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D&D 5E What are your most well used Products?


So I was listening to Greg Tito on the Tome Show and he mentioned that WotC wants to make products that are going to be used for Decades to come and I was wondering what Products do you have that you have been using for Decades so far?

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Li Shenron

Well, I haven't really played for "decades" yet, more like one decade and a half... nevertheless here's my "top 5 most used" list (not counting core books):

- Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
- Monsters of Faerun
- Faiths & Pantheons
- Rokugan Campaign Setting
- Manual of the Planes


Good thread!

My most used books are, of course, the core rulebooks. Beyond that, I mostly use 'catalogue' books: additional Monster Manuals (and other monster books), but the Spell Compendium and Magic Item Compendium books also see a lot of use.

I also make extensive use of the Eberron setting books, though largely for fluff. So a single book that converted the crunch would be absolutely ideal (for me) but otherwise I don't need replacements.

And, finally, I still reference some of my world-builder books, notably the 2nd Ed "Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide", but again that's effectively system-neutral and so I don't need a replacement.


I haven't been playing for decades...

This shows up in every game:
Pathfinder: basic flip map (ereasabled square map)
Miniatures & dice
Dm/GM screens (both pathfinder and 5th ed)
Bestiaries and monster manuals
Pathfinder condition cards

With the advance of technology and since each time we know better the rules, core rulebook and players handbook disappeared in my tables. For pathfinder rules and dnd spells I use my tablet and players use their cellphones.

After that, long campaigns and connected modules are really usable for me. I dmed my own campaigns but that takes lot of time. Premade adventures help me to save time and play more (I work, train, read and play music, so I have to be efficient with time).

After those I don't remember any other item being so useful.


First Post
In no particulair order:
Dice Some have lasted for over 20 years.
Hero Quest and warhammer models.
The battle map and scenery.
Comfortabel chairs.
Everything else books charactersheets is edition specific. But tablets/laptops are getting used more and more often!


First Post
I still use my original copy of the AD&D DMG that I bought when it first came out, nearly 40 years ago, and (counts on fingers) it's survived 9 house moves since then. I haven't played in a 1e game for many years but there's some good stuff in there, especially the tables at the back, that is still useful today for 5e. My AD&D PHB is even older but I can't honestly claim that I still use it.

(edit - added)

Oh, dice. Yes, the set that came in the box with the original Basic D&D set (blue cover booklet) are still in my dice bag and they pre-date AD&D, but only by a year or two. I might have lost the red crayon, though.
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Naked and living in a barrel
The Wizard and Priest's Spell Compendiums. You can always dig in and find something useful and new. Converting isn't too complicated and you can ajust if too powerful/weak.

Same goes for the Encyclopedia Magica series.

Legends and Lore, Faiths and Avatars, Powers and Pantheons, Demihuman Deities and Monster Mythologies. A wealth of info always worth checking out for ideas.

Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts. Very useful when building a Ghost NPC of some importance.

The Rock of Bral. A central hub that is always in a campaign somehow.

Planescape box. Sigil is another hub that is always in a campaign somehow.

The ecology section of monsters.

Edit: Come to think of it, many campaign settings like the Old Grey Box, FR Adventures hardcover, the first DS box, the Domains of Dread hardcover...
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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
My copies of the 1E Core Three have by far seen the most use over my 40+ year RPGing career; 1E PHB most of all. My 3.5E Core Three have seen the second-most amount of usage, though by some great margin, with the 3.5E PHB taking the most abuse of those. I'm in and out of others for reference, from time to time when worldbuilding and such. I daresay that my 3.5 SRD Revised PDF Bundle has been utilized even more than my 3.5 Core Three books. It's much more useful to me and is always at hand. I can copy and paste stuff from it in an instant. I can do a quick search and find almost anything in three clicks or less because of the bookmarks and linking table of contents structure. It's probably saved my 3.5 Core Three from falling apart, too.

When I first released it, it was just a couple PDFs covering the full SRD: Monster as well as Basics, Spells, and Magic items. These were heavily hyperlinked and bookmarked for easy use. This originally sold for $5 and quickly became a hot seller. Then, individual PDFs were added for the spells of each spellcasting class. A separate PDF for the Psionics rules was added, then one for the additional Divine rules and one for Epic rules. Pentultimately, a Creature Stat Blocks PDF was constructed taking all of the SRD monsters and laying them out in standard stat block format. Finally, an Index page was made that tied all of the other 16 PDFs together and each PDF in the bundle was linked back to the Index page. It's all amazingly fast for anyone needing a quick rules clarification or to check monster stats or spell details. The price has gone up over the years as more and more was added to the original product but it is on sale for the holiday for the original $5 price so grab one here.


  • SRD_Revised_Index_01.JPG
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First Post
The sourcebooks out of the From the Ashes box set (which effectively rebooted the Greyhawk product line in the '90's) have been my go-to books for world, geography and deity information. Their supplements (The Marklands and Iuz the Evil) have seen use, though lesser than those in the box set.

The Living Greyhawk Gazetter (published under 3E) is also useful, but not as often as From the Ashes.

The other great source of information and inspiration is the Dungeons and Dragons Cyclopedia. I have also had many years' use out of the Middle Earth Role-Playing rulebook, mostly mining ideas for adventures and character situations from the descriptions, rather than using the rules.

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