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D&D 5E What are your 5e houserules


Probably a few of these threads around, but I'm curious what houserules people have for 5e. I have a small list, and I could easily play without them, but I like to use the following in my games.
  • Double starting class hit points at level 1. This means that a fighter has 20 + constitution modifier hit points at level 1, while a sorcerer has 12 + con. mod. This makes the PCs a little more robust so that I can through a few critters at them without having to worry too much about them dropping.
  • A focus can be used to replace somatic components even if a spell has no material components. Always found this rule weird, I want people to Harry Potter the hell out of their spells.
  • A druid can wildshape into any CR 0 beast, no matter if the critter has flying or a swim speed. A level 2 druid could turn into a sparrow or a goldfish if they want to. Provides a little more utility to wildshape at lower levels.
  • Ritual caster allows you to add any ritual spell to your ritual book. Spellcasters with ritual casting as part of their spellcasting feature now have a ritual book and can add any ritual spell to it. I don't think there are enough ritual spells as is, and I don't think this needs to be limited to a single class.
I've thought about a feat at 1st level as well, but in the recent games I've been running, I keep forgetting to announce this and so end up not granting one. Seems to be something I think about when planning the next campaign and I should really add it to the campaign sheet.

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Here are mine. The one about falling (#9) is just my resolution of something that came up.
Warning: They do mention Tasha's rules, but let's not sidetrack onto those. There are already 10^3 other threads on them. #4 was written before Fizban's, which I haven't purchased anyway.

1) Hexblade medium armor proficiency, as well as CHA to-hit and damage with the Blade pact weapon, move from the Hexblade patron to the Blade pact boon.
Blade pact gains proficiency with ONE martial melee weapon only. This makes Blade boon viable for non-Hexblade patrons, and moves any CHA-dependent dips to requiring 3 levels instead of 1.
Hexblade is still the only Warlock with native access to martial weapons (versatility) or shields.

2) Sorcerers get 2 thematically appropriate spells known added to their list automatically, at spell levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as with Aberrant Mind and Clockwork subclasses. (see spreadsheet)

3) Rangers get their Proficiency Bonus added to damage rolls against their favored enemies, starting at level 1. The level 20 capstone applies to all attack rolls against their favored enemies, not just once per turn.

4) Dragonborn breath weapons do (Proficiency Bonus) x d8 damage and can be used once per Constitution Modifier per long rest. This helps it not be overshadowed by cantrips, and gives the Dragonborn the ability to use it slightly more often.

5) Tasha's optional class features are approved.

6) Everyone gets a 4th attunement slot at level 11, and a 5th at level 20.

7) If you go to 0 or get insta-killed (bypassing 0 hp) and raised, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

8) Berserker barbarians get Frenzy once per day with no consequence; the exhaustion penalties only get added with a 2nd and beyond Frenzy.

9) Attacking while jumping/falling from height: Make an acrobatics check and an attack roll, both against the target's AC.
If both hit, the target takes damage from the attack, and half the falling damage.
If the acrobatics check hits but the attack roll doesn't, they split falling damage but the attack misses.
If the acrobatics check misses but the attack roll hits, the attacker takes the falling damage but manages to stab(slash/bludgeon) his opponent right before hitting the ground.

10) Tasha's rules for making all the races boring are out.

11) Eldritch Knights may change the Evocation school out for one other school of their choice. (Notable picks: Necromancy for debuffs, Illusion for miss chances, Transmutation for self-buffs)

12) No Scribe school wizard, Peace Cleric, or Twilight Cleric. Tasha's subclasses subject to approval.

13) Using "An Updated View on Necromancy" (DM's guild/free/I paid) for Necromancer wizards.

14) No flanking. Big crits: Crits are max damage w/ modifiers + normal rolled damage.

15) Soulknife blades stay manifested, and thus can be used for OAs and to gain the benefits of the TWF feat; Feat: Improved Soul Blade: Your blade gains an enhancement bonus equal to PB/2 (rounded down).

16) 4 Element monks get 2 disciplines every time the PHB says they get 1. They get free discipline uses equal to their Proficiency Bonus, recharging upon Long Rest.

17) Sharpshooter and GWM give a flat always-on +2 damage bonus to the respective weapon types. No -5/+10

18) Clarification:
The Mage Slayer feat can interrupt spellcasting, rather than taking place after the spell is cast. The caster struck then must make a Concentration check to avoid losing the spell he's in the middle of casting.

-Character creation is 27 point buy.
-Tasha's optional class features are activated.
-Tasha's optional racial rules are not in play.
-Tasha's subclasses subject to approval (glares at Scribe, Twilight, and Peace)
-Necromancers use this instead of the PHB version:
-Spells from Strixhaven & Fizban's are by approval only.


I don't use them for all my games but I do for my core group.

  • at zero hp you are taken out. The gm can narrate what happens in detail, engage in dark willow level borednow & move on to someone else, or do something really scary like say "hand me your sheet" & hand it back with or without stating what was done.
  • at any point a character has one or more hp they can make an offer to concede the conflict, this usually does not allow rejoining the conflict if accepted.


I used to have a ton, but after awhile I realized just switching systems was a lot easier.

The two houserules I will never give up though:
  1. Rolling 2d10 instead of d20 for skill checks. Small tweak, but really keeps skills form being so ridiculously swingy.
  2. Rolling initiative for the monsters and just start going with them. If a player rolled better and knows what they're doing, they're welcome to interrupt me anytime. Doesn't break the narration, keeps combat flowing, and no one is is bored waiting for their "turn".


Here's my list after about 5, 5e campaigns.
  • Death/Dying
    • Death Saving Throw failures linger until after a long rest.
  • Fighting Styles:
    • Dueling, Great Weapon Fighting, and Two Weapon Fighting styles are removed.
    • New Style (Offense): Gain +2 to damage when using melee weapons.
  • Feats
    • Durable: (added) You have advantage on Death Saving Throws.
    • Great Weapon Master: Remove the -5/+10 clause. (Added) Gain +1 str, you no longer need to use a bonus action to make use of this ability (also means you can use it multiple times in a row).
    • Sharpshooter: Remove the -5/+10 clause. Add: Increase the crit range of ranged weapons by 1.
    • Crossbow Expert/Polearm Master: Removed
    • Keen Intellect: [added]Your memory cannot be altered and your mind cannot be read, and you automatically know when attempts are made to do so.
  • Spellcasting:
    • Concentration: Spellcasting classes at 5th level gain the ability to concentrate on two spells at once. If concentration is broken, both spells are lost.
    • Bless: Provides a +2 instead of a d4.
    • Counterspell: Banned
    • Cure Wounds: For each level above 1st, gain 1d8+ability modifier in healing.
    • Healing Spirit: Remove concentration. Change to "As a reaction, heal one creature within 60 feet for 1d6".
    • Guidance: Change to "Duration Concentration: 6 people gain a +1 bonus to all ability checks"
    • Pass without Trace: Change to "creatures gain advantage on stealth checks, cannot be tracked, and suffer no penalties to stealth from armor or encumbrance"
    • Prayer of Healing: Change to "you gain 60 points of healing, that you can distribute as you wish to any people within range. For each level above second, the healing increases by 20".
    • Raise Dead/Ressurection/True Ressurection: Banned
    • Revivify: Moved to 9th level
    • Tiny Hut: No longer bars people or things through the dome, can no longer be made opaque
  • New Combat Options
    • Charge: A class that has the "extra attack" ability can take the Dash action, and still make 1 attack as a bonus action.
    • Heavy/Versatile Weapons: Any weapon with these properties, when wielded in two hands, may take a -2 to attack rolls to gain +4 to damage.
    • Healing Potions: Normally drunk as a bonus action. If drunk as an action, can the maximized benefit of the healing.
    • Initiative: Can be a Dex OR Int check
  • Barbarian
    • Berserker: No longer suffers fatigue from use of frenzy.
    • General: A barbarian can stay in rage for 1 minute, unless unconscious, or not hostile to any nearby enemy (removes clause that barbarian loses rage if they don't attack an enemy each round).
  • Cleric: Divine Intervention chance is doubled.
  • Monk: Patient Defense is now a reaction, activated when an enemy attacks or you make a dexterity saving throw.
  • Paladin: Divine Smite only usable 1/round.
  • Sorceror:
    • Metamagic Changes:
      • Metamagics can now all be used with each other.
      • Distant Spell: A range of self becomes touch. This cannot be combined with Twin Spell.
      • Extend Spell: The duration is doubled. Further, any roll to dispel or counterspell this spell has disadvantage on the roll.
      • Careful Spell: If a spell does an effect on a successful save, there is no effect.
    • Wild Sorc:
      • Tides of Chaos, the Sorc can choose to do the ability restore after any 1st level or higher sorc spell is cast.
      • Wild Magic Table: The fireball you cast is not centered on yourself
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Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
I may have gone a little overboard on my brainstorm of house rules when starting my 5e game, but the game has been running for 7 months now and so far so good. I am monitoring the practicality and play value. The intent is a more pared back and challenging game with an old school feel.

  • PHB options only. No expansions.
  • 3d6 per attribute at character generation. (assign as desired)
  • Players may choose to multiclass OR take feats, but not both.
  • Con bonuses to HP only apply once with first hit die, not each level. (this also applies to monsters)
  • 1st level Hit points are maxed as per PHB, but subsequent levels are rolled with no option of taking average.
  • Arcane casters must make an intellect check with proficiency (DC 12 + spell level) to see if they're able to learn a spell. Failure means that spell cannot be learned until their proficiency rating changes, at which point they may try again.
  • Divine casters must make a wisdom plus proficiency faith roll (DC 8 + spell level) in order to cast their spells. Failure means spell slot is still used.
  • Non-proficient characters attempting a skill have the DC increased by 5.
  • Cantrip castings are limited to the characters's proficiency bonus plus their level per long rest. As a bonus action, characters may use a spell slot to recover a # of cantrips = to their proficiency modifier times the spell slot used.
  • Death save failures linger until you remove them during long rests. Until you do, you are at disadvantage for all attacks, saves, and skills.
  • Short rest healing allows for maximum one (1) hit die worth of HP, and only IF a successful DC15 medicine check is made by the character or someone tending to them.
  • Long rest healing gives an option of one of the following: 1 hit die worth of HP + CON modifier (no medicine check needed); or remove lingering effect (necrotic HP loss, death save failure, level of exhaustion etc); or recover 1/2 of your expended hit dice. Additionally, the short rest option of a hit die with a medicine check is possible on top of the long rest healing effect chosen by the character.

Class specific tweaks:
  • Berserker - When entering frenzy gains temporary HP equal to Con modifier times level (minimum 1/level in any case). While in a frenzied state, barbarian cannot always tell friend from foe - they will always target the nearest figure. A successful wisdom roll is needed to ignore a friend. They stay on a figure until the figure is dead/downed.
  • Battlemasters - may add intellect modifier to Superiority dice rolls.
  • Monk - May add wisdom modifier to ki points. Way of 4 elements monk - starts with Elemental attunement plus two. Elemental attunement becomes a class feature and cannot be traded out.
  • Rangers (both) - Once per round in melee against favoured enemies, may multiply weapon damage dice by their proficiency bonus. Must be declared before the attack. Beastmaster ranger pets may use this feature as well.
  • Wizard - Wizards roll at advantage when attempting to learn a spell from their school.
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I have oodles of house rules, but my two favorites are:
  • Healing potions always heal the max possible, but cost 50% more, and
  • Roll your hit points at every level, but always reroll nat-1s.


No rule is inviolate

Note: I'm adopting many of the Level up 5E (A5E) rules (Kickstarter), which fix the need for quite a few house rules. The below is 5E fixes. List is much shorter with A5E.


replaced with dynamic initiative. Declare action each round, action determines the die you roll for initiative. Have discussed this ad nauseum on forums but it makes our gameplay run faster and smoother. Per Colville's YouTube video, your table may vary. Rules are not in this thread.

Death Saves: replaced with Vitality (at 0hp, Concentration save to keep upright with severe penalties to effectiveness, dead when reaching your starting HP). Ditto. Rules are not in this thread, but purpose is to fix the RAW idea a dagger hit by a kobold when at 0hp counts the same as being hit by Thor's Hammer dealing 10,000 damage.

Encumbrance: slot based using optional encumbrance rules, rounded. The dwarven racial feature reduces the speed penalty by 10’. Ditto. We have a 3rd edition picture of a warrior with all his gear and an arrow pointing to each slot. I really don't know why 5E didn't just go this route...

Rangers. Yeah, people say you suck at combat, but this "auto-win" stuff removes a challenging part of the game. Forage advantage, not auto success. Companions still affected by difficult terrain. Outlander background, advantage on foraging.


Critical Hits:
maximize first weapon/spell damage roll.

Flanking. +1 attack for each flanking creature, max +8.

Healing Potions. Self as bonus action. On others Action that triggers AOO.

Reach AOO: if you have 10’+ reach or Polearm Master weapon and foe does not, can make AOO when they move into your threat zone

Saving Throws: may voluntarily fail as if you rolled a 1.

Equipment / Weapons

Armor/Weapon Options. Expanded with unique materials, such as Darksteel or Abyssal Iron. You can improve items to masterwork (adds a property) with gold.

Bows. Apply negative STR modifier to damage. Longbows use STR modifier.

Crossbow. Advantage to damage rolls range 30’ or less. May declare the Ready Action to fire an aimed, loaded crossbow out of combat (target must already be in sights, cannot declare you’ll fire at the first threat you see).


Crossbow Expert, replace Loading benefit with 1 extra damage die, second line no disadvantage applies only “when using a crossbow.”

Polearm Master, with new reach rule, first use doesn’t cost a reaction

Sharpshooter, remove “ignores cover” feature.


Some monsters may have “old school” powers that do not match their 5E monster manual conversion or follow character rules, if you’re looking at the books. For example, golems were created to be immune to nearly any type of magic, and some creatures can only be harmed by specific materials. This is meant to provide more challenging combats (where monsters are more than large bags of hit points), encourage diversity (a one-trick pony character may do well until they hit something that doesn’t respond to that trick), and maybe throw in a surprise now and then.

Undead are scary. There is no save to undead drain effects.


DC20+. To succeed must be proficient in skill.

Disable Traps. Only a Rogue can disable DC15+ traps with a tool. Meant to preserve the original niche of the rogue in a D&D party.

Help. Requires proficiency to aid another, DM discretion. No threat, CR0, cannot Help in combat.


Raise Dead ritual (Mercer).
DC 10 + 1 for each time previously raised, player tracks on sheet. If fail, character’s soul is lost and permanently dead. Up to 3 can assist with skill checks (type and DC vary by DM discretion, such as Religion to offer a prayer). Each success adds +3 to the roll, each failure -1.
  • True Resurrection or Wish bypass this check and can restore lost souls.
  • Revivify requires roll but without aid. Failure counts as +1 time previously raised but the soul is not lost

  • Banned: Healing Spirit (XGE).
  • Altered: Conjure spells, remove 4-8 option. Speeds up gameplay.
  • Altered: Stoneskin requires no concentration.
  • Altered: Tiny Hut creates a weather-resistant bubble that creatures and items can pass, not a force field.
  • Altered: Goodberry requires real berries as a component and transmutes up to 8 berries. Eating one provides the equivalent of 1 pound of food for nourishment.

Food requirement. Medium creatures require 2 lbs. of food per day, not 1. This is scaled up for large creatures (e.g. 8 lbs.) and so on. It's silly that medium creatures could survive on 1 lbs. of food. With slot encumbrance, players must decide what to bring or perhaps invest in a cart or hirelings for long expeditions.

Starvation. Eating once no longer removes all “days without food” condition. Instead, each full day of food removes up to 2 “days without food.” Until “days without food” reaches 0, you have a level of exhaustion that cannot be removed. Fixes the loophole.


I used to be really into house rules, but these days I find it easier just to hew as closely to RAW as possible, especially since one of my groups is still fairly casual/noobish and the other group is pretty high-tech with all the PCs on D&D Beyond, where it's somewhat finicky to implement some house rules.

Also, I sometimes use different house rules for different campaigns depending on the theme and such.

Ones that I frequently use across campaigns include:
  • Dragonborn get 60-foot darkvision.
  • Rangers must use the Deft Explorer, Favored Foe, Primal Awareness, and Nature's Veil class features from Tasha's.
  • Wild magic sorcerers get to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table if the number they roll on the d20 is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot they used to cast the spell.
  • No death clerics, twilight clerics, conquest paladins, oathbreaker paladins, gloom stalker rangers, assassin rogues, fiend pact warlocks, or necromancy wizards.
  • All dragons have the Alert feat.
Other house rules I've used in some campaigns include:
  • +1 language, tool, or Int-based skill per +1 Intelligence bonus
  • no darkness + Devil's Sight with warlocks
  • a long rest only gives you level + Con mod HP back

I would class these more as table rules than house rules but they are pretty standard in all my campaigns:
  • Ability scores are determined using standard array or point buy. No rolling.
  • Gear = class and background packages. No rolling for gold / BYO gear.
  • PCs must be team players.
  • If your PC dies and you have to make a new one, they will be the same level as the rest of the party.
  • PCs gain fixed hit points at level-up. No rolling for HP.
  • Each PC starts the session with inspiration. The player decides when to use it. If a players uses inspiration and wants to get it again, they can make a case for it based on the application of one of their PC's traits. (I used to require that players had to "invoke" their traits to use inspiration FATE-style, but most of my players didn't understand and so I gave up on that.)

I also tend to use the following optional rules and rules variants:
  • Equipment Sizes (PHB)
  • Feats (PHB)
  • Multiclassing (PHB)
  • Skills with Different Abilities (PHB)
  • Variant human (PHB)
  • Additional Action Options (DMG; except marking)
  • Degrees of Failure (DMG)
  • Morale (DMG)
  • Mixing Potions (DMG)
  • More Difficult Magic Item Identification (DMG)
  • Scroll Mishaps (DMG)
  • Wands That Don't Recharge (DMG)
  • Falling (XGE)
  • Going without a Long Rest (XGE)
  • Sleeping in Armor (XGE)
  • Tying Knots (XGE)
  • Expanded Tool Proficiencies (XGE)
  • Racial Feats (XGE)
  • Customizing Your Origin (TCE)
  • Changing a Skill (TCE)
  • Changing Your Subclass (TCE)
  • Optional Class Features (TCE)
  • Feats (TCE)
For my Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign, I have also been using the variant encumbrance rule in the PHB. The PCs have had to bring a mule with them into the dungeon to carry all their stuff! Very old school! (Interestingly, I haven't house ruled getting all their HP back on a long rest.)
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