• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

What are you running right now?

Who here is running a campaign (or playing in a campaign) right now? How many are involved in multip

  • I'm running a D&D campaign right now.

    Votes: 52 51.5%
  • I'm playing in a D&D campaign right now.

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • I'm running a Pathfinder campaign right now.

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • I'm playing in a Pathfinder campaign right now.

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • I'm running a Call of Cthulhu campaign right now.

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • I'm playing in a Call of Cthulhu campaign right now.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • I'm running a different campaign right now (DCC; OSR; Shadowrun; Cyberpunk; etc.)

    Votes: 38 37.6%
  • I'm playing in a different campaign right now (DCC; OSR; Shadowrun; Cyberpunk; etc.)

    Votes: 36 35.6%


Running Ironsworn. Just had our second session tonight. It was fantastic. I'm loving the extra mechanical "guard rails" it has with the progress trackers and moves compared to Dungeon World. The mechanics and default setting are incredibly evocative. As an entry point to trying out Powered by the Apocalypse, it's pretty much perfect--especially since the core rules on PDF are free.

Also get to be a player in a Tiny D6 - Tiny Frontiers campaign in a few weeks as well.

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Just finished LMoP that transitioned into Tyranny of Dragons, where unfortunately the playes died at the hands of Tiamat. But it was an awesome campaign. ToD was so much fun (don't understand the hate ToD gets). Two of the players were totally new, and got hooked hard on D&D.
Now we have just started Tomb of Annihilation.


I'm 4 sessions into a Judge Dredd Savage Worlds campaign using the Savage Dredd expansion. I'm really enjoying it as are the players who are only vaguely familiar with Judge Dredd and Mega City One so they can only expect the .

My GM style is to borrow topical elements for the plot and twist them in bizarre ways. For example I ran a game when the UK was going through the whole Brexit thing and the main plot of the story was about a bunch of citizens from Thatcher Towers (an homage to Margaret Thatcher PM) who physically wanted to drive their 500ft tall apartment building out of the "Eurozone". I threw in pokemon and fidget spinners, mime artists, an Elon Musk Hyper Loop doomed monorail project and all sorts of other things to throw them off the scent and give them plenty to keep themselves occupied.

I'm blogging weekly session reports if anyone fancies a chuckle and can guess what inspired me.


I’m running a Galaxies in Peril campaign (Forged in the Dark supers game) that’s about to have season one come to an end. Then that group will transition to a 5E campaign with everyone GMing round robin. That game is intended to be a low magic, kind of old-school approach.

I’m also playing in a Black Hack campaign, and just started in a Blades in the Dark campaign.

Running Old School Essentials.
Running Tiny Supers.
Running Doctor Who.
Occasionally running Champions.
Playing Champions.
Playing Savage Worlds (Red Sands).

Everything is being played/run via roll20:

Running a Pathfinder game set in Falcon's Hollow. Started with Hollow's Last Hope and it's expanded a little bit to try and tie some other paizo modules together into a mini campaign.

Playing a D&D 5E game where we're trying to save the world from a multiplanar cult.


Elder Thing
My main game is a 1 on 1 I play with my 7yo using an adaptation of the D&D Rules Cyclopedia (edit: I just realized I already responded to this thread days ago. Oh well).

The campaign started as just the kid playing, but at their insistence I made a PC of my own as well about 8 months ago.

Yesterday was the climax of a fairly long string of adventures, which started using Basic Fantasy RPG adventures (and that game system, as well, until I felt the kid had mastered it well enough to move on to the RC). I'd been using the Top Ballista supplement to link adventures together for a while, including B4: The Lost City, I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City, and the BFRPG adventure Monkey Isle. We'd been retrieving various relics and magical items for Haydrech, a nagpa necromancer from Serraine, but my 7yo became very suspicious of Haydrech's motives after we watched The Dark Crystal a few weeks ago.

So upon returning to Serraine with the golden idol we fetched from Monkey Isle, we were stopped by someone who asked us to spy on Haydrech for them (this was the beginning of the Heart of Darkness adventure from Top Ballista). We snuck into Haydrech's compound to gather information, but overheard through a door that Haydrech was planning to overrun the world with zombies, starting with the mongai (a term I used rather than "mongrelman") tribe the kid had liberated from the Forbidden City upon becoming a Barbarian Lord.

Side note: don't ever underesitimate the importance of Name Level to a 7yo.

Anyway, spying plans went out the window and my 7yo's character kicked in the door. In the ensuing battle we mowed easily through a bunch of mooks but Haydrech escaped through a secret door that led to a landing bay on the edge of Serraine, through a long tunnel. Haydrech had taken off in a magical flying canoe, but luckily my 7yo had a Broom of Flying (picked up from random treasure a while back) and gave pursuit.

Folks, that chase was epic. Haydrech was casting Magic Missile, Cone of Cold, whatever and the kid's barbarian just kept coming. Jumping onto the canoe, the kid's character raised his Flame Tongue greatsword above his head and brought it down mightily upon the nagpa.

He missed. Twice. Meanwhile, Haydrech coated the surface of the canoe with a Grease spell and did a barrel roll. Luckily, the kid's character has a Strength of 19 thanks to a magic bracelet he retrieved in one of his first adventures and managed to hang on.

At this point the barbarian was literally down to 2 hit points, but knew that the nagpa had to be down really low as well. Understanding that one more missed attack would probably mean the character's death, the kid made one last attack, rolled the dice, and sweated a little.

It was a natural 20. The nagpa's last 8 hp went bye-bye, and you can bet my kid will be telling this story to EVERYBODY for a long time.

There's nothing like the feeling when the dice finally roll your way at the perfect moment.

Whew. That was long-winded. But, I hope, with the read.
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I'm running a homebrew Pathfinder campaign, and playing in two Pathfinder campaigns, one homebrew and the other one Ruins of Azlant (just finished book 5). These are over Zoom as we have gone back into lockdown, but will go back to face to face to face once lockdown is over (hopefully in a few weeks).

I'm playing in a D&D campaign, Out of the Abyss, using Zoom and Roll20. I've never used the latter before, so its been a bit of a learning experience.

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