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What are you reading this year 2020?

Just finished up Killing November by Adriana Mather,it was good. I look forward to the next book due out later this year.

November is as good as dead. She just doesn't know it yet.

At the international Academy Absconditi, there's no electricity, no internet, and an archaic eye-for-an-eye punishment system. Classes range from knife throwing and poisons to the art of deception. And the students? All silver-spoon descendants of the world's most elite strategists--training to become assassins, spies, and master impersonators.
One is a virtuoso of accents--and never to be trusted. Another is a vicious fighter determined to exploit November's weaknesses. And then there's the boy with the mesmerizing eyes and a secret agenda.
November doesn't know how an ordinary girl like her fits into the school's complicated legacy. But when a student is murdered, she'll need to separate her enemies from her allies before the crime gets pinned on her . . . or she becomes the killer's next victim.

sigh Looks like Invisible Sun (Empire Games Book 3) by Charles Stross has been pushed back again to next year

On the bright side Peace Talks, the next book in the Dresden Files is set to come out July 14th and One of Us Is Next: The Sequel to One of Us Is Lying comes out next week,so i'll be picking that up.

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The Wheel of Time, in paperback, totals something like 12,000 pages. Good luck not rage-quitting before you reach the end!

I don't have a plan for the year. I have a vacation coming up for which I am building a reading list.

The manuscript for Scott Lynch's Thorn of Emberlain was completed back in May, so I am hopeful it comes out this year.

The Wheel of Time, in paperback, totals something like 12,000 pages. Good luck not rage-quitting before you reach the end!

The first 6 books of the series are actually really good reads, and I was able to get through them very quickly. Books 7-10 are total slog-fests...I remember trying to get through them several years back and it taking me almost 3 times as long to finish them as it did for any of the first 6 books. The good news is that the series really picks back up around book 11.

I am currently on book 10. I have a bit of a long commute to work, so I like to listen to the series on Audible during the drive. I started back in April/May.

I was reading Stephen King's Doctor Sleep a couple of years ago before my divorce...didn't finish the book because life happened pretty hard. I am probably going to pick it back up soon; I've had problems focusing on reading since 2018, and I'd like to re-immerse myself in that pleasure again.

Neuromancer is still a great read, still prophetic in a lot of ways.

The Wheel of Time is an undertaking, to be sure. Worth it, though the series has its flaws. Around the middle it becomes a slog, then picks up again. It took me a year, with breaks in between, to read the whole thing.

I should read more. This year I'm making a goal to get through the Neuromancer series and the Wheel of Time series. Started The Eye of the World and Neuromancer already.

Also hopeful. It's been a wait, to be sure.

The manuscript for Scott Lynch's Thorn of Emberlain was completed back in May, so I am hopeful it comes out this year.

I finished reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I've got mixed feelings about it, especially since the whole J.K. Rowling anti-trans debacle occurred while I was reading it. On the other hand, I think it's an important coda to the story, showing the effects of PTSD and generational trauma.

Next up is Kothar and the Conjurer's Curse, some light Appendix N reading.


reading Midnight Riot, first book in the Rivers of London series. Another fine book I wish I'd written.

Around July, I expect to be reading Peace Talks by Jim Butcher.

Sometime between now and then, I assume I'll read some other books.


Just restarted the John Carter of Mars series (I own the complete works on my Kindle). Re-igniting my love of them.
Good call. I recently read the first three to my nephew as bedtime stories, one chapter at a time. (After we finished the first three he opted to have us read something else for awhile, so we're now on book three of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.)

As for personal reading, I just finished Speaking in Tongues by Jeffery Deaver, dealing with a smooth-talking lawyer trying to find his kidnapped 17-year-old daughter. It was very good, with the traditional Deaver twists and turns. Next up is another of his thrillers, Edge, a novel about a killer who likes taking hostage the families of people he wants to force to do things and the man tasked with keeping the familes safe while trying to track him down and bring him to justice.


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