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D&D 5E What are you going to keep from previous editions/other d20 games?


Victoria Rules
IOW, Lanefan intends to play 1e, possibly with a few 5e-inspired house rules. ;)
What I'm hoping is that I can either a) modify 5e and use it as an updated version of the game I already have, or b) take a bunch of 5e ideas and incorporate them into our existing game; which in fact bears only a passing resemblance to 1e RAW after the 30+ years of kitbashing we've done to it.

Lan-"for continuity it has to end up backward-compatible with the game we already have"-efan

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I expect we will use:
1. Paizo crit and fumble decks
2. 13th Age One Unique Thing
3. Paizo Plot Twist cards in lieu of inspiration adv


Skill challenges (of some sort)

The big one is probably banned schools for Wizards (since everyone is a specialist now). More controversially, I'm probably going to require two banned schools for each wizard, one of which MUST be Transmutation or Conjuration.


Skill challenges will definitely remain in my games. I might consider shorter Short Rests as I found the 4th ed mechanic to be a good way to avoid the 15 minute work day.

I will probably give out more hp at 1st lvl. Maybe as far as 3 hit dice worth. PCs would then catch up and not gain more hit dice until 4th lvl.

I am however running Phandelver RAW to find the flaws. So far they seem to be mainly in the adventure itself as some of the opposition way outclasses the PCs.
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Victoria Rules
Missed this post on a previou read-through...
Hmmmmm. At the risk of being on the opposite end of the edition spectrum from Lanefan:
Possibly, but...

Disease tracks
Possibly Charge attacks
These are all just fine. I kind of use bloodied now at least in descriptions, but it's more based on when something goes from fatigue points into body points; and doesn't have nearly the same mechanical implications that it does in 4e. Some sort of disease mechanism is worth a long hard look, and charge attacks in some form make lots of sense (but the PCs have to realize the opponents will get 'em too, and a charging Giant can ruin your whole day). For example, we already allow someone charging to throw a hand-held missile en route as a free action provided they don't want to use a shield in that combat (or are willing to lose an attack to put it on).
possibly a Second Wind type mechanic for all, depending on whether the DMG has it as an option or not.
Additional viable healing classes
"Spells" that act like some of 4e's iconic powers. (We already have some of these like hunter's quarry, etc).
Maneuver packages available via feats for some of the iconic 4e martial exploits.
I'll leave all these to you.:) I'd like to see less healing, not more.
A little more crunch for monsters.
Such as? As in, crunch for how to design your own, or crunch for how they function mechanically in or out of combat, or ???


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