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What 5e got wrong


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The art style. The conceptopolis stuff is great, mostly. The halflings are an abomination. They look like gross cartoon people halfway turned into real people. I feel like they're going to plead with me to kill them while the artist isn't looking.
There's some great art from 4e, like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v229/JonasAlbrecht/Gwenn.jpg that is vastly more interesting than most of the art in the 5e books. Or stuff like this from Jon Hodgson, who does the art for The One Ring rpg: http://jonhodgson.deviantart.com/art/Solku-119883066

I agree with your criticism of some of the art in the books. I can't help but note that the female elven caster portrayed on pg. 169 of the PHB has some MESSED UP looking eyes. Elf or not, that's just an art fail that should have spent more time getting edited.
I do love the artwork of Wayne Reynolds. He's definitely my favorite artist for all things D&D. I don't think WotC or Hasbro wanted to pay him what he's worth. I think he's doing work for Paizo now. Which brings something else to light...this does give other burgeoning artists a chance to get seen. I suppose that goes without saying.
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I agree with your criticism of some of the art in the books. I can't help but note that the female elven caster portrayed on pg. 169 of the PHB has some MESSED UP looking eyes. Elf or not, that's just an art fail that should have spent more time getting edited.
I do love the artwork of Wayne Reynolds. He's definitely my favorite artist for all things D&D. I don't think WotC or Hasbro wanted to pay him what he's worth. I think he's doing work for Paizo now. Which brings something else to light...this does give other burgeoning artists a chance to get seen. I suppose that goes without saying.

WAR art is very cartoony nd the 4E/PF cover art on the core books/PFRPG is reaosnably bad IMHO.

doctorbadwolf the links you posted to the women and city are fine IMHO.Better than WAR anyway.


The art is my least favorite thing about 5e. Needs more dudes, needs more bare chests, needs more violence, needs a whole lot fewer people standing around in fantasy formalwear. It needs more weird. Needs more guys swinging swords. Needs a bare chested human barbarian on the cover, breaking down a door and ready to do dangerous business with the dragon beyond.

Oh, and the books need white pages and a larger font. Considering how bored the art makes me, I'd infinitely prefer they left it out and gave me a book I could read without getting headaches.


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Things 5E actually got wrong IMHO.

1. The saving throw system. 6 saves when 3 of them really only matter that much and 1 of them is barely used. Some classes have good basic saves (str/con) and other classes have meh saves (int/wis)...

I do not see this as a problem. Why does it matter?

It's kind of like complaining that reality is wrong because although people have five senses, sight and hearing matter a whole lot more than the others in many circumstances.

In fact it's kind of good, I think, that there are wrinkles and unevenness like this. It means that there is something to distinguish different PCs, and something for players with "system mastery pretensions" to optimise. But the unevenness isn't so drastic that there are significant "traps" to cripple players who either can't be bothered thinking too hard or have "character pretensions" instead.


I think WAR is one of those artists like Tony DiTerlizzi who people rarely have neutral feelings about. Either you really like him or really don't. I'm in the latter camp, to be honest, but, I can appreciate that others do like him. I generally do like 5e art. Then again, at the time, I've generally liked every editions art, so, maybe I'm just not discerning enough. :D


Art: 5E > 2E > 1E > 4E > 3E (not sure about Basic, assume it was similar to 2E...?).

Pretty subjective, to be sure, but Wizards is hitting it out of the park artistically (as to Halflings...nobody bats 1000...).



Haven't read the whole thread...but here's mine.

(1) Feats are too tough and "unbalanced with regards to each other". I hear "Sharpshooter", "Great Weapon Master", "Poleare Master" and "Magic Initiate" as choices all the time. That right there should tell you that they are 'too powerful'. I'd rather have Feats be "different" not "better" choices for characters. Things that give a bit more intangible 'benefits' over purely mechanical ones. But I'm definitely in the minority on this and I don't allow feats in my game...so....uh...yeah... :)

(2) Like feats, Multiclassing. Not enough "campaign considerations" for combo's and whatnot. I also don't like how they work; I don't want "one class at a time", I want "all classes at the same time". I want to be a "Fighter/Magic-User", not a "Fighter and Magic-User". You gain a level, and choose to up your MU side...well, that last level you apparently learned absolutely nothing to do with Fighting. This disconnect completely destroys my SoD (Suspension of Disbelief). I wish MC'ing was moe like 1e/2e. But, again, like Feats, MC'ing is OPTIONAL and I don't allow it in my campaign without very specific reasons/allowances. So there's that...

(3) "POOF! You're healed." The rules where you sleep and wake up fully healed. Ick. Icky-poo, actually. A core rule this time that totally destroys my SoD. I changed it in my game...the first one I actually played.

(4) Production Quality. Full-colour glossy pages can go straight to H-E-L-L!!!. Good gods I get eye strain after five minutes of reading. I have one of my players look up most rules during the game (saves time so I can keep DM'ing the group)...mostly so I don't have to try and figure out what something says. Grrrrr! I wish they made a non-colour version for sale...oh well. I don't care about "full colour art and slick page backgrounds with fancy borders". I want readability during my game session, becuase, lets face it, once you have looked at the pages and art once or twice, you're done. After that the book is used as a reference tome for playing the game....and full-colour glossy art and pages does not help that....IMHO. :)


Paul L. Ming

Voidrunner's Codex

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