• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

What are you currently playing?

Which RPGs are currently enjoying/taking/plundering/devouring your time and attention?

Myself, I'm currently DMing two things:

-A high-level Planescape campaign using Pathfinder, about six former-adventurers who decided to start their own "problem-solving" company in Sigil. Started in late 2013.

-A 1st-level Forgotten Realms swashbuckling tale of poor-hygiene pirates searching for treasure in the sunstruck coasts of Chult. This one started last week.

Also had a 7th Sea campaign going on about mad alchemists and flying mechanical islands, but that fell into remission, sadly.

How about you?
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All being well, tonight I'll be running the first of several one-shot games in the Firefly RPG - tonight's episode is "Wedding Planners", from the "Thrillin' Heroics" compilation of adventures.


I'm currently in the 4th year of DMing a campaign set on the east coast of Sartha (Free Coast region) on the world of Korrel, my homebrew, using rules homebrewed from D&D 3e. The campaign began with a city wrecking tsunami, and an angry invading Saughin army looking for someone they called 'Keeropus'. PC's attempts to protect people lead to the uncovering of a widespread conspiracy by a group calling themselves 'The Esoteric Order of the Golden Globe', which had ties to necromancers, goblin rebels, and antitheist heretics. The players have since learned that the Esoteric Order, led by the Archmage Keeropus the Many-Hearted, is trying to build and place in orbit a small second sun which will be under mortal control, and thereby allow wizards to hopefully be able to perform the healing magic which is currently the province of only priests.

The PC's are currently 7th level. They are now on a buccaneer's ship, engaged in chasing Keeropus's black sailed schooner across the Sea of Storms during hurricane season, in hopes of beating Keeropus to a legendary perfect black pearl which he needs to finally complete his artifact. Yes, this chapter is "The Isle of Dread", and will be loosely based of the legendary module. However, treachery is afoot aboard the ship, and the Priestess Gale Lightbringer is now at the mercy of her terrible enemy - the blood thirsty and vengeful god Nuati the Storm Lord.

Can the heroes survive the journey? Can the reach the island in time to stop Keeropus? What secrets will they find when they reach it, and what to make of the warning of Jasper the Alley Cat, that there are enemies they may need to stop more dangerous even than the Archmage?
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'm in three games right now. Running a D&D 5e campaign, and also a What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. game, plus I'm a player in a Pathfinder campaign. Quite busy!

Currently playing a Drow elf monk in a friend's 5th ed D&D Forgotten Realms campaign, which meets every other week. That's the only thing I'm playing at this point, but I am slowly reading my way through the 5th ed DMG, Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition, Dungeon World (again), Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Microscope RPG, and Zweihander (among other things on my reading stack).

Hand of Evil

Three games at this time:
  • 5E is taking up most of my time and has the most players (six), gaming once a week. It is the one my players wanted to get into the most.
  • Shadows of Esteren only three players, gaming every thee weeks.
  • The Strange also three players, every now and then if we can find the time. It may just die on the vine.
Want to get a 13th Age game going but don't see the time for it. I like the system and the setting and think it is a better game but getting my players off 5E and trying it is taking more than I thought.


Running Dungeon World." Playing to find out what happens" in a campaign based on the background plot of Palace of the Silver Princess (Moldvay edit)- the attempted return of Arik of the Hundred Eyes. from his prison dimension, set in the excellent mini-setting/sandbox Jean Wells wrote up for the original edit of B3. Catharandamus and his followers being the main antagonists.


Sadly, I am playing nothing as a "friend" game blocked me.

But, I continue to plot the next D&D game I want to run when I work my way back into the group.

Jan van Leyden

Currently running a 4e campaign with level 8 characters in Madness at Gardmore Abbey adapted to the Ptolus setting and interwoven with other plot threads.

Two thirds playing and one thirds running a shared campaign over Maptools. System and setting are 4e and Ptolus again. My character in this campaign is Travok, the dwarven avenger.

When MaGa is over, I'll hand the reigns to a friend who will proceed with her own 4e-campaign in Nentir Vale. Time for Chaedi, the elven monk, to strike again!

Voidrunner's Codex

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