What are you reading [Jan 2017]?

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It was a good Christmas. I've read:
Halfway Home and The Hurricane, both by Hugh Howey;
The Peripheral, by William Gibson (I forget how good he is);
Agatha H And The Airship City, by Phil & Kaja Foglio (very enjoyable);
The Three-Body Problem, by Cixin Liu (weird; reserving judgement on it);
Under Heaven, by Guy Gavriel Kay (considering I've read almost everything he's written, it's weird that I forget how much I enjoy read Kay);
Iroshi, by Gary Osborne;
Vicious Circle, by Mike Carey (of Lucifer & X-Men fame. VC is book two of his Felix Castor series, which I highly recommend for anyone interested in someone a bit better adjusted than Constantine but in a similar vein. I read books 1,3, & 4 earlier).

I started reading The Darkest Jungle but didn't have a chance to finish it. Have started The Name of the Rose, but not sure if I'll finish it immediately (I've read it before).
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Okay [MENTION=85870]innerdude[/MENTION], Under Heaven just arrived today, so as soon as I finish my current novel it's up. I see [MENTION=70]Nellisir[/MENTION] is also reading it.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I've been working through the classics, which I never read for some reason.

I started near the end of last year with Robert E. Howards Conan the Barbarian stories and read all of them. I enjoyed them, though I think I've read the word thew in them than I will in anything I've read or will read in my life combined.

Next I read Jack Vance's Dying Earth series and I completed all of them.

Now I'm reading through all of Fritz Lieber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser books.

When I complete those I think I'll take a break from the classics and start the Dresden Files next.


First Post
I'm almost done with Jeff VanderMeer's second installment of the 'Southern Reach' trilogy "Authority". It's unfortunately not as gripping as the first part. I still like the depth of the characters, but it doesn't reveal a lot more about the mysterious 'Area X'. Rather it's repeating most of what's already known from a different angle, from a different perspective. Let's see what the final part will bring.


Okay [MENTION=85870]innerdude[/MENTION], Under Heaven just arrived today, so as soon as I finish my current novel it's up. I see [MENTION=70]Nellisir[/MENTION] is also reading it.

Truly, I genuinely can't decide if I liked Under Heaven better than Tigana. They're both just so excellent. If forced to decide, I might say Under Heaven nudges ahead of Tigana ever so slightly, but it's like comparing a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. You're going to be eminently satisfied with your experience pretty much regardless. ;)


Truly, I genuinely can't decide if I liked Under Heaven better than Tigana. They're both just so excellent. If forced to decide, I might say Under Heaven nudges ahead of Tigana ever so slightly, but it's like comparing a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. You're going to be eminently satisfied with your experience pretty much regardless. ;)

I liked Under Heaven, but better than Tigana? No way.

In other news, I just started Nemesis Games. I thought I'd read it already from the Library, but apparently that was Cibola Burn.

Edit: Finished Nemesis Games, and dug out the first 3 books from storage. I'll probably skip Leviathan's Wake & read 2&3. The Expanse is a really enjoyable read, but the cast isn't exactly hard to keep track of.
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I just started Ed Greenwood's Dark Vengeance, a novel in his Niflheim series that I've never read any of before. This is apparently a slightly different take on the dark elves, taken more from Norse mythology than from D&D drow. We'll see how it goes....


Was reading the Annotated HPL up until about Christmas, but had to put it down to get something a little fresh in there, so now reading The Secret History of Twin Peaks as of last week. Will be a brisk read though, not a very dense tome.

Started reading Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Last Wish after finishing The Witcher III. I’m enjoying it so far, but I get the feeling that I’d be more than a little lost in places if I hadn’t played the videogame first.

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