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What are you reading (Feb 08)?


I just finished The Darkness That Comes Before. It was excellent so I will be diving into the next book, The Warrior Prophet. I won't be able to read it as quickly as I like because of school, but I'm sure I will be staying up late a lot to read a few pages.

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Just ran across Blaze in the grocery store over the weekend. It's the last book Stephen King wrote as Richard Bachman. It's about a small time criminal trying to make a big score. Not bad, but not his best either. I'd only recommend it if you're a fan.


"Star Wars: Heir to the Empire" by Timothy Zahn. In all my 40+ years I've never read a Star Wars novel, and I heard that this series was one of the best.

I'll say this about it, when I read the characters' dialog, it sounds like the movies. The plot so far is so-so, not gripping, but then again, not a snooze-fest.


First Post
bento said:
"Star Wars: Heir to the Empire" by Timothy Zahn. In all my 40+ years I've never read a Star Wars novel, and I heard that this series was one of the best.
It's been years since I read a Star Wars novel, but Zahn is the best at it. Hands down.


Monster Junkie
I just finished "Black God's Kiss" by C.L. Moore from the Planet Stories line. Good stuff.

Next up is either Brandon Sanderson's "Elantris" or the Elric series.


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Darkwolf71 said:
It's been years since I read a Star Wars novel, but Zahn is the best at it. Hands down.

Yep. He's very good. Michael Stackpole writes very serviceable novels as well.

OTOH, anything Kevin Anderson writes is, um, bad.



First Post
I'm currently re-reading the Anita Blake books. I'd be starting # 4 if I hadn't left it at home.

Just finished Manxome Foe, by John Ringo and Doc Travis. Third book in the Looking Glass series, and is pretty good, especially the
pretty obvious BSG shout-out
. It's funny and things blow up, both aliens and spaceships. Quite fun.

I need to pick up David Gemmell's last book, dagnabbit.



Just finished REH's Almuric, about 3/4 the way through the Complete Cal Macdonald stories by Steve Niles, and getting ready to start REH's Beyond the Black River the Weird Works of REH #07.

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