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What Are Your DM New Year's Resolutions?


My main resolution is to read and prep more... and do a bit less of winging it. There is a time and place for winging it, but I rely on it a bit too much. My players haven't noticed too much yet because they're all new. I just need to step up my game in general.

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Lost in Dark Sun
1. Condense my notes on my homebrew campaign setting into a single document.

2. I need to be faster at social improvisation. I'm getting better with each session, but I've still a ways to go.

3. my players are due to meet my setting's version of halflings in a couple of months, and since three of my players have no concept of halflings not based off of the hobbits from Tolkien . . . Yeah, it'll definitely qualify as "new" (at least for them anyway).

4. see point 2

4 months in my resolutions are typical newbie-DM-stuff: cut down on the meta-gaming at the table, worry less, place more emphasis on descriptions. As a DM I set the tone, and I'm still a bit too focused on trying to get the game aspects 'right' I sometimes forget to emphasise the fantasy of it all.

I'm also still working on trusting the players a bit more, both mechanics-wise and nudge-wise. There's still somewhat of a gulf when it comes to system mastery, but they're far enough along that I'm often hindering them more than helping them. At the very least they can help each-other now, leaving me with more headspace to focus on the DM-ing.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
1. Get a Dark Sun campaign out of my head and onto paper, with a due date of table-ready by Easter. (Using 4e rules until 5e has official psionics.)


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
1. Any resolutions on things you want to do?

Make battles more interesting.

2. What do you want to improve in your DMing?

Make battles more interesting. Not just harder, but more dynamic, descriptive, surprising, and play the enemy in a way that the party needs to work harder to support each other more.

3. Will you be trying out something new in 2019?

Using a horizontal display as a digital battlemap so I don't have to break the action drawing on a chessex battlemap or spend time and money printing battlemaps on a large-scale printer (or piecing together a number of letter sized portions of a map).

4. What are your DM weaknesses?

My players are so experienced it is hard to make battles challenging in an interesting way. I'm much better and creating puzzles, social encounters, skill challenges and the like. I'm trying to mix more of those INTO my battles. I'm also more comfortable having enemies gang up on a player, continuing to attack and unconscious character, and otherwise play unfair to force the party to have to spend actions on saving each other.


My last part of the group pre-campaign sessions was on 12-27, the last solo pre-run is 1-1-19 and the first two sessions are 1-3 and 1-7 then weekly on Mondays thereafter - so...

My resolutions are:
To do a better job at invoking this campaign's feeling of tone and setting and being a "place of wonder"
To do a better job at engaging all the player's (and their characters) with their own ideas that make them go "wow"
To let the parts I bring to the table point them to the "wow" but their ideas and choices lead them to follow it and drink from it.


1. Any resolutions on things you want to do?

2. What do you want to improve in your DMing?

3. Will you be trying out something new in 2019?

4. What are your DM weaknesses?

1. I'm forging ahead with my existing games to bring them to a satisfying conclusion and preparing to start a new, well rounded campaign.

2. I want to tie my characters and their motivations into my campaign world even better.

3. Besides laying down more clear ground rules and expectations, improving my campaigns, no new game systems on the horizon.

4. I rush the players. I don't build up mystery or spend time with world building. I am addressing this in my new campaign.


1. Any resolutions on things you want to do?
Try to get a new group of newbies into D&D this year
Try to have more fun with my NPC's

2. What do you want to improve in your DMing?
Try to reduce my prep time from 2 months per session to 2 weeks per session

3. Will you be trying out something new in 2019?
Might try WOTC adventure instead of homebrewing. I have previously shied away from this as I do not feel comfortable with something that is not my own.

4. What are your DM weaknesses?
Trying to get/force a group to role-play when they do not wish to. Roleplaying is my main love of this game, but I must acknowledge that it may not be for everyone. It's just a shame for me when it isn't.


Continue to find new ideas, supplements, and DM techniques to ensure the group continues to have fun. If the end goal isn't fun for all participants, then I fail as a DM before I begin.

Voidrunner's Codex

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