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Welcome to the hosted ENWorld Forum


Roll Call!

Just to make it clear as to which Screen Names are associated with which players...

BardStephenFox - Hey, that's me. Your ever-loving DM.
Macbeth - Sage - Player of Li
Tormal - Brandon - Player of (duh) Tormal
Kultar - Mike - Player of Keldorn
injuredwyvern - Chris - Player of Ceru
Eeralai - Melinda - Player of Deborah

We are still missing 3 people. Perhaps they will logon and post at some point. If so, please drop your Screen Name in the list. :)

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First Post
Just a few general comments/updates:

First, might it be a good idea to put an announcement about each new thread in this thread? I only actually view this forum so often, but I subscribe to all the threads, so an announcement here would help me know when I need to come around again. It would also help keep the people who aren't on the boards all the time in the loop.

Second, I know I've IMed BardStephenFox before, and I just thought that Id let you know what my AOL IM screen name is now. The name I used before I made pretty much just for our conversation, since I wasn't on AIM much, but now I use AIM as a cheaper alternative to phone calls home or around the dorms, so I have a new screen name. If anybody wants to get ahold of me, I'm CallipygianSage . I've decided not to put it in my user profile, since I don't want everybody to see it, but I figure I know you guys.

Also, a heads up for anybody who has subscribed to this thread, but hasn't looked at the forum: theres an important message here. We need to decide what kind of campaign we want, where we want to go from here.

I think thats it, see you guys Friday.


Actually, I would suggest just subscribing to the Forum. That should allow you to have notifications for new threads.

Updating my Buddy list.

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