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What are some of your Favorite chars you've played?


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OUt of all the characters you guys have played over the years which have been your top 3 character to play as and Why?

1) In Captain Howdy's recently deceased Eberron campaign I was playing a Gnome Druid/Ranger named Jago Murnig. Out of our group he was probably one of the weaker characters. As my Gnome grew in levels though he became a very good fighter. He had a Light crossbow that had distance and a crossbow sight on it he was able to pick off creatures in an effective range increment of 480 feet without a penalty plus he had rapid reload. He also rode a Dire Badger thanks to his Animal Companion. I like this character ecspecially because he was the scout for his party. Helping out the party several different ways through scouting, as well as being one of the few characters I have had who had a very cinematic event happen to him.

2) In the start of Captain Howdy's long running 3.0 D&D campaign I was playing a Water Genasi Sorcerer. This character wasn't all that spectacular powerwise but I used shocking grasp in many new ways, including standing on a rooftop and attaching a sickle to metal wire and swinging it through a horde of bodaks I believe. Heh Shocking grasp was this character's signature and I still reminisce with friends every so often about the Genasi and his faithful shocking grasp spell. He unfortunately met his demise to a band of Fire Giants in an arena-style match.

3) Uthuk Y'llan Barb I played in the same campaign as # 2. He was probably my most powerful character. His name was Saris and he was a pure unadultrated bruiser after we stopped a town from being destroyed we were given a very luxurious manor to have. Being that we were adventurers we had no reason to settle down somewhere so we sold it and got a LOT of money for it. This same character used the money he got of the share and bought a Vorpal Fullblade. My d20 also took this time to start actively rolling crit range. To make a long story short many encounters that should have taken a long time to complete were ended in one fell swoop incluiding Kord's avatar on his plane which in turn ended up being where the character stayed. But this char wasn't just a fullblade with vorpal capabilities he also liked to tear zombie kids apart with his bare hands.

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1) Durnagar Diamondfist. 2e dwarf fighter/cleric. A rough customer if ever there was one.

2) Sir Galad McGraw. A Rifts Cyber-Knight. The character who could not be killed, despite my best efforts.

3) Mack Fisher. 3e cleric of selune. He had a touch of lunacy.

Honorable mention: Ssissk, the trash-talkin' trandoshan jedi who met an unfortuante demise resisting a powerful agent of the dark side.

Mister Congeniality: RHO, the ranger half-orc, a two-fisted warrior whose favored enemy is orcs. I figure those are valuable "social skills" for him.


First Post
As far as top three go, hmmm.

I had a pixie thief. His name was was Velm. The DM got tired of us playing the same races and classes. He wanted us to be 'different' for his new adventure. So we had a few people who chose some off the wall races/classes from the Darksun world and me with my Pixie thief. We really threw him for a loop. I had alot of fun with that character because I just got into a free-spirited mindset and had fun. Also, it helped because the DM had a few magic items that had gave to characters, each character was allowed one item. It was a difficult adventure, so he figured he would help us. I chose the gloves of Hill Giant str. He was so unprepared for that he told me later on. He was EXPECTING me to choose another item that he had placed for me. It was just fun to be in a free spirited character for once and have a care free attitude, and being naturally invisible and flying kinda helped as well.
Then there is my GURPS character, his name was GRADINKO. I gave him a ton of disadvantages to get some advantages. The thing that I liked about him was playing some of the disads. He had 'voices' for one of his disads, and I lived it up. I still remember him for being a hunchback with voices. It was a HOOT.
Lastly, it would have to be my all time favorite character to play. Sadly, the campaign fizzled out after a while. It was a combination of things that killed the game, DM, and in party fighting. It was a human thief, her name was TANEN. We rolled up stats, then showed a few days later and was handed the character sheets. I was a little overtaken when I saw that it was a female rogue. I had intended on playing something else, but oh, well. I ended up coming in, a little late in the game, actually and the rest of the guys had already known each other. I only knew one of the guys, he was playing a druid, and my thief and druid got along good together. The group ended up falling into three different factions. While we did play, I had a fun time. The DM made a mistake IMO and told everyone out of character what I was, and of course the PCs had that knowldege. So I show up in leather armor weilding a short sword and dagger, with a short bow slung across my back and a medalion of a unicorn in a circle of mistletoe. EVERYONE then looked at me and pretty much said out of character "I thought you were a thief." During alot of the battles, I would 'disappear' to get choice goods or sneak attack certain people. Scouting ahead of the group was what a good thief was supposed to do anyway, gives first pick of the loot. I ended up making it to 8th lvl, with a NICE selection of magic. My most prized items were a ring of teleportation that acted just like a helm of teleportation, and a ring of telekinesis of 200 pounds that (according to the DM) did not use charges. Now with a thief that weighed less than 120 pounds with all the gear on, using a ring of telekinesis that did NOT use charges, hmmmm. I also had a few other choice items as well. Since I did not trust the group, I went into the group stash and swapped out all the gems that we had found and replaced them with worthless ones in their place. I think at the end of the game, the rest of the guys suspected that she was at least part thief, but definately NOT all thief. It also helped when I got my hands on a few other itmes that could simulate magic effects. That really confused them.
The infighting eventually caused the game to end. The DM also did a poor job of running it. I still have the character sheet and would love to play her somemore. I played her like a 'playful little minx' if you will. But I have used her in the past as an NPC, usually as someone that causes the PCs a bit of a headache, but in the end she means well.


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lol heh the mister congenialty award is pretty funny.

WHats the deal with #2? Why were you trying to kill him?

heh Velm those sound like great chars.

I had a VTDR Malkavian that had something like that.
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I just did things that I thought were cool that turned out to be very dangerous--nearly deadly. For example, zombie headsurfing on a skycycle seemed like a good idea until it dealt SDC damage to MDC zombies (which is no damage at all) and caused me to wreck and nearly die from the impact.


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Xaov said:
No chars stick out specifically for you crothian?

A better way to say it is they all do.

Faroth, my half elven ranger (and this was 3.0) who is oppsesed with killing Giants. He had a habit of collecting pets, a dire wolverine named Ludo a pair of baby Wyverns and a trio of baby Dragoons. He was a master archer, and excellent tracker and also enjoyed making his own magical items. It was odd that even though he had many magical weapons, he was never able to aquire a magical bow until almost the end of the campiagn.

Valen, my ooze Gensai oozemaster who worshiped the goddess of disease. He wasn't evil, he was a resilant silent type that advised people and was not afraid to do the hard work. He loved swimming. He retired at ninth level and never once possessed a magical weapon.

Mesos, my over confidant human socerer. I didn't play him long but everyone was jealous over his familiar Tanil, a small fox. He was the leader of the group though I don't think the others ever realized that. He was very smart and made it seem like all his choices were coming from the other players.

Then there was my human Bard, my very first 3.0 character. Tag Trister was his name and it was supposed to be an evil campaign, but I was too evil for the other players at the beginning so I had to tone it down.

I had a great Monk who was really strong, but simple. I had a really fun Druid that could turn into a small Black Dragon. And I had a great Fighter Rogue in a very low magic gritty campaign. And even my Dwarven Cleric for a one shot as a old Dwarf that had to come out of retuirement to kick some undead butt was great fun.

So, I've had lots of great characters. I wouldn't play a character that I didn't think was going to be a lot of fun.


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1. Eolan, a barbarian from the north in a high-treasure 5-6 session campaign in FR. He killed a young black dragon at level 2, wrestled a Calishite (or whatever you call people from calimshan) pasha into an interdimensional toilet, and beat up the nasty tentacle beast in Axe of the Dwarvish Lords.

2. Galloran, my jedi in a SW campaign. He confused guards, jumped a lot, and blew some things up in a fighter.

3. Beowyc, Eolan's son; he was a spear-fighter, and I only played him in a single adventure, but he was one of the coolest characters I can recall playing. He made his own masterwork spears for throwing, and he coupe-de-grace'd a dragon that the party knocked out by dropping a cave ceiling on.

Now, I'd like to point out that I'm in the DM's chair most of the time, so those are three out of six characters I've played any time in the last couple of years (the other three were a bard that I didn't enjoy, an underpowered ranger who shared my screen-name, and a lawful-evil monk that traded his monk weapons for shortswords and daggers; he was cool, but not terribly fun). Now, if you asked me about favorite NPCs, you'd have a much longer list to mull over.
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