What are you Reading? May 2018 edition


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Been a slow reading month. Just finished Quillifer by Walter Jon Williams and it was ... decent. Which is a really low bar from what I expect from current WJW. It meandered - things were always happening but it was more like following the craziness of the eponymous character's life then a plot. Perhaps he was going for more of a romp and comedy-of-errors like the Maijstral books, but it missed that level of ridiculous entertainment.

Still, it was probably as good as some of the other books I've read this year. Wasn't bad, just I had expected more.

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I'm about a third of the way through Rewind by Terry England, about 17 people who were taken aboard an alien spaceship (which has been parked in Nevada for 6 years and exchanging scientific information freely with us) and reverted to about age 9, while still retaining their original set of memories. The ship took off immediately afterward, leaving us wondering why they did this; the story tells of the aftermath of the "children." It's been a really good read thus far.


Finished Parfrey’s Citizen Keane. A thoroughly entertaining read, Parfrey does an admirable job sifting through the lies and obfuscations of Walter Keane. Also, it totally makes sense, but apparently the Powerpuff Girls were directly inspired by Margaret Keane’s big-eyed waifs.

Now it’s Vonda McIntyre’s Dreamsnake. After that, I think it’s time to return to the Wheel of Time read.

I've yet to read any Vonnegut. Really need to rectify that one day...

I finished Dreamsnake. Solid stuff. Now it's back to the Wheel of Time read, with the Crossroads of Twilight. At this rate, I should be done by September or October. I'm getting such a backlog of books.


I just started R. A. Salvatore's The Companions. It's a Drizzt Do'Urden novel, and I thought it might be the one that explains the jump from 3E to 4E, but it looks to be the first novel in a six-part series written by different people. So here's hoping it's somewhat self-contained, because I don't have any of the others in the series. (And if not, I paid all of a buck for it at a library book sale, so all I'm looking for is a dollar's worth of entertainment to break even.)



I started the Sembia Series (forgotten realms) "The Halls of Stormweather", so far so good! Last month I read "Prince of Wolves" (Pathfinder) was a very nice read as well.


I just started R. A. Salvatore's The Companions. It's a Drizzt Do'Urden novel, and I thought it might be the one that explains the jump from 3E to 4E, but it looks to be the first novel in a six-part series written by different people. So here's hoping it's somewhat self-contained, because I don't have any of the others in the series. (And if not, I paid all of a buck for it at a library book sale, so all I'm looking for is a dollar's worth of entertainment to break even.)


I think they explain that in the Neverwinter Saga that starts with Gauntlgrym. The Companions is the one after that saga and is sort of a stand alone. It is followed by the Revenge of the Iron Dwarf Saga.

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