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What are you working on? (Playing, GMing, desigining, etc)


First Post
I'm playing pretty irregularly these days, but I have some things going on.


A CoC d20 game that was supposed to be a one-shot but ballooned into a two-parter. It's in New Orleans during the flooding after Katrina, and I'm trying to engage the players on the occult nature of the setting and the actual horror of the situation, as well as some character drama for each player.


A comprehensive injury system which is being test-driven for the first time in the above game.

A revision and substantial expasion of the Psychic's Handbook. I've written the classic psionic classes with creative class abilities and am currently struggling with defining the psychic warrior.


In very early prep (concept and background research only), I'm thinking about a BSG (Cortex) black ops mission at a research facility where the project has gone horribly wrong, a D&D one-shot for high-level psychic assassins, and a gruesome medically based CoC idea.

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First Post
Hey all long time lurker new poster, nice thread here. I recently got back into roleplaying after an almost 6 year hiatus and i'm running pathfinder at the moment. Once a DM always a DM lol I love it. I started playing when second edition was fairly new and I was one of those weirdos who always loved Dming more than playing :p

Right now my pcs only just hit 7th and I have everything in the campaign worked out until 15th level or so and that's what i'm working on now. I thought id throw my hat in the ring and work on a challenging high level adventure. Its going to be a a multiplanar dungeon location a high temple of Shar in the fogotten realms, abandoned and overtaken by Cloud giants (and their sorcerer king and his pets) in the material plane in order to access the actual high temple in the shadow plane the pcs must gather three crystals hidden throughout the giants lair to power a portal outside, the portal being the only way to travel to this part of the shadowplane.

Once they travel through it will be 24 hours until it repowers, they will be unable to rest because of high wandering monster frequency and planar magic won't work heehee. My group loves to rest every three battles or so and i'm finding just how strong pathfinder character are so i'm making this one tough. I have 15 pages of unique baddies written up already like a high priestess vampire, an ancient mulhorand lich king and a half fiend nighthag barbarian.

Its going to be a medium size place on top of a mountain, in disrepair in the material world and full of strong undead in the shadow realm. Developing some real nasty traps and multiplanar puzzles, a chance to rescue a trumpet archon herald of selune who helps you for the adventure and some other great roleplaying stuff like various powerfull nasties at secret war with each other.

Wow that was a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be...uh sorry :p
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Man, everyone on this thread seems to have so many things on the go!

Personally I'm prepping to run the Age of Worms AP. We finished the Shackled City AP about 3 weeks ago and AoW won the group vote for the next campaign (out of about 10 options).

I want to really get all my ducks in a row before we kick things off, so we probably won't get started for another month or so. I still need to read all the adventures, check online for any trouble spots and how to overcome them, see if anything needs to be foreshadowed better or adventured meshed together better, stuff like that.

Between now and the start of the campaign we're playing some other RPG's. I had a Paranoia session last week go over like a fart in an elevator (the players really didn't get the game at all). I'll probably run some Gamma World and maybe X-Crawl or Call of Cthulhu as well soon.

Olaf the Stout


First Post
I'm currently playing a level 6 Dragonborn Dragonmagic Sorcerer Templar of Dregoth in a 4e Dark Sun campaign and having an absolute blast!

I also have a secondary character in that campaign, a level 5 Human Impetuous Ardent Noble which works a lot better than it looks on paper.

I'm currently working on converting the 3e Eberron adventure module 'Eyes of the Lich Queen' to 4e for my 4e "D&D Camp" group.


I'm currently working on running an AD&D campaign set in the past of my group's 4e homebrew, mixing in bits of the classic AD&D modules, Zak S.'s Vorheim, various free OSR stuff, and, so far, pretty heavy use of the random encounter/dungeon tables from the back of the DMG.

Been going well so far. The biggest drawback is not being able to use some of the --IMHO-- great NPCs/names from the original 4e setting. Though I've come up with good new ones; Belit Shnell the bard, Loquasitous Lynx the talkative giant lynx, and Rumperdinck Slit-kin, the supposedly bad-ass deep gnome thief who got assassinated after one encounter, thanks to the PCs deal with a talented assassin (whom they captured after half the party defeated him while they were drunk and in bed-clothes! Swingy-ness can be a lot of fun when your PCs aren't on the receiving end!).

The party's currently trying to wipe out an entire thieves' guild -- despite being 4th/5th level-- and is doing surprisingly well thanks to a time-honored D&D approach which combines skill, luck, and partial idiocy.

I'm also playing a 12th level elven Wind Oracle in the Pathfinder/Kingmaker game. She's part Storm, part Hawkeye (think Marvel comics), all superheroine-in-fantasy-drag. It's a good campaign, even though I joined late, but I'm glad I'm not running it. Mid-high level Pathfinder is a bit too rules-heavy for me -- I realize now that I'm running AD&D again that I'm a 1e/2e DM at heart, despite having run successful 3e & 4e campaigns for several years.

the Jester

What I am running:

In my homebrewed campaign I am running a sort of bastardized version of Dead Gods that I'm weaving through the campaign; currently, the pcs are playing through Demon Queen's Enclave, which is a natural fit given the correct adaptations. :) The system is 4e with a few minor tweaks (such as colorful critical hits, which remove or break limbs and the like).

What I've been writing, D&D-wise: See attached. A bunch of monster conversions to 4e.

What I've been writing, fiction-wise, is a novel (working title: The Great Sunpowder Plot) that, while set in my campaign, I'm working hard to make sure doesn't read like a D&D novel.

What I've been playing: A bit of Mage here and there, in which my pc is a drunken homeless Injun. He's based on a friend of mine, only my pc is Indian (AFAIK my friend is a mix of various types of white trash- meaning that affectionately, btw) and not very bright. He has averaged out at committing one accidental and usually well-intentioned hate crime per session so far.


  • Monsters for Ruben.pdf
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Playing: Kingmaker


I'm one of three players in our group who rotate as GM and I've got between now and halfway through Kingmaker (i.e. ages) to work out what to run next. Options include:

  1. Revisiting my homebrew, the city of Evenstar, which sits above a series of large underground exploration areas (known as 'Deeps'). Each Deep is guarded by a Gate (basically a fortress/gatehouse) under the command of a Captain of the Gate. Captains can issue commissions to adventurers - for general exploration or specific missions. There's a whole backstory and overarching story but I'm struggling to be inspired. Pathfinder.
  2. Thinking instead of running Eclipse Phase. Love the setting and need to scratch my SF itch but the system seems a little dry (is that just me?) so considering using another system that allows for more knockabout play - maybe Savage Worlds or maybe (gasp!) Shadowrun, just for the heck of it.
  3. Working on a dual-GM adventure with a pal to run as a set-piece one-off at one of our big D&D weekends. Not sure of the system yet but we'll split the players up into two groups, playing concurrently in an interlinked story. Contemporary setting. We've done it before in a WWII setting with one group as commandos hoping to infiltrate the N*zi rocket base, the other players playing Allied double agents already inside, attempting to secure the entry codes. As Borat would say: "Great Success!"
  4. Maybe running an AP, probably Legacy of Fire.
  5. Or running a 5e playtest for the group, dependant on timings. Maybe that's the way to get the homebrew started again - bolt the playtest module (I assume there will be one) into the setting.

Too many choices...
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First Post
Playing: a little bit of Magic; the Gathering

Running; Wrapped up Masks of the Living God and prepping the party for City of Golden Death by running them through the Looking Glass Deep with a Razmiran touch.


What I'm Running: 7th Sea. A homebrewed game about the Spear of Destiny. The PCs are a Vendel Scribe, a Montaigne Noble / Porte Sorcerer, a Castillian Die Kreuzritter member, a Castillian Rose and Cross member, and an Eisen Soldier.

What I'm Playing: In a bizarre turn, I'm playing 7th Sea as well. I'm running an Ussuran Rose and Cross member who is slightly off his rocker. Sadly, this group hasn't really gotten what 7th Sea is about.

What I'm Planning: I've got some vague ideas for an exploration based DnD game with the lethality turned up to eleven. I'm unsure my normal group would be interested in this though (we sometimes get paralyzed by doors or two options :D ).

Great thread BTW :D


David Jose
Half of my rpg group moved away this past year, so I haven't been running anything at the table.

We've been managing a weekly bout of boardgames, where we try to play a different chunk of 4 to 5 games each week.

Online, most of my time has been spent playing Minecraft with a handful of KOL folks and Dominion on isotropic.org.

I've been trying to piece together a solid framework for a play by wiki game for the past month or so. It'll probably be based loosely around Pathfinder's Kingmaker series, but based in White Wolf's Scarred Lands.

Voidrunner's Codex

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