reasoned, inescapably tempting proposal that Elsuki (which is to say, I) hadn't actually considered clearly.


Happy birthday, spyscribe

In celebration of our chronicler's birthday, the latest chapter of the Collected Welcome to the Halmae is now available here, bringing the story right up to date. Enjoy!

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